Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 210 Strength is the right to speak

The power of Qi and blood filled the air, Zhu Yi took a step forward, already holding a long knife in his hand.

The blade is glowing with azure light, which is the color produced after special tempering.

There is no doubt that this blade is extremely sharp, as if it can cut through anything!

Liu Sheng and Zhang Yao looked at each other and said nothing.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhu Yi's mouth. Since the two bosses did not speak, they naturally acquiesced in his behavior.

With his strength, facing a mere Martial Saint like Lin Mo, there will naturally be no problem!


At this moment, the snow-white sword light lit up, and Zhu Yi felt a cold light approaching. When he panicked and raised the sword in his hand to resist, he heard a crisp sound!

The blue blade instantly split into two pieces and fell directly to the ground with a crisp sound.

There was a knife across his neck, and the owner of the knife was Lin Mo!

"What do you want me to leave behind?" Lin Mo looked at him and said calmly.

Cold sweat suddenly flowed down Zhu Yi's forehead. He stared at the man in front of him, feeling that he was facing a lion at this moment!

He has the majesty of a lion king and cannot be violated!

"I..." Zhu Yi opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't dare to say anything.

Liu Sheng and Zhang Yao's eyes narrowed, looking at Lin Mo with shocked expressions on their faces.

The sword strike just now was too fast. The bright sword light was filled with endless chill, and it was covered by the sky and the earth. Even they didn't react!

"So strong!" After a long time, Zhang Yao slowly spoke and exclaimed.

The group of people behind them didn't even dare to say a word.

Raising his hand and patting Zhu Yi's shoulder, Lin Mo turned around and left.

Considering Zhu Yi's identity, Lin Mo spared his life.

Looking at Lin Mo's leaving figure, Zhu Yi's eyes gradually turned gloomy, and after a moment, these gloomy colors turned into endless killing intent.

"Lin Mo...I will kill you!"

He roared in a low voice, suppressing his tone as much as possible. Even Zhang Yao and Liu Sheng who were closest to him could only hear a few words.

At this moment, the two of them didn't have anything to say in their hearts. They just sighed slightly. Lin Mo's knife cut not only the knife in Zhu Yi's hand, but also the knife in his heart!

"Zhu Yi, be careful!"

"Lin Mo, stop!"

Just when the two of them were sighing with emotion, the next moment, their expressions suddenly changed!

One of them pounced on Zhu Yi, while the other pounced in the other direction!


It's already late.

The snow-white sword light lit up, and Zhu Yi's head flew out and hit the ground heavily.

Lin Mo's figure appeared there, holding a knife in one hand and a red blood sword in the other.

The scarlet and blazing sword light shone, and the terrifying temperature caused the surrounding air to become distorted.

Liu Sheng had a look of shock on his face, and in his hand was a shield the size of a pot lid being blocked in front of him.

The shield and the sword came into contact, and fire flew everywhere. The terrifying remaining power penetrated along the shield and into Liu Sheng's body. He took a small step back with his feet, and the bricks under his feet turned into powder!

"You two should know why he died!" Lin Mo retracted his sword and spoke calmly.

"Even if it is..." Zhang Yao looked cold. When she was about to say something, the sword flashed and Lin Mo pointed the tip of the sword directly at her.

"If you want to avenge her, you can do it now. I don't mind killing a few more people!" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

When Zhu Yi began to utter arrogant words, Lin Mo had already spared his life.

However, after Lin Mo left, he dared to show his murderous intent.

He even said those words. Lin Mo's mental perception is now extremely powerful. What may be subtle in other people's ears is clear to his ears.

Since you have murderous intentions towards me, instead of keeping you here to cause trouble for me in the future, why not put some effort into killing you now!

Lin Mo's murderous intent was awe-inspiring. Looking at Zhang Yao, as long as she dared to show even the slightest hint of murderous intent, Lin Mo would take action.

With his current strength, he was confident enough to kill a few people and then leave calmly.

Zhang Yao looked at Lin Mo's calm and cold gaze, and suddenly felt a sense of fear in her heart.

"Mr. Lin, I apologize to you on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of War!"

At this time, Liu Sheng on the side spoke, and he took the initiative to put away the shield in his hand: "Zhu Yi has evil intentions and wants to attack Mr. Lin, and he will deserve to die.

Now that the culprit is dead, can our mission continue? "

Liu Sheng's words made Zhang Yao's eyes flicker. After a moment, Zhang Yao also took two steps back, with a kind smile on her pretty face.

"Mr. Lin, what Liu Sheng said is right. The culprit is dead and our cooperation can continue!"

Zhang Yao has a good face, and when she smiles at this moment, it is more like a cold wintersweet suddenly dotted with some melted snow, full of unparalleled vitality.

To ordinary people, this is undoubtedly a very attractive woman, but to Lin Mo, seeing her two faces, Lin Mo only feels hypocritical.

"You two are right. Since the culprit is dead, the mission can naturally continue!" Lin Mo stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "I wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Of course, our cooperation will be very pleasant!" Liu Sheng and Zhang Yao looked at each other, with surprise on their faces. They didn't expect that this matter would be revealed so lightly!

But this is the best, Lin Mo doesn't care, after they are willing to join, their strength will inevitably increase dramatically, and the difficulty of completing this mission will also be reduced a lot!

When the others saw Lin Mo joining, they looked at him with awe on their faces.

Lin Mo doesn't really care. This is how the world is. When you have no strength, everyone can come up and step on you. When your strength improves, everyone in the world will become your friends and show you a friendly smile. !

"Tell me about the specific arrangements for this mission. I only roughly understand the cause of the matter and the goal of the mission. The specific situation is not very clear yet!"

Lin Mo looked at Liu Sheng. Lin Mo was more willing to deal with Liu Sheng than Zhang Yao.

"The target of this mission is Zhang Ye. He is a senior student at Huaxia Military University. He has been engaged in a highly confidential research project since his junior year.

Some time ago, when he was traveling abroad, he was kidnapped by beautiful Chinese people!

We don’t know the specific details of his arrest, but the beautiful people must know his identity. Once he is caught, the consequences will be disastrous!


Liu Sheng spoke and confirmed the mission target with Lin Mo again.

"Mr. Lin, to tell you the truth, before you joined, our mission goal was actually to behead people!

After you join, I feel that although our goal is still to behead people, if there is a possibility of rescue, we still have to choose rescue! "

The smile on Liu Sheng's face was kind, and when he faced Lin Mo, he felt like he was facing an old friend for many years.

It’s impossible to tell that just ten minutes ago they were fighting each other with swords and fighting to the death!

"Then try it!"

Lin Mo nodded. Liu Sheng is a smart man and has a flexible bottom line. This mission will definitely be much easier.

"Now that we know the specific content of the mission, let's get ready to go, because the place where Zhang Ye disappeared is in the country of Yue, and according to our arrangements, we will enter the country of Yue in a special way.

After we get there, all our actions have nothing to do with China!

We will be alone, please know this! "

After seeing everyone nodding, he took out a phone from his small bag and dialed a number.

"We are ready to go at any time!"

After saying these words, Liu Sheng hung up the phone directly.

"Someone will arrange for us to enter Vietnam soon!"

A group of people were waiting quietly in the hotel. The body on the ground had been dragged away by the waiter half an hour ago.

They put their heads and bodies together in an orderly manner, and then wiped the blood off the ground calmly.

Lin Mo stared at their movements and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"It's nothing surprising. This is a high-end place, but the more high-end the place, the more common such bloody scenes are!" Liu Sheng explained lightly.

"The ultimate power needs to be demonstrated with blood!" Lin Mo murmured.

At this moment, a deep male voice sounded outside the door.

"Mr. Liu, the car is ready and ready to go at any time!"

Liu Sheng stood up and looked at everyone.

Everyone got up, took their backpacks, and followed Liu Sheng and Zhang Yao out of the private room.

Following them, they silently boarded a bus.

Soon, the bus left the city and entered a deep mountain somewhere.

An hour later, a helicopter that could not find any information took off from the depths of the mountains and headed towards an uninhabited area on the border of China.

In the no-man's land, there is a dilapidated transport plane waiting for them.

Seeing Liu Sheng, the pilot of the transport plane greeted him warmly: "My dear Liu, welcome to your arrival. I believe this will be an unforgettable trip!"

"Dear Torsi, I also believe that we will enjoy this journey!" Liu Sheng responded in a Westerner's way of speaking.

After the two hugged, everyone filed into the cabin.

"?, it stinks!"

As soon as they entered the cabin, someone couldn't help but curse.

"Sorry, sorry, I delivered agricultural products for a friend before and I didn't have time to clean them up. Please bear with me!"

Torsi explained with a smile, but there was no trace of apology on his face.

"Agricultural products, damn, this is pig manure, Torsi, you are pulling pigs on a transport plane!" Liu Sheng also shouted, with a look of disgust on his face.

Torsi shrugged: "My friend, believe me, this is the best tool I can provide you..."

"Okay, let's go!" Liu Sheng didn't bother to say more and waved his hand to get him ready to go!

Soon, the transport plane made a series of vibrations, and the old engine roared, delivering a steady stream of power, dragging the dilapidated body to continuously accelerate, and finally the transport plane slowly lifted off.

Lin Mo took a look at the cabin and finally found a few skydiving backpacks in the corner, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I hope everything goes well..." Lin Mo prayed silently.

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