"What's the situation? The Ministry of War arranged for you two to rescue me?"

Zhang Ye saw Lin Mo and Liu Sheng, and his face immediately showed an unhappy look: "Also, your abilities are too poor, don't you know how to hide your breath?

You will be discovered!

You should know that once you are caught, a lot of our information is in danger of being leaked!"

Lin Mo and Liu Sheng looked at each other and frowned slightly.

They never thought that this would be the result after coming in.

Zhang Ye was not excited or grateful, but instead preached condescendingly.

"Interesting!" Lin Mo chuckled: "In this case, there is nothing to say, just follow the original second plan!"

"That's what I meant!" Liu Sheng also nodded calmly.

The two stepped forward at the same time and drew their weapons.

Feeling the murderous intent of the two, Zhang Ye's face changed again and again: "You...you two want to kill me?"

When he joined the research, he already knew that once he was captured by the enemy, death would be waiting for him.

"Do you two know how much trouble killing me will bring you!"

"I am from Huaxia Military University. I have a lot of top-secret information in my hands. You can't kill me!"

"My teacher is Xia Ning. Now in Huaxia Military University, his power ranks third. As long as he says a word, you will all follow him and play!"



When Zhang Ye wanted to say something more cruel, Lin Mo suddenly waved the Red Blood Sword in his hand!

A blood-colored sword intent gushed out and slashed directly!

A deep mark was left on the ground, and the frost continued to spread, and finally stopped at Zhang Ye's feet.

It is certain that as long as the frost continues to spread forward a little bit, Zhang Ye will be frozen into an icicle!

"If you dare to say another word, I will cut you now!" Lin Mo glanced at the sword in his hand with a sneer on his face.

Just now, this sword felt very good. After the sword intent and the power of blood and qi cooperated, it was actually released. Although the accuracy was a little worse, the visual impact was simply outrageous!

"You..." Zhang Ye stared at Lin Mo, opened his mouth, but didn't dare to say anything in the end.

Lin Mo's sword just now really scared him. The moment the sword intent burst out, he felt that his whole body was covered in a layer of ice cave.

Endless chill was stirring along with the sword intent, and the temperature in the whole room was dropping.

"Sword intent, you have comprehended the legendary sword intent at such a young age. What's your name?" The yellow-haired man on the side suddenly spoke. His name is Kebi. He is the person in charge of this mission. He is quite powerful and has reached the peak of the eighth-grade martial saint.

And he exudes terrifying mental power all over his body. Lin Mo deduced that this person might be a mind-reading master!

The most important thing is that this mind-reading master is from the United States!

When Lin Mo became a mind-reading master, he had learned about the relevant history: mind-reading masters originated from the United States. It is said that there was a martial artist in the past. Although his blood value no longer increased, his mental power was ridiculously high!

That martial artist found a way to turn mental power into a means of attack. Unexpectedly, the attack of mental power is even more terrifying for martial artists.

Since then, the United States began to cultivate Qi Masters, and in just a few years, it has developed martial arts civilization to a very high level.

And once again in the process of exchanging and fighting with martial artists from all over the world, Qi Masters appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

When they saw the Qi Masters take action, everyone was stunned.

The mental power was released, and all the strong men were defeated like a dead tree and rotten wood!

That kind of scene, once seen, will be unforgettable for life.

Relying on the advantages of Qi Masters, the United States has been ahead of other countries in martial arts for many years. Later, China produced the first Qi Master, and then the relevant information of the Qi Master profession was made public by the United States.

But everyone knows that the powerful Qi Master must be in the United States!

"Qi Master?" Lin Mo stared at the yellow-haired man and spoke slowly.

"Aren't you too?" Coby smiled faintly: "My name is Coby, a student of Chicago Martial Arts University in the United States."

"Lin Mo! Beijing Military Department!"

Lin Mo!

Zhang Ye's pupils shrank on the side, staring at Lin Mo.

Although he had been in the laboratory for many years, he had heard of Lin Mo's name.

When he saw Lin Mo this time, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Since the names have been reported, we can start the battle!" Coby chuckled.

As soon as the voice fell, a blue light suddenly rose under his feet!

Mental blue sea!

A layer of blue filled Coby's eyes. He looked at Lin Mo with a faint smile on his face.

"Back off!"

Lin Mo's heart sank, and he spoke loudly to Liu Sheng.

Although Liu Sheng didn't know what happened, he still instinctively listened to Lin Mo's words, his figure flashed continuously, and he retreated more than ten meters!


The moment he retreated, the ground under his feet suddenly cracked, and a terrifying force crushed him inch by inch!

Lin Mo's eyes were filled with golden light, and his mental power was fully activated at this moment.

Mental perception!

Lin Mo turned on his mental perception, and his eyes saw that the energy was constantly approaching him!


Faced with such terrifying energy, Lin Mo did not retreat a single step, but took a step forward to meet that terrifying mental force.


The pressure of a mountain crushed directly from the spiritual world, and Lin Mo showed a painful look on his face, feeling this force seriously.

"Your spiritual power is not as good as mine!" In just a moment, Lin Mo came to this conclusion!

"Your spiritual power..." Coby also noticed the difference in Lin Mo, staring at Lin Mo, with a look of shock on his face.

"Spirit Realm!"

Lin Mo shouted coldly, and directly pulled Coby into the spiritual world!


As soon as he entered the spiritual world, Lin Mo slashed a knife.

The knife light was bright, and this was a knife to kill life!

In the spiritual world, Lin Mo could give his knife more attributes, so in Coby's view, after Lin Mo slashed a knife, the knife light actually rose more than ten feet in an instant!

Such a scene is really terrifying to the extreme.

"Since this is the spiritual world, then everything is fake!" Coby shouted coldly, while displaying his spiritual martial arts.

It must be said that Coby's strength is very strong. In just a short moment, he actually condensed more than a dozen spears and shot them at Lin Mo's knife light!

The sound of clinking continued.

After the spear collided with the knife light, the knife light dimmed a lot, and the spear was completely broken.

But Coby came up with a sneer.

He saw the shortcomings of the spiritual world, and he wanted to compete with Lin Mo in the spiritual world to see how strong his body was!

Bang, bang, bang!

There were constant muffled sounds, and Coby fought against the knife light and kept punching.

You can see that his fists are covered with a light blue luster, and every time he punches, it will cause a tsunami-like roar.

Such a sound can be said to be extremely terrifying.

The most important thing is that this is also a manifestation of mental power.

"There has always been a legend of the Sea King in the United States. You should have inherited the power of the Sea King!"

Lin Mo looked at Coby and spoke lightly.

"The power of the Sea King is the power of the ocean!" Coby nodded lightly: "The ocean is extremely deep, just like the vastness of the spirit.

Lin Mo, you shocked me. This is the first time I have seen a Chinese who can cultivate spiritual power to this extent!

It can be seen that you have a comprehensive grasp of spiritual power, but not many martial arts.

You should know that only in the United States can a mind-reader grow rapidly.

So, if you are willing to become a part of my country, I promise that the Spiritual Academy of Chicago Martial Arts University will be completely open to you!

I can even recommend my teacher to let him accept you as a disciple!

In addition, we can also guarantee the safety of your family, and even let them move directly to the United States!

At that time, there will be strong people who will accept them as disciples!

What do you think?"

In the spiritual realm, Coby and Lin Mo's bodies are constantly colliding.

It can be seen that Coby is at ease at this time, and even began to recruit Lin Mo.

The conditions he offered are not not generous, and it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to refuse such temptation.

"You don't really think you can beat me, do you?" Lin Mo looked at Coby and suddenly smiled faintly.

The next moment, blue electric light and golden luster rose from his body, and his physical strength suddenly reached a new level!

"No... No!" Coby's face showed a look of shock, because Lin Mo's physical strength suddenly increased a lot, and he crushed him in an instant!


Lin Mo performed the Five Beast Fist in the spiritual realm. You can see that there are golden dragons circling behind him and tigers roaring...

The wind of the fist shook the world, and Lin Mo smashed Coby's body with endless fist light.

"You can't do mental power, and you still can't do physical strength!" Lin Mo's fists kept falling like meteorites, and cracks began to appear on Coby's body!

That was the terrible damage caused by the fists being too dense and terrifying.

Coby wanted to leave the spiritual realm, but there was no chance at all!

Lin Mo's power was simply too strong, approaching step by step, and putting Coby in a desperate situation step by step!

During this period, while Lin Mo was improving his blood and qi, he was actually using the magma to temper himself.

So compared with before, his physical strength has been improving.

However, in the stage of physical body sanctification, it is a bit difficult for him to move to the next stage.

In fact, Lin Mo did not know much about physical body cultivation. He only knew that physical body sanctification could be regarded as entering the hall, but there was still a big gap compared with the top physical body practitioners.

"Both physical body and mental power are very strong!" Coby showed an admiring look on his face in the spiritual world: "A place like China can really cultivate such an excellent person as you.

I am very happy. If I can take you back, the teachers will definitely reward me heavily!

You are worthy of me using this thing..."

Coby spoke lightly, and the next moment, his aura changed.

A deep blue bead slowly floated out from his forehead. In an instant, the light bloomed, and the endless mental power turned into a knife light and slashed around!

Originally, it was impossible for Coby to leave the spiritual world with his mental power.

But at this moment, the sword light was endless, and Lin Mo's spiritual world was instantly shattered!

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