The roar of the engine made people feel their heads buzzing, and the entire cabin was constantly shaking.

Above the clouds, the dilapidated transport plane was swaying forward. A group of people in the cabin looked pale, fearing that the turbulence would roll this plane, which had already reached retirement age, into powder...

"Is this... practicing?"

Zhang Yao's face was a little ugly. When she wanted to complain, she saw Lin Mo sitting on a stool.

At this moment, Lin Mo's eyes were slightly closed, and the looming blood power wrapped him up.

"He is indeed practicing, and I feel that the speed at which his blood power increases is a bit terrifying!" Liu Sheng was also looking at Lin Mo, with a solemn look on his face.

In such an environment, let alone practicing, many people couldn't even complete a conversation.

But now, Lin Mo is actually practicing, and the speed of practice is not slow!

"It's a bit evil!" Zhang Yao spoke slowly.


At this moment, the whole fuselage shook, and then there was a bang, as if something fell off!

Immediately afterwards, an alarm sounded in the cockpit in front.


The door opened, and Tuersi in the cockpit looked grim. After entering the cabin, he cleared his throat and said, "Gentlemen, and of course ladies, I have to tell you a bad news. Just a minute ago, a piece of sheet metal fell off the left wing.

And it seemed to have rubbed against the fuselage during the fall, causing damage to the fuselage. According to my years of experience, the plane is about to crash..."

"? It's about to crash, what are you still talking about, where's the parachute bag, hurry up and put it on, everyone, get ready to parachute!"

Liu Sheng showed an angry look on his face, rushed to the side and threw the parachute bag to everyone.

"Lin Mo, hurry up, the plane is going to crash!" Zhang Yao raised his hand and patted Lin Mo.

Lin Mo opened his eyes, looked around, and was speechless.

It's too unreliable to have a plane crash on the first flight!

A group of people hurriedly put on their parachute bags and kicked the cabin door open.

The frenzied airflow flowed through the cabin door, and a terrifying pressure difference was formed between the different air pressures. Everyone exclaimed and flew out of the cabin directly!

In mid-air, they saw the dense forest below looming in the mist.

"Fortunately, we have reached the border. As long as we cross the dense forest, we can reach Yue State!"

Tuo Er Si spoke loudly. Fortunately, they were not far away, and a group of people were all practitioners, so they could hear each other's voices.

"Damn Tuo Er Si, you have always been so unreliable. Sooner or later, I will be killed by you!"

Liu Sheng spoke loudly with dissatisfaction on his face.

Tuo Er Si shrugged: "My dear Liu, you must know that no one can send you to Yue State without anyone noticing except me!

Okay, get ready, we are about to enter the dense forest!"

While everyone was talking, they had reached the lowest point. After pulling the parachute, the speed of the group of people dropped sharply!

At this time, the control level of each person was revealed. Some people were in a hurry and ended up hanging on the treetops.

Some people crashed directly into the tree trunk and were injured.

Lin Mo's mental power spread out, and at the same time, the blood and qi in his body surged. The parachute was completely under Lin Mo's control and glided at will.

"What a terrifying blood and qi control ability!" Liu Sheng was not far from Lin Mo. After seeing this scene, he showed a shocked look on his face.

Lin Mo directly used the blood and qi to form a storm and control the movement of the parachute.

Such an operation requires a terrifying control of the blood and qi!

Liu Sheng's current strength is simply not enough, but Lin Mo's realm is obviously lower than his, but he can control it so easily.

Half an hour later, a group of people gathered under the dense forest!

Some people were injured during the landing process. Fortunately, this is still the territory of China, so after contacting through the satellite phone, these injured people were left here to wait for rescue, and the rest continued to move forward.

"Keep going in this direction, and you will reach Yue in at most one day. Of course, you need to pay attention to the mines in this dense forest. I don't know how many mines those damn Yue guys buried here!"

Tuoersi waved at everyone: "I was thinking of sending you there in person, but unfortunately, my foot is injured..."

Tuoersi looked regretful.

"Damn Tuersi, if you dare to pretend again, I will find someone to carry you!" Liu Sheng punched Tuersi.

Tuoersi was so scared that he shut up and stood in front of several wounded people.

"Lin Mo, I hope you can help use your spiritual perception to see if there is any danger on this road..." Liu Sheng stepped forward, asking in his tone.

"Okay!" Lin Mo nodded, and the next moment his spiritual power dispersed instantly.

Now there are only five of them left, Lin Mo is walking in the front, his speed is very fast, and when he walks, the blood and qi under his feet flow, leaving a line of footprints on the ground.

"So strong!" Zhang Yao looked at Lin Mo's back and couldn't help but sigh.

Everyone stepped on Lin Mo's footprints until they walked out of the mountain boundary, and there was no danger at all.

At this time, everyone looked at Lin Mo with awe.

"Okay, we have finally reached the border. Please be careful later, you may encounter patrols!" Liu Sheng said, and led a group of people to choose a hidden route.


A voice sounded, but the tone was a little strange.

"Yue people!" Liu Sheng winked at the person behind him.


The man rushed out instantly, and the dagger in his hand plunged into the patrolman's neck like lightning.

Blood spurted out and the patrolman fell to the ground.

Two men stepped forward and buried the body under thick dead leaves.

"Let's go!" Liu Sheng said, leading a group of people forward.

After crossing the border, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief.

"This is the country of Yue. I feel that the environment is no different from that of China..." Someone sighed with emotion.

"Compared with China, the country of Yue is still far behind. In my opinion, the people here are all monkeys!" A person said with a look of contempt on his face.

"Stop!" At this moment, Lin Mo, who was walking behind, suddenly spoke and looked at the man who said that the Yue people were monkeys.

"Lin...Mr. Lin?" The man turned around and looked at Lin Mo, with a smile on his face: "If I said something wrong, I can apologize..."

"You said nothing wrong. I want to remind you that the distance one step ahead of you is a landmine!" Lin Mo pointed to a place not far away from the man.

The man's face changed slightly, and then he squatted down slightly, concentrated his energy, and explored forward.

Compared with Lin Mo, his mental power is too weak and cannot be explored at all.

Lin Mo stepped forward and swept away the dead leaves on the ground, revealing the iron knots underneath.

"It's this kind of landmine with meteorite beads inside. It is said that the meteorite beads contain special ingredients that can produce powerful lethality to cultivators!

Fortunately, you reminded me, Mr. Lin, thank you! "

The man looked at Lin Mo with a grateful look on his face.

Just as he was about to cross the mines and continue moving forward, Lin Mo suddenly spoke again: "Wait a minute, it's better for me to walk in front, there are more than one mines!"

After hearing this, the expressions of a group of people changed. There are actually more landmines here than in China!

"Why is this happening?"

Liu Sheng frowned and looked at Lin Mo: "Is there something nearby?"

Lin Mo thought for a moment and spread his mental power forward!

Then he led everyone forward.

Compared with before, Lin Mo's mental power covered a wider area this time. An area of ​​about one kilometer was covered by Lin Mo's mental power!

After walking for about half an hour, Lin Mo stopped, then raised his hand slightly: "In that direction, there is a large building with many people inside!"

"Would you like to go take a look?" Someone looked at Liu Sheng.

"Mr. Lin, do you think you should go and have a look!"

Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo again.

"Let's go and have a look. I just happened to find someone to ask for directions. Keeping walking like this is really not an option!

Plus, we might be able to get transportation from them! Lin Mo said with a smile.

A group of people slowed down their pace, and at the same time their energy and blood converged, and they silently sneaked towards the gathering place.

Ten minutes later, a building complex measuring over a thousand square meters appeared in front of everyone.

It can be seen that at every important corner, there is a Vietnamese soldier with guns and live ammunition guarding there.

Lin Mo saw a group of people living in the dilapidated house. They were in ragged clothes and had sallow faces. They looked like they were going to die at any time.

"Isn't this a scam camp?" One person said, "It feels like there are a lot of people inside!"

"Save people, these people shouldn't be delayed for long!" Liu Sheng was silent for a moment and said: "Zhang Ying, you and Zhang Yao will deal with all the machine gunners, and Lin Mo and I will be responsible for dealing with the stronger ones!

As for Yue Peng, you are relatively weak. Follow us and help us observe the surrounding situation. If there is any problem, we will warn you immediately! "

Everyone nodded. Faced with this rescue operation, even Lin Mo didn't think it was nosy.

Whoosh whoosh!

There was a burst of wind, and then the soldiers with guns fell to the ground!

Didi didi!

A siren sounded, and then Lin Mo saw several figures rushing out.

The leader was at least two meters tall, and his whole body was covered with extremely explosive muscles.

"Third-grade Martial Saint!"

Lin Mo and Liu Sheng glanced at each other. In such a deep mountain forest, there was actually a martial saint sitting in command!

The development of martial arts in the Yue Kingdom lagged far behind that of China, so martial arts saints were extremely rare.

But there is actually a Martial Saint here!

"Chinese!" The tall Martial Saint looked at Lin Mo and said coldly.

His Chinese is very standard, and he even looks like a Chinese.

"Are you Chinese too?" Lin Mo looked at him and asked in a deep voice.

"It turns out we are compatriots!" The tall man looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "It seems there is a misunderstanding. If you have anything, as long as I can help, I will definitely help!"

The man said it was a misunderstanding, but he still had a vigilant look on his face and did not dare to relax at all.

In fact, Lin Mo and others were looking around vigilantly. They were worried that there were other strong men hiding in the dark!

Fortunately, they thought too much. The tall man in front of them was indeed the strongest fighter!

"Mr. Lin, should you take action or should I take action!?" Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo and asked with a faint smile.

"Let me take action. It's a good opportunity to practice!" Lin Mo smiled, and then rushed directly towards the tall man!

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