"I feel more relieved now!" The whole process lasted for half an hour. After Lin Mo completed the last stroke, Ruan Qi felt that there was an additional imprint in his mind.

With the existence of this mark, he would have no secrets in front of Lin Mo.

As long as he has second thoughts about Lin Mo, Lin Mo will be able to sense it no matter where he is and kill him directly!

"Master!" Ruan Qi stood there and knelt down again after a moment, calling Lin Mo his master.

Lin Mo nodded and turned to look at Liu Sheng: "Brother Liu, you can't come here in vain. Push Ruan Qi to that position first, and then get some good things back!"

Liu Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly felt that Lin Mo was a genius.

Following Lin Mo, it’s hard not to get rich!

He nodded repeatedly and said: "Brother Lin, if you ask me, you are the smarter, let's stabilize the situation of Dark Wolf quickly!

According to the data, the Dark Wolf organization is not that strong! "

The two of them took Ruan Qi directly out of the room.

At this moment, Ruan Qi had a sneer on his lips and was holding a head in his hand. It was the head of the previous Wolf King Li Min!

Seeing Li Min's head being held in Ruan Qi's hands, a group of people gathered around him.

"Li Min is dead. From now on, I will be your new king. If you are not convinced, you can attack me now!"

Ruan Qi looked at everyone, wishing they would take action now.

It would be best to deal with everyone before Lin Mo and Liu Sheng are here.

"Ruan Qi, who do you think you are? Why can't you take the position of Wolf King? You killed the Wolf King, and we should avenge the Wolf King!

Everyone, come with me! "

Some people who were loyal to Li Min rushed directly towards Ruan Qi.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Blood spattered out, and the people who rushed forward fell to the ground one by one.

When everyone stood there stunned, looking at the corpse on the ground shaking, a figure stood there quietly.

"Sword Intent..." This figure is Lin Mo. He is standing with a sword in his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The terrifying aura on his body was still flowing, but now there was an extremely fierce aura.

"This is... Sword Intent! This kid!" Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo standing there with a shocked look on his face.

He had already seen that Lin Mo understood part of the sword's meaning at this moment.

The so-called martial arts cultivation is to control all kinds of thoughts through continuous practice, but the martial arts cultivator who can form the consciousness is at least the peak of the martial saint, or even the next level after the martial saint.

But the Lin Mo in front of him actually mastered the sword intention at the second-grade Martial Saint realm. Even though he was not yet proficient, he was still extremely terrifying!

A group of people from the Dark Wolf organization looked at Lin Mo, their whole bodies trembling. At this time, they were completely impressed by Lin Mo's power!

People in the black world have always respected the strong. Now that Ruan Qi's backer is obviously stronger than Li Min, they naturally choose to side with Ruan Qi!

"Greetings to the Wolf King!" A group of people knelt directly in front of Ruan Qi, and when they spoke, their eyes fell on Lin Mo.

Because everyone knows that the most terrifying person here is actually Lin Mo.

Seeing the people kneeling in front of him, Ruan Qi was extremely excited. Although he knew very well that he was a puppet, it was good to be a puppet. Although he had no real power, at least he had the opportunity to enjoy it!

Thinking of this, he had secretly decided in his heart that no matter whether the brand was still there or not, he would always be loyal to Lin Mo.

In fact, a few years later, Ruan Qi, who became the king of the entire black world of the Yue Kingdom, still couldn't help but feel proud when he thought about his decision today.

"Take me to Dark Wolf's warehouse!" After letting everyone return to their positions, Ruan Qi directly asked people to take them to Dark Wolf's warehouse.

After opening the warehouse, Lin Mo and Liu Sheng were not polite.

There were a hundred high-level Qi and Blood Pills, which were divided directly between Lin Mo and Liu Sheng. Each of them kept thirty pills, and left the remaining forty pills to Zhang Yao to divide.

It has to be said that the Dark Wolf organization is not very wealthy. The two of them searched over and over again in the warehouse, but they couldn't find a weapon above the Xuan level!

There is even no martial arts above Xuan level in the entire warehouse!

“When Dark Wolf was in a difficult time, all the treasures in the organization were sold!

The rest are hard to sell..."

Mentioning this matter, the person who led them into the warehouse almost burst into tears.

Dark Wolf, one of the largest black world organizations in the river, actually has such a tragic past.

Lin Mo and Liu Sheng each took two things to watch the show, and when they were about to turn around and leave, he suddenly felt a feeling in his heart: If he left like this, he would definitely regret it later!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo simply directed his mental power towards the entire warehouse.

With Lin Mo's current mental strength, covering the entire warehouse is no problem at all!


The moment the mental power enveloped the entire warehouse, Lin Mo discovered something unusual in the corner.

He searched for it and his eyes fell on a stone.

Lin Mo was very sure that this abnormality was caused by this stone.

After giving Liu Sheng a look, he didn't find anything special, so Lin Mo just put it away himself.

Liu Sheng had no objection to this. After all, it was Lin Mo who discovered this thing. He had already obtained thirty Qi and Blood Pills. When he returned, he could try to attack them!

During this period, I was very uncomfortable because of Lin Mo's stimulation, so I wanted to seize every opportunity to practice.

After Lin Mo and Liu Sheng left the Dark Wolf Organization, they contacted Zhang Yao and others by phone.

Seeing that Lin Mo and Liu Sheng were safe, Zhang Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Mo and Liu Sheng are the main force. If something happens, the whole mission will be over!

"I have got the address. What I want to tell you is that this time we are going to the territory of the United States. The risk factor will be very high at that time, so I hope you will continue to come back and cooperate with me!" Lin Mo looked at the people in front of him and spoke slowly.

The expressions of a group of people also became solemn. They had dealt with the people of the United States. Every time, they could feel the horror of the people of the United States.

"Okay, let's not say anything extra, let's go!" Liu Sheng was simple: "When I come back, I will give you a surprise!"

At this point, Liu Sheng simply took out the advanced blood and qi pill from his body, and each of the people present took one!

"Another advanced blood and qi pill!" Zhang Yao and others looked at the things in their hands and were shocked again.

This is too cool, the task is not even half completed, but I have already gained such a big harvest!

Thinking of the surprise mentioned by Liu Sheng, they just feel full of energy!

A group of people drove to the address obtained by Li Min again.

Unlike China, the human rights of the American people are indeed much better than those of China.

So there is no one standing guard or patrolling outside the residence of the American people.

Lin Mo and others easily entered the residence of the American people.

This is a huge manor with carefully designed scenes everywhere.

"It's really good!" Lin Mo said with emotion on his face, and his mental power directly enveloped the entire manor.

In less than a minute, Lin Mo had a complete understanding of the structure of the entire manor.

Even during the scanning process, he found Zhang Ye.

"Come with me, I found Zhang Ye's whereabouts!" Although he didn't know what Zhang Ye looked like, Lin Mo could confirm that it was Zhang Ye who was locked up!

A group of people followed Lin Mo and approached there quietly. At the same time, Lin Mo and Liu Sheng and others directly used their mental power to explore the situation inside.

Soon several people heard the conversation inside.

"Zhang Ye, we will set off tomorrow. We will then extract all your brain tissues for direct research!

If you tell us everything we want to know now, we may let you go this time!"

"You are dreaming!" Zhang Ye said coldly: "Our people will come to rescue me, and when they come, I will rape your women again!


"Zhang Ye, do you think I dare not kill you?" A young man with yellow hair stood up and looked at the woman and said: "You really did a lot of bad things during your time in Yue State, and you even attacked a thirteen-year-old girl. Are you a beast?"

"Hehe, age is really not a problem for me, but I remember that the thirteen-year-old girl was actually your people pretending to be?" The yellow-haired young man stood up and put the evidence in front of Zhang Ye.

"Even if it is true, so what? We are competitors, and what I did is natural!" Zhang Ye said lightly.

Lin Mo, who was standing outside, was shocked when he heard this.

Is the person to be rescued this time a human or a beast?

Because at this moment Lin Mo could only feel anger. How could Zhang Ye, who could attack a 13-year-old girl, be qualified to enter the Huaxia Military Academy?

"Okay, if that's the case, just wait for death!

In addition, if I'm not mistaken, are there still a few children standing outside the door?

It seems that you are here to save Zhang Ye, come in, there will be a fight later, this place is spacious!"

The voice of the yellow-haired young man suddenly sounded, and Lin Mo heard that he had discovered them.

So he walked in directly with Zhang Yao and Liu Sheng without any hesitation!

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