Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 198 Arrogance! Challenge!

"Do we really have to do what this kid asks? Someone will die!!"

Xiahou Ming looked at Ouyang Xiu, his face full of worry: "Such a good seedling, if it is played to death, it will be too worthless!"

"When did my military department start to be afraid of death?" Ouyang Xiu chuckled: "Besides, only geniuses who can grow up can be called geniuses, and geniuses who cannot grow up are trash!"

At this point, his eyes looked at the two operators in the room.

The two immediately stepped forward and turned a few buttons. In an instant, the values ​​displayed on the screen changed.

"It has been adjusted. Even a sixth-grade martial saint may not be able to withstand such pressure!"

One of them replied.

Xiahou Ming looked at the screen, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing, his face full of nervousness.

And Ouyang Xiu had a smile on his face from beginning to end, as if everything was under his control.


In the mountains and forests, Lin Mo only felt that the surging power from all directions suddenly increased a lot!

As the pressure came, the body was constantly extracting this power, and the power of Qi and blood was also combined with the flesh and blood with the pressure!


After an unknown amount of time, Lin Mo smiled, because the pain brought by the previous pressure disappeared, and his body stopped absorbing the pressure.

"It seems that the body has reached its limit..."

Lin Mo waved his fists, and there was a faint booming sound.

"My physical strength is now very terrifying. I can punch casually, and it seems to tear the air!"

Lin Mo's face was full of surprise, and the changes in his body surprised him!

"This kid..." In the control room, Xiahou Ming looked at Lin Mo who was punching, and his face showed a look of shock, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good!"

"Really good!"


The other people also nodded continuously, expressing their recognition of Lin Mo's strength.

"Guess how long it will take Lin Mo to get here?" Ouyang Xiu said with a smile.

"He is about 60% of the way to the top of the mountain. At my previous speed, he will need at least six hours!"

"I think five hours is enough!"

"I think three hours is enough..."

Several people spoke up and expressed their guesses.

Ouyang Xiu shook his head and pointed out a finger: "It will take me at most one hour, and he will reach the top of the mountain!"

Facing the puzzled eyes of the crowd, Ouyang Xiu said: "Don't you understand? The only thing that hinders his speed up the mountain is pressure.

But now, pressure has no effect on him, so this distance is really nothing to him!"

A group of people were silent. Although they knew that Ouyang Xiu was telling the truth, they still found it hard to accept that it would take an hour.

But as time passed, less than an hour later, footsteps were heard outside the door.

After opening the door, Lin Mo was standing there, looking at the helpless Ouyang Xiu and others, with helplessness written all over his face: "I was finally tricked by you!"

"Tricked?" Ouyang Xiu laughed: "No matter how you look at it, it's a blessing in disguise. It's fine if you don't thank us, but you actually said that we tricked you to death?"

Lin Mo could only laugh awkwardly and didn't respond.

"Okay, since you have passed the first test, follow us into the camp!" Ouyang Xiu waved his hand, got up and walked out with Xia Houming and Li Ke.

"This time, you won't trick me again!" Lin Mo hurriedly followed.

Fortunately, this time, Lin Mo followed them all the way to the gate of the camp without encountering any obstacles.

"Lin Mo, let me tell you something, this is the Ministry of War! Here, strength is the pass and the only truth!

As long as your fist is strong enough, people will listen to you! Do you understand?"

Standing at the gate of the camp, Li Ke suddenly looked at Lin Mo with a smile and said something.

"Thank you! I understand!" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Since he has said it, I will give you a final piece of advice!" Xiahou Ming turned around and looked at Lin Mo and said, "The two teachers you killed in Gujing City have two disciples in our military department.

I heard that you are coming today, and they may trip you up and make you look bad!

Be prepared!"

"What are their strengths?" Lin Mo looked at Xiahou Ming and asked.

"The strength is both at the sixth-grade martial saint!" Xiahou Ming glanced at Lin Mo: "What, do you still want to do it?"

"Will the military department not allow it?" Lin Mo did not respond directly, but looked at Xiahou Ming and spoke lightly.

"You kid, OK!" Xiahou Ming was speechless for a long time after being confronted by Lin Mo, and finally he could only give Lin Mo a thumbs up!

As soon as he entered the military camp, Lin Mo could not help but release his spiritual perception and enveloped the surroundings!


However, at the moment when Lin Mo released his perception, a huge spiritual force surged and strangled Lin Mo's spiritual power!

The terrifying power made Lin Mo's spiritual power all destroyed in an instant!

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he quickly withdrew his mental power, looking around in horror.

"You are quite courageous, you actually used your spiritual perception in the Ministry of War!" Ouyang Xiu looked back at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "I will also give you a piece of advice. Don't use your spiritual perception to explore the Ministry of War here, otherwise you will be strangled by the surrounding formations, and you may turn yourself into an idiot if you are not careful!"

Lin Mo nodded with a serious look. Just now, he had seen the horror of this spiritual power. Lin Mo would definitely not be able to use his spiritual power easily in the future!

"Okay, notify everyone to gather!"

Ouyang Xiu looked at Xia Houming, who nodded immediately, fumbled around for a while, took out a whistle, put it in his mouth, and blew it.

Accompanied by a loud voice, the footsteps around suddenly became louder.

Countless footsteps changed from chaotic to orderly. In less than a minute, Lin Mo was full of soldiers.

"Report to the boss, the 100 people of the Elite Army Hall have gathered!"

After Xia Houming waited until everyone stood up, he also ran back to his team and responded loudly.

Lin Mo looked at the hundred people in front of him, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

These hundred people, their strength is actually above the Martial Saint!

Lin Mo finally understood why Ouyang Xiu and Xiahou Ming, with only two people, could face the two strong men of Baigongtang without fear.

The strength of the military department of the capital alone is enough to sweep the entire Baigongtang!

"Okay, let me introduce a newcomer to everyone... Lin Mo! I believe everyone has read the information in advance." Ouyang Xiu smiled lightly and said: "He came a little late, but his strength is not bad. After this is over, he will go into the primeval forest with the previous batch of reserve players for actual combat assessment!"

"Okay, Lin Mo, come up and say a few words to everyone."

Lin Mo nodded and stepped forward and said: "Hello everyone, my name is Lin Mo. If you want to be friends with me, I, Lin Mo, promise to be loyal.

But if you want to make trouble for me... I, Lin Mo, also have iron-blooded means waiting for you!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present showed a playful smile on their faces.

Arrogance, the first impression Lin Mo gave people was arrogance!

"It's interesting. This arrogance is really impressive!"

"Does anyone want this kid? If no one wants him, I'll take him!"

"Don't argue with me. I'll take this troublemaker!"

In the crowd, several captains spoke loudly, all wanting to get Lin Mo into their team.

They all knew that although Lin Mo's strength was only at the level of Martial King, his real combat power was that of someone who had killed a Martial Saint!

Once such a genius became a Martial Saint, how terrifying would his strength be?

"Hmph, arrogance also requires arrogance capital..." At this time, a voice rang out: "Boss, I don't like him. I want to challenge him, regardless of life or death. Please approve it!"

A short-haired young man walked out of the crowd. He was very strong and had reached the level of a fourth-grade Martial Saint.

But facing this person, Lin Mo was not panicked at all.

"Don't let the people behind you come out. Are you proud of being used as a gun by others?" Lin Mo looked at the person in front of him and spoke lightly.

This person looked ugly. He was indeed used as a gun, but he could not refuse the benefits given to him by others.

Seeing that this person did not speak, Lin Mo chuckled and looked at Ouyang Xiu: "Boss, can I say something?"

Ouyang Xiu nodded.

Lin Mo looked at the people in front of him and chuckled: "My teacher was killed by me. As a disciple, I want to take revenge. Instead of doing it myself, I actually used such a despicable method. This made my first impression of the Ministry of War worse!

Excuse me, the presence of you two in the Ministry of War is really a rat shit spoiling the whole pot of soup!

If you have the guts, just come up and confront me head-on!

I said, I will deal with you with iron-blooded means again!

If you use such means behind your back, I really... go to hell with you!"


Xiahou Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Mo with some surprise.

He found that this kid really suited his taste.

In fact, it was not just Xiahou Ming. Several other captains in the team looked at Lin Mo with flashing eyes.

Lin Mo's eyes swept across the entire team, and finally stopped at the two people standing in the front row.


Lin Mo's figure flashed and appeared on one of them: "What's your name, brother?"

"Yu Hao!"

"Yu Hao?" Lin Mo repeated his name, and then his momentum suddenly changed, and endless murderous intent surged, instantly enveloping Yu Hao: "You useless thing, I took the initiative to deliver it to my door, come on! Fight!"

Lin Mo's attitude was arrogant, and the blood and energy in his body surged wildly, constantly crushing towards Yu Hao!

Yu Hao's expression changed again and again, he really didn't expect Lin Mo to find him!

Not only did he find him, but he also took the initiative to challenge him in front of so many people!

If he refused, he would never be able to raise his head in the Ministry of War in the future!

Moreover, the whole thing was indeed manipulated by him and another person behind the scenes...

After a moment of silence, Yu Hao suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Mo, and the murderous intent that he had deliberately concealed was released without any scruples at this moment.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! You want to die, I will grant you your wish!" Yu Hao sneered and said a few good words in succession: "Today, you and I will fight to the death, and it will determine not only victory but also life and death!!!"

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