Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 215: Dark Wolf Organization

"I'll take the knife away now, don't shout, okay?" Lin Mo looked at the frightened look in the girl's eyes and said coldly: "If you can do it, just blink. If you can't, I'll let you do it now. Always shut your mouth!"

The girl blinked quickly, and then she felt the mental pressure dissipate like a tide.

Lin Mo took the dagger away and suddenly heard the sound of water flowing, followed by an unpleasant smell.

This girl was scared to death by Lin Mo!

So fierce?

Liu Sheng on the side was frightened when he saw Lin Mo's series of operations.

Although they often ignore gender when doing tasks, but with so many girls, he probably won't be able to do it.

But Lin Mo not only did it, but also directly held the dagger to someone else's chest.

The most important thing is that it scared the little girl to the point of peeing!

Judging from the look of this little girl, she is obviously not even twenty years old. She is just a child!

Liu Sheng silently complained about Lin Mo, but he sat aside and looked at the little girl seriously.

Lin Mo frowned and endured the unpleasant smell: "Tell me what happened, and then these will all be yours!"

Lin Mo took out five more dollars and put them on the table.

The little girl looked at the five dollars, immediately stopped trembling, took a deep breath, and said: "Actually, many of us have an impression of this person.

But because I was closer to him that day, I had a deeper impression!

Some time ago, he came to the karaoke bar to have a drink. Because he spent a lot of money, many girls wanted to get to know him.

But he fell in love with a waiter.

Here, everyone's identity is fixed. The nature of work such as waiter does not include outing services. Of course, if you have the ability, you can pay the waiter to go out with you!

But the waiter he fell in love with that day was just a college student. She came here just to earn tuition!

But that day, after this person was rejected, he seemed to feel embarrassed, so he even wanted to use force on her.

The waiter resisted fiercely, which actually irritated him.

He directly forced the waiter to the private room and killed him! "

Speaking of this, the little girl had an angry look on her face: "We all like that waiter very much. It is really not easy to remain kind and innocent in such an environment.

But that person was like a devil, destroying that innocence and kindness, completely destroying the waiter's world!

I don't understand why he killed the waiter after he raped her! "

"Let's get to the point!" Lin Mo raised his hand to interrupt her: "What happened next?"

“Then people from the Dark Wolf organization came.

Here, everyone's personal safety can still be guaranteed. If such a big thing happens, the Dark Wolf organization will definitely be there. They will arrest that person. I don't know what happens next! "

"But I heard that he seemed to have been taken away by some beautiful Chinese!"

"Do you know what the identity of a beautiful countryman is?" Lin Mo asked again.

"I don't know, but people from the Dark Wolf Organization might know!" The little girl said with trepidation, "I...that's all I know!"

"Thank you, these are all for you!" Lin Mo put the money in front of the little girl: "Do you know where the waiter's house is?"

The little girl looked at Lin Mo warily and said in a deep voice: "You...what do you want to do?"

"Someone has done something wrong, and someone has to make up for it..." Lin Mo said softly.

The little girl looked at Lin Mo and said after a moment: "I don't think you are a bad person, so I will give you the address!"

The little girl said, took out her mobile phone, typed a string of text, and put it in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo glanced at it, remembered the address, and stood up to leave.

Seeing this scene, the bartender immediately pressed the black button next to his seat.

Two men in pink suits immediately walked towards Lin Mo and the others.

At the same time, the bartender immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Ruan Qi, the person in charge of Fengyue.

"Brother Ruan, someone is inquiring about the Chinese man. I'm worried that there will be trouble..."

"Understood, I've already sent someone to stop them!"

After hanging up the phone, the bartender's body trembled violently, and then he fell directly to the ground.

Between his eyebrows, a little line of blood slowly flowed out.

Lin Mo, who was almost at the door, had a cold look on his lips. He was the one who killed the bartender just now.

He deliberately waited until the bartender notified the people above him before taking action.

In this way, he would naturally be able to contact the top management of Dark Wolf as quickly as possible.


Screams rang out and a woman discovered the bartender lying behind the bar.

The entire ballroom immediately became chaotic, and people were pushing each other, trying to escape.

The two men in black frowned and walked desperately towards Lin Mo and Liu Sheng.


At this moment, a gunshot rang out, and Ruan Qi walked down the stairs on the second floor step by step with a pistol.

The crowd suddenly became quiet and looked at Ruan Qi.

Behind Ruan Qi were a group of men holding short guns. They aimed their dark guns at Lin Mo and Liu Sheng.

"Friends from China, let's chat?" Ruan Qi also spoke fluent Chinese and waved gently to the two men behind him.

The two men immediately led people forward and arrested Lin Mo and Liu Sheng.

Lin Mo and Liu Sheng did not resist and allowed them to lead them up to the second floor.

In the office on the second floor, Ruan Qi was playing with a short gun in his hand and looked at Lin Mo and Liu Sheng casually: "You two are here for Zhang Ye, right?"

"Have you given someone to a beautiful country?" Lin Mo asked.

"Why not sell it if you can make money?" Ruan Qi said with a smile: "He killed someone in our place. Logically we should kill him to pay for it, but we have a compassionate heart and spared his life.

Of course, you two are going to be sold because you are causing trouble here.

I believe those foreigners will also be interested in you two! "

"Do you know the identities of those beautiful Chinese people who bought Zhang Ye? Or do you have a way to contact them?" Lin Mo asked again.

"Why are you asking so many questions? You guys take them both out!"

Ruan Qi waved his hand impatiently, and then turned around to get some wine from the wine rack when a figure suddenly stood in front of him.

"Sir, if you want to drink, you'd better answer my questions first!"

Lin Mo looked at Ruan Qi, smiled and spoke.

Ruan Qi looked at Lin Mo in front of him with a dull look on his face. He turned around numbly and looked at where Lin Mo was standing.

Only Liu Sheng was left standing there, and all his men with short guns fell to the ground.

"You two..." Only then did Ruan Qi realize that he had hit a brick wall!

Just as he was about to use the power of Qi and blood in his body, he felt an even greater aura shrouding him!

In an instant, Ruan Qi completely collapsed on the chair.

"Where is Zhang Ye now?" Lin Mo asked softly.

“I don’t know, we sold him to the beautiful Chinese people.

You have to ask our boss to know their specific identities!

What’s more, ten days have passed, and it’s not even sure whether your friend is still in Yue Country or not! "

"So, your boss knows his whereabouts, right?" Lin Mo looked at Liu Sheng: "Are you sure?"

Liu Sheng thought for a while and nodded: "It should be about the same. Let's join forces!"

"Understood!" Lin Mo nodded and looked at Ruan Qi: "Give you a chance to make a contribution and take us to see your boss!"

Ruan Qi's face suddenly turned pale. If these two people were brought to their boss, he would definitely die after the incident!

"If you don't take us there, you will die now!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Of course, if you are willing to take us there, maybe if we kill your boss, you might be able to replace him!"

Lin Mo seemed to have seen through Ruan Qi's thoughts and spoke directly.

Ruan Qi's eyes flashed, and finally he nodded solemnly.

Lin Mo and Liu Sheng took the initiative to let Ruan Qi control them, and then followed him in the car and left Fengyue Cabaret.

Ruan Qi drove to the front of a villa. At the gate, Lin Mo saw several people with heavy firepower guarding the door. Even if Ruan Qi entered, he had to go through strict inspection and get the consent of the people inside. Only then will it be released.

The leader of the Dark Wolf is named Li Min, and his strength is at the peak of the eighth-level Martial Saint. According to what Ruan Qi told him on the way, the strength of Li Min's men is not very strong, and most of them are at the Martial King realm.

There is another Martial Saint who is also from China, but he is not currently in Naihe.

After asking where the Chinese Martial Saint had gone, Lin Mo and Liu Sheng's eyes became strange.

Because the other Martial Saint turned out to be the one they killed before entering the city!

It seems that Dark Wolf is still carrying out fraud in China, which makes Lin Mo determined to completely eliminate Li Min today!

Under the leadership of Ruan Qi, the three of them went through layers of inspections before arriving at the door of a room.

After knocking on the door, Ruan Qi and Lin Mo opened the door and walked in.

The interior of the house was extremely luxurious, and the walls were covered with specimens of various animals. Lin Mo even saw several bronze vessels with a sense of age.

"Boss, I arrested a few Chinese people related to Zhang Ye. See what happens to them!" Ruan Qi came forward with Lin Mo and Liu Sheng.

Li Min looked Lin Mo and Liu Sheng up and down, and his expression changed instantly!


At this moment, Lin Mo's mental power instantly unfolded and enveloped Li Min!

The spiritual world!

After entering the spiritual realm, Lin Mo and Liu Sheng directly joined forces!

With Lin Mo's current strength, it was actually a bit difficult to face Li Min, but after adding Liu Sheng, it became much easier.

In addition, Lin Mo's mental power has reached more than 23,000, even Li Min is no match in this regard!

After fighting in the spiritual realm for half an hour, Li Min was completely crushed by Lin Mo's spiritual power and was finally subdued!

The spiritual realm was revoked. Lin Mo looked at the subdued Li Min with a smile on his face.

"Come on, Mr. Li, please tell us where you sent Zhang Ye?" Lin Mo said with a faint smile.

"Huh, your companion is now in the hands of the beautiful people, and all his secrets will be known to them.

You don’t dare to kill me, because you know very well who is behind the Dark Wolf! "

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