Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 205: Harvest! Improvement!

"My mental power has reached 9999, and it's only a little short of 10,000 points!

My mental power and blood power have merged, so my blood power should have reached 9999!

I'm only one step away from becoming a martial saint!"

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes, and the confusion on his face flashed away. After looking around, he smiled.

This time, it was a blessing in disguise. Not only was he not possessed, but he was saved by the mysterious power in his body!

"Stealing a chicken but losing a rice bowl!" Lin Mo spoke softly, then slowly stood up, eager to check the effect of his mental eye.

"How do I turn this thing on?" Lin Mo raised his hand and touched his head, and there was no eye.

But he had sensed it clearly before, and his mental power condensed into something like an eye here, why is there no reaction now?


Just when Lin Mo was puzzled, his mental power began to gather, and formed a vertical eye in a very short time!

At the moment when the vertical eye was formed, Lin Mo could clearly feel his thoughts coming through. With a slight movement of his mind, he felt a ray of light instantly shooting out from the vertical eye!

"Oh my god!"

Lin Mo was shocked. The moment this ray of light flew out, everything it passed was destroyed!

"What a strong power!"

Lin Mo was shocked. Such a strong power was indeed shocking!

But at the same time, Lin Mo felt a sense of weakness all over his body. The attack he launched actually drained 80% of his mental power in an instant!

"What a terrible consumption!" Lin Mo's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Although such a blow was a mental attack, it was almost materialized and the power was terrifying!

However, such a terrifying blow was accompanied by terrifying consumption. In other words, if he could not kill the enemy with one blow, he would die!

"Such a spiritual light, even facing the seventh-grade martial saint is fearless!"

Lin Mo estimated the horror of the attack just now, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

The seventh-grade martial saint has at least 70,000 blood and energy, but facing Lin Mo's spiritual light, it is still useless!

While Lin Mo was thinking, strands of mental power began to gather from somewhere in his body, and finally replenished Lin Mo's consumed mental power to 9999.

"The mental power recovered too quickly, where did this mental power come from?"

Lin Mo felt his recovered mental power, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face. At the same time, he was also exploring the origin of this recovery power!

Soon, he determined that this power came from the mental power that had taken over his body before.

After this mental power was destroyed, it was converted into mental power reserves and existed somewhere in his body!

"So I can use mental power many times in the future?"

Lin Mo thought, and at the same time he opened the vertical eye again, trying to continue exploring the effect of this thing on him.

Time passed by minute by minute, and a few hours later, Lin Mo got up and left here.

"The function of the vertical eye is not only to emit such a terrifying light, but also to allow my spiritual perception to cover someone in an instant and explore the situation in his body!

And, in the spiritual world, the spiritual eye is more useful!"

Lin Mo was a little shocked when he thought of the terrifying power of the spiritual eye after he opened the spiritual world!

In the spiritual world, the spiritual eye is just like Erlang Shen's eyes, which can emit spiritual light without limit, and at the same time, it can cause terrible destructive power while consuming very little!

"In short, the spiritual eye is very powerful, and my combat power has increased a lot!"

Lin Mo clenched his fist, and at the same time he calculated that there were still a few days left before the end of this trial.

But according to his own estimation, there is still a long way to go!

"I have to speed up!"

Lin Mo murmured, anyway, his dream has been upgraded, as long as he wants, he can enter the primeval forest again at any time in the future!

"By the way, I almost forgot..."

The harvest from searching the corpses several times is still very large, so he has gathered enough Qi and Blood Pills on his body.

After taking an intermediate Qi and Blood Pill, Lin Mo entered the dream and chose to upgrade his Ghost Shadow Mirage martial arts to the Earth Rank standard!

At the same time, Lin Mo took a look at the other martial arts he mastered, such as the Stone Breaking Fist and the Wind Expelling Palm, which could also be upgraded, but the upgrade was limited!

What shocked Lin Mo the most was that the Five Beast Fist could be upgraded, but it consumed a lot of energy and could only be upgraded by one grade!

"I'll upgrade it after I have more Qi and Blood Pills. I'm very satisfied to be able to upgrade the Ghost Shadow Mirage this time!"

After Lin Mo left the dream, he began to familiarize himself with the upgrade of the Ghost Shadow Mirage!

"After the upgrade, how much proficiency have I reached in this martial art?"

Lin Mo thought so and performed martial arts at the same time!


His figure flashed and disappeared directly from here!

When he appeared again, he had already arrived thousands of meters away!

"What a terrifying speed! After upgrading to the Earth Rank, the speed increased by 50%!

The most important thing is that this is only the speed of improvement under the primary proficiency!"

Lin Mo was shocked and continued to perform Ghost Shadow!

After a series of attempts, Lin Mo stopped and made a summary of the improvement and changes in martial arts!

"It's scary. While my speed increases, I can remain immune to physical attacks and mental attacks for three seconds while charging forward!

This immunity represents total immunity!

In other words, within these three seconds, even if a nuclear bomb explodes, it will not hurt me!

Secondly, after the forward rush is over, I can enter a three-second invisibility period!

During the period of invisibility, I doubt that even the realm above the Martial Saint can sense my existence!

Also, although the speed increase is almost nothing compared to the other two, it does not consume much. In other words, in the state of ghosting, I can continue to cast it for about an hour!

At my current speed, one hour is enough for me to run a long distance!

Escape skills!

Assassination skills!

Explosive magical skills! "

Lin Mo made a summary of the ghost shadows after the upgrade!

"The third level of the earth level, this is the level of the ghost shadow after the upgrade!

According to the dream, the next upgrade will be able to reach the sixth level of the earth level. How terrifying will the ghostly shadows be by then?

Also, if my proficiency continues to improve, the duration of the several changes in the ghost shadow will definitely be further extended!

If the invincibility time can be increased to one minute..."

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, if such a day comes...

"I'm invincible!"

He shook his head and drove this thought out of his mind. At the same time, Lin Mo used ghost shadow and continued on his way.

The Thunder Breathing Method operates at the same time, continuously absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, and converting it into the power of Qi and blood as its own supplement!

In fact, when Lin Mo was using the Thunder Breathing Technique, the ghost shadow could last longer!

While Lin Mo was running wildly in the virgin forest, Ouyang Xiu and Xia Houming were standing side by side in front of a large screen inside the capital's military department.

"Twenty people entered the virgin forest, and now there are five people left alive!

This selection is much more cruel than the previous ones! "

Xia Houming spoke with a look of emotion on his face.

The death rate in this selection is too high. Among the remaining five, three have not reached the final area and may suffer losses!

In the end, there are probably only three people who actually reach the end!

"The waves wash away the sand, and in the end all that's left is gold!"

There was not much expression on Ouyang Xiu's face, and he said calmly: "In the future, what they have to face will be different from what we have to face now..."

After hearing these words, Xia Houming's expression changed slightly, he looked at Ouyang Xiu, and said with a complicated expression: "Boss, tell me, what those old guys speculated is true!

If one day they really merge, what's the point? ! "

"Are these things what you should worry about now?

Okay, go practice quickly. Among the people who finally succeeded in breaking through this time, I will give you one!

Except for Lin Mo, you can choose the rest of them as you please! "

Xia Houming's eyes lit up, but he soon noticed the problem in Ouyang Xiu's words: "Boss, we can only see the number of people left so far, how do you know that Lin Mo can pass the final assessment!

What if this kid..."

Just as he was about to say something, Ouyang Xiu gave him a cold look.

Xia Houming immediately shut up and walked aside.

Lin Mo was indeed excellent, but with only three or five people left, he still didn't quite believe that Lin Mo could make it to the end!

"However, if you ask me to choose someone, I will make a lot of money. Even if I can't choose Lin Mo, I can still choose those stronger people!

I remember that the strongest person this time seemed to be named Zhang Jingqiang, and his strength had reached the sixth level of Martial Saint!

Damn it, it's like cheating. At such a young age, he has reached such terrifying strength, almost surpassing me! "

Xia Houming felt a sense of crisis, turned around and left here.

If he really had the chance to choose someone, he wouldn't want to choose someone with a higher level than him. They would definitely not be able to convince everyone!

"Seize the time to practice..." Xia Houming said calmly.

At this moment, in the primeval forest, Lin Mo's figure kept flashing and slowly slowed down.

"I seem to be being followed..."

There was a cold light in Lin Mo's eyes. He had been immersed in the joy brought to him by the ghost shadow and the spiritual eye, and he almost forgot the environment he was in!

Now he releases his spiritual perception, and after covering the surrounding area, he can clearly feel that someone is following him!

"Two people, their strength is unknown, but they should be very strong!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo stood directly on the spot and said in one direction: "You two, come out, you are hiding, don't you worry about being bitten by mosquitoes!"

After the words fell, two figures slowly walked out!

"Tsk, tsk, what a strong sense of perception!" One of them said with a slight smile!

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