Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 201: Robbing a Bird's Nest

Seeing that this man's life was completely cut off, Lin Mo slowly stood up and looked around.

His eyes were more serious and dignified than ever before, and he finally understood one thing, that is, this is not an ordinary camp training, but a training related to life and death!

A place where you can lose your life if you are not careful!


Lin Mo punched Flytrap's body, causing that half of the body to explode. A green aura spread out, some of which sank into Lin Mo's body.

Suddenly a warm feeling spread throughout my limbs, extremely comfortable!

"This ball was full of vitality just now. It exploded now and was partially absorbed by me..." Lin Mo stood up and left. He could feel that his strength had improved, but he couldn't laugh.

Looking up at the sky looming among the branches and leaves in the distance, Lin Mo's face became solemn, because night was about to fall!

In a place like this, the first night is definitely very difficult, and the mortality rate is definitely high. At least what Lin Mo needs now is a place to stay!

"There are many dangers in the virgin forest. Tree trunks may not be a good place to rest, but it should be safer than many places!"

Lin Mo's figure kept flashing, and he jumped between the trees, trying to find a suitable place.

"There's blood!" Soon, Lin Mo saw blood flowing down a big tree.

He hesitated for a moment and went straight up the tree trunk.

This tree is so thick that even three or five people could not wrap their arms around the trunk.

Lin Mo saw a corpse on a tree branch about ten meters away from the ground, with bite marks on it.

"It should be the traces left by some kind of wild beast. There are many wild beasts that can climb trees..."

Lin Mo looked at the wounds on the corpse with an extremely solemn expression on his face.

Suddenly, Lin Mo frowned, and a certain uneasy feeling lingered in his heart.


Without hesitation, he jumped towards another branch in the distance.


A roar sounded, and an earth-yellow leopard pounced among the leaves!

With a pop, the sharp claws sank into the tree trunk, leaving deep marks on it. If Lin Mo hadn't dodged in time, this claw might have directly killed Lin Mo!

"So strong!" Lin Mo's face was solemn. Looking at the golden leopard in front of him, his eyes flickered and he was very energetic.


The leopard was roaring. Its strength was not weak. At the same time, with the twinkling eyes, it could be seen that the leopard in front of him had some intelligence.

"Leopard Fist!" Lin Mo used violent blood to increase his momentum. At the same time, he observed the leopard in front of him and used Leopard Fist!

Five Beast Fist is to imitate every move of a certain animal to the extreme, so as to exert its maximum power.

At this moment, Lin Mo was using Leopard Fist just to improve his boxing intention in actual combat!

Half an hour later, Lin Mo roared angrily and punched the leopard in the face with both fists. With a loud noise, the leopard fell directly onto the tree trunk.

With blood flowing, Lin Mo took out the red blood sword and inserted it into the leopard's brain. After some groping, he took out a bead!

"It's a very good bead. If you have other weapons, you can fuse it directly!"

With a smile on Lin Mo's face, he pulled off the leopard's fur, waved the knife in his hand, and let the entire fur dry quickly. Then he slowly stood up and threw the remaining body under the tree trunk.

The leopard is very powerful. Throwing its body off the tree trunk can make some beasts understand that there is a being living in this tree that they cannot afford to offend!

Lin Mo continued upward and reached a tree branch about twenty meters away, and then sat down.

Although it was temporarily safe here, Lin Mo couldn't sleep at all while sitting there.

The height of twenty meters is already higher than many trees in the virgin forest, so Lin Mo can see far away!

The night sky in the primeval forest didn't look very real. When looking into the distance, Lin Mo even saw that the sky was light blue!

Such a scene was very shocking. Lin Mo's eyes flickered. He understood that the sky here was the sky of the abyss!

"Will there really be a day when the abyss and reality merge?" Lin Mo thought.


At this moment, a strong wind blew, and Lin Mo's eyes suddenly opened and he looked at the sky not far away!

There was a body about one foot long, an eagle, spreading its wings and waving continuously.

The violent airflow flows between its wings, forming a violent wind and blowing around!

"Terrible!" Lin Mo's face was solemn, and he restrained all his breath and did not provoke the eagle.

However, this eagle's perception was so keen that even if Lin Mo didn't provoke it, it still noticed Lin Mo's presence!


An eagle screamed, and then Lin Mo jumped down desperately!

Click! Click!

Lin Mo was falling continuously, and at the same time he heard the sound of the tree trunk breaking behind him. Dead leaves and branches continued to fall down. A layer of black ice armor appeared on Lin Mo's body. At the same time, he took out the red blood sword in one hand and continued to Slash!

Finally, Lin Mo landed at the place where the body was previously stored. Look at the top of his head first!

The eagle kept flapping its wings, trying to break the tree trunk that trapped him!

However, the trees here have grown for many years and are strong enough. Even the eagle's wings are powerful, but they are powerless against the dense trunks!


Finally, the eagle flaps its wings and prepares to leave from here!


At this moment, Lin Mo's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he slashed the eagle with the red blood sword in his hand! !

The red sword light slashed out and landed on the eagle's belly with a pop. The feathers there were softer, which was considered the weakest part of the eagle's body!

With a cry, a piece of blood flowed out, and Lin Mo saw a wound on the eagle's abdomen!

The eagle's eyes were filled with anger, and he looked down at Lin Mo.


The cry of the eagle kept ringing through the night sky, because after being slashed by Lin Mo, he was so angry that he flapped his wings and kept wandering in the sky, wanting to attack Lin Mo!

But precisely because of this, Lin Mo felt relieved and closed his eyes to sleep for a while!

You must know that the strength of the eagle in front of you is definitely more than that of a sixth-grade Martial Saint. With such a murderer flying overhead, ordinary beasts really dare not approach it!


In the early morning, another eagle cry resounded. Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the eagle in the sky, with a smile on his face!

"Thank you for keeping vigil for me last night, but I have to leave now!"

Lin Mo stood up, stretched his body, and then looked into the distance. After identifying the direction, he flew towards the distance!

The eagle looked at Lin Mo's retreating condor, and his eyes became even more angry. He kept flapping his wings, trying to bite Lin Mo into pieces, but he couldn't touch Lin Mo at all!

"Hehe, this eagle has put in a lot of energy for this!" Lin Mo listened to the screams behind him getting farther and farther, and the smile on his face became stronger.

After rushing thousands of meters in one breath, he suddenly stopped!

"I didn't provoke you, but you want to kill me, so I have to get some interest!"

Lin Mo looked up at the big tree in front of him, with a cold smile on his lips!

You can see that there is a huge black shadow in front of the thick tree. This is a bird's nest built with branches. Lin Mo's spiritual power spreads upward and he can feel the pure aura flowing!

Needless to say, there must be eggs in the bird's nest!

Lin Mo's figure kept flashing on the tree trunk, and he arrived under the bird's nest in less than a minute.

The eagle's nest was very large, and Lin Mo was hiding underneath, so the eagle couldn't even notice it!

What's more, the eagle is soaring in the distance at this moment, apparently trying to find traces of Lin Mo!

"Hehe, you must not have imagined that I am under your bird's nest now, ready to dig out the bird's nest!"

With a proud smile on Lin Mo's face, he slowly poked his head out from between the branches and looked at the bird's nest!

Just like what I felt mentally before, there are two bird eggs here, each one is the size of a fist, and they contain amazing vitality!

"Don't blame me for being cruel. It was your parents who did it first!" Lin Mo said softly. He could sense that there was no life born in the egg yet. It must have been just laid!

He carefully held the two eggs in his hands and put them into the space of his head!


At this moment, the eagle in the distance let out an angry cry!

Then there was a sound of breaking through the air. Its speed was too fast. The wings flew across the sky, and the sound of air flow was loud, as if it was being torn apart!

But it was too late at this moment. After Lin Mo succeeded, he jumped all the way down and finally landed on the ground!

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises continued, and Lin Mo looked above his head. The eagle's body was constantly hitting the tree trunk, trying to swallow Lin Mo, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't come down!

"If you want to kill me, I will take all your eggs away. This is even!

Remember not to provoke me next time! "

Lin Mo spoke loudly to the eagle in the sky, and then ran wildly into the distance!

After running a long distance in one breath, Lin Mo slowly stopped, looked behind him, and breathed a long sigh of relief when there was no breath!

"I was scared to death. The eagle just now was obviously irritated. If I didn't run away, I would really be swallowed by it!"

Lin Mo's face was already covered with sweat. Fortunately, he finally escaped from that place!

Whoosh whoosh!

Just when Lin Mo felt relieved, three figures were approaching quickly in the woods in the distance!

Feeling someone approaching, Lin Mo's face immediately showed a solemn look!


The power of his blood boiled, and he took a defensive posture, ready to take action at any time!

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