Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 216: Spiritual imprint! Cultivating lackeys!

Li Min had an indifferent smile on his face. Although Lin Mo and Liu Sheng joined forces, they could crush him, but he was still extremely calm.

Because Dark Wolf’s backer is his biggest support!

Does Dark Wolf still have a backer?

Lin Mo and Liu Sheng looked at each other and smiled, not expecting such an unexpected gain at all.


Lin Mo took action directly and broke Li Min's arms like lightning.

Then the dagger flashed with cold light and was pressed between his legs.

"Who is the backer of Dark Wolf? I want to see who else I can't kill!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Feeling the chill coming from between his legs, Li Min suddenly calmed down.

They live a life of licking blood every day. Without those two ounces of meat, what fun can there be in life?

It’s better to just die!

"I only counted three..." Lin Mo stretched out three fingers and took back two in less than three seconds.

Li Min's eyes widened suddenly and he stared blankly at this scene.

This is so crazy, isn’t it? He took back two fingers in less than three seconds!

Li Min knew very well that there was not much time left for him...

"It's the Dark Blood Society! Our backer is the Dark Blood Society!" Li Min yelled desperately.

Dark Blood Society? !

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, never expecting it to be this organization.

In China, the Dark Blood Society has existed for many years. Unexpectedly, over the years, they have taken China as their foundation and extended their tentacles to the Yue Kingdom!

"Does the Dark Blood Guild have a branch in Yue? How will you contact the Dark Blood?" Lin Mo said: "Even if I kill you, the Dark Blood Guild may not be able to know about it, right?"

"Every once in a while, we will communicate with the Dark Blood. If I don't report to them within a certain period of time, they will assume that something happened to me and directly launch an attack on the Dark Wolf organization!"

"Also, we only have a dozen hours until our next communication. If something happens to me, you won't survive!"

Li Min had a threatening look on his face and said in a cold voice: "I'll give you one last chance. Let me go. I can pretend that nothing happened today!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo stabbed the dagger in his hand under Li Min's heart.

With strong mental power, Lin Mo's sword directly avoided all the vital points.

But the blood was gushing out like a dam bursting. At this speed, if there was no timely treatment, Li Min would die from excessive blood loss in half an hour at most!

"Tsk, tsk, I'm sorry, this one was a bit off, but please believe that the next one will be fine!" Lin Mo took out the dagger inserted into Li Min and said softly.

Li Min looked at the smile on Lin Mo's face and felt cold all over.

Who the hell are these people? If they kill, they will kill. If he, Li Min, is in this position, he has a lot of lives in his hands.

But when he kills someone, he always boasts about cutting him down with a single blow. How can he be tortured like this before death?

This is not humanitarian at all!

"You...what do you want to do? Stop torturing me. I'll tell you everything..." Li Min went completely crazy and spoke weakly.

"Where is Zhang Ye? I want the exact address!

The second question is, where is the branch of the Dark Blood Society in Yue? What about the specific power divisions? "

Lin Mo directly asked two questions, then closed his mouth and waited quietly.

"If I answer, can you spare my life?" Li Min looked at Lin Mo and asked almost pleadingly.

"I promise not to kill you!" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows: "You'd better answer honestly, I don't have much patience."

"Zhang Ye should still be in Neihe City. The address of Beautiful Country here is...

The second thing is that the Dark Blood Club has no power in the inner river, but the Dark Blood Club has a liaison stronghold on the border between China and Vietnam, which is currently controlled by our Dark Wolf.

Recently, a group of people will be sent to that stronghold... By then, we should be able to get the latest news and some arrangements from the Dark Blood Society through them! "

"Send a group of people? Is that stronghold a place where people from China are deceived and come to engage in the fraud industry?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself: "Isn't it really such a coincidence..."

As soon as his voice fell, Li Min let out a deep hum.

Lin Mo was immediately speechless.

This is such a coincidence...

"Is there any other way to contact the Dark Blood Society? Because your stronghold may not be able to wait for them tonight..." Lin Mo said helplessly.

"Can't wait..." Li Min looked at Lin Mo, a little dazed. He didn't react at first, but soon he understood the meaning of this sentence: "Could it be that they..."

"It's just what you think..." Lin Mo nodded lightly.

Hearing these words, Li Min was completely desperate.

These people don't even pay attention to the Dark Blood Society, so are they still afraid of him, the mere leader of the Dark Wolf organization?

He even used the Dark Blood Club to threaten people ridiculously... It was simply ridiculous!

"Although the information about the Dark Blood Society is limited, at least the mission has made some progress!" Lin Moti stood up with the dagger.

"You said you wouldn't kill me!" Li Min looked at Lin Mo in fear, as if he was afraid that the dagger in his hand would strike down.

"I said I won't kill you, so I won't do it!" Lin Mo threw the dagger away, but Liu Sheng caught it.

When Lin Mo turned around and was about to leave, Liu Sheng came to Li Min in a flash, with a cold light flashing in his hand.

A line of blood suddenly appeared on Li Min's neck.

"You... said you wouldn't kill me!" Li Min covered his neck and fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

"I didn't kill you!" Lin Mo waved his hand: "I threw the dagger away, but someone picked it up. What can I do?"

"You..." Li Min's eyes widened and he lost his breath.

Ruan Qi, who brought Lin Mo here, saw this scene with an excited look on his face.

Because according to the original agreement, as long as Li Min is killed, he will be the king of the Dark Wolf organization!

Now that Lee Min is dead...that means...


Thinking of this, Ruan Qi didn't dare to hesitate at all and knelt directly in front of Lin Mo.

"Sir, please support me to become the king of Dark Wolf. As long as I become the king of Dark Wolf, you will have a loyal dog in Yue Kingdom!" Ruan Qi looked at Lin Mo with a sincere look on his face. .

"A loyal dog?" Lin Mo looked at him: "I will return to China after completing my mission. So please tell me, how can I guarantee your sincerity to me?"

Ruan Qi's eyes flickered for a moment, and finally he said with a heart: "I was in an abyss and accidentally obtained a spiritual martial skill called spiritual branding.

This is a ninth-grade Xuan-level technique, only one step away from the Earth-level!

You are very powerful, so you must be very aware of the preciousness of spiritual martial arts, and this kind of martial arts can form a spiritual brand in a person's mind. As long as the owner of the brand has a thought, he can directly detonate the brand!

At that time, the person who has been branded will be directly blown to death! "

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up. There is no doubt that this is a very practical martial skill.

As Ruan Qi said, spiritual martial arts have always been precious, and being able to reach the ninth level of Xuan level is even more precious.

After glancing at Liu Sheng, Lin Mo smiled and said, "Brother Liu, let's take a look at this so-called spiritual imprint!"

Liu Sheng nodded, feeling from the bottom of his heart that Lin Mo was too sensible and willing to share good things with him at this time.

Even if you can't practice the spiritual martial arts of the ninth level of Xuan level, it's still good to be able to take a look at it and gain a lot of insights!

"It's just that this kind of spiritual martial arts has limitations. To use it, the physical body and spirit must have been fused, and the spiritual power after the fusion has reached more than 20,000!"

Ruan Qixiang seemed to suddenly remember this matter and quickly spoke and added.

Lin Mo looked at him deeply and chuckled: "So, you think it is difficult for others to meet this requirement, so there is no way to cast a spiritual mark on you, right?"

"Please don't worry, sir. I promise to be loyal to you. No matter what you ask me in the future, I will do my best to do it!"

In the future, after you meet the requirements, I can accept your spiritual branding at any time! "

With a sincere look on his face, Ruan Qi spoke loudly, even using his relatives and friends, and the whole family, old and young, swore a poisonous oath.

In fact, the reason why Ruan Qi handed over this martial arts skill was because he was sure that Lin Mo and Liu Sheng would not be able to meet the conditions for training.

How difficult it is to completely integrate the spirit and the body, and it also requires more than 20,000 spiritual powers. This is almost the spiritual power that a peak martial saint can possess.

Lin Mo and Liu Sheng's strength obviously didn't reach this level, so he didn't panic at all.

As long as he gained Lin Mo's trust, by the time they left, the entire Dark Wolf would still be under his control.

The so-called loyal dog, after all, when he becomes strong, even Lin Mo will surrender to him!

What he needs now is time!

Thinking of this, he felt extremely proud, as if he had already seen the happy life after he replaced Li Min!

"So, you are very proud, right?" Just as Ruan Qi was fantasizing in his heart, Lin Mo's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Just now, Lin Mo had read the entire technique.

Although it is a ninth-level Xuanjie technique, it is very simple to get started. After just silently trying it a few times, Lin Mo completely mastered this technique.

Entry level is enough for Lin Mo!

He took a step forward and put two fingers on Ruan Qi's forehead.

Ruan Qi was stunned for a moment and looked at Lin Mo blankly: "First... sir, are you going to..."

"Apply a spiritual brand!" Lin Mo said matter-of-factly: "Do you think I really trust you?"

"Sir, I have said before that if you want to apply a spiritual brand, the conditions required are very strict..." Ruan Qi looked at Lin Mo in a panic and reminded in a low voice.

"I know, but I just meet the conditions!" Lin Mo smiled: "I completed spiritual fusion a few months ago, and my mental power just exceeded 20,000 two days ago..."

Speaking of this, Lin Mo's mental power suddenly erupted, shrouding Ruan Qi's heart.

Feeling this terrifying mental power, Ruan Qi felt his legs were weak and he almost knelt on the ground!

"You'd better cooperate. You should be very clear about the consequences of failure to apply the mental brand. If you resist at all, you will become an idiot."

As he spoke, Lin Mo's spirit began to slowly draw in Ruan Qi's mind.

The mental imprint is not a complicated thing, but once it is drawn, there are only two ways to unlock it: the first is that your mental power far exceeds that of the person who drew it.

The second is that the person who drew it personally unlocks it.

Feeling the extra imprint in his mind, Ruan Qi's heart sank to the bottom, but he still had to put on a willing smile on his face.

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