Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 202: Killing three people in a row

Whoosh whoosh!

Three figures stood directly in front of Lin Mo and looked him up and down.

Lin Mo could clearly feel that the three people were suddenly less defensive about him.

"It seems that he thinks my strength is too low..." Lin Mo chuckled in his heart. The people in front of him were not weak in strength, and had already reached the fourth-level Martial Saint realm.

Such strong men are naturally very powerful outside, but in front of Lin Mo, they are nothing!

"Come here!" One of them reached out to Lin Mo and hooked his fingers at the same time.

"What do you want from me?" Lin Mo looked at them with a harmless look on his face.

"Why is that sky-splitting eagle going crazy with you? He must have just laid two eggs when we came here. Judging from its appearance, you must have taken the eggs from it!

right! "

This person's words made Lin Mo raise his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, they actually guessed it.

"How could I dig out a bird's nest!" Lin Mo shook his head: "I'm afraid of heights. Besides, it's so strong. If I provoke it with my strength, wouldn't I be seeking death?"

"Third brother, you must be mistaken. This boy seems to be as strong as King Wu. Do you think he can provoke that giant eagle?" Another person said, looking at Lin Mo with disdain in his eyes. look.

Lin Mo laughed secretly in his heart. The more dismissive they were of him, the safer he would be.

"Second brother, you have to know that we all participate in the training of the elite military camp, and those who can enter the elite military camp are the strongest ones selected from a million!

Do you think King Wu is strong enough in the elite camp? "

"Of course it's not enough..." The second child looked at the third child and frowned: "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple, that is, there is definitely something extraordinary about this kid. This thing gives him a combat power comparable to that of a martial saint. Otherwise, he would not be qualified to be trained in the elite military camp!"

"Seriously?!" The other two people looked at Lin Mo, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Boy, is what my third brother said true? Hand over all the good things you have, and we will spare your life. Otherwise, we will make you die without a burial place!" The boss stared at Lin Mo's eyes. , spoke slowly.

"What kind of secret can I have? I came in through the back door. Otherwise, why do you think I just arrived now?" Lin Mo took two steps back, pretending to be scared: "I'm warning you, my father is a big shot. If you There will be absolutely no good results if you attack me!"


The three brothers laughed directly.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? If you enter this primitive forest, even if you die, it will be in vain!

Do you really think anyone cares about your life or death?

Besides, what if we kill him? After we get out, who will know it was us? "

The three of them laughed wildly, and one of them even revealed a hint of murderous intent, shrouding Lin Mo in it.

This was to prevent Lin Mo from escaping.

However, before they could take action, Lin Mo took action first!


With a soft sound, Lin Mo's figure flashed suddenly, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in front of Lao San.

"You..." The third child's eyes widened. The moment Lin Mo took action, he didn't see how Lin Mo took action at all!

"What are you doing, go to hell!" Lin Mo sneered, and the red blood sword in his hand flashed past!


Blood spattered out, and Lao San Man Lai fell to the ground in shock.

He couldn't believe it until his death that Lin Mo would take the initiative!

"Third brother!"

"Boy, you dare to kill someone..."

The other two people's eyes widened when they saw this scene. The boss even raised his hand and slapped Lin Mo on the forehead!


The soul-cutting knife appeared, Lin Mo raised the knife and slashed it down. The terrifying power filled the air, and the next moment, he directly cut off the boss's hand!

"Ah! My hand!" The boss screamed, covering his bleeding hand and trying to retreat, Lin Mo was already behind him.


There was a muffled sound, and Lin Mo stabbed his sword into the back of his heart, and then pulled it out suddenly!

The boss had a look of pain on his face and finally fell to the ground.

The remaining second child looked terrified. Looking at Lin Mo who was getting closer, he stammered: "You... what are you going to do? We are all here to participate in the trial. If you kill me, after you get out..."

"You all told me whether you killed me or not. Even if I kill you here, nothing will happen to me!" Lin Mo chuckled: "I'll ask you the answer!"

"Okay!" When the boss heard Lin Mo's words, he thought he had a glimmer of hope and nodded quickly.

"Have you been observing the giant eagle for a long time, otherwise you wouldn't have appeared in front of me so quickly!"

"Yes, we have been observing the giant eagle and want to find an opportunity to steal its eggs!"

"What is the function of bird eggs?" Lin Mo's heart moved, he looked at the second child in front of him, and asked slowly.

"This kind of eagle is called the Sky-Splitting Eagle. It is very fast. If you take its eggs, you can also increase your speed!"

In order to survive now, the second child has to tell everything he knows.

Therefore, the next few questions Lin Mo asked were all answered.

"Very good, thank you for your answer!" Lin Mo stood up and walked towards him.

"You...what are you going to do? If you agree, I will answer your questions well and you won't kill me!" The second child had an angry look on his face and stepped back step by step, trying to get away from Lin Mo. distance.

"What you said is wrong. When did I say that as long as you answer the question, I won't kill you?" Lin Mo walked forward step by step with a mocking smile on his face!

"Go to hell!" The second brother looked at Lin Mo's attitude and immediately knew that he had no hope of survival. He roared and rushed towards Lin Mo!

At this moment, he directly ignited all the energy and blood in his body, and then crashed towards Lin Mo!

At this moment, his speed reached the extreme, and he rushed in front of Lin Mo like lightning.


After a loud noise, Lin Mo stepped back one after another, and the dick in front of him was covered in blood.

The golden energy of blood flowed from Lin Mo's body, exuding amazing power.

The second child's body fell down little by little, and finally lost his life.

Lin Mo chuckled and groped for a while on the three bodies, and found some bottles containing Qi and Blood Pills.

"The harvest is good, there is one high-level Qi and Blood Pill and thirty intermediate Qi and Blood Pills!"

With a smile on Lin Mo's face, he placed the bodies of the three people under a big tree, then turned and left.

He must find a place to eat two eggs first, and then use the Qi and Blood Pill to increase his Qi and Blood power!

I have to say that Lin Mo was very lucky. More than an hour later, Lin Mo saw a super big tree, which seemed to be at least ten meters in diameter!

Such a terrifying giant tree cannot be seen outside because it has grown for who knows how many years!

But in the primeval forest, there are not many such trees!

The difference between this tree and other trees is that there is a natural tree hole underneath!

The tree hole was so big that it was as wide as a person. Taking a look inside, Lin Mo couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

There's a lot of space here, and it's extremely concealed!

After taking a look around and making sure that there was no danger, Lin Mo jumped up and went directly into the tree hole.


Lin Mo's spiritual perception instantly filled the entire tree hole, and then he couldn't help but show a look of shock.

"There are still bones!" Lin Mo noticed it with his mental power and immediately stepped forward.

The entire cave was very dark and basically nothing could be seen, but with his mental perception, Lin Mo seemed to be able to see everything and walked directly to the body.

"He has been dead for many years, and his bones are about to rot..." Lin Mo said, squatting down and taking out a stone from his tattered clothes.

"This thing... feels a little weird, but I don't know what it is!"

Lin Mo looked around with a surprised look on his face.

Except for the corpse in front of me, there were no other corpses in the entire tree hole.

"At least in recent years, no one has come into the tree hole!" Lin Mo came to this conclusion in his heart. Although he got a stone with no idea of ​​its purpose, Lin Mo was still quite satisfied.

"It should be safe here..."

Lin Mo took out the two bird eggs and felt the strong vitality inside the eggs. A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face.


He directly opened one of the eggs, then carefully dipped a little egg liquid into it and started to apply it to the entrance of the tree hole!

There is obviously the scent of a giant eagle on the bird eggs, so as long as you use the bird eggs to smear around the tree hole, beasts and other things will never dare to come near!

After doing all this, there were less than two-thirds of the eggs in my hand!

Lin Mo felt distressed for a while, so he just hugged the egg and started swallowing it.

After taking a bird egg, Lin Mo felt warm all over his body, and every pore seemed to be cheering!

"Good stuff! I feel like my energy and blood have improved a lot!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and couldn't help but speak.


He opened the last bird egg again. This time, something shocking happened to Lin Mo. A bird covered in seven colors flew out, shook its body in front of Lin Mo, and then disappeared. Got it!

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo looked confused: "What happened? Did something fly past my eyes just now?!"

Lin Mo rubbed his eyes and glanced at the eggshell in his hand. There was indeed nothing left!

"It wasn't an illusion just now, something flew away!" Lin Mo was speechless for a while, threw away the eggshell, and sat down cross-legged.

Although he only ate one bird egg, there was still terrifying energy and blood flowing in his body.

"I have to seize the time to refine all this energy..." Lin Mo spoke softly, and then closed his eyes.

"The game is loading..."

At this moment, these words appeared in front of him again!

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