In the primeval forest, the branches and leaves are dense, and everything is shrouded in shadows.

At this moment, two figures flashed behind the big tree, one of them had a faint smile on his face, and the other looked at Lin Mo mockingly.

It was this young man with a faint smile on his face who just spoke. The fluctuations of his blood and energy were very strong, and it was obvious that he was a strong man.

"My name is Zhang Jingqiang, may I ask what school did you graduate from?"

The young man spoke lightly and said his name right away.

"Brother Qiang, why are you wasting time talking to him? Once we catch him, we can just torture him mentally!" Another young man said impatiently, "A piece of trash that hasn't even reached the level of a martial saint is not worth our caution at all!"

Zhang Jingqiang glanced at him and said lightly, "Since you think so, you can try it first!"

"In that case, Brother Qiang, I won't be polite. Don't worry, I will leave you a breath, and you can torture him directly when the time comes!"

The young man stepped forward with a mocking smile on his face: "Boy, don't blame us, blame your bad luck. We have been squatting here for so long, and only you appeared..."


As he spoke, he rushed towards Lin Mo!

Fifth-grade martial saint!

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, and the moment the man rushed over, the whole person disappeared!

When he appeared again, he appeared directly above the man's head with the help of Eagle Step!

"Be careful!" Zhang Jingqiang's eyes shrank slightly, and he reminded loudly.

But it was too late!


The roar of the tiger sounded, Lin Mo swung his fists, and pounced down from the sky like a tiger!

With a muffled sound, a blood hole appeared directly on the man's head, and then he fell directly to the ground, completely silent!


Killed instantly!

Zhang Jingqiang's face showed a look of shock.

He looked up and down at Lin Mo, and couldn't help but take a step back slightly!

As soon as he took a step back, his heart suddenly sank, because he actually had a fearful thought!

"What a strong stealth ability!" Lin Mo was shocked and ecstatic at the same time.

The upgraded ghost shadow was more terrifying than he imagined!

"My classmate, what happened today is my fault. I apologize to you. Can this matter be exposed?"

Zhang Jingqiang opened his mouth, and when he said these words, there was a trace of unwillingness on his face.

The two of them squatted here just to rob others of their gains. They had sensed good things from Lin Mo before, so they rushed out directly and wanted to rob.

But who would have thought that his teammates would be killed in seconds just after he made a move!

"You said it was revealed?" Lin Mo squatted down, fumbled on the young man's body for a while, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills, twenty intermediate Qi and Blood Pills!" Lin Mo felt that he had made a big profit.

After putting the things away, Lin Mo stood up and looked at Zhang Jingqiang.

Watching Lin Mo put the things away, Zhang Jingqiang's face flashed with displeasure, but after opening his mouth, he did not dare to speak.

"Classmate, we are all selected personnel of the Beijing Military Department. If we make enemies here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get along in the future!" Zhang Jingqiang spoke, and at the same time, the Qi and Blood power on his body emanated, ready to take action at any time.

"You have a point, so it's not impossible to cover this up..." Lin Mo looked him up and down and said, "I just found so many things on him, you must have seen them.

Since you said the whole thing was your fault, it's reasonable for you to give me some compensation!

How about this, I won't bully you, just give me two more of the things I just found on him!"

Lin Mo made a gesture to Zhang Jingqiang.

"Why don't you go and rob!" Zhang Jingqiang's face sank, Lin Mo's request was a bit too much.

In the past few days, he and the young man have robbed several people here, but what Lin Mo asked for is equivalent to one-third of his income!

It hurts!

"Since you don't want to, forget it. Anyway, I don't want to cover this up so easily!" Lin Mo stepped forward step by step, and at the same time, the power of Qi and blood slowly urged up.

Zhang Jingqiang's face changed again and again, and his fists kept clenching and then loosening!

He was struggling, because he could clearly feel Lin Mo's strength, just a ninth-grade martial king!

Facing the realm of Martial King, there was no need for him, a sixth-rank Martial Saint, to fear.

But looking at the corpse on the ground, he felt a little uncertain again!

The fifth-rank Martial Saint was killed instantly. Even if he took action, could he really be 100% sure?

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingqiang forced a smile on his face and said, "This classmate is right. Since it is my fault, it is reasonable to apologize...

This is the double compensation you asked for..."

He fumbled around for a while and took out the things that Lin Mo wanted!

Seeing that Zhang Jingqiang took out these things without hesitation, Lin Mo showed a look of surprise on his face, and then he regretted it a little.

"This guy must have other good things on him. If he kills him directly, then everything will be mine!"

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he silently weighed it in his heart.

Zhang Jingqiang, with a forced smile on his face, suddenly felt the murderous intent on Lin Mo's body, and he was stunned!

"He actually wants to kill me!" He was extremely shocked and at the same time felt a kind of panic: since Lin Mo wanted to kill him, he must be sure of killing him!

"No, this place is dangerous, we need to leave quickly!"

Zhang Jingqiang was extremely shocked. After clasping his fists at Lin Mo, he immediately said: "My classmate, I have already paid the compensation you asked for, so see you later!"

After that, without waiting for Lin Mo to give any response, he stood up and rushed towards the distance!

He almost used up all his speed, fearing that Lin Mo would catch up!


"I didn't expect that under pressure, my speed actually broke through and improved a lot. Now in the entire martial arts realm, there should be no one who can beat me in speed!

It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise!"

Zhang Jingqiang showed a surprised smile on his face while running wildly.

Because his speed has improved a lot, at least in the martial arts realm, his speed is among the best!


At this moment, a residual image suddenly passed by him!

"What is it!"

Zhang Jingqiang was startled and almost felt that his eyes were seeing things!

However, at this moment, Lin Mo slowed down from the front, turned around and waved at him.

Then Lin Mo's speed increased again, and he disappeared from here in a flash!

Zhang Jingqiang paused and stood there, staring blankly at the direction where Lin Mo disappeared.

"Good... fast speed!" He felt fortunate in his heart, and at the same time felt a little embarrassed.

If he had just provoked Lin Mo, even if he couldn't beat him and wanted to escape, he would definitely not have time. Similarly, he just thought his speed was invincible, who would have thought that he would be slapped in the face in a blink of an eye!

"It seems that we still have to keep a low profile here!!" Zhang Jingqiang spoke softly, and he didn't even have any hatred for Lin Mo in his heart!

In the dense forest, two figures kept flashing and converging towards the exit.

According to the route and training requirements, they didn't have much time left!

"Fortunately, my speed has increased a lot, otherwise it would be too late!"

Lin Mo was somewhat fortunate, and at the same time, he was a little excited in his heart, because this trip to the primeval forest was still very rewarding!


Lin Mo's spiritual perception has been in an open state. At this moment, when he flashed through a place in the primeval forest, he suddenly sensed that there seemed to be something underground!

"It seems to be a large space, a bit like my spiritual world..."

Lin Mo wanted to stop, but after thinking for a moment, he gave up.

If he explored now, there would be no time to leave here!

After taking a look at the surrounding environment, Lin Mo continued to move forward!

The dream has been upgraded, and he can come here to explore by himself later!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo did not hesitate at all and increased his speed again!

Not long after Lin Mo rushed out, Zhang Jingqiang flashed out from not far away, with cold sweat on his forehead.

When Lin Mo stopped before, he almost cried because he thought Lin Mo regretted and wanted to kill him here!

Fortunately, in the end, Lin Mo left again!

"Those who survive a disaster must have good fortune in the future!" Zhang Jingqiang patted his chest and said softly.

At this time, at the exit of the primeval forest, Xiahou Ming stood respectfully beside Ouyang Xiu, looking at the exit.

Behind them were the soldiers of the elite battalion.

Like the two of them, they were also waiting for the first person to rush out!

"Here it comes!" Xiahou Ming suddenly perked up and said softly.


A figure rushed out, wearing armor with mottled blood on it.

This is a young man with short hair, a rough and dark face, but his eyes are very bright!

"It turned out to be Li Tie!"

"Yes, I didn't expect Li Tie to be the first to come out of here!"

"Li Tie's strength is actually not bad, at the fifth-grade martial saint realm, it is reasonable for him to rush out first!"

"From this point of view, Zhang Jingqiang can only be second!"



Just when someone was talking about who was second, another figure rushed out!

"Qin Guan! The second place is Qin Guan!"

There was a cry of surprise from the crowd. The second place Qin Guan was very good-looking, with a white face and handsome appearance. He didn't look like a man at all.

But he was indeed a real man.

"I didn't expect that the powerful Zhang Jingqiang could only rank third!" Xia Houming said softly.

They had already determined that only four people would pass the test in the end. Zhang Jingqiang was the strongest. He didn't believe that Zhang Jingqiang couldn't even make it into the top three...

However, at this moment, another figure rushed out!

Lin Mo!

Looking at this figure, Xia Houming's face showed a look of shock.

Lin Mo was actually third! Could it be that Zhang Jingqiang was the last one!

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