Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 23 The world of the future?

In the darkness, Lin Mo heard a vague, shrill, desperate... voice filled with many negative emotions.

Lin Mo's hair stood up, as if he was in an ice cellar.


While Lin Mo roared, he had already grasped the iron rod in his left hand, and at the same time, the golden light on his right hand fingers flashed slightly, like a lion ready to pounce on the enemy at any time!

"Who am I?"

"I don't know..."

In the darkness, the voice spoke again.

Lin Mo pricked up his ears, trying to rely on this voice to distinguish the location of the unknown existence.

But the voice seemed to come from all directions and could not be distinguished at all.

At this moment, a little light appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes, and then this little light slowly expanded, dispelling the surrounding darkness bit by bit.

A minute later, Lin Mo saw the world in front of him clearly.

He was in a ruin, with collapsed buildings and cracked ground everywhere.

Looking far away, Lin Mo saw a dilapidated temple, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

That is one of the oldest temples in Jinling City - Heming Temple!

Unfortunately, the Heming Temple in front of him has been completely ruined, and the golden Buddha statue in Lin Mo's impression has collapsed.

"And the building over there... looks like the Zifeng Building!" Lin Mo looked further away, where there was half a building.

And the half that fell was covered with huge claw marks!

"Is this... Jinling City?" Lin Mo's eyes widened.

"Jinling City?" The voice sounded again: "What a long-standing name... Now we call it the Fallen City!"

"Fallen City?!" Repeating these words.

The next moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked not far away, where a figure appeared at some point.

He was wearing a black robe and his back was facing Lin Mo.

There was a breeze, and Lin Mo smelled the smell of rotten meat and almost vomited.

"Are you talking?" Lin Mo spoke carefully.

"It's me!" A voice came from not far away: "Hello, I am the lord of this level - [Rotten Remnant]!"

When it said this, it turned around and faced Lin Mo.

Lin Mo almost screamed when he saw that face.

That face was extremely terrifying: the lips were torn, revealing the gums, and the gray-brown eyeballs were filled with despair.

The wide robe was blown up by the wind, revealing the flesh underneath.

The skin was reddish-brown, covered with wounds, and some wounds even revealed the white bones.

"[Rotten Remnant]!" Lin Mo looked at the scene in front of him and immediately understood the meaning of this name.

"So, the task of this copy is to kill you, right?" Lin Mo looked at the rotten remnant in front of him and murmured.

"You can't kill me!" The rotten remnant shook his head: "I'm just a projection of this ruined world, a wisp of remaining soul..."


While the rotten remnant was talking, Lin Mo had already rushed towards him.

He was very fast, and rushed to the rotten body in almost a few seconds.


Lin Mo swung the iron rod and smashed it towards the head of the rotten body.

The next moment, the iron rod passed through the rotten body, and Lin Mo lost his balance and fell to the ground beside him!


Lin Mo stabilized his body, turned around and stared at the rotten body: "So, what is the purpose of this copy?"

Five Qi and Blood Pills were consumed. If there is no lord to kill him, it will be a big loss!

Five Qi and Blood Pills, that's one million!

"Tell you the truth of this game world!" The rotten body said: "What you see in front of you is the future Jinling City!"

"What did you say?" Lin Mo widened his eyes and looked at the ruins around him again.

There was a wind blowing, making a humming sound, like a shrill roar.

"Ten years later, the abyss exit will appear in Jinling City, countless monsters will pour out, and 90% of the population of Jinling will be killed or injured!

A hundred years later, the whole of China will be flooded by monsters. Two hundred years later, the population of the entire Blue Star will drop sharply to tens of millions, and two hundred and thirty years later, on the Blue Star...

No one will live anymore!"

When the last four words came out, Lin Mo couldn't help but shudder.

No one will live anymore? !

This sentence means that in two hundred and thirty years, humans will die on the Blue Star? !

"So, what is the purpose of your appearance?" Lin Mo looked at the rotten remains.

"Change the future!" The rotten remains said, "Put all your hopes on you!"

"Put it on me?" Lin Mo was stunned: "Do you want me to tell those in power about the future extinction of mankind? Let them make countermeasures in advance?"

"It's useless. We tried this method and failed in the end. The future has not changed!

You are our last chance!" The rotten remains said, "You are the only person who does not belong to this world in the next two hundred years!"

Lin Mo was stunned, and then understood the meaning of this sentence.

He traveled to a high-level martial arts world, so he doesn't belong to this world.

"I still don't believe it." Lin Mo shook his head: "Just based on the words of a monster in the game copy, you want me to believe that humans will become extinct in the future?

It's too ridiculous!"

"You should have seen goblins and cat demons! They are real... and it won't be long before you see them in reality!"

"I don't have much time, you have to make good use of everything we leave you..."

The sound of the decaying remains became fainter and eventually disappeared.

Along with the sound, its body disappeared.

At the same time, Lin Mo felt a huge force of energy and blood pouring into his body.

Lin Mo couldn't help shouting in the copy, and the majestic blood seemed to burst his meridians!

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes.

He was still in the room, but the clothes he was wearing were soaked with blood and sweat!

He stood up and moved his body, feeling the increase in energy and blood.

"The lord was not killed, but the power of Qi and Blood increased!" Lin Mo frowned: "Five Qi and Blood Pills seem to have increased my Qi and Blood by more than 5 points!"

Lin Mo clenched his fist and waved his fist at the same time.

Gravel punch!

Under the stimulation of Lin Mo's advanced proficiency martial arts, he actually made a sound of breaking wind!

This attack power is definitely stronger than before!

"If my guess is correct, I should be a first-grade warrior now, and my blood has reached more than 15 points!"

Lin Mo quickly judged his situation, with a satisfied smile on his face.

After a few minutes, the smile faded from his face.

"In the dungeon, the rotten remains say that in ten years, Jinling will be captured by monsters?"

"Will humans be extinct from the Blue Star in the future?"

"Is it true or false?"

Lin Mo recalled the contents of the copy and fell into deep thought.

After a sleepless night, Lin Mo came to the kitchen with dark circles under his eyes.

There is a message from her mother Wang Ping on the refrigerator: "Your dad and I went out to work. Your sister was practicing at a classmate's house last night. You should be the only one at home today. There is today's meal money on the table. Buy more delicious food!" "

Lin Mo glanced at the dining table and saw five hundred dollars on it.

With Lin Mo's current appetite, this money is enough for him to buy dozens of kilograms of meat!

After collecting the money, Lin Mo was not in a hurry to go to the martial arts field to measure his energy and blood.

He still has two Qi and Blood Pills, so it’s not too late to go after they’re all used up!

Moreover, Lin Mo has already upgraded the Tiger Fist to the entry level before. Today he wants to try it to see if he can improve his Tiger Fist proficiency to the advanced level!

After eating breakfast, Lin Mo got into his room again.

After taking out the Qi and Blood Pill and swallowing it, Lin Mo quickly entered the game interface.

"Martial Arts Arena, Goblin Kingdom, Cat Demon Forest..." Lin Mo looked at the interface that appeared in front of him, but did not see the copy where the [Rotten Body] was!

The door was still in front of Lin Mo. He thought about it and walked towards the door.

"The next copy requires 2 Qi and Blood Pills!"

A message prompt appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes.

"Let's enter the martial arts arena first!" Lin Mo entered the martial arts arena, and as expected, three martial arts options appeared in front of him.

"Tiger Fist!" Lin Mo chose Tiger Fist as the object of practice this time.

"Consume Qi and Blood Pill x 1!"

Lin Mo looked at the line of words that appeared in front of him and was suddenly confused.

One Qi and Blood Pill was consumed to enter the game, so why choose to practice Tiger Fist and consume one Qi and Blood Pill?

"Is it possible that the level of Tiger Fist is high?"

The Fierce Tiger Fist is the ninth level of the Yellow Level, which is much higher than the Diamond Finger and Gravel Fist. It consumes more Qi and Blood Pills, which is normal...

Lin Mo comforted himself for a moment, then calmed down and used the Tiger Fist.

After a set of moves, Lin Mo took a look at the attack power: 35.

"So low!" Lin Mo said helplessly, and then looked at the analysis given in the martial arts field.

"Tiger Fist is a martial art created by a certain martial arts master based on the tiger descending the mountain. If you want to improve, you need to be familiar with the tiger's habits..."

After reading the above explanation, Lin Mo was speechless.

"Where can I find a tiger?"

"Is it possible for me to go to the zoo?"

Lin Mo frowned. The tigers in the zoo are now as docile as cats.

You can't really go deep into the mountains and forests...

Just when Lin Mo looked helpless, a line of text appeared in front of him again: This training can improve the proficiency of Tiger Fist to the intermediate level!

Looking at these words, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

It's a big deal to be promoted to the intermediate level. You must know that this is a ninth-level Huang-level martial skill. Even if it is an intermediate proficiency, once it is used, the attack power can exceed 200!

"Even a second-grade warrior may not be able to withstand an attack power of two hundred!" Lin Mo beamed with joy and immediately started practicing.

While Lin Mo was immersed in practice, two girls stood outside the door of the Lin family.

One of them is Lin Ya, and the other one is Ye Qing!

"Sister Ye Qing, our house is a bit small, don't mind it!" Lin Ya looked at Ye Qing, smiled apologetically, then took out the key and opened the door.

"It's very warm!" Ye Qing followed Lin Ya in and nodded with a smile: "Are you the only child in your family?"

"I have an older brother!" Lin Ya said nonchalantly: "But he is just a loser! After swallowing a Qi and Blood Pill, he only increased his Qi and Blood from 0.8 to 0.9..."

When Lin Mo was mentioned, Lin Ya became angry and couldn't help complaining.

"Let's not mention him. Have you found the alchemy genius you told me about last time?" Lin Ya looked at Ye Qing and asked curiously.

"Found it..." Ye Qing smiled and nodded: "By the way, is your brother at home? Can you introduce him to me..."

Ye Qing covered her mouth and smiled: "I'm very interested in the good-for-nothing brother you call me!"

"What's so interesting about him..." Lin Ya felt helpless.

"It's okay to just get to know each other!" Ye Qing insisted, "How about I owe you a favor?"

"That's what you said!" Lin Ya immediately stood up with a smile and walked towards Lin Mo's bedroom: "He must not have gotten up yet..."

Bang bang bang!

Lin Ya knocked on Lin Mo's door: "Get up quickly and I'll introduce you to a friend!

She is a senior in high school like you, but her strength is several times yours..."

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