Yu Hao had an arrogant look on his face, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent!

You must know that his status in the military department is not low. Although he is not the captain of the team, due to his strong strength, many people in the team have regarded him as an alternate captain.

But now, Lin Mo actually invites a fight like this. If he doesn't dare to accept the challenge, where will his prestige be in the future?

What's more, he had used dishonorable means to let others deal with Lin Mo in the name of revenge for his teacher. No matter what, this would become a failure in his life.

"If you want to fight... then fight!"

Yu Hao stepped forward step by step, and with every step he took, his momentum became stronger.


There was a loud noise, and he suddenly took action, showing terrifying speed, and rushed towards Lin Mo.


Yu Hao shouted coldly, although the name of the martial skill is called grappling, but when it is actually used, it is a deadly method.

Dangerous light radiated from his hands. He stepped forward and grabbed Lin Motian Linggai mercilessly!

Lin Mo's expression did not change, and he seemed to be prepared for this.


The spiritual power surged like a sea tide, covering the past forward.

Yu Hao, who rushed towards him, was enveloped in it in the blink of an eye.

Before he could react, Lin Mo used the spiritual realm to envelope him inside!

Yu Hao looked around blankly. Lin Mo's figure was huge, standing there, staring at him with cold eyes.

It seemed like just a few clicks of a finger could kill him!


Lin Mo spat out one word, and his murderous intent shook the entire spiritual world.

In Yu Hao's eyes, the whole world was trembling. At the same time, the huge Lin Mo in his eyes actually started to take action. Four phantoms blocked the space around him. At the same time, the four phantoms raised their hands and pointed at Yu Hao's head!

This finger seemed to have fallen from the sky, slowly tapping down, but it contained an aura of terror.

Outside the spiritual world, a group of people looked at Lin Mo and Yu Hao with doubtful looks on their faces.

Because both of them were motionless at the moment, it was impossible to tell that they were fighting.

"Look at Yu Hao, he is trembling, as if he has seen something terrifying!"

"Is Lin Mo actually so strong? Just looking at him makes him tremble with fear."

"No, it's a spiritual attack. Lin Mo launched a spiritual attack. We are not mind qi masters, so we can't feel it, but Yu Hao was pulled into the spiritual world!

I have read Lin Mo's file. He has very strong spiritual power. Judging from Yu Hao's reaction now, he must be very dangerous now! "

Someone in the crowd spoke. He knew Lin Mo very well. He could deduce the general situation just by seeing Lin Mo take action.

In the spiritual realm, the huge palm had pressed down. Yu Hao felt that all the bones in his body were shaking. There was a cracking sound, which was the sound of bones cracking. At the same time, bone stubble was exposed from the flesh and blood, with The blood looks terrifying!

"Am I going to die?" Yu Hao glanced at his ruined body, with shock, pain and regret on his face.

His so-called revenge for his teacher was just an excuse to improve his reputation, and in his eyes, Lin Mo was just a ladder to earn his reputation.

But who could have imagined that the final result would be his own death in Lin Mo's hands?

"I regret it so much. I shouldn't have provoked you..." Yu Hao spoke slowly, but the breath of life was constantly weakening.

According to the description of the spiritual world, if you die in the spiritual world, the real world will basically become a state of death.

Yu Hao's vitality is passing away little by little, and death is only a matter of time!

"Yu Hao, wake up!"

Just when Yu Hao's breath became weaker and weaker, a voice sounded.

This sound was like the roar of a lion in Buddhism. Yu Hao felt that the world in front of him began to distort, and his injured body continued to recover in a short period of time.

"Hallucination, this is your spiritual world!" In an instant, Yu Hao understood a lot of things. He looked at Lin Mo with anger on his face.

He really didn't expect that he would be at a disadvantage as soon as they fought!

"Lin Mo, you have successfully aroused my murderous intention! Die!"

Yu Hao felt his anger rising and rushed forward desperately again.

"Do you really think I am only powerful mentally?" At this moment, Lin Mo's voice suddenly sounded from his ears.

Hearing this voice, Yu Hao broke into a cold sweat and couldn't help but look at the source of the voice.

To his left, Lin Mo's figure appeared. Before he could speak, he swung his fist and hit Yu Hao in the face.

This punch contained a lot of power, causing his body to hit the ground heavily!

Before Hao got up, Lin Mo rushed forward again. His speed was too fast, and in just a short moment, he punched him in the face again!

With a bang, Yu Hao's body hit the ground again!


Lin Mo stepped on Yu Hao's chest, causing many of his ribs to break at once!

"Death!" Lin Mo spoke slowly and spit out one word coldly.

"Lin Mo, stop!" Someone in the crowd quickly said loudly: "He has been seriously injured, let's end this matter!"

That was Yu Hao's captain, who was very strong. He spoke at this moment with a commanding tone.

"What if I don't want to stop here?" Lin Mo stepped on his neck. With just a little force, Yu Hao would die.

"Lin Mo, how dare you!" The captain spoke sternly. Yu Hao was regarded by him as his successor. If he died here, what would his entire team do?

"He Qiong, please shut up. They want to decide between life and death. Now that the outcome has been decided, they will naturally have to decide between life and death again!"

Seeing Xia Houming like this, He Qiong's expression changed slightly, and she said in a cold voice: "Xia Houming, you and I are in the Elite Soldiers Hall. We usually have a good relationship, but now you want to go against me for an outsider?"

"What you said is wrong. First of all, I brought Lin Mo here, and I will protect his safety regardless of emotion or reason!

Secondly, as a spectator, I naturally want to maintain the fairness of this game. Before Lin Mo stops, I will see who dares to interfere with the game! "After Xia Houming finished speaking, the power of Qi and blood in his body spread out to all directions.

The power of qi and blood instantly left a little bit on everyone's body.

"Xianlian, you actually used Xianlian against us!" He Qiong said, her voice extremely cold.

Thread-linking is a martial skill. Although it is only a Xuan-level martial skill, this martial skill is very powerful. It can attach the power of one's own energy and blood to others, thereby sensing every move of the attached person!

Xia Houming's meaning in doing this is obvious, that is, he will take action against anyone who dares to interfere in the game!

He Qiong's expression kept flickering, and finally looked at Lin Mo coldly.

"I said, what I hate most is people threatening me. I don't like the look in your eyes now..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo stepped down hard!

Yu Hao's eyeballs bulged directly, shock and despair filling his eyes.

He really didn't expect that Lin Mo would dare to kill him!

Or kill him when He Qiong has clearly spoken to protect him!

"Boss, please say something!" He Qiong's eyes turned red when he saw Yu Hao die. He stared at Lin Mo. If eyes could kill, Lin Mo would have died countless times by now!

"Find a few people to carry it out and bury it!" Ouyang Xiu glanced at He Qiong and said calmly.

Hearing these words, He Qiong's face was filled with despair. He knew that this was Ouyang Xiu's final decision!

"Haha, boss, I've been with you for so long, and it's really heartbreaking for you to do this!" He Qiong smiled miserably and spoke slowly.

"Cold people's hearts?" Ouyang Xiu glanced at him: "When did the Ministry of War become a place to talk about people's hearts?

Besides, you should know better than me what's going on.

Ask those people behind you if they think I have chilled their hearts? "

When the voice fell, He Qiong's eyes changed slightly, and he glanced at the people behind him, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Because he found that no one seemed to have any sympathy for him, but some people looked at him meaningfully.

"If I remember correctly, He Qiong, you also graduated from the Huaxia Military University, right? Are your teachers also the two people Lin Mo killed?" Xia Houming said calmly.

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly turned cold. It turned out that the other person was He Qiong!

This is why he has always defended He Qiong!

laugh! laugh!

Two soft sounds came, which were the sounds of swords being unsheathed.

Lin Mo looked at He Qiong with cold eyes, and the sword in his hand was pointed straight at them.

"If Captain He wants to avenge Yu Hao, he can come now!"

"The same can determine victory or defeat, as well as life and death!"

As the voice fell, He Qiong felt a chill in her heart.

Lin Mo is too tough. He just killed Yu Hao, and now he wants to fight him to the death!

He was naturally confident in killing Lin Mo, but after killing Lin Mo, would he be alive?

"Lin Mo, do you really think this is a place for you to mess around?"

At this moment, Ouyang Xiu suddenly yelled loudly.

"I've already given you enough face by letting you fool around once, and now you're still messing around. People who are earlier than you have already started training in the camp. You are three days late, and now there is not so much time for you to waste!

Get ready, I will take you to the entrance of the virgin forest later! "

When Ouyang Xiu said this, he turned around and left.

"The entrance to the primitive forest?" Lin Mo looked at Ouyang Xiu's leaving figure and couldn't help but look at Xia Houming: "Brother Xiahou, where is the primitive forest?

What does the camp training the boss just said mean? Aren’t I already in the camp? "

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