Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 207: Sea of ​​Sky

"What happened? Zhang Jingqiang became the last one!"

"Look at him like an eggplant beaten by frost. He must have been attacked in the primeval forest, right?"

"You'll be better off knowing a man, right?"

A group of people watched Zhang Jingqiang rush out of the virgin forest in disgrace, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Because with his strength, he shouldn't be like this.

After all four of them stood in front of everyone, Ouyang Xiu slowly stepped forward and said, "Stand up in order!"

After the words fell, everyone fell silent instantly.

Li Tie took the lead in standing first, followed by Qin Guan, Lin Mo and Zhang Jingqiang.

"Twenty so-called young talents entered the primeval forest, and in just a few days, sixteen of them died at once!

The so-called genius is a joke in my eyes!

Are the four of you very proud that you survived?

Actually what I'm saying is, you guys are still a piece of shit! "

Ouyang Xiu changed his gentle and elegant demeanor in front of Lin Mo and scolded loudly.

Li Tie, Qin Guan and others all had shameful looks on their faces, but Lin Mo looked as usual.

"If you want to PUA me, you're still a little short of it!" Lin Mo said with a chuckle in his heart.

Afterwards, he simply no longer cared about what Ouyang Xiu said in front of him, but silently looked inside himself, observing where the unintegrated spiritual power was now hidden.

Soon he found a ball of light at the location of the spiritual platform in his mind.

The ball of light was densely covered with complicated words. The words were constantly beating as if they were alive, and looked very strange.

"It seems that it is not easy to open it!" Lin Mo whispered in his heart, while trying to see if he could unlock these seals.

In the end, Lin Mo failed!

"Lin Mo, what are you doing!" At this moment, a roar sounded.

When he raised his head, he saw Ouyang Xiu looking at him with an unhappy expression.

"Report, I was seriously injured in the deep primitive forest, and I was recovering silently just now!" Lin Mo responded loudly.

Zhang Jingqiang on the side suddenly had black lines all over his face. He couldn't help but glance at Lin Mo and silently cursed him for being shameless.

Just now in the virgin forest, if he hadn't surrendered quickly, Lin Mo might have killed him directly!

Now he actually has the nerve to say he was injured!

I bother! shameless!

"Injured?" Ouyang Xiu frowned and looked Lin Mo up and down.

"It's not a fatal injury, it's mainly due to some mental problems!" Lin Mo replied quickly.

"After the meeting is over, you come find me!" After Ouyang Xiu left these words, he continued: "This time you will have the opportunity to participate in the World Student Martial Arts Competition!

The location of the competition is in the capital, but the Ministry of War in the capital only has three places!

These three quotas are generated from you people..."

World student martial arts competition?

Lin Mo was stunned. He had heard of this competition before in school.

It is held every year, and strong college students from all over the world will gather together to compete in martial arts.

Once you win, you will be able to enter the sky, sea, and abyss to practice.

Among all the abyss, the Sky Sea has a great reputation. Here, your cultivation speed will be increased ten times!

In other words, according to the speed outside, it will take you ten years to become a Martial Saint, but inside the Sea of ​​Sky, you can become a Martial Saint in just one year!

However, everyone has a limited time to enter the Sea of ​​Sky. Even those who win the competition among college students are only allowed to enter for one month!

"One month is equivalent to ten months, which is a good opportunity. Moreover, in the Sky Sea, you can not only increase your training speed, but also obtain martial arts and weapons!

As long as you are lucky and good enough, you will become stronger after coming out of the Sea of ​​Sky! "

Ouyang Xiu spoke slowly, and then said: "These three places are hard-won, so the captain is not directly eligible to participate in the selection, and then all the remaining team members will participate in various tasks or training during this period.

We will give corresponding points for each type of training. The three people with the most points the day before the competition will get the quota!

We have no limits on our strength!

Okay, let’s start accumulating points from tomorrow!

Now, onto the next thing!

Except for Lin Mo, the remaining three people can choose the team they want to join! "

"Boss, wait a minute!" At this moment, Xia Houming said: "Didn't you tell me to choose someone?"

Ouyang Xiu glared at him and said, "Choose!"

"I choose Zhang Jingqiang!" Xia Houming chose Zhang Jingqiang without hesitation. Although he is now fourth, he is the strongest.

"Okay Li Tie, Qin Guan, you two choose your team!"

Ouyang Xiu looked at the two of them and spoke calmly.

"I choose three teams!" Li Tie said, choosing the three teams with the strongest overall strength at present!

"I choose a team!" Qin Guan chose the team with the second highest strength!

Zhang Jingqiang was a little helpless. He originally wanted to choose the third team, but he didn't expect that after becoming the last one, he immediately lost the qualification for selection!

"Lin Mo will be my personal guard from now on, and I will take it personally!" Ouyang Xiu looked at Lin Mo: "Follow me!"

Lin Mo nodded. Ouyang Xiu was very strong, so it would be good to follow him and be his personal guard.

Everyone looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure with envious expressions on their faces.

"Brother Qiang, what's going on? What's the background of this kid? He actually became the boss's personal guard! Could it be that he went through the back door?"

Qin Guan couldn't help but approached Zhang Jingqiang and asked in a deep voice.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask!" Zhang Jingqiang was too lazy to talk about what happened in the virgin forest. After glaring at him, he turned around and followed Xia Houming out of here.

In the future, he must seize the time to practice, must get those three places, and then get the opportunity to enter the Sea of ​​Sky in the competition!

"I want to become stronger!" Lin Mo's back appeared in Zhang Jingqiang's eyes, and he slowly clenched his fists...

"What's going on between you and Zhang Jingqiang?" Ouyang Xiu returned to his war room, looked at Lin Mo, and asked softly.

"He wanted to kill me to seize the treasure, but I killed him instead!" Lin Mo didn't hide anything and directly told what happened in the primeval forest.

"You...can kill a sixth-grade Martial Saint by yourself now?"

After seeing Lin Mo nod, Ouyang Xiu looked at him with a shocked look on his face.

The most important thing is that when he looked at Lin Mo, he could only feel Lin Mo's general state, but he couldn't tell his specific strength!

For example, Lin Mo now feels like he is in the realm of King Wu.

But the specific rank of King Wu is completely unclear.

"There is something on you that hides your true strength. I can't see your specific strength!" Ouyang Xiu withdrew his gaze and said slowly: "What is your current health value?"

"I don't know, I should be reaching the Martial Saint realm soon!"

Lin Mo didn't say that his blood value had reached 9999, but gave a general idea.

"About to become a Martial Saint?" Ouyang Xiu's eyes lit up. When Lin Mo came here, he was still in the realm of the eighth-grade Martial King. Now after entering the virgin forest, he has directly become the peak Martial King!

"Test your vitality and blood levels!"

Ouyang Xiu took out a portable tester from the drawer and threw it to Lin Mo.

After Lin Mo put his fingertips on it, a sharp pillow instantly pricked his finger, a drop of blood dripped, and soon information about Lin Mo appeared on the tester.

"The blood value is 9999!"

"Hiss!" Looking at the numbers on the tester, Ouyang Xiu couldn't help but take a breath of air: "Your qi and blood value is really a bit strange. You are just a little short of becoming a martial saint. But according to our experience, To become a Martial Saint requires a lot of processes..."

Martial Saint is different from Martial King. This is a completely new field.

If King Wu is still in the realm of human beings, then King Wu is no longer a mere human being!

It's like after Lin Mo's physical body became a saint, his body was no longer strong enough that guns and cannons could hurt him.

So once he enters the realm of the Martial Saint, very few human weapons can destroy him!

What's more worth mentioning is that Martial Saint is more like a spiritual and physical sublimation!

"You are now only a little away from the Martial Saint in blood value, and you may be able to be promoted to the Martial Saint soon!

It’s also possible that you’re stuck here forever!

I'll give you three days to find a way to elevate yourself to the realm of Martial Saint! "

When Ouyang Xiu said this, he directly gave Lin Mo a bunch of keys: "These are the keys to several training rooms in the camp. You can use them as you like within three days!"

"Okay, you can leave!"

After saying these words, Ouyang Xiu drove them away directly.

Lin Mo got the key, turned around and left with a smile on his face.

The training room in the Ministry of War is actually no different from the training room in school.

The only difference is that there is an extra war simulation room!

Here, you can act as a soldier and fight in a simulated battlefield!

The number of casualties after the fight will be counted directly!

"It is said that Zhang Jingqiang once killed 5,000 enemies in a battle with a level of 100,000!"

Lin Mo looked at his phone, which contained some news about the camp.

"I'm only a little short of qi and blood points. I should find a quieter place, take qi and blood pills, and break through immediately!"

Lin Mo made up his mind and found a cheaper training room. After walking in, he locked it directly from the inside!

After hesitating for a moment, he took out a high-level Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it directly!


Game loading...

Such words appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes. After entering the dream, Lin Mo did not hesitate and directly chose the copy!


As soon as I entered it, there was a burst of thunder in my ears!

Lin Mo trembled and looked into the distance, suddenly stunned!

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