Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 221: Like mother, like son!

The huge wings swept across the sky, and the huge flying bird made of steel slowly landed in front of a group of people.

The leader was a person from the Chinese Military Department. He was a man in black with a faint smile on his face. There were several people standing behind him.

Ouyang Xiu smiled faintly, and his eyes seemed to have penetrated the thick steel and saw Lin Mo sitting inside.

As for Xia Houming standing next to him, he laughed loudly and whispered something in Ouyang Xiu's ear from time to time.

The person sent by the Chinese Military University this time was a woman. She was wearing a special leather jacket with the pattern of the Chinese Military University painted on it in a gold-stamping way.

The woman's face was full of worry. When she saw the plane landing, she couldn't help but take a small step forward.

The heavy cabin door opened, and the first person to come down was not Lin Mo and others, but Zhang Ye.

He rushed out in two consecutive steps, and after searching the crowd for a while, his eyes fell on the woman.

"Mom!" Zhang Ye shouted and rushed directly to the woman.

This woman turned out to be Zhang Ye's mother.

On the plane, a group of people frowned. There was no information about Zhang Ye's mother in their files, but looking at the clothes the woman was wearing, it could be judged that the woman was closely related to the school.

The woman looked at her son with tears on her face, and kept touching Zhang Ye's head, muttering something.

After Zhang Ye vented for a while, he seemed to have thought of something and whispered in the woman's ear for a long time.

Ouyang Xiu frowned slightly because he vaguely heard Lin Mo's name.

After Zhang Ye finished speaking, the woman raised her head and looked at the exit of the plane, her eyes were already full of coldness.

At this time, a group of people slowly walked out of the exit, led by Lin Mo.

This was requested by Liu Sheng and others, because this mission, without Lin Mo, would not have been successful at all, and they would not have been able to return safely.

Therefore, Lin Mo deserved the honor of walking in the front.

"It turned out that Zheng Feng came to greet us in person. It seems that we have given face to the Minister of War this time!"

Behind Lin Mo, Liu Sheng spoke in a low voice.

"Zheng Feng?" Lin Mo did not know this person.

"He is the No. 5 figure in the Huaxia Military Department. He manages the personnel changes of the entire Huaxia Military Department. He rarely appears easily. Since he came to greet us personally this time, it can be seen that he is very satisfied with this mission!" Zhang Yao explained in a low voice.

Everyone was smiling. The more satisfied the superiors were with this mission, the higher the reward Lin Mo and his team would get.

"Welcome our heroes home!" Zheng Feng took the initiative to step forward and held Lin Mo's hands: "Come on, let me introduce you. This is Ouyang Xiu, the head of the Huaxia Military Department, and the one next to him is Captain Xiahou Ming.

Then this is Professor Guan Jie of the Huaxia Military University, and Zhang Ye is Professor Guan's son!

I am Zheng Feng from the Huaxia Military Department.

On behalf of several of us, I would like to express my warm welcome to your return again. We are satisfied with this mission!


Zheng Feng said a lot of words with a smile on his face.

"Okay, now that the mission has been completed, the subsequent rewards will be directly awarded to everyone. Please return to your respective camps and wait patiently. I hope you will continue to work hard in the future..."

Zheng Feng made the final summary speech. According to convention, everyone should be ready to leave.

Just as Lin Mo was about to go forward and say hello to Ouyang Xiu and Xiahou Ming, and then return to the camp, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Minister Zheng, wait a minute!" Guan Jie's voice rang out, and at the same time, she took a step forward with Zhang Ye: "You have rescued my son, I express my gratitude, but I just got some news from my son, and I want to confirm it with you!"

Lin Mo, Liu Sheng and others stopped and looked at Zhang Ye, who was full of pride, and couldn't help frowning.

"My son said that when you found him in the manor of the Beautiful Country this time, you used bad words to him, and Lin Mo even threatened him with sword intent, right?"

Guan Jie looked at everyone, and finally her eyes stopped on Lin Mo, with hatred flashing in her eyes.

The faces of a group of people changed slightly. They didn't expect that after going through so much trouble to save Zhang Ye, they would eventually be held accountable like this.

"Professor Guan, don't you ask us why we used bad words to him?" Lin Mo suddenly spoke softly.

"No matter what the reason, you have no right to speak ill of my son!" Guan Jie stared at Lin Mo coldly: "So, what my son said is true. Not only did you speak ill of him, you even drew your sword to threaten him, right?"

Hearing these words, Lin Mo finally smiled.

"I finally understand why Zhang Ye is such a person. It is reasonable for a mother like you to raise such a child!"

Lin Mo sneered coldly, looking at Guan Jie with mocking eyes: "Your son attacked a poor waiter in Yue State who was powerless, first killing him and then killing him!

After the teenage girl clearly refused, your son still forced himself to do so!

I want to ask, what else can this be but a beast?"

"Bold!" As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, Guan Jie raised her eyebrows and scolded: "Who do you think you are? How dare you scold my son like this!

And that lowly Yue woman actually dared to disobey my son, so she'll die!

It's her blessing that my son can like her!

That woman still dares to refuse. In my opinion, killing her will be an advantage to her! "

Guan Jie uttered such words, which made Lin Mo almost wonder if he heard it wrong.

A professor actually said such shameless words.

Zhang Ye's face was full of pride, he stared at Lin Mo and sneered: "Lin Mo, I said, when I come back, you will definitely be unlucky!

How dare you take me to apologize to their family!

What are they? Despicable..."


Before Zhang Ye finished speaking, Lin Mo slapped him in the face.

His movements were too fast. Before anyone could react, Lin Mo's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and he raised his hand and slapped him.

Zhang Ye screamed and was slapped to the ground, covering his mouth with a look of resentment on his face.

"If you dare to hit my son, I will kill you right now, believe it or not!" Guan Jie rushed towards Lin Mo like crazy, cursing continuously in her mouth.

"Lin Mo, I want to kill you, I want to kill you!

Not only do I want to kill you, I also want to go back to Yue and kill her parents too. Then their family will be reunited!

Also, Lin Mo, I heard that you also have a sister, right? Hehe, I want to..."

Zhang Ye had a sinister smile on his face, and when he opened his mouth to say the most vicious words, a sword light flashed past!

The smile on Zhang Ye's face froze instantly.

A line of blood appeared from his neck, followed by blood spurting out.

"You... cough cough cough..." Zhang Ye covered the wound and wanted to say something, but found that he was speechless at all.

He could feel his vitality draining away, and a look of regret and confusion flashed in his eyes.

If he had known that Lin Mo would kill him, he would not have dared to provoke Lin Mo no matter what!

"Son!" Guan Jie rushed towards her son like crazy, trying to seal the wound.

But it was useless. Lin Mo's sword was merciless and cut off all his life.

So the blood kept flowing, and in less than a minute, Zhang Ye completely lost his breath!


"You...kill my son!" Guan Jie stared at Lin Mo and said sternly: "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill your whole family!

All with you..."


Her voice stopped suddenly, and her vicious face rolled down from her neck along with her head.

Lin Mo slowly sheathed his sword and looked at the others: "You also heard it, they were the ones who threatened me first."

It was only then that everyone realized what Lin Mo had done!

"Lin Mo!"

Ouyang Xiu said loudly: "You kill people in front of Minister Zheng, do you still have discipline and organization in your eyes?

Come back with me now, severe punishment will be waiting for you! "

Faced with this situation, Ouyang Xiu began to protect his shortcomings and directly wanted to take Lin Mo away.

Zheng Feng took a deep look at Ouyang Xiu and said nothing.

"Why!" At this moment, a group of people following Guan Jie spoke up. They were all from the Huaxia Military University. Now that Guan Jie has died here, if Lin Mo cannot be left behind, wait until they return to school. , will also be punished.

"Why why! Lin Mo is from the Ministry of War. If he does something wrong now, he will naturally be punished by the Ministry of War after he returns! This has been stipulated from the very beginning!" Xia Houming stood directly in front of them with a rough expression. Their appearance frightened them so much that they took a step back: "If you are not convinced, I can argue with you now!

They are really a bunch of shameless people. You have all heard what Zhang Ye did!

The hero who dares to threaten this mission in front of us, does he really regard our military department as a lackey?

And Guan Jie, how did a person like this get the position of professor?

I think your Huaxia Military University really needs to investigate it carefully! "

Xia Houming pointed at them and said a series of words directly.

Lin Mo stood by and listened dumbfounded. He had always thought that Xia Houming was the kind of person who would do anything if he disagreed. Who would have thought that he was also a little expert at defending.

Many professors at Huaxia Military University were speechless.

"Lin Mo made a mistake by openly killing people. Ouyang Xiu, take your people back and lock them up first. I will report the specific story to the superiors, and then we will discuss how to deal with it!"

Zheng Feng looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

Lin Mo looked at Zheng Feng in surprise. He didn't expect that he would make such a decision. This was obviously biased in his favor!

It is said that the Ministry of War protects the young, but now it turns out that it is indeed the case!

A group of people from the Huaxia Military University had ugly expressions. Some people took out their mobile phones and started making calls.

Soon, Zheng Feng and Ouyang Xiu began to receive calls.

A group of people just stood there silently, waiting for the subsequent processing results.

A few minutes later, the two hung up the phone, exchanged eyes with each other, and then looked at Lin Mo.

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