Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 203: Using me as a gun?

"Detected excessive energy and blood power, activated dream upgrade..."

"The dreamland is being upgraded..."

"update successed!"

"With this upgrade, all martial arts exchange permissions will be enabled!"

"This upgrade unlocks the permission to explore the abyss!"

"In this upgrade, the copy illustration permission will be enabled!"

Texts kept flashing in front of Lin Mo. This was a series of permission activation prompts!

At the same time... Lin Mo looked around, and the scene in the dream changed again. The place that was originally in ruins began to recover, as if someone was rebuilding it!

At the same time, the energy contained in the volcanoes in the distance and the magma flowing down seems to be even more terrifying!

"Martial skills exchange license..."

Lin Mo withdrew his gaze and looked at his newly opened permission.

"The Heavenly Thunder Seal... requires one hundred thousand energy and blood!"

"The Divine Wind Seal has one hundred thousand energy and blood..."

Lin Mo looked at the top-level martial arts exchanges, and his face turned pale.

"This is too scary, a martial skill requires 100,000 qi and blood points to redeem!

One hundred thousand qi and blood points, that is an existence that surpasses the Martial Saint! "

Lin Mo grimaced and looked at some of the martial arts below.

"The ghost shadow upgrade requires a health value of 1,000 in the first stage!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up when he saw the prompt in front of him.

Ghost Shadow is a Xuan-level martial skill. If you can upgrade it now, it would definitely be the best!

"It's a pity that I don't have enough Qi and blood left..." Lin Mo calculated the Qi and blood on his body and sighed involuntarily.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a thousand qi and blood points anyway. Once Ye Qing succeeds in his research, he can get as many qi and blood points as he wants!" Lin Mo said slowly with a smile on his face.

Then he turned his attention to another option: the copy illustrated book!

After Lin Mo opened the illustrated book, the copies he had cleared before appeared directly in front of him.

The illustrations contained information about the lords in each copy, but Lin Mo took a look and didn't see the illustrations of the girl named Yu'er!

It seems that my guess is good, that Yu'er should be someone who exists in the abyss!

"These illustrations actually introduce the things that the lord can drop!"

"Let me see... the Dragon of Wind and Frost drops ice attribute cards and ice attribute crystals!

The Goblin King drops a mental card, which can permanently increase your mental strength by ten points! "

Lin Mo looked at the illustrations with an excited look on his face.

This is a good thing. This means that after he enters the dreamland and clears the dungeon in the future, he can use the illustrated book to judge whether the lord has what he needs.

Once you have what you need, you can clear this lord infinitely, and there is always the possibility of dropping it!

"Isn't this just like moving bricks in the previous life!" Lin Mo sighed helplessly: "It seems that no matter where you are, you can't escape the fate of moving bricks!"

“Let’s look at what the Abyss Exploration License means!”

Lin Mo turned on this permission...

"Consume Advanced Qi and Blood Pill x 1!"

Looking at the words flashing before his eyes, Lin Mo felt heartache and opened his mouth, but in the end no curse words came out!

"I also took it. I didn't do anything. I just consumed a high-level Qi and Blood Pill, which cost more than 10 million!"

Lin Mo had a helpless look on his face, he felt really distressed!

But when he looked around, his eyes widened!

The No. 6 abyss of the mountain city that we entered earlier appeared before us again!

What was different from last time was that this time Lin Mo appeared directly in the abyss!

Following a familiar route, Lin Mo directly found the place where the previous secret realm was.

"I remember that there should be some good things in the secret realm that I didn't get all, and now it's time to go in and have a look!"

Lin Mo said and entered the secret realm directly!

With the experience from the last time, Lin Mo's search speed in the secret realm increased a lot this time.

What made him a little disappointed was that the entire secret realm should have been explored again later, so after searching for a long time, he still found nothing!

"I have no choice but to leave first!" Lin Mo felt a little regretful, but soon, he thought of the permission rights he now had, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

This permission is equivalent to teleportation. As long as I have been to the abyss before, I can directly enter it. The only regret is that I have to consume Qi and Blood Pills!

"But as long as there are good things in the abyss, even consuming part of the Qi and Blood Pills is worth it!" Lin Mo spoke slowly with a smile on his face.

Leaving the abyss, Lin Mo finally saw that there were several other entrances to the abyss behind the permission right in front of him.

However, Lin Mo knew very well that the other two abyss were more dangerous. If he entered rashly now, he would probably die!

"This time I entered the dreamland, it should be the effect of swallowing the bird eggs!

Could it be said that in addition to Qi and Blood Pills, there are other ways to enter the dream world? "

Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face. After leaving here, he looked around.

There is nothing worth learning!

Slowly opening his eyes, Lin Mo woke up from his dream.

Looking around, he was still in the tree hole. The surroundings were empty and somewhat deserted.

But the next moment, Lin Mo frowned and looked outside the tree hole!

"Someone is approaching again!" Lin Mo stood up with a vigilant look on his face.

"I've brought him here for you, and I'll leave it to you. I want to heal him first!"

A woman's voice sounded, and then Lin Mo became wary and rushed outside without hesitation!


There was a muffled sound, and the moment Lin Mo left the tree hole, a vast fist force enveloped him.


After a loud noise, a tree more than ten meters high fell down!

If Lin Mo hadn't left early, he might have injured his hand!

At this moment, there was a young woman standing not far from Lin Mo. She looked about the same age as Lin Mo, but she exuded terrifying strength!

"Fifth-grade Martial Saint!" Lin Mo was a little shocked. Is anyone so powerful?


At this moment, two more figures appeared in front of Lin Mo.

These two people are stronger and are one step away from reaching the seventh-level Martial Saint realm!

It can be seen that women are no match for them!

"What are you still doing? Take action!" The woman looked at Lin Mo and immediately spoke loudly.

The two people who caught up looked at Lin Mo, and their faces immediately showed a vigilant look. The power of blood flowed, as if they were about to pounce on Lin Mo!

"Sorry, you two, I don't know this woman. If you want to take action, please feel free to do so. I'll leave now!"

Lin Mo's face was gloomy, he raised his hands towards the two pursuers and made a gesture of retreating.

The woman's face changed slightly, and a look of displeasure flashed in her eyes: "What do you mean, do you mean to keep your word? We have agreed that I will lure people here, and you will kill!

Okay now, are you going to go back on your word? "

The woman's words made the two men even more vigilant, and the eyes looking at Lin Mo already showed murderous intent!

Feeling the killing intent of the two of them, Lin Mo's voice became even colder: "Three of you, I don't want to care about your grudges, but if you force me, I will kill you all!"

"What a joke, you kid wants to kill us all!" The two men said with sneers on their faces.

" want to kill me, we are on the same team!" The woman pretended to be surprised, looked at Lin Mo, and spoke loudly.


Just when Lin Mo was about to take action, two more voices sounded, and then two figures appeared next to the woman.

The strength of these two figures is almost the same as that of two men!

Seeing these two figures, the woman's face immediately showed a smile: "Sorry, my people are here, now I am in charge here!"

Completely different from the weak and helpless look before, the woman now looks down on Lin Mo and others like a superior princess.

"You two, kill this boy!" The woman pointed at the two people in front of her and said calmly.

"Kill me?" Lin Mo looked at the woman with an unhappy look on his face: "Just because I didn't follow your ideas and fight them to the death, you're going to kill me?"

"Humph, I ask you to do things because I think highly of you. Since you don't appreciate it, you will definitely die!"

The woman spoke calmly, her voice filled with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Haha, that's interesting..." Lin Mo's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Before the woman could taunt again, Lin Mo's figure rushed out!

"Stop him!" Seeing Lin Mo rushing towards her, the woman's face showed a look of fear.

She wanted to raise her hands to fight, but facing the pressure from Lin Mo, she was so frightened that she didn't even have the courage to fight back!


The two people around her didn't even have a chance to resist. Lin Mo slashed out with his sword and blood spurted out!

The woman's head fell directly to the ground, her pretty face was full of shock!

In fact, not only that woman, but also the remaining four people's faces were full of shock.

Especially the two men from before looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but murmured: "It seems that you two are really not in the same group..."

"I told you, she and I are no longer the same!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "May I ask why you are chasing her?"

Facing Lin Mo's question, the two men did not intend to answer, but considering Lin Mo's strong fighting power, they still told the truth!

It turns out that a woman has received a certain mark on her body, and this mark is related to mental power. Once you get this mark and understand the content inside, your mental power can condense the spiritual eye!

The spiritual eye grows on the forehead and can play a terrifying role in battle!

Legend has it that in ancient times there was a strong man named Yang Jian. He had an eye on his forehead that could emit terrifying energy and kill people!

It is said that the spiritual eye has grown to the extreme and will only be more powerful than Yang Jian's eyes!

Hearing this, Lin Mo's eyes lit up. His mental strength is not weak now. If he gets the mark in his hand, it will definitely improve his combat power!

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