Energy gathered and continuously shuttled through Lin Mo's meridians.

Along with the shuttle of energy, traces of negative emotions flowed in my mind.

The shocked look in Lin Mo's eyes slowly turned into confusion.

"Lin Mo...what's wrong with you?"

Liu Sheng below looked nervous, because he felt a terrifying power in Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo, who had reached an advanced level of proficiency in Yan Xiang Shu, could stand in the air for nearly a minute.

In confusion, Lin Mo's body slowly landed.

Liu Sheng frowned, his eyes tense, and he stepped back step by step.

There was an aura flowing from Lin Mo's body, which made him even more afraid than before.

Liu Sheng's voice fell, but he didn't get any response. Lin Mo still stood there, not even looking back.

"What's that in his hand?"

Liu Sheng's eyes fell on Lin Mo's hands, and the head-sized sun was held in his arms.

As the light flashes, energy is constantly escaping.

Wisps of pure energy, part of it entered Lin Mo's body, and part of it was scattered between heaven and earth.


Liu Sheng used his own cultivation techniques and tried to absorb the energy.

In an instant, the energy exploded in his body, and there seemed to be endless ghosts roaring in his mind.


Liu Sheng roared angrily, and the power of Qi and blood in his body boiled, evaporating this ray of energy.

When all the energy disappeared, Liu Sheng's eyes changed when he looked at Lin Mo.

How terrifying this energy is can only be understood after experiencing it.

Lin Mo just stood there at this moment, allowing a steady stream of energy to enter his body.

Pursing his lips, he walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

"Lin Mo..."

"Lin Mo..."

He called twice, but got no response.

He raised his hand and patted Lin Mo on the shoulder.


A vast force washed out from Lin Mo's body, and the concussive force was like a wave set off by an explosion, rushing Liu Sheng into the sky!


Liu Sheng fell from the air and looked at Lin Mo with a look of shock in his eyes.

"What... did you get?!" Liu Sheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, covered his chest and stayed a hundred meters away from Lin Mo, waiting silently.

At this moment, Lin Mo seemed to be in a dream, with countless scenes flashing before his eyes.

The shrill roar kept ringing in his ears.

In the haze, he saw a girl standing there covered in blood, that was Ye Qing.

"Lin Mo, I have suffered so much from you. You have offended others, but you want us to bear all this!"

At the same time, Lin Mo saw his parents and sister approaching in the distance, also covered in blood, with miserable looks on their faces.

"Lin Mo, our whole family is going to be killed by you..."

The parents spoke with blood at the corners of their mouths.

But his sister didn't say a word, just stood there quietly.

But Lin Mo clearly saw that there were wounds everywhere on his sister's body, and her life was constantly draining away.


Lin Mo suddenly chuckled, took a step forward, and punched forward fiercely.

The surging fist power surged forward, and in an instant, the scene in front of him was completely destroyed!

"Compared with dreams, these so-called illusions are so fake!" Lin Mo said disdainfully.

He is a person who has experienced dreams, and hallucinations like this will not have any impact on him at all.

Just after the scene in front of him disappeared, a newer illusion appeared in front of him.

That's all that ever happened in this camp.

The shrill cries of women and children, some had their hands and feet cut off, some had their blood drained alive...

Purgatory on earth!

Such a scene appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes.

“These scenes are quite scary, but I really don’t feel anything.

If I guess correctly, you should represent another kind of extreme energy...

The teacher once told me that there are eight different ultimate energies in the world: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and darkness.

Therefore, the energy you represent should be dark!

It's amazing. It's obviously dark energy, but it can shine like the sun! "

The confusion in Lin Mo's eyes began to dissipate, and at the same time, the light ball in his hand began to tremble.


At this moment, a ray of light suddenly burst out from the light ball in his hand, and instantly entered Lin Mo's mind!

Those energies entered the mind and wildly devoured Lin Mo's mental power.

"This scene... seems familiar!" Lin Mo smiled.

Sure enough, the next moment, those prompts appeared before his eyes again...

"Game loading...Unknown energy detected...

Start sealing..."

The same situation occurred when the spiritual eye was first created.

Sure enough, after a while all the energy fluctuations calmed down.

The aura on Lin Mo's body began to surge, and in just a few minutes, he had reached the second-grade Martial Saint realm!

In the end, Lin Mo's blood value stopped at about 23,000.

The excess energy was also sealed in Lin Mo's body.

The ball of light in his hand also disappeared, leaving only a small black ball the size of a pigeon egg.

Looking at the black ball in his hand, Lin Mo's expression became solemn.

Because he was sure that this was the ultimate dark attribute energy ball.

If what he got from the ice dragon was an ice card, then this dark attribute ball should give him dark attributes!

But currently Lin Mo has mastered ice and thunder attributes. If he adds another dark attribute...will there be any problems?

"I wonder if there is anyone in this world who has more than three attributes!" Lin Mo frowned, thinking silently in his heart.

At this time, Liu Sheng's voice sounded behind him: "Lin...Lin Mo, are you okay?"

Turning around, he saw Liu Sheng walking towards him warily.

Lin Mo noticed that he was clutching his chest, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth, looking extremely miserable.

"I'm fine. I just had an accident. The sun is actually an energy body. Some of the energy just entered my body, and some of the energy escaped..."

Lin Mo opened his mouth to explain, pondered for a moment, and took out ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills from his body: "Logically speaking, the energy balls should be divided equally between the two of us, but I have absorbed almost all of them, so these Qi and Blood Dan, Brother Liu Sheng, take it!”

Liu Sheng looked at the high-level Qi and Blood Pill in Lin Mo's hand, and his eyes suddenly flashed.

The current price of high-grade Qi and Blood Pills on the market is still close to 20 million.

Each one can provide 100 points of qi and blood. Even if they can't all be integrated, Liu Sheng's talent can still increase at least 90 points of qi and blood!

This increase is almost equivalent to a week of sleepless practice now!

The price of ten Qi and Blood Pills is already close to 200 million!

"Brother Lin Mo, this... is too valuable, I can't have it!" Liu Sheng was very eager, but still postponed it for a while.

"Brother Liu Sheng, since you call me brother, we must share blessings and share hardships. The energy contained in the energy ball is actually much higher than these ten Qi and Blood Pills, but I can't share the energy equally. !”

As Lin Mo spoke, he deliberately said with a sullen face: "Is it too little for Brother Liu Sheng?"

"Brother Lin Mo, what you said is too outrageous!" Liu Sheng waved his hands repeatedly, with a look of helplessness, and accepted all ten Qi and Blood Pills: "In this case, these Qi and Blood Pills, brother, I am ashamed Suffer it!

In the future, if you need any help, just ask! "

After accepting the Qi and Blood Pill, Liu Sheng was extremely excited.

This is an asset close to 200 million. The most important thing is that there is no need to worry about not being able to sell the Qi Blood Pill.

Once a high-level Qi and Blood Pill is released, many people will rush to acquire it.

Even if he doesn't sell it, he can absorb it by himself and increase his health points by nearly 900.

In fact, he no longer covets the energy ball that Lin Mo got. After all, he has no ability to absorb such terrifying energy even if it is given to him!

Therefore, Liu Sheng was extremely satisfied with Lin Mo's arrangement.

"By the way, Brother Lin, I feel that the aura on your body has increased a lot...can you absorb that energy?"

Liu Sheng thought of the terrifying negative power, and a look of fear emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"Actually, it's not me who's absorbing it, but the energy that's being forcibly poured into my body..." Lin Mo thought for a while, then made it up: "You should know that I'm the ultimate ice attribute martial artist. After entering the body, the ice attribute energy froze most of that energy!

In addition, my mental strength is very strong and I can resist some negative energy, so in the end, I absorbed some of that energy. Although it was not much, it also improved my blood value a lot...

About 2,500 points of health! "

Two thousand five hundred points!

After hearing Lin Mo report this number, he had a shocked look on his face.

Just such a short period of time directly increased the health value of many people for a year!

How terrifying!

While feeling envious in his heart, Liu Sheng also had a little fear and happiness in his eyes.

Fortunately, they did not choose to turn against each other before, but directly chose to cooperate.

This mission will be much smoother with Lin Mo here!

"What should we do next?" After gathering his thoughts, Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo again.

Lin Mo's mental power spread out and enveloped the entire abyss. After a moment, he slowly converged and said: "There should be nothing else here, we can go out!"

The area of ​​​​this abyss is too small, and except for the dark energy ball, nothing else exists.

Therefore, there is not much room for development.

"According to regulations, we need to record the location here, but since there is nothing here anymore, I think this matter can be dispensed with!"

Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo and expressed his thoughts.

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Brother Liu takes charge of everything!"

He chuckled in his heart. After Liu Sheng received his Qi and Blood Pill, he indeed chose to hide the matter.

In this way, there is no need to worry about that ball of dark energy.

Therefore, most of the time, this world is not a matter of fighting and killing, but a matter of human nature!

"Brother Liu, what do the brothers outside say?" Lin Mo thought for a while and said, "Brother, there are five high-level Qi and Blood Pills here. I will take them all out and let them share a share. How about that?"

"Brother Lin, open up!" Liu Sheng's eyes lit up and he gave Lin Mo a thumbs up.

In this way, everyone benefits, and naturally no one will tell the outside world about what happened here!

After the two made up their minds, they turned around and left the abyss.

We have spent quite a long time here, and the rescue mission has not been completed yet!

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