Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 219: Heart of the Ocean


The spiritual world was forcibly torn into pieces. As the master of the spiritual world, Lin Mo spit out a mouthful of blood.

And the tyrannical power was constantly washing away his spiritual world. At this moment, Lin Mo felt as if his head was going to explode!

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

Kebi sneered and moved forward. The blue beads in front of him vibrated, and his mental power was crushed out again!


At this moment, a voice sounded. Liu Sheng had appeared in front of Lin Mo, raised his hand to hold him, and then rushed outside crazily!

The two of them were very fast, but Kerby was not slow either.

And the moment the two of them rushed out of the door, several strong auras filled the air around them!


Liu Sheng's face turned ugly, and he suddenly realized that this was probably a trap!

"You are all my prey tonight, and none of you can escape!" Kebi stepped forward with a sneer, and the blue sphere in front of him became brighter and brighter!

Lin Mo stared at the blue sphere and made a quick judgment in his heart.

This should be a weapon controlled by mental power, so it can destroy the spiritual world instantly.

If only he could grab this thing... At this time, Lin Mo was still thinking about grabbing this good thing!

"Find a way to get out of here, and inform Zhang Yao and the others not to come!"

Lin Mo looked at Liu Sheng and spoke softly.

Liu Sheng nodded and suddenly raised his hand and pointed in the air.


A bloody ray of light shot out and exploded in the air.

"This is a special sign of the Ministry of War. It means that the situation has changed. Let them not be impulsive and stay put, and do not take any action!"

Liu Sheng explained the function of this thing.

Lin Mo nodded. Liu Sheng and the others were fully prepared for this mission.

"You two are actually enough for me, but now that I know you have accomplices, let's all stay and don't leave!" Kebi waved his hand towards the dark place.

Immediately, several figures jumped away from here.


Lin Mo forced himself to release part of the sealed mental power in his body and merge it with his own.

At the same time, he used spiritual perception to explore the surrounding situation.

"There are three sixth-grade Martial Saints and one is a fifth-grade Martial Saint. None of them seem to have very high spiritual power...

Maybe try woolen yarn...that! "

Lin Mo was thinking silently in his heart. The next moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Sheng, "Help me delay for five minutes!"

Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo, then looked around again, and said in a deep voice: "Five minutes...what can you do?"

"That's enough for us to get out of here!" Lin Mo responded.

Liu Sheng gritted his teeth and secretly said, "Fight!"

The next moment, he roared and rushed towards Kebi!

A giant gray bear appeared behind him, roaring and blending into him!

In an instant, Liu Sheng's body doubled in size and reached a full three meters in height!


He punched Kebi, who retreated with a solemn expression.

The strength of the two is almost the same, but Liu Sheng in the violent state at this moment is obviously much more terrifying!

"Go together!"

Lin Mo heard the remaining four beautiful Chinese speaking.

The sound of breaking wind kept sounding, and Lin Mo then saw five people besieging Liu Sheng!

"You only have one chance. If you fail, both of you will die together!"

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and the next moment his mental power was divided into four parts, and it instantly enveloped the four people except Kebi!

Spiritual imprint!

Lines of blood actually flowed out of Lin Mo's eyes, and at the same time, blood spurted out of his mouth and nose!

This is caused by excessive consumption of mental energy in an instant!

At this moment, Lin Mo's body was like a bridge, connecting the sealed spiritual power.

Those mental powers were being output continuously, but Lin Mo actually had to devote his attention to carving runes in the air!

Buzz buzz!

Four slight trembling sounds resounded, and in an instant, Lin Mo completed the drawing of four lines.

"Go to me!"

Lin Mo's mind moved, and the four lines flew directly towards the four martial arts practitioners who were shrouded in spiritual power.


Between Lin Mo's eyebrows, a vertical eye suddenly opened!

Golden luster filled the air and enveloped the four people!

In an instant, four lines drawn by spiritual power were engraved in their minds.

At this moment, Lin Mo's body shook and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he stabilized!

"Successful!" Lin Mo had a weak smile on his face. In just a few minutes, his mental energy was completely exhausted. It felt like his soul was being pulled out of his body. Same!

"I'll count to three, and you'll take me away!"

Lin Mo looked at Liu Sheng and spoke loudly.

Liu Sheng nodded. Although he was injured now, if he really wanted to escape, he could still run very fast!

"one three!"

Lin Mo crossed two and counted directly to three!

Liu Sheng already knew a little about Lin Mo's style, so he was always ready. After hearing Lin Mo shout three, he punched Kebi in front of him, knocking him back two steps, and then roared angrily. He hit the person behind him!

At this moment, the person who was hit actually took half a step back, allowing Liu Sheng to calmly leave the encirclement!


Liu Sheng was about to turn around and leave with Lin Mo in hand, but at this moment Kebi sneered and said, "If you want to leave, see if I agree!"

The blue light ball flickered, and the next moment, it flew out directly, and the blue light above suddenly enveloped Lin Mo!

Although he didn't know what this thing did, Lin Mo knew instinctively that if the blue light shone on his body, he would definitely not get any good results!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo dared not hesitate at all, and roared: "Let's go!"

Liu Sheng didn't care whether he could leave at the moment, and took Lin Mo directly towards the gate!

The moment Liu Sheng left, four martial saints stood directly in front of Kebi!

Their eyes flashed with helpless looks, and then they took action directly!


The blue light shrouded them and trembled slightly. It was obvious that the blue light felt that something was wrong with the four martial saints, but it was unable to detect it, so there was no way to use any means to stop them.

The final result of this was that Kebi's way was blocked, and the four martial saints seemed to be desperate for their lives, and they attacked Kebi crazily.

At the beginning, Kebi had the intention of holding back, but in the end, after seeing Lin Mo and Liu Sheng walking farther and farther away, a coldness flashed in his eyes!

"Just die!"

The moment the sound fell, several rays shot out from the blue ball of light.

The four people who were shot trembled, and then fell directly to the ground, and soon became silent!


Kebi uses the blue ball of light as the medium to surround itself with itself as the center.

One thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters...

He stopped after covering most of the city.

"Disappeared!" Kebi had a shocked look on his face. In just a few minutes, he couldn't find Lin Mo!

"Stop..." Lin Mo's voice suddenly sounded in Liu Sheng's arms.

Liu Sheng paused, stopped, and looked at Lin Mo.

"Where are you going? We can rest there for a while!" Lin Mo pointed to an alley not far away: "You should have the martial arts to hide your body. You need to hide your body later and keep your body well. Take good care of yourself!”

"What about you!" Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo. Lin Mo's face was covered with blood at this moment. It was obvious that the previous use of spiritual branding consumed a lot of energy and almost caused Lin Mo to die on the spot...

Fortunately, Lin Mo persisted in the end.

"I have almost recovered now. In fact, what I lost the most just now is my mental strength..." Lin Mo spoke softly and stood up slowly.

Just like Lin Mo said, what he lost the most just now was his mental power. Now after merging part of his sealed mental power, he has almost recovered.

After looking Lin Mo up and down and confirming that Lin Mo was fine, Liu Shengcai said: "In that case, let's go back. This mission will be considered a failure. Anyway, I don't want to save such garbage!"

Both Lin Mo and Liu Sheng felt disgusted with Zhang Ye.

"Don't worry, I'll go back and have a look. If I can't succeed, I will definitely give up!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "You should hide now and leave me a communication tool. If I get it by then, I can notify you through that tool!”

Liu Sheng took a deep look at Lin Mo, finally nodded, and took out two flares, one red and one blue, from his body.

"You already know what red means, blue means you need our location!"

Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo and said: "Whether you succeed or not, you must ensure that you can leave. After leaving there, release the blue fireworks, and we will give you our current location. We can meet up then!"

Lin Mo nodded heavily, and after putting the things away, he disappeared from Liu Sheng's field of vision in a few flashes.

"I don't know if there will be a chance to cooperate again in the future!" Liu Sheng looked at Lin Mo's back and murmured.

In fact, everyone is selfish, but for Liu Sheng, Lin Mo has completely conquered him during this period of getting along!

Although his strength far surpassed that of Lin Mo, Liu Sheng did not dare to have the slightest arrogance in front of Lin Mo.

Now watching Lin Mo leave, he only felt admiration in his heart!

At this moment, Lin Mo's figure flashed one after another, and he returned to the outside of the manor where Kebi was originally located as quickly as possible.

In the manor, Kebi looked at Zhang Ye in front of him with a mocking look on his face: "I almost caught them, just a little bit, but don't worry, they can't escape. When all my people come back from outside, I will Use the Heart of the Ocean to scan the entire city yourself!

I will catch you all in one go! "

Heart of the ocean!

Lin Mo stood outside, his eyes suddenly lit up, because he knew what the blue ball of light was!

He is the heart of the ocean!

One of the eight top spiritual weapons of the beautiful Guonian Qi Master!

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