Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 208: Advance to Martial Saint!

In the dungeon not far away, Lin Mo saw thunder everywhere!

The purple thunder gathered in front of him like a vast ocean, and occasionally purple electric light jumped and flew out, looking like a swimming dragon!

"This... is this a dungeon?" Lin Mo's face showed a look of horror. This damn place can't be set foot on at all!


Lin Mo's mental power spread out at once and enveloped the front.

The endless sea of ​​thunder is indeed full of dangers, but...

"There is a way out hidden in it. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all... But there is indeed a chance of survival!"

With Lin Mo's current mental power, facing the sea of ​​thunder in front of him, he can clearly perceive all the situations inside.

After exploring every inch of the sea of ​​thunder, Lin Mo found a way out!

"I hope I'm lucky enough!" Lin Mo whispered in his heart, and then took a step forward and stepped into the sea of ​​thunder!


The moment he stepped into the sea of ​​thunder, a vast wave suddenly boiled up!

The dragons seemed to have found a place to pour out, and they pounced directly on Lin Mo's body!

Such a scene can be said to be very terrifying, with countless dragons constantly wandering around Lin Mo's body.

They are very long, and all of them are made of energy. If they are slightly touched, they will explode instantly, leaving people with skin and flesh torn apart!


Lin Mo screamed. Although he was walking on a relatively safe road, the dragons kept exploding, and cracks still appeared on his body.

Soon, Lin Mo's body was stained red with blood!

"Something is wrong. These dragons obviously have no perception ability. Why do they continue to gather on me?"

Lin Mo walked forward for a while, and finally showed a puzzled look on his face. He looked into the distance, and the dragons seemed to appear from there!


This time, a vertical eye slowly emerged from the center of Lin Mo's eyebrows, and his mental power condensed in an instant, becoming a linear line, covering the front.

Soon, Lin Mo discovered the difference.

"There... there is a mark! Those dragons were born from the mark!" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he looked in the direction of the mark.

A mark can produce dragons...


Lin Mo increased his speed, letting the dragons explode on his body.

The black ice armor formed on his body, and Lin Mo could clearly feel that these dragons would dissipate a part when they came into contact with the black ice armor!

Under the effect of the black ice armor, Lin Mo quickly approached the mark.

There were flashes of lightning on the dark purple mark, and Lin Mo even felt that there seemed to be a spiritual force on the mark!

"What's going on!" Lin Mo was a little shocked. Could it be that this mark was the lord of the copy? !

Lin Mo looked around. The copy he entered this time was indeed a little strange. It was like a closed room, and there was no entrance to other rooms at all!

So, this is the lord's room, and you are the lord?

Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he rushed up without hesitation.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that this mark was very cowardly. Seeing Lin Mo rushing in front of it, it actually emitted a wave.

Lin Mo only felt those waves constantly gathering in his spiritual sea, and finally Lin Mo understood the meaning of the mark.

It was willing to submit to Lin Mo.

"This is a thunder attribute mark, equivalent to the ice attribute card I got from the ice dragon a long time ago!

This is a thunder attribute mark..."

Lin Mo was a little excited: "Can I get something from it?"

The ice card directly made him an ultimate martial artist.

Now the thunder attribute mark will definitely make him gain something!

When Lin Mo grabbed the thunder mark in his hand, the thunder around him instantly dispersed. Lin Mo only felt numb all over, and the electric current kept wandering in his body, giving him an indescribable feeling.


Lin Mo tried to merge the thunder mark into his body, but failed in the end.

"Forget it, I have already cleared the dungeon. I wonder what my current strength is? Have I reached the realm of martial saint?"

Lin Mo slowly woke up from the dream, walked to the tester beside him, and pressed his hands on it.

"Your blood value is 9999!"

Looking at the number displayed on the screen, Lin Mo showed a disappointed look on his face. He wasted a high-level blood pill, but failed in the end!

"Try again!"

Lin Mo is a person who never admits defeat. He swallowed another blood pill and entered the dream again.

What he didn't expect was that the sea of ​​thunder he had seen before appeared in front of Lin Mo again.

With the previous experience, Lin Mo still put away the thunder mark directly and woke up from the dream.

This time, Lin Mo's measurement result was still 9999!

"I don't believe it, try again..."

Lin Mo was directly angered by this situation and simply entered the dream again!

What disappointed Lin Mo was that after coming out of the dream this time, he still maintained the original blood value!

"What the hell is going on?! My Qi and Blood value hasn't improved at all. Are my three high-level Qi and Blood Pills just wasted?!"

According to the current price of high-level Qi and Blood Pills, three high-level Qi and Blood Pills would cost nearly 60 million in cash!

"This... is too much!"

Lin Mo felt a little distressed. Fortunately, these Qi and Blood Pills were not his own!

"Is it possible that I have entered the dream three times and have not gained anything? Where did the consumed Qi and Blood Pills go?"

Lin Mo frowned, and he thought of the Thunder Mark he got from the dream.

With a thought, he came to his spiritual sea and saw three identical marks hanging there.

"Three identical Thunder Marks..." Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and the next moment, he shouted coldly: "Merge them for me!"

The previous three times were all attempts to merge the Thunder Mark with himself in the dream, but all failed!

This time, Lin Mo changed his mind, and he directly let the three Thunder Marks merge with each other!

Sure enough, this time Lin Mo saw the marks merged together at once, and the originally light purple marks suddenly turned into light gold!

"Not enough, you can continue to merge!" Lin Mo felt the difference in the marks, and spoke softly.

The next moment, he swallowed another high-level Qi and Blood Pill.

At this point, money is no longer important. The most important thing is to break through quickly!



Three times!

Lin Mo entered the dream again. After he came out of the dream for the ninth time, a strange look appeared on his face.

"I feel that this time is almost done. I can clearly feel that the mark has become much dimmer!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo went directly into the sea of ​​​​spirit.

In addition to the original three fused marks, there are six marks hanging there quietly.


This time, Lin Mo shouted again, and at the same time, his mental power spread out and gathered towards the center.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that this fusion took a whole day!

And the long-term fusion consumed Lin Mo's mental power, and he had to stop and rest for a while.


Finally, a thunderous light rose in front of Lin Mo, and the nine marks merged directly into one, becoming a mark shining with light golden light!


The moment the marks merged, Lin Mo felt that he was wrapped in the power of thunder!

Moreover, there were flashes of lightning jumping on his body.

"Such a strong lightning, most former martial saints may not be able to bear it!"

Lin Mo was a little shocked. His physical strength was already very strong, but under the power of thunder, he still felt pain, and some parts began to become charred.

"I... the impurities in my body are constantly being removed. It turns out that my so-called physical body sanctification was all an illusion. There are still many flaws in my body!

After the thunder mark merged, it actually helped me to temper my body!"

Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise. The thunder mark was more useful than Lin Mo imagined!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo stretched out his right hand towards the thunder mark.


All the thunder converged, and the next moment, the thunder mark turned into the size of a palm, and it kept rolling in Lin Mo's hand, looking like a little superman!

And, a message was transmitted into Lin Mo's mind.

"Thunder Seal!"

Lin Mo was shocked as he digested the extra information in his mind. This was actually a martial art. The most important thing was that the level of this martial art had reached the first level of the Heavenly Rank!

This was the second Heavenly Rank martial art that Lin Mo had obtained so far, and the Five Beast Fist was a Heavenly Rank martial art!

"My luck is too good!" Lin Mo smiled.

At this time, his body began to tremble again, and his Qi and blood suddenly began to boil, and then slowly subsided within five minutes!

"Martial Saint, I have successfully advanced!"

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and his face showed excitement. Although he had not measured it yet, he was sure that he had reached the level of Martial Saint!

Standing in front of the measuring instrument, Lin Mo took a deep breath and put his hands on it.

"Qi and blood value 18888!" Lin Mo looked at the Qi and blood value on it and was shocked. He actually reached the level close to the second-level Martial Saint!

"The sealed spiritual power in the body has been unlocked a lot, so the spiritual power and blood power have skyrocketed at the same time!" Lin Mo quickly found the reason.

Despite this, Lin Mo was still a little excited to reach such a terrifying level all of a sudden!

"Now, even if I face the peak of the seventh-grade martial saint, I am sure to win!"

Lin Mo's eyes were firm and he spoke slowly.

Opening the door, Lin Mo left the training room.

He glanced at the time and found that he had been here for three days.

Thinking of Ouyang Xiu's previous instructions, Lin Mo came directly to Ouyang Xiu's office without stopping.

"Breakthrough?" Ouyang Xiu looked up and down at Lin Mo, nodded with satisfaction: "What is the blood value?"

"18888!" Lin Mo directly said the value he measured.

"What did you say?" Ouyang Xiu stood up and stared at Lin Mo: "Are you kidding me?"

At this point, he threw a portable measuring instrument to Lin Mo: "Measure! Measure it now!"

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