There is a saying that has been circulating in the beautiful country. When the Qi Nian master profession was first developed, it actually relied on something from the mythology of the beautiful country.

Heart of the Ocean is one of them.

It is said that the quality of the Heart of the Ocean has reached the heaven level. It is unknown whether it has reached the ultimate level, but just a heaven level is enough to drive countless people crazy!

In front of him, what Kebi is holding might be the Heart of the Ocean...

Thinking of this, Lin Mo directly used Ghost Shadow and approached the manor as quickly as possible.


The moment Lin Mo approached, the blue sphere made a trembling sound as a warning!

Lin Mo was shocked and at the same time his face showed joy. It turned out to be the Heart of the Ocean!

"How dare you come back!" Kebi's eyes turned cold and he rushed out with the Heart of the Ocean!


The moment he rushed out, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed!

The spiritual world!

Lin Mo actually used the spiritual realm again without hesitation!

"The same method didn't work once, but you dared to use it a second time. It's really interesting!" Trapped in the spiritual realm, Kebi didn't have the slightest worry on his face, and some only showed ridicule!

The blue light ball trembled, and countless light balls burst out again!

Click! !

The spiritual realm exploded, and Kebi rushed out!

"It seems that he was too exhausted. This time it was much easier than last time!" Kebi said with a smile.


At this moment, the light of the sword and the light of the sword came instantly!

Instant killing sword!

Destroy life with one knife!

The sword was invincible and struck directly at Kebi's forehead!

Kebi's face instantly turned pale, because he did not expect that Lin Mo did not take action in the spiritual realm. Instead, he broke through the spiritual realm and Lin Mo made a move!

Attacked at such a close range, he had no time to resist.

The blue ball of light was a spiritual weapon, and there was no way to resist such an impact, so he simply gritted his teeth and directly resisted with physical force!


The sword light and sword slash fell on him, making him tremble, and then he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned extremely pale!

Just when he wanted to take a breath, Lin Mo used the Five Beast Fist again!

The roar of the dragon resounded, accompanied by the cry of the phoenix!

Lin Mo used two extremely powerful punches at the same time and blasted them towards Kebi!


With a muffled sound, Kebi only had time to raise his hands to resist, and the next moment, he flew straight out!


With a loud noise, Kebi hit the ground hard!

This time Kebi was seriously injured!


Lin Mo put away the blue ball of light without hesitation. In order to prevent the blue ball of light from suddenly mutating, Lin Mo directly put it into his mind!

With previous experience, Lin Mo was very sure that as long as things related to mental power were taken into his mind, there would be no big problems.

After seeing his blue light ball being put away, Kebi's face showed an angry look: " deserve to die!"

When he struggled to stand up, Lin Mo had already appeared in front of him.

"Give me all your spiritual martial arts skills, and I may consider sparing your life!" Lin Mo said softly.

"You're dreaming!" Kebi said coldly. The next moment, all the energy and blood in his body exploded, forming a storm that enveloped Lin Mo's body!

Lin Mo's eyes changed and he immediately stepped back more than ten meters.

But he was still enveloped by this force of energy and blood, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

On the ground, Kebi was too dead to die. In order to prevent himself from being caught, he directly chose to commit suicide.

Look at Zhang Ye again, he is still alive and well!

After groping for a while on Kebi, Lin Mo found some Qi and Blood Pills, and then a ring!

Lin Mo felt some different atmosphere on this ring!

After a while, Lin Mo finally understood what this ring was!

Storage ring!

The beautiful country has actually developed a storage ring!

Thinking of this, the look on Lin Mo's face became solemn.

Storage rings involve too many things, such as space, dimensional power... and so on!

Now the beautiful country has created such a thing!

"There is still a gap!" Lin Mo sighed lightly and put the ring on his hand. He was not going to keep this thing for himself. He wanted to take it back and hand it over to the Chinese officials so that they could research it as soon as possible. thing.

Of course, after handing it in, there must be benefits. Lin Mo even thought of getting the old principal back.

A storage ring, Lin Mo feels, should be enough!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo stood up and looked at Zhang Ye who was tied up.

Zhang Ye had seen all the previous battles, so Lin Mo was considering whether to kill someone and silence him. Anyway, Lin Mo didn't have any good impressions of this person!

Zhang Ye originally saw Lin Mo killing Kebi and after he was safe, he thought of showing his presence.

But after thinking about some of the things he heard about Lin Mo, he wisely chose to keep his mouth shut!

After all, Lin Mo kills people when he says he will. If he died in Lin Mo's hands here, there would be no reason at all!

So after Lin Mo untied the ropes on him, he shut his mouth obediently and said nothing.

Lin Mo stared at him, and wanted to find an excuse to kill him directly, but he didn't expect Zhang Ye to say anything.

"Follow me!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice. According to what Coby said, the people he sent out should be back soon, so they must leave quickly!

When passing the bodies of the four people outside, Lin Mo continued to search their bodies for a while and found some Qi and Blood Pills. They turned around and left without counting them.


After leaving the manor for a certain distance, Lin Mo directly lit the blue flare.

Soon another flare lit up not far away, and Lin Mo flew directly there!

Half an hour later, Lin Mo joined them.

"This... You actually succeeded and rescued the people!" Liu Sheng looked at Zhang Ye who was following Lin Mo, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

And Zhang Ye came here, still honestly dared not say a word.

"How did you succeed? Liu Sheng was injured, but you were fine!" Zhang Yao looked at Lin Mo with a look of shock.

"No time to explain too much, let's leave first!" Lin Mo said. This time he took away the Heart of the Ocean and the storage ring. This was definitely a big deal for the United States. Lin Mo even suspected that the United States might do its best to kill Lin Mo and take the things back!

So now, the most important thing is to leave here quickly!

"Go to the inner river first, with the dark wolf as an eyeliner, and we have other things to do at the same time!" Lin Mo gave his own ideas.

"According to the original plan, we do need to go to the inner river, and I have just notified the military department. When we get to the inner river, they will arrive in time!"

Liu Sheng hung up the phone and got into the car with a few people.

"Go to this address!" Lin Mo reported an address, which was the address that the hostess gave to Lin Mo.

An hour later, they stopped at the location of the Inner River slums. Looking at the dilapidated door in front of him, Lin Mo felt extremely heavy in his heart.

When he saw the lonely and sad eyes of the two middle-aged men and women, Lin Mo glanced coldly at Zhang Ye behind him.

Feeling the murderous intention, Zhang Ye hid directly behind Zhang Yao.

Lin Mo stepped forward with a gentle smile on his face.

"Hello, I am the person in charge of this incident in Huaxia. I am very sad about what our people did. Please rest assured that he will get the punishment he deserves after returning!

In addition, this is the maximum compensation we can strive for..."

Lin Mo directly took out ten stacks of US dollars and placed them in front of them.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them, the eyes of the two people gradually showed spirits, but those spirits were not happy, but angry!

Unparalleled anger!

"Please rest assured, he will definitely be punished, I promise you!" Lin Mo put the US dollars in front of them again: "Your daughter Jimmy is dead, but you are still alive, you must live well."

After leaving this sentence, Lin Mo turned around and left.

The two middle-aged men looked at the US dollars in front of them, and their eyes gradually became firm.

"He is right. We must survive, at least to see our daughter's revenge!"

The man spoke in a deep voice.


Half an hour later, the roar of the helicopter came. After reporting their location, the helicopter of the Chinese Military Department arrived at their location.

After Lin Mo took Zhang Ye and others on the plane, the entire plane left directly.

Lin Mo looked at the land of Yue under his feet, and an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

For this place, Lin Mo really didn't want to come a second time...

The successful completion of this mission was beyond everyone's expectations, so after receiving the news of their return, the Ministry of War actually opened a special route to transport them back.

Therefore, from Yue to the capital, which was originally a long journey, they arrived in less than three hours.

According to the information obtained by Liu Sheng and Zhang Yao, the people who greeted them this time were very important.

In addition to the people from the Ministry of War, there were also people from the Chinese official, as well as several top figures from the Chinese Military University.

"We have shown our faces this time. At least we can be the captain of the elite battalion after we go back!" Liu Sheng said with a smile, looking at Lin Mo and said, "If you have the opportunity to become the captain this time, tell me and I will follow you!"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo eagerly. Following Lin Mo this time, the gains were really huge!

Lin Mo also smiled and nodded. The specific arrangements later still depended on the Ministry of War.

At this time, the helicopter landed slowly.

Finally back!

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