A whistling sound came from behind Lin Mo, like a ghost crying, it was the sound after the cold wind blew.

Lin Mo used the ghost shadow to run as hard as he could. Although he had not yet touched the strong wind, he knew very well that once he stopped, the wind would directly swallow him up and turn him into an ice sculpture in a very short time!

The ultimate martial arts of ice attribute has no effect at this moment. In the face of the real cold, his ice attribute is really not enough!


There was a slight sound under his feet, that was the sound of the ground starting to freeze. Lin Mo looked at the ground with his peripheral vision, that was the frost spreading continuously.

At this moment, the white frost seemed to have life, spreading forward continuously, like countless tiny insects eating the land.

Lin Mo could feel the desire of the cold wind for him, and he even felt that his back had been caught up by the frost, and the frost was climbing up his back, trying to swallow him completely!

Just when Lin Mo felt that he was about to be drowned by endless frost, he suddenly saw a huge cave not far ahead.

Seeing the cave, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, because his mental power felt the vigorous vitality inside.

There is no doubt that there is life in this cave.


Without any hesitation, Lin Mo's figure suddenly accelerated. After arriving at the cave entrance, he jumped down without taking a closer look!

The width of the cave entrance was just enough for him to slide down along the edge. He saw the frost spreading above his head, but it finally stopped at a height of about a few meters from the ground, but Lin Mo was still falling. He looked at his feet, which was extremely dark, like an abyss!

Lin Mo suddenly felt a sense of regret. He hadn't reached the bottom for so long. God knows where this cave will take him?


At this moment, Lin Mo's mental power brought a slight echo, which made him suddenly perk up. Since there was an echo, it meant that he was almost at the bottom!

Sure enough, in the next breath, Lin Mo's feet hit the ground heavily. The terrible pain and impact almost crippled his legs!

Fortunately, Lin Mo's current body is terrifying enough, and when he fell, he used the walls on both sides to slow down a lot, otherwise Lin Mo should be wrapped in a body bag now!


Just when Lin Mo was feeling lucky, a sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded in his ears.

Lin Mo was shocked because he felt this terrifying power with a sharp breath. Even if it didn't come into contact with his skin, it seemed to cut his flesh and blood!

"So strong!"

Lin Mo was shocked. His mental power had been sweeping around, but he didn't notice this person approaching in secret, and he was even killed by him!

The only time he was thankful was that Lin Mo's reaction was too fast. In just one tenth of a second, he lowered his body, and at the same time, the power of blood and qi gathered on his fists, and then blasted out!

As far as the tentacles reach, there is a furry body. The terrifying fist force vibrates on the body and quickly disperses!

After just a few seconds, these forces rushed through the flesh and blood, quickly destroying the muscles and bones of this body!

A wailing sound rang out, and Lin Mo recognized that it was the wailing of some animal.

At the same time, Lin Mo heard the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground.


He drew out the Red Blood Sword, and with the red light, he saw a terrifying giant bear lying on the ground that was nearly three meters tall!

Two lines of blood light burst out from the eyes of the giant bear, which looked extremely terrifying.

But at this moment, its body was bleeding continuously. Lin Mo's punch was too terrifying. The punch containing the power of the Five Beast Fist destroyed the body of the beast from the inside out.

Lin Mo breathed a long sigh of relief, and the Red Blood Sword flashed, cutting off the head of the strange bear. After a moment, he took out the demon pill from the head.

The strength of this bear is comparable to that of a fourth-grade martial saint, so the demon pills it produces are naturally valuable.

Lin Mo used the Red Blood Sword as a tool to directly peel off the skin and flesh of the giant bear.

The Red Blood Sword has a high temperature, and it has directly dried the skin and flesh during the skinning process, so when Lin Mo peeled off the fur, it was completely ready to wear!

In fact, Lin Mo did the same thing. He wore the bear skin directly on his body, and the whole person looked swollen several times, as if he had turned into a strange bear!

Although this fur doesn't look good, it has to be said that its warmth retention performance is really excellent. After Lin Mo put it on, he no longer felt the cold at all!

However, at this time, Lin Mo would not rush out stupidly to try to see if it was cold or not, but used the oil paper on the giant bear to light a torch and look around!

Although mental power can make him feel everything around him, the torch can make him see everything clearly!

When he saw the situation inside the cave, Lin Mo was stunned!

The entire cave looks like dozens of square meters, and at this moment, such a large space is full of bones!

Lin Mo saw some animal skeletons, but most of them were human skeletons!

There is no doubt that these were the sinners who were exiled here!

They did not survive to find the treasure of the Black Fire Prison, but fell directly to the ground and became food for the giant bear!

Lin Mo had a look of regret on his face, but his eyes looked past the corpses and towards the wall.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that he saw countless strange words on the wall. Those words were extremely ancient, as if they came from another world!

Lin Mo stared at the words for a long time, but he couldn't understand the meaning of them. He simply gave up and memorized all the words in his mind with his strong memory!

There are monsters in the abyss, but there are also humanoid creatures, like Miss Yu. Although they live in the abyss, they look no different from humans!

Lin Mo wondered if these words came from the humans in the abyss!

At present, Lin Mo's mental power can still feel the endless cold outside, which is still surging wildly. He simply didn't go out, sat cross-legged here, took out a blood and qi pill and swallowed it!

With Lin Mo's current realm, it actually takes a high-level blood and qi pill to enter the dream. Fortunately, Lin Mo has been robbed several times and has a lot of blood and qi pills on his body.

Each high-level Qi and Blood Pill is worth 20 million, but after Lin Mo swallowed one, he directly chose a copy he had entered before and started practicing!

The whole process went very smoothly. After Lin Mo killed the lord, he entered the martial arts arena again and spent five Qi and Blood Pills to upgrade the proficiency of Dragon Fist to the intermediate level!

"Too scary, it took me five high-level Qi and Blood Pills just to reach the intermediate proficiency, which is equivalent to 100 million cash!

It turns out that practicing is a costly thing!

By the way, I almost forgot, there is also my spiritual imprint!"

This is a simple spiritual martial art, but Lin Mo knows very well that if this martial art can be practiced well, it will definitely be of great use!

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that in order to upgrade the spiritual imprint to the intermediate proficiency, it actually required ten high-level Qi and Blood Pills!

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and upgraded directly!

He slowly opened his eyes, and a vertical eye at the center of his eyebrows slowly opened. This is the result of the upgrade of the spiritual imprint, which can actually be performed through the vertical eye at the center of his eyebrows!


A golden light flew out directly and instantly sank into the flesh and blood of the giant bear.

Lin Mo smiled. This was a terrifying improvement. The light that just flew out was the mark that he had to spend effort to condense. Through the vertical eye, it can be condensed in just a moment!

"So, I can create my own spiritual slave in a very short time in the future!"

Lin Mo was a little excited. If this suddenly attacked in the battle, it would definitely be an overwhelming advantage. It was a skill that could change the situation in one fell swoop at a critical moment!

Slowly getting up, Lin Mo's mental power rushed out again and enveloped the outside.

This time Lin Mo smiled. He felt that it was not so cold outside!

Obviously, the coldness had dissipated and now it was back to normal!

He stood up and stood under the cave entrance, looking outside.

This place is about 30 meters high. For ordinary people, this height may be very high, but for Lin Mo, it is actually nothing.

Yan Xiangshu!

Lin Mo soared into the sky like a flying monkey, flew directly out of the cave, and stood steadily on the ground.

He looked around, the frost had disappeared, and the ground was actually green, like wild grass that emerged from the ground after the snow melted in the cold winter!

"Ignore the extreme weather, the environment here is actually pretty good! The content of spiritual energy is also very high, suitable for cultivation!" Lin Mo quickly gave his own judgment, but this was not the time to judge these!

He directly dispersed his mental power, because with the sealed mental power in his mind, Lin Mo was equivalent to having a power bank that could replenish mental power at any time!

Lin Mo even tried to convert mental power and blood power into each other, and finally found that this was completely feasible!

This surprised Lin Mo a little. As long as he kept storing mental power in his body, did it mean that his blood power could be squandered infinitely?

This idea made Lin Mo a little eager to try. He increased the range of mental perception to the maximum, which was a terrible consumption of mental power.

But as Lin Mo thought, his mental power was recovering rapidly.

"That is..."

At this moment, Lin Mo felt a water source in front of him!

This surprised him greatly. You know, the Black Fire Prison is an abyss. The premise of finding the secret realm of the abyss is to survive here!

According to Lin Mo's inference, in such a place, all places related to survival are extremely important! !

And the most important thing in survival is the water source!

So Lin Mo ran directly to the water source without any hesitation!

However, when Lin Mo approached the water source, an inexplicable palpitation surged into his heart!

There is an ambush!

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