Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 222: I’ll slap you in the face!

Taking a deep breath, Zheng Feng looked past Lin Mo and towards Liu Sheng and others: "Lin Mo is lawless, Liu Sheng and you guys arrest him!"

"Let's see who dares!" After Zheng Feng finished speaking, Ouyang Xiu's voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, Xia Houming chuckled twice and took a step forward, blocking Lin Mo.

At this moment, Xia Houming's muscles all over his body were bulging, and his whole body exuded a strong aura.

"Minister Zheng... this..." Liu Sheng and others had hesitant looks on their faces, but they did not take action.

They had a life-long friendship with Lin Mo in Yue Kingdom. If they attacked Lin Mo here, would they still be considered human beings?

Besides, they all knew that once Lin Mo's terrifying mental power was unleashed, the strength of the few of them would not be enough!

Zheng Feng's face was also ugly. He knew very well how Lin Mo behaved in Yue Kingdom, and he felt very unhappy when such people were punished for people like Zhang Ye and Guan Jie.

But he is in a different position now, and because the position is different, the decisions he has to make are also different.

"What are you still doing? Arrest him!" Zheng Feng shouted coldly.

"Minister Zheng, I'm sorry, we can't do this!" Finally, Liu Sheng stepped forward and spoke in an extremely heavy voice.

Zheng Feng was their superior, and if they violated his orders in this situation, Zheng Feng could execute them with just one sentence, but for Lin Mo, they still chose to disobey Zheng Feng's orders.

"Do you really think... this matter will end like this?" Zheng Feng looked at the people standing in front of Lin Mo and sighed helplessly: "If I were younger, maybe I would do the same thing as you The same choice..."

His voice was extremely sad, yet helpless.

This is the so-called price of growth!

He waved his hand gently, and the sound of wind broke in the distance, as several figures approached quickly from far away.

Lin Mo's pupils shrank, and looking at those figures, he felt a little fear in his heart.

powerful! too strong!

The aura exuded by these figures has almost surpassed the martial saint realm, and may have touched the next level.

You must know that the old principal was only at the peak of the ninth-grade martial saint, but he could not advance even half a step in his martial arts cultivation after so many years.

Now there are so many strong men who have surpassed the martial saint realm all of a sudden!

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you are stronger than me, I will admit death!" Xia Houming snorted coldly, and there was a roaring sound all over his body. He rushed out like a cannonball, and his speed was extremely fast!

At the same time, his figure skyrocketed, which was the effect of some kind of martial arts. In just a moment, he looked like a giant nearly three meters tall!


A cold snort sounded, followed by a vast force crushing out!

Xia Houming's whole figure seemed to have knocked down an invisible wall and stopped directly in mid-air.


The next moment, his whole body was slapped to the ground by a lavender palm.

Just when Xia Houming was cursing and about to get up, the palm fell down again.


Xia Houming opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, but smiled wildly on his face: "Hahaha, I don't accept it!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Houming flew out and hit the far wall heavily, making no sound at all.

Just when several people focused their attention on Lin Mo, Ouyang Xiu sighed softly and took a step slowly.


With the same muffled sound, Ouyang Xiu flew out and hit the wall heavily.

When that hand was still about to strike, Lin Mo suddenly took a step forward.

"Wait a moment!"

The hand stopped there, hanging between Ouyang Xiu's eyebrows.

If this finger were pressed, Ouyang Xiu might be in danger of his life.

"I'll go with you!" Lin Mo stared at those people and said solemnly: "But nothing can happen to them!"

"Huh, at this point, how do you think you have any room for bargaining?" A teacher from the Huaxia Military University said, looking at Lin Mo with eyes full of pride.

In this open and covert battle, at least for now, the Chinese army has won a big victory.

So what if Lin Mo is a hero? If the Chinese Army is big enough, the Ministry of War will still arrest people honestly.

Lin Mo was too lazy to talk to the idiot from the Huaxia Military University. Instead, he looked at Zheng Feng and raised his hands.

He spread his hands and there was nothing in his palms.

But the next moment, a bottle appeared out of thin air in his hand, containing a high-level Qi and Blood Pill.

"Tch! It's really ridiculous. He actually used Qi and Blood Pills to bribe him in front of so many of us..." A professor from the China Military University sneered.

"Shut up!" Before he finished speaking, another professor interrupted him coldly.

The interrupted professor looked confused, but after seeing the eyes of the others, he couldn't help but follow their eyes.

In Lin Mo's palm, a bottle of Qi and Blood Pill appeared again.

"Even taking out two bottles of Qi Blood Pills is nothing..." the professor murmured, but the next moment his eyes suddenly widened because he thought of the problem here.

Lin Mo's hands were empty. How did these two Qi and Blood Pills appear out of thin air? !

First of all, Lin Mo is definitely not a magician.

Then the reason for the appearance of these Qi and Blood Pills is easy to guess...

Lin Mo has a storage item on him!

"This... this is impossible!" The professor shook his head, unable to believe his own speculation, but he knew very well that in this case, this was the only reason.

The reasons that the professors can think of can naturally be thought of by Zheng Feng and others.

They looked at Lin Mo with excited expressions on their faces: "Lin Mo, do you props?"

Lin Mo nodded lightly and said in a deep voice: "Now, can we talk?"

At this time, Xia Houming returned to Lin Mo again with the support of Ouyang Xiu: "Lin Mo, you don't have to be like this!"

"You ended up like this just to save me. If I still hide this thing, I will have a bad conscience!

Besides, I had no intention of hiding this thing.

But now, if they are unwilling to meet my request, I would rather destroy it! "

Lin Mo's voice was cold and he spoke harshly.

"Boy, I told you, you are not qualified to bargain with us. Compared with us, you are like an insect..."


A slight sound was heard, and a look of shock immediately appeared on the man's face.

At this moment, Lin Mo was holding a ring in his hand, and the sound just now came from the ring.

"If you dare to say another word, I will crush this ring!" Lin Mo held up the ring in his hand: "Don't think that you can kill me instantly with your strength. I am sure that the moment you take action, Destroy this thing completely and turn it into ashes!”

Lin Mo's voice was cold and almost emotionless.

A group of people looked at the ring in Lin Mo's hand with their hearts in their throats.

They have been researching storage rings for many years, but there has been no news about it.

Now, Lin Mo actually held a real object in front of them.

If this is really missed, it would be a huge mistake.

"We don't..." The strong man gritted his teeth. Just when he was about to say something tough, Lin Mo's palms pressed hard.


More cracks began to spread, and the ring was 80% destroyed!


The other two strong men took action directly, and after suppressing the strong man who spoke, they quickly said to Lin Mo: "Wait a minute!"

Lin Mo did not continue to destroy, but looked at them calmly.

"We agree to your conditions." The two strong men said: "They will be fine!

As long as you hand this thing over, we can guarantee that you'll be fine too! "

"I don't need..." Lin Mo shook his head and focused on the strong man from before: "I don't like his face. I want you to slap him twice."

"You..." The strong man stared at Lin Mo with his eyes widened.

"I changed my mind. I want to slap him twice myself." Lin Mo looked at him and said calmly.

The strong man's eyes were filled with endless killing intent, and he struggled desperately.

"Lin Mo, if you give up this request, we can guarantee your safety." The other two strong men spoke.

They are all strong men who have broken through to the realm of martial saints. It would be so embarrassing if they were slapped in the mouth by a junior!

But Lin Mo shook his head very firmly: "I'm going to slap him in that face!"

For a moment, the expression on that strong man's face turned extremely ugly.

He knew that it was impossible for the other two strong men to disagree with Lin Mo's request.

Sure enough, after just a moment of silence, two strong men took action at the same time, sealing all his energy and blood. This was to prevent Lin Mo from getting angry when he slapped him.

Lin Mo stepped forward, slowly raised his right hand, and waved it in front of him so that he could see his palm clearly.

Then the hand slowly raised... Bang!

Lin Mo used his greatest strength to slap loudly.

Without the support of the power of Qi and blood, a trace of blood actually flowed from the corner of the strong man's mouth.

Lin Mo's mouth showed a trace of ridicule: "Tsk, tsk, this physical body is not as strong as mine!"

A slap can make a strong man above the Martial Saint bleed, which proves that his physical strength has not reached the level above the Martial Saint!

This strong man kept roaring. If his eyes could kill, Lin Mo would have died a hundred times now!

But Lin Mo would be fine, and he raised his right hand again.

According to the original agreement, he was to slap him twice, but now he only slapped her once, and there was still one slap left.

"Please forgive you. I don't have to slap you this time." Lin Mo's slap had reached its highest point, but it did not fall. Instead, he looked at the strong man in front of him and said with a chuckle.

The group of people looked at Lin Mo's smile and felt cold all over.

This young man said the most tolerant words, but it had a heart-wrenching effect!

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