"Measure! Measure it now and show me!"

Ouyang Xiu pointed at the measuring instrument with a look of disbelief on his face.

Lin Mo reluctantly used the measuring instrument to cut a wound on his finger, and a drop of blood flowed into it.


A crisp sound rang out, and the measuring instrument reported Lin Mo's blood value.

"The current blood value is 18889!"

"Uh, it has increased a little!" Lin Mo looked at the data on the measuring instrument and smiled.

"You kid..." Ouyang Xiu looked at Lin Mo and considered the words, but found that he couldn't find the right words to describe Lin Mo.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?" Lin Mo simply changed the subject and took the initiative to ask Ouyang Xiu why he asked him to come here.

Ouyang Xiu frowned when he heard Lin Mo's words: "There is indeed a task here that you need to perform..."


Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at Ouyang Xiu.

"Do you know what the duties of the Beijing Military Department are?" Ouyang Xiu did not say the specific content of the task, but asked such a question.

"Protect the capital?"

"Yes and no!" Ouyang Xiu glanced at Lin Mo and shook his head slowly: "The mission of the Beijing Military Department is more to protect the safety of all college students in the capital.

You were expelled when you were just a freshman, so you don't know the specific situation. In many universities, starting from the third year, you will participate in some research.

In these studies, many topics are confidential, and the confidentiality level is very high.

These students participate in it, because their strength is not high, so they often become the target of some evil elements!

This time, a student of Huaxia Military University disappeared while traveling abroad. According to our investigation, he was taken away by a beautiful person!

So, your mission this time is to rescue him. Of course, if you really can't rescue him, you can just kill him!"

Ouyang Xiu's face was firm, and he directly said the content of the mission.

"Kill him?!"

Lin Mo's eyelids jumped, almost suspecting that he had heard it wrong. ,

"You heard it right. The confidentiality level of the research project he participated in this time is A-level. Once it is leaked, it will cause a lot of trouble for China.

So, this secret cannot be leaked!

He can only die!"

As if he was worried that Lin Mo had some psychological burden, Ouyang Xiu smiled and said, "In fact, you don't have to think too much. All those who enter these projects will sign a contract before starting. Once they are caught, they must do everything possible to commit suicide!

If suicide fails, they will also cooperate with outsiders to commit suicide!

So they have already been prepared to die when they were caught!"

He patted Lin Mo's shoulder and said nothing more.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely do everything possible to save people!" Lin Mo said, and then he was ready to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute, you are not going alone this time, there are others!" Ouyang Xiu took a few documents from the table: "This is the information of two people, take a look, this time you go out, you are mainly to cooperate with them, these two people are the captains of the team, and they have other people under them, be careful not to conflict with them!"

Lin Mo took the information and nodded.

"Zhang Yao, seventh-grade martial saint, elite soldier of the Chinese military department!

Liu Sheng, seventh-grade martial saint, elite soldier of the Chinese military department!"

Lin Mo looked at the two people in the information with a look of shock on his face.

These two people are not very old, but they have all reached the seventh-grade martial saint realm.

"Too strong, only four years older than me, but so much stronger than me!"

Lin Mo sighed: "Where can I find them?"

"The specific address will be sent to your mobile phone later. You can see that they are all from the Chinese military department. If you have the opportunity in the future, try to enter the Chinese military department. This will be of great benefit to you!

Okay, you get ready and set off later. Remember, if you complete this mission well, you will also get points!"

Lin Mo nodded and turned to leave. He didn't have much to pack, so when he returned to his residence, he received the departure address of this mission on his mobile phone.

After Lin Mo replied with a received, he stood up and walked out of the military department.

Lin Mo was targeted by the formation when he went up the mountain, but he did not bear any pressure when he went down the mountain, so his speed increased many times.

In just ten minutes, Lin Mo arrived at the foot of the mountain.

After spending a little time to get to the road, Lin Mo stopped a car and reported his destination directly.

An hour later, Lin Mo stopped at the gate of the Qikesong Hotel in Beijing.

According to the phone number on the information, Lin Mo called Zhang Yao's mobile phone.

"Hello, Captain Zhang, my name is Lin Mo, and I am the person who cooperated with your action this time. I have arrived now. Where are you?"

"Lin Mo, right!" A woman's voice sounded on the phone: "You go into the hotel, we are in room 666."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mo entered the Qikesong Hotel.

The decoration here is very solemn and solemn. Lin Mo often saw the scenes here on TV when he was in school.

This is where some important banquets are held. Lin Mo did not expect that he would have the opportunity to enter here one day.

"Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?" After entering the gate, a receptionist greeted him with a smile.

"Room 666, my name is Lin Mo." Lin Mo gave his own name and also said Zhang Yao's name.

The receptionist clicked a few times on his phone, looked up at Lin Mo, smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry sir, we didn't see your name on the list..."

For the safety of the hotel, please leave now, thank you! "

The attitude at the front desk was very good and the tone of speech was very respectful.

"Are you sure you don't have my name?" Lin Mo looked at the front desk and spoke again.

"Sir, we are all professionals. We are sure that your name is not here!" The front desk said with a smile: "Maybe you can ask the person in the private room to come down to pick you up!"

Lin Mo nodded and dialed Zhang Yao's phone again: "My name was not found at the front desk. I need you to find someone to pick me up!"

"I know!" Zhang Yao responded on the phone: "Wait a moment, I'll find someone to pick you up right away!"

After a while, Lin Mo saw a young woman coming down from the elevator. She looked at Lin Mo up and down, and couldn't help but reveal a contemptuous smile on her face.

"Lin Mo, right? My name is Zhu Yi, and I'm going to pick you up now!" Zhu Yi stepped forward and looked at the front desk: "I'll take him up. You don't have anything to do here!"

After bowing at the front desk, he turned around and left, with Zhu Yi walking in front.

She was wearing a professional short skirt and a pair of black leather shoes. Her hips kept swaying as she walked, showing off her slim figure.

Zhu Yi is also above average in height and has a good figure, so many people in the Chinese Ministry of War are chasing her.

"Before entering the private room, I have two things to say to you!

First, you are just cooperating with us on this mission, so whatever we ask you to do, just do it and don't cause us any trouble!

Second, don’t make the decision without authorization. Before you do anything, ask us for instructions and do it only after you get consent. Do you understand? "

Zhu Yi stretched out two fingers, looked at Lin Mo, and spoke slowly.

Lin Mo took a deep look at Zhu Yi and said, "Is this what you mean, or what Zhang Yao and the others mean?"

"Is this what you should answer? You just need to answer whether you understand or not!" Zhu Yi glanced at Lin Mo with some displeasure and spoke calmly.


At this moment, the elevator door rang and it had arrived.

When Lin Mo was about to walk out of the elevator door, Zhu Yi took a step forward and stood in front.

"You haven't responded to what I said!" Zhu Yi stared at Lin Mo and spoke coldly.

"If I don't understand, what are you going to do?" Lin Mo said with some displeasure.

"Go back if you don't understand!" Zhu Yi's face darkened: "Who are you? You are just a person who comes to cooperate with our work. How can you find the courage to follow me..."


Before she could finish her words, Lin Mo slapped her in the face.

Zhu Yi obviously didn't expect Lin Mo to take action suddenly, and it was already too late to resist.

This slap hit her face directly, and her face quickly became swollen.

"You..." Zhu Yi's face was filled with anger, and he raised his hand and slapped Lin Mo in the face.


Lin Mo didn't give her a chance. The moment she took action, Lin Mo took action very quickly!

With a bang, Zhu Yi was kicked in the stomach and flew backwards, hitting a door heavily.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several figures rushed out of the room, led by a man and a woman.

These two people are Zhang Yao and Liu Sheng.

Compared with the photos in the profile, Zhang Yao is more beautiful in person. She is wearing a wallet at the moment, looking heroic and unforgettable.

As for Liu Sheng, a man, he naturally has nothing to say.

"Are you Lin Mo?" Liu Sheng had obviously read Lin Mo's information, so after seeing Lin Mo, he immediately said with a stern face: "Please give me an explanation."

"Explain? You can ask her!" Lin Mo pointed at Zhu Yi lying on the ground.

"What happened?" Zhang Yao glanced at Zhu Yi on the ground and asked in a deep voice.

Zhu Yi's face changed slightly and his eyes flickered for a few times before he told what happened.

She didn't add any exaggeration. It was obvious that she felt that she was being justified and she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong at all.

"This matter is indeed our fault!" After Liu Sheng heard this, the look on his face changed slightly, and he looked at Lin Mo and said: "But no matter what, you shouldn't be so harsh!"

"Who do you think you are, you dare to point fingers at me?" Lin Mo looked at Liu Sheng and suddenly spoke.

After the words fell, Liu Sheng's expression changed, his vitality and blood surged, and his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo were extremely cold: "Your Excellency has no enmity with me, why do you say such things to me?

Although I, Liu Sheng, am not a powerful person, I have to teach you a lesson after being humiliated like this! "

"Hahaha, that's really interesting!" Lin Mo looked at the angry Liu Sheng and suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Liu Sheng's face was gloomy.

"I laugh at your double standards. In the same words, he said I can do it, but I said you can't?" Lin Mo pointed at Zhu Yi, Liu Sheng and others: "In that case, it's okay not to do this task!"

As he said that, he turned around and left!

"Hmph! Boss, what are you telling him? He comes and leaves whenever he wants. What do you think we are? He said the wrong thing today. No matter what, we must leave something behind!"

A person spoke in a deep voice!

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