"Thank you Brother Lin!"

"Thank you!"

After leaving the abyss, Lin Mo took out five Qi and Blood Pills and roughly explained what happened inside.

After getting the Qi and Blood Pill, Zhang Yao and others were able to get a little more than one pill each, and the value was already close to 30 million.

It was already an unexpected blessing for them, and since there was nothing in the abyss, they were very in favor of keeping it secret.

After all, only by muttering can you make a fortune!

"Since everyone has no objections, let's leave now. There are still tasks we need to do!"

Liu Sheng made a final summary, and then left here with everyone in the car.

Relying on the navigation system in the car, a group of people drove their Mercedes-Benz quickly on a safe road, and soon saw a giant city appearing in the distance.

As time goes by, the giant city continues to expand before our eyes.

"We are here, Neihe City, the largest city in the country of Yue!" Liu Sheng pointed to the giant city in the distance and introduced: "The economy of the entire country of Yue is not very good, but several cities headed by Neihe City are developing very well. .

This place is called the paradise of Yue, but some people also call it the city of sin..."

Liu Sheng's words made a group of people show meaningful smiles on their faces.

Because the car was driven from that camp and had various documents issued by the inland river authorities, they were able to travel smoothly without any obstruction.

"The last news about Zhang Ye came from Neihe. The area of ​​influence he was in seemed to belong to an organization called Dark Wolf in Neihe.

Therefore, if we want to get information about him, we'd better start with the Dark Wolf! "

Lin Mo had seen the information Liu Sheng mentioned in the information.

The Dark Wolf organization is one of the three major black organizations in Neihe.

The remaining two organizations are the Falcons and the Blood Foxes.

The strongest members of the three organizations are all eighth-level Martial Saints, and even Liu Sheng is no match for them.

Therefore, it may not be too easy to get information about Zhang Ye from the Dark Wolf organization.

"Zhang Yao, please tell us our next plan!"

Liu Sheng looked at Zhang Yao and said, "Others remember what they have to do and cooperate!"

Everyone nodded and looked at Zhang Yao.

"The Dark Wolf organization has a wide range of operations, including casinos and karaoke bars!

Among them, Zhang Ye worked at a karaoke bar called Fengyue run by the Dark Wolf organization before he left.

We can start from this karaoke bar!

The plan is this. Lin Mo and Liu Sheng are responsible for entering the karaoke hall to look for clues about Zhang Ye. We are responsible for covering up outside. If there is any trouble, we will notify you in time! "

"Does anyone else have any questions?" Liu Sheng looked at everyone.

"Boss, you two should take it easy after you go in. I heard that the girls in this karaoke bar in Yue country... Hehe, they are not very old!

When the time comes, don’t spend all your money on it! "

Yue Peng looked wretched and winked at Lin Mo and Liu Sheng.

I have to say that after Lin Mo paid fifteen Qi and Blood Pills, his relationship with everyone became much more harmonious, especially Yue Peng, who had already started to engage in pornography!

"Okay, you think everyone is the same as you, not a good thing!" Liu Sheng glared at him, then looked at Lin Mo: "Brother Lin Mo, let's go!"

Lin Mo nodded, and following the navigation, they arrived at Fengyue Song Hall.

It's said to be a karaoke hall, but actually it's more like a Chinese club.

But compared to China, the quality here is still a bit low.

However, although the grade is a bit low, it still has everything it needs.

The two girls guarding the door saw that Lin Mo and Liu Sheng seemed to be Chinese, and even enthusiastically changed into Chinese and shouted: "Hello, boss!"

They are all young, with youthful smiles on their faces, a faint fragrance on their bodies, and sweet voices. If their concentration is slightly weaker, they will fall.

Lin Mo nodded lightly and followed Liu Sheng in.

To be honest, this was his first time in such a situation and he didn't know what to do!

"Brother Lin Mo, relax..." Liu Sheng said with a smile: "Let me tell you the truth, these high-end karaoke bars in Yue are actually prepared for foreigners.

Chinese people, beautiful people, neon people, Asan people... they all like to set up companies and do business in Vietnam, and they still have the most customers here!

If we carry out missions in the future, we will sometimes enter and leave such situations, and some vigilant people can even judge some of your information through your facial expressions..."

After Liu Sheng finished speaking, he saw that Lin Mo's expression had become much more natural. He even calmly waved to the bartender and ordered a glass of strong drink.

"What a strong adaptability!" Liu Sheng secretly admired and ordered a cocktail.

After the bartender delivered the drinks to the two of them, when he was about to leave, Lin Mo suddenly stuffed a note into the bartender's pocket.

The bartender looked at the one hundred dollar bill, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Sir, do you have any orders?

If you like a girl, you can tell me and I can add some spices to her drink later. When the time comes...hehe! "

The bartender had a lewd look on his face and glanced at the few girls around him.

They were all wearing heavy makeup, and their eyes were constantly scanning the many men at the bar and booths.

It was obvious that these girls were picking people.

A few girls glanced at Lin Mo and their eyes lit up immediately.

Not to mention other things, Lin Mo's appearance alone has crushed many people.

"No need, we came here to inquire about someone!" Lin Mo smiled and opened his mobile phone, and clicked on Zhang Ye's photo: "Have you seen this person?"

The bartender glanced at the person on the phone, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Sorry, I haven't seen him!" The bartender shook his head and turned around to do other things.

"He's lying!" Liu Sheng and Lin Mo looked at each other and said in unison.

At this time, the little girl who had been observing them silently suddenly approached them and said with a smile: "This person, I think he is a little familiar, it seems that he came here some time ago!"

The little girl didn't look very old, but her clothes were very environmentally friendly. What's more valuable is that she has a broad mind that doesn't match her age at all.

Seeing Liu Sheng's eyes lingering on her, the little girl puffed out her chest very proudly.

"You said you've seen him? Is it here?" Lin Mo looked at the little girl and asked.

"Do you have something to do with him?" The little girl's eyes flashed with greed, and she glanced at Lin Mo's pocket.

Lin Mo then remembered that when he gave the bartender the banknote, the little girl was next to him, and she must have seen his action.

With a smile, Lin Mo took out a banknote from his body and put it on the bar.

"Let's go to the booth over there and talk!" The little girl looked at the banknote, and her eyes seemed to grow on it.

A hundred-dollar bill, at her age, even if she went out to do manual labor for a month, she might not be able to earn so much money!

"Lead the way!" Lin Mo said softly, and he and Liu Sheng followed the little girl to the booth in the corner and sat down.

Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, the other little girls on the side immediately showed regret on their faces.

Lin Mo was generous, and if he was just asking for some information, then for them, this money was simply too easy to make!

If they are lucky, they may have some wonderful relationship with Lin Mo, and then they may get another three or five hundred dollars...

Thinking of this, they looked at the girl before, and their faces showed envy.

While those girls were looking at Lin Mo, there was another person who was also looking at Lin Mo silently.

When Lin Mo asked Zhang Ye about the news before, he was alert.

As a member of the Dark Wolf, he had to tell the person in charge of the Dark Wolf in Fengyue KTV as soon as possible about the appearance of Lin Mo and others here.

But now the bar is busy, and he has no time to make a phone call.

But when he saw that Lin Mo and others had entered the booth, he was relieved a little, and he could monitor the movements of Lin Mo and others here.

"I will tell Brother Ruan about this matter directly, maybe I can get some rewards!"

The bartender thought silently.

Little did he know that when these thoughts came to his mind, Lin Mo, who was sitting in the booth, seemed to glance at him casually, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He had already guessed that the bartender in front of him should be a member of the Dark Wolf.

After dispersing some mental power to monitor the bartender, Lin Mo looked at the girl beside him: "Girl, please tell us about this person. If there is any information we need, I can give you another one!"

Lin Mo pointed to the banknote in her hand and smiled.

When the little girl heard Lin Mo's words, her eyes lit up immediately.

Two hundred dollars, as long as you can provide some useful information!

"Gentlemen, don't you want to drink something?" The little girl laughed and leaned towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, resisting the discomfort in his heart: "What kind of wine do you want to drink?"

"Ace of Hearts!" The girl smiled and said.

Lin Mo immediately ordered a bottle.

The girl's eyes lit up. She could get a commission for this bottle of wine, which was probably one hundred dollars!

Looking at Lin Mo's spending without frowning, the little girl's eyes flickered, and when she seemed to want to make other requests, a little cold light suddenly pressed against her heart.

She looked down at her chest, and saw that the place she was proud of was holding a dagger.

"Do you think my money is easy to make?" Lin Mo said in a deep voice, and at the same time, his powerful mental power covered the woman, making her unable to say a word.

"I'll take the knife away now, don't you scream, okay?" Lin Mo looked at the horrified look in the girl's eyes and said coldly: "If you can do it, blink your eyes, if you can't, I will make you shut up forever!"

The girl blinked quickly, and then felt the tide-like mental pressure dissipate.

Lin Mo took the dagger away, and suddenly heard a sound of water flowing, followed by an unpleasant smell.

This girl was actually scared to death by Lin Mo!

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