Are they coming?

Lin Mo sat cross-legged in the cave, quietly thinking about Yang Gui's words.

In the morning, Yang Gui proposed cooperation, and Lin Mo also considered it, but in the end he did not agree immediately.

Because compared with the unknown danger, Yang Gui gave Lin Mo a more dangerous feeling.

"What do they mean? Other alliances? Or monsters like the giant bear..."

Lin Mo frowned. Night had fallen, and the temperature outside dropped to a terrifying level again.

But the cave was very warm. Lin Mo lit the fat of the giant bear and raised a pile of flames. At the same time, he cut the bear meat and roasted it on the fire.

Even without any seasoning, Lin Mo still ate very happily.

After eating and drinking, Lin Mo took out the Qi and Blood Pill and stared at it for a moment, then put it away.

The him in Yang Gui's mouth had not appeared yet, so he could not directly swallow the Qi and Blood Pill to enter the dream.

Surrounded by thunder and lightning, Lin Mo practiced with the Thunder Breathing Method, and his Qi and Blood value slowly increased.

In fact, the slowness here is only compared to the speed increased in Lin Mo's dream.

Compared with other people, Lin Mo's current speed is like riding a rocket.


A slight sound came, and Lin Mo suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

There was a vague figure there. He looked about 1.8 meters tall, and the black robe covered his whole body, but from a long distance, Lin Mo actually smelled a rotten smell.

And this rotten smell Lin Mo felt very familiar... It was a corpse!

Lin Mo reacted all of a sudden. He had smelled this smell on the corpse he encountered in his dream!


Just when Lin Mo was shocked, the black shadow rushed over!

Seventh-grade martial saint!

Lin Mo's heart sank. The strength of this black shadow was indeed very strong.


Lin Mo did not hesitate and punched out directly.

After a loud bang, Lin Mo's face became extremely ugly, because although the punch hit the black shadow, the huge force rebounded and made Lin Mo's entire arm numb.

"What a strong body!" With Lin Mo's current physical strength, ordinary ninth-grade martial saints may not be able to compare with him.

But now facing the black shadow, Lin Mo is actually a little struggling!


The Red Blood Sword was drawn out, and a blood-colored sword light was drawn.

The red magma flowed with the sword light, and after it was stained on the black shadow, it immediately ignited the clothes on the black shadow.

At this time, Lin Mo finally confirmed the identity of the black shadow.

This is the corpse!

Compared with the corpse in the dream, the corpse in front of him was black and shiny, as if it was made of some special metal!


Lin Mo pulled out the knife with his backhand again and faced the afterimage.

With the sword in hand, Lin Mo's eyes seemed to have golden light flowing.

A vertical eye slowly emerged from the center of his eyebrows.

Spiritual perception!

Lin Mo activated his spiritual perception, and the corpse in front of him suddenly became transparent, and several spots of light appeared on the corpse.

That was the weakness of the corpse!

Lin Mo was delighted. He didn't expect that the vertical eye between his eyebrows could have such an effect.


He rushed up directly, and the swords and knives danced wildly. The whistling sound and the sound of swords and knives intersected, and the place seemed to be boiling!

Instant Kill Sword!

One sword kills life!

Lin Mo used the strongest martial arts related to swords and knives that he mastered!


The corpse made a muffled sound and broke into pieces!

Just when Lin Mo wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, the sound of breaking wind sounded again.

There were five figures jumping down from the cave entrance!

When they landed, Lin Mo was desperate. These five figures were all corpses!

The most important thing is that the blood and qi power of these corpses is even stronger than the previous one!

With Lin Mo's strength, he is not without the ability to fight against the eighth-grade martial saint, but these corpses have terrifying bodies, and they also have some fighting instincts.

With previous experiences, Lin Mo is almost certain that these corpses are likely to come from the future. In such years, the abyss and reality intertwine and blend, and eventually human civilization is annihilated.

In this case, these corpses all carry the mark of the future, and they master more powerful martial arts...

It will be very difficult for Lin Mo to face five corpses!


Lin Mo's eyes are cold. At this point, he has no choice but to fight directly!

The golden blood power is boiling in his body, and all states are turned on!

The mental power covers them like a wave, and the terrifying breath makes people breathless!

But none of these corpses in front of him retreated. There is a gray-white light in their eyes, which is the color of death!

Lin Mo even heard the meaningless tone in their mouths. In such a tone, they keep approaching Lin Mo!


At this moment, the fist blasted out like the sea!

Another figure jumped down from the cave entrance, and the moment he landed, he displayed a terrifying fist skill!

Yang Gui!

Lin Mo looked at the person in front of him with a surprised look on his face. He never thought that the person who helped him would be him!

"What are you doing, kid? I'm here to help you. You can't let me carry it alone!" Yang Gui roared at Lin Mo while fighting.

Lin Mo came back to his senses. There was no time to think too much at this time!

He roared angrily and rushed towards the corpses!

Under the ghostly movement technique, his speed is terrifying to the extreme, coupled with the superposition of various states!

The instant-killing sword and the one-sword-killing sword are definitely the best martial arts for one-on-one combat!

After Yang Gui shared part of the pressure, Lin Mo only faced one of the corpses every time he fought!

The consequence of this is that Lin Mo's speed of destroying the corpses is accelerating!

Half an hour later, Yang Gui punched out while panting. The corpse in front of him had his chest shattered and fell directly.

"The heart is their weak point!" Yang Gui looked at Lin Mo and explained: "Although it is the weak point, it is difficult to attack their heart!

It's strange that the most important thing for such an inanimate thing is the heart! "

Yang Gui sighed, then smiled and extended his hand to Lin Mo again: "How about it, do you want to cooperate with me!?

You have also seen that if the two of us cooperate, the fighting efficiency will be very high..."

"I agree to cooperate!" Lin Mo stretched out his hand and shook Yang Gui's hand.

He didn't ask Yang Gui why he came to help him at this time, because there was no need to ask such a question.

It was just that Yang Gui followed him outside the cave. After seeing Lin Mo's strength and facing the siege of five corpses, he chose to take action!

Taking action at this time will undoubtedly make Lin Mo feel grateful to him.

This makes cooperation much easier.

"Can I have some?" After the two of them cleaned up the body, Yang Gui looked at the bear meat in the cave!

Lin Mo nodded and said with a smile: "You should eat people!"

"Who would want to eat people if they had a choice!?" Yang Gui shook his head, followed Lin Mo's example and cut the bear meat into strips, roasted it on the fire until it squeaked with oil, and then swallowed it in one bite!

The temperature of the freshly roasted bear meat was very high, but Yang Gui kept inhaling but was reluctant to spit it out!

After Yang Gui finally swallowed the meat into his mouth, Lin Mo said, "How much do you know about the secret realm of the abyss of Black Fire Hell?"

"Look at these corpses in front of you!"

Yang Gui did not answer, but pointed at the corpse in front of him.

"Are they related to the secret realm?" Lin Mo frowned. The corpses were very powerful. If the secret realm was full of such corpses, then Lin Mo would rather give up entering the secret realm.

"It has something to do with them. I have been here for ten years. There are various signs that the secret realm is where the corpses live. I suspect that that is the city of the future!"

Lin Mo nodded slightly: "If this is really the case, we can follow a corpse and see if we can enter the secret realm!"

"No!" Yang Gui shook his head: "I followed it once a long time ago, but I couldn't find the entrance to the secret realm.

I know an old guy who's been around here for twenty years, and the two of us can get some information from him! "

Yang Gui mentioned an old guy, and the two decided to look for him the next morning.

Both of them stayed up all night, not that they were worried that there would be corpses jumping down outside, but that they were worried that the other party would kill someone while one of them was sleeping.

At least for now, neither of them can trust the other.

"The Yang family is considered a big family in the capital. Is it possible that they still lack some kind of martial arts or some kind of resources?" Lin Mo looked at Yang Gui and asked softly.

“The bigger the family, the more intense the competition!

The big family is in a state of cultivating voodoos, and only the most powerful voodoo can survive! "

Yang Gui said such words in his mouth. Although his tone was relaxed, it was a little bloody!

Lin Mo nodded, expressing understanding.

The two fell silent again, and one night later, they both opened their eyes at the same time.

"Throw all these corpses into the cave entrance, we need to lure the old guy out!"

Yang Gui spoke and began to move the corpses at the same time.

After all six corpses were transported to the entrance of the cave, Yang Gui suddenly punched and blasted the corpses into pieces!

Broken bones and flesh and blood spattered on them. When Lin Mo wanted to wipe it away, he was stopped.

"The secret realm of the abyss is definitely related to the corpse. Although we can't find the entrance with them, there may be other ways!

This kind of creature holds a grudge, and our bodies are stained with their blood. Tonight, the king among the corpses may appear! "

"Hmph, do you two still want to survive in the hands of the King of Zombies?"

A cold snort sounded, and not far away, a man with gray hair slowly approached!

His whole body was hunched over, and he exuded a sense of twilight!

"Old guy, you're finally here!"

Yang Gui looked at the person in front of him, smiled softly and spoke.

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