Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 212: The Abyss in the Well


A figure flashed past, and at the same time, a figure hit the ground heavily.

Lin Mo stood there and slowly put away his fists.

"Instant kill!"

Liu Sheng stood aside. He originally wanted to see Lin Mo's true strength, but unexpectedly, he killed him instantly again!

"Strong! Very strong!" Liu Sheng silently gave Lin Mo a noun in his heart.

Then, Lin Mo looked at several locked rooms not far away.



Several sounds sounded, Lin Mo cut off the lock on the door, and then pushed the door open!

The sun shines into the house, and the scene makes people take a breath!

Inside the house, there were people sleeping everywhere. The most important thing was that men and women were mixed here!

Some women didn't even wear much clothing, just lying there with despairing eyes.

There are even some people who are moving numbly, like ghosts enjoying the last pleasure in hell!

Lin Mo had a look of disgust on his face and coughed lightly: "I have killed all the people here, you can leave!"

At this time, light appeared in the eyes of some people in the room. They rushed out and looked at the corpses on the ground, and finally their eyes fell on the tall man.


Some people came forward and punched and kicked the body.

After a long time, everyone stood in the yard, with different expressions on their faces. Some were excited, some were scared, and some were numb!

"I've already had a phone call with Hua Xia, and someone will pick you up soon!"

"What, do you want us to go back to China?" At this moment, a young man in the crowd spoke.

With a look of disdain on his face, he stepped forward and said, "I came to Vietnam just to make money, and you want me to go back?

I won't go back! "

"If you don't want to go back, you can go to Yue Kingdom by yourself!" Lin Mo said lightly: "If you don't want to go back, you can go to Yue Kingdom by yourself!"

In the crowd, more than a dozen people gathered together. They were all young, only in their twenties at most. At this moment, they looked at Lin Mo and others with a condescending look in their eyes.

"You guys should be the rescuers sent by China. Since you are here to save us, you have an obligation to ensure our safety!

Now we are going to the country of Yue to make a lot of money. You guys will escort us to the country of Yue! "

A young man at the head pointed at Lin Mo's nose and ordered loudly.

Others also stared at Lin Mo and others as if they were taking it for granted.

"You don't plan to go back to China, do you?" Lin Mo looked at the few people who stood up and said calmly.

"Did you fucking lose your brain when you were a soldier? Don't you understand what I just said?

I want you to escort us to Vietnam!

Otherwise, when I get to Yue and find my phone, I will expose you on the Internet!

Then just wait to be sprayed! "

Lin Mo smiled: "Okay, I understand, don't worry, I will escort you to Yue country after sending them back!"

“They are trash, they don’t even dare to take the opportunity to make a lot of money in Vietnam, so why send them back!

Just leave it here to fend for yourself!

You send us there now, don't let these wastes delay us from making a lot of money! "

The leading young man spoke loudly with an unhappy look on his face.

"Don't push yourself too far!" Zhang Yao said calmly with a cold face.

More than a dozen people were about to get angry, but when they saw the corpse on the ground, they suppressed their anger.

"Okay, I'm just being kind and wait for a while. I can eat something to replenish my strength!"

More than a dozen people rushed to the far room, kicked open the door, and then saw them taking out all the food inside and devouring it!

When some people who were preparing to return to China wanted to take a bite, they were roughly pushed aside by the leading young man: "Go away, you losers don't deserve to eat the same thing as us!"

Several people were pushed aside and stood in their original positions with looks of fear on their faces.

Half an hour later, two transport planes hung overhead. After taking away all those who were willing to return to China, there were only fifteen people left in the entire camp who were determined to go to Yue!

"Okay, those losers are gone, let's go!

By the way, we have been detained for too long during this period and have no time to exercise, so why don't you carry me on your back?

I'm worried that the journey will be too long and I'll be exhausted..."


As soon as the leading young man finished speaking, Lin Mo stood in front of him and punched out!

After a muffled sound, a huge bloody hole appeared on the man's chest, which looked extremely terrifying.


The young man's eyes widened, and when he opened his mouth to say something, he could only spit out mouthfuls of blood.

Lin Mo pushed with his hand calmly, and the man fell directly to the ground!

"Kill...kill someone!"

When the remaining group of people saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically and they shouted sharply.

Puff puff!

Lin Mo took action one after another, and five more people fell to the ground, trembling twice and then losing their breath!

Such a scene directly frightened the remaining nine people.

In fact, Liu Sheng and others were so frightened that they didn't expect Lin Mo to take the initiative!

Killed six at once!

"We...we are willing to return to China, please don't kill us!" The remaining nine people knelt on the ground and spoke tremblingly with pleading looks on their faces.

"Sorry, there are no planes!" Lin Mo chuckled and looked at Liu Sheng and others: "Look at the information on your mobile phones, these people are all people who escaped after doing bad things, and they deserved to die!

It’s okay to leave the rest to you! "

Lin Mo dropped these words and stood aside.

Liu Sheng and others took out their mobile phones and saw the email Lin Mo sent them.

The information above is exactly that of the dozen or so people in front of me.

One by one, these people are all people who escaped after committing serious crimes. Some people killed people, some raped and killed serially, and some...

In short, all these people in front of me deserved their death.

"Kill!" Liu Sheng said calmly after reading the information.

The next moment, the two people behind him rushed in and started slashing.

A few minutes later, everyone fell into a pool of blood.

The blood flowed out and slowly gathered into a blood stream, flowing on the ground.

"There's something wrong. Look at the blood. Does it look like it's flowing spontaneously?"

At this moment, Zhang Yao suddenly spoke and pointed at the blood stains on the ground.

Lin Mo lowered his head and saw blood gathering, all flowing in one direction.

Looking in the direction of the blood flow, they finally saw a dry well on the ground.

Blood was flowing into the well.

"The location of this well is not the lowest here. Logically speaking, it is impossible for all the blood to gather towards the mouth of the well!"

Zhang Yao spoke again, her pretty face full of doubts.

Lin Mo's spiritual power flowed slowly and shrouded forward at the same time.

At this time, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and then his face became serious.

"There's something in the well!"

After he said these words, he looked at Liu Sheng: "There should be danger, so should we go down together, or find two people to accompany me!"

"I'll go down with you. Such a big thing happened here, and it will definitely alarm others later. Zhang Yao needs to stay up there.

My strength is not weak. If there is still danger if the two of us go down, it will be useless even if everyone goes down! "

Lin Mo nodded and agreed with Liu Sheng's suggestion.

The two jumped directly from the mouth of the well, and soon they hit the bottom of the well.

"There's no danger!" Liu Sheng had a puzzled look on his face.

Lin Mo's eyes were constantly groping on the well wall.

After a while, Lin Mo's face showed a smile, and he saw a pattern.

It looks like a volcano erupting above, but all the things erupted from the volcano are evil spirits!

Lin Mo thought for a while, then raised his hand and used his right hand as a knife to slash at the evil ghosts!

Following a wave of breath, a luminous entrance appeared beneath the two of them!

"Could it be an abyss?" Lin Mo looked at the scene in front of him and spoke slowly.

"It should be the abyss!" Liu Sheng's face showed a look of surprise: "Want to go in and have a look?"

Lin Mo nodded and frowned slightly, because he always felt that if this entrance was the entrance to the abyss, it would be a bit too simple!

The two of them entered the abyss directly. After all the fluctuations stabilized, they looked around and were shocked.

The scope of the entire abyss is actually very small. After some estimation, it should be about the same size as this camp.

"The secret realm of the abyss? Or is this a small abyss?" Liu Sheng said, with a confused look on his face.

Obviously he has never encountered this situation.

Lin Mo frowned slightly. The last martial arts museum was similar to this one, except that the area of ​​that martial arts museum was more than a hundred times larger than this one!

"It's probably the same as the museum, it's a small special abyss!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Then he looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the sun in the sky.

The sun here is completely different from the sun outside. This is a blood-red ball hanging there.

"It's not the sun, it should be something else!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice. The next moment he directly used the Yan Xiang Technique and rushed towards the sun!

A burning sensation hit his face, but Lin Mo didn't panic at all. Instead, he used the power of Qi and blood all over his body to cover himself!

The power of ice-attributed energy and blood can insulate heat. Now even if Lin Mo takes a bath in boiling water, he will have no problem!

Soon, a smile appeared on Lin Mo's face. His guess was right. The sun in the abyss was fake. He could easily raise his hand to catch the sun!


The moment Lin Mo took hold, a huge amount of energy began to fluctuate, and in a very short period of time, it had already poured into Lin Mo's body!

Feeling the energy entering, Lin Mo originally had a smile on his face, but after sensing the properties of the energy, his expression changed drastically!

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