In just an instant, Lin Mo disappeared from the place like lightning. When he reappeared, he was already standing behind a bush not far away.

In front of him, there was a man lying with a puzzled face.

He was wearing dirty robes and was looking up at Lin Mo's original direction.

He held a short spear in his hand, and there was a glimmer of energy and blood on it.

This man's strength has actually reached the seventh-grade Martial Saint realm.

What shocked Lin Mo the most was that there was an arm on the man's hand, but the arm had turned a strange orange-red color.

Lin Mo was sure that the color could only be produced after being salted.

In addition, a row of tooth marks can be seen on the arm, so Lin Mo is 100% sure that this arm is this man's food!


Lin Mo struck out like lightning and smashed the man's head with one punch.

The back of the head is one of the most vulnerable parts of a human being, so Lin Mo's punch would kill him directly.

After killing one, Lin Mo rushed further away without any hesitation.


At the same time, a figure rushed out from a distance and came face to face with Lin Mo!

His speed is faster, and the aura all over his body is not weaker than that of the eighth-level Martial Saint Peak!


Lin Mo raised his fists and rushed forward.

What followed was a loud noise, and the two figures retreated at the same time.


The moment Lin Mo stood still, his mental power was suddenly released, and he shrouded towards the figure!

boom! boom! boom!

The fist wind roared like thunder.

Facing Lin Mo's mental attack, this figure did not dodge, but directly greeted it with a powerful fist!

He seemed to be a born god with eight arms, and his fist speed was so fast that afterimages were produced. From Lin Mo's perspective, eight arms actually grew out of his back.

At this moment, those arms were punching at the same time, and the storm of punches was fierce and intensive!


A slight sound was heard, and Lin Mo's expression changed drastically, because his spiritual world was collapsing!

You know, the boundary of the spiritual world has not yet enveloped that figure, but under the blow of the fist, the spiritual world disappeared!

"In front of my boxing world, even your mental power must be blocked. Boy, you are very powerful, but it is not enough!"

At this time, Lin Mo finally saw clearly the appearance of the man in front of him.

His upper body was bare, revealing skin covered with scars, and rugged muscles on his lower abdomen, but his face was strangely handsome!

The most unforgettable thing is those eyes - cold, sad, as if they don't belong to human beings!


Lin Mo didn't hesitate, and directly activated the two states of violent blood and rage. He used the Five Beast Fist instantly, and he took the initiative to attack the man!

Bang bang bang!

The sound of fists and feet clashing was endless, and Lin Mo's fist intention was directly suppressed.

The man was right. His punches actually formed a boundary like a field. It was difficult for Lin Mo's fist to break!


The sword light was bright, and Lin Mo activated the energy and blood power of both ice and thunder attributes to wrap around the red blood sword at the same time.

In an instant, the Red Blood Sword covered three attributes: ice, thunder, and fire!

Instant killing sword!

Lin Mo slashed out with his sword, and the power of three colors of qi and blood rushed out!

The man's face changed slightly. The power of this sword can only be felt by facing it how terrifying it is!

With this sword, Lin Mo consumed almost half of his energy and blood!

However, Lin Mo didn't panic at all. The sealed mental power was directly transformed into the power of qi and blood, replenishing all the energy consumed!

The man waved his fist to resist, and after blocking the sword, he rushed forward with a sneer!

"Hehe, I want to see how many times you can use that sword move just now?!" The man was not a fool. He could tell at a glance that Lin Mo couldn't use such a terrifying sword move without restriction.

"How many more times can you block it?" Lin Mo sneered and raised his sword.

You must know that Lin Mo's sword has been cultivated with sword intention, so Lin Mo's attack at this moment is really terrifying to the extreme.

The instant-kill sword was slashed out by Lin Mo continuously as if it consumed nothing.

The man also waved his fist to greet him. Originally, he was sure that Lin Mo was at the end of his strength, but as the fight continued, Lin Mo's energy and blood power did not seem to decrease at all!

" is this possible!"

The man looked at Lin Mo with a look of horror on his face.

Can such a terrifying sword move be used without any restrictions?


He shouted coldly, and punched Lin Mo away with a powerful and heavy punch. At the same time, he used the force of the counterattack to shake his body away from the center of the battlefield!

"Fight again!"

Lin Mo roared, used the Ghost Shadow Conspiracy Technique, and rushed forward again!

"Stop! Stop!"

The man yelled quickly: "You are very strong, but I am not weak either. The end result of the two of us fighting is that we will be killed by others who ambush and become food!"

I think that we should give up! "

Lin Mo's mental power spread out, and he accidentally discovered that there were others approaching quickly!

Apparently the fighting scene here was so intense that it had attracted the attention of others!

After nodding slightly, Lin Mo slowly backed away.

The man was also retreating, and both of them were wary and cautiously fetching water.

Lin Mo held up the water with both hands but did not bring it to his mouth. Instead, he glanced at the man.

The man chuckled and drank the water he held in one gulp.

“It was the only source of water nearby and it only existed for maybe an hour.

Here, only the strong people dare to come out to drink water at this time. Others can only hide. After the strong people finish drinking the water, they will come over to grab the sludge-like water! "

The man explained.

Lin Mo nodded and made his own response.

The man was not dissatisfied with Lin Mo's attitude. He took out the water bottle he carried with him, filled a full bottle, and hung it on his waist.

Lin Mo thought for a while, then directly put his hand into the water, feeling the cold water temperature, and at the same time silently stored all the water in the storage space of his brain with his thoughts.

In just a few minutes, Lin Mo stored enough water for at least a month.

What shocked Lin Mo was that even after taking so much water, the water source in front of him still did not decrease.

Just when Lin Mo was surprised, several more figures rushed out, looked at Lin Mo from a distance, and stayed away warily.

They came to the lower reaches of the water and squatted there taking small sips of water, as if they were about to escape at any moment.

Lin Mo took two steps back. These people didn't have much hostility towards him, so Lin Mo didn't bother to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

However, just a few steps away, Lin Mo suddenly heard a cry from behind.

Looking back, I saw that the water source was rapidly decreasing. In just one minute, the water source in front of me disappeared and only a small pool was left, mixed with sludge!

Just like this, there were still people rushing over, lying on the ground and swallowing the mud and water!


There was a muffled sound, and Lin Mo saw that one of the people drinking water had his neck broken by a punch, and blood spurted out, dyeing the water red.

But those people kept drinking.

On the contrary, the person who took action directly picked up the severed neck, brought it to his mouth, and drank the blood!

With the excitement of this scene, more killings began.

Blood splattered, people sucked blood from each other, and their faces and bodies were all covered in shocking scarlet red!

A source of water makes this place a hell on earth!

"This has always been like this. In the eyes of some people, it is heaven, but in the eyes of the weak, this is hell!"

The man's voice sounded not far from Lin Mo.

Lin Mo had already noticed his arrival, so he did not turn to look at him.

"It's the same everywhere!" Lin Mo responded with this sentence.

Then he turned around and left.

"Are you leaving now?"

At this moment, a man's voice sounded from behind.

Lin Mo turned around, the red blood sword in his hand trembling slightly. As long as the man dared to show that there was anything wrong at all, Lin Mo would take action directly!

"Don't do it, don't do it!" The man said quickly: "It's too impulsive, it's too impulsive. There is an alliance here..."

The man chuckled and stretched out his hand, introducing himself: "My name is Yang Gui. I come from the Yang family in the capital. I was exiled here ten years ago. I'm lucky enough to be alive today!"

"Lin Mo!" Lin Mo frowned and looked at Yang Gui, his vigilance not weakening at all.

He was waiting for the man to speak.

"Brother, you should come here for the so-called secret realm of the abyss!"

Yang Gui did not shy away from this, but pulled Lin Mo aside: "If you want to find the secret realm of the abyss, I think the two of us can cooperate!"

"How to cooperate?" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows.

Yang Gui has lived in the Black Fire Prison for ten years and obviously knows more about this place than he does.

The good thing about being able to cooperate with him is that he can know many secrets for Lin Mo.

But there is also a drawback, that is, Yang Gui can use the danger source here to directly kill Lin Mo!

Seeing Lin Mo fall into silence, Yang Gui was a little anxious: "Brother Lin, is there anything else worth considering?

You know, here, almost everyone will form an alliance.

A small number of them were exiled here because they committed crimes.

But more people, like you and me, come here deliberately because they covet the treasures here!

They formed an alliance in twos and threes and worked together to find the secrets here!

But after so many years, the secrets here are still like diamonds buried deep in volcanic rocks, difficult to see again! "

Yang Gui looked at Lin Mo and said sincerely: "But it's different if you join forces with me. Your mental power is terrifying. So far, I haven't seen anyone whose mental power can surpass you!

So working with you is a good choice for me! "

Yang Gui spoke slowly.

"What if I don't agree?" Lin Mo looked at Yang Gui, turned around and left!

"It doesn't matter, I think you will agree to me in the end!" Yang Gui shrugged, obviously not caring about Lin Mo's rejection of him: "But there is something to remind you...

You probably live in a cave somewhere. What I want to say is that it's not safe there...

Tonight, they are coming! "

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