Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 24 Hello, my name is Ye Qing!

In the living room, Ye Qing clicked on her phone and opened the call interface, which showed a series of unanswered calls.

The owner of the phone number is none other than Lin Mo.

"If you don't answer my call, right? I'll go directly to your house to find you!" Ye Qing snorted and spoke angrily.

Finding the alchemist of the day was the most important thing for Ye Qing and Ye Chaoqun, so after hearing that Ye Fan and Lin Mo had broken up, Ye Qing left the affairs in other places and returned to Jinling.

With the Ye family's status, it was not difficult to get Lin Mo's phone number.

From early yesterday morning to now, she made dozens of calls to Lin Mo, but unfortunately, none of them were answered.

Ye Qing has been in the ranks of geniuses since she was a child, both in terms of martial arts talent and alchemy talent.

Coupled with her stunning appearance, she is the center of attention no matter where she is.

This was the first time that someone didn't answer her call.

After looking through Lin Mo's information, Ye Qing discovered that he was Lin Ya's brother, and quickly came to the Lin family through Lin Ya's connections.

"I knocked on the door, but he's not here. He probably went out to surf the Internet!" After shouting for a long time, no one opened the door. Lin Ya looked at Ye Qing and said, "Wait for me here for ten minutes. I'll go to the Internet cafe downstairs to have a look!"

After leaving these words, Lin Ya opened the door and walked out.

Ye Qing stood up from the sofa and walked step by step outside Lin Mo's room.

"Is there anyone there?" Ye Qing raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Tiger Fist!"

In the martial arts arena, Lin Mo roared and punched the Goblin Lord in front of him.

The fist wind roared like a tiger roaring!


The Goblin Lord made a muffled sound and exploded.

"So strong! Stronger than Diamond Finger and Stone Fist!" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face.

After consuming two Qi and Blood Pills, he successfully upgraded the Tiger Fist to an intermediate level of proficiency!

"What a powerful force of energy and blood!"

Outside the door, Ye Qing trembled all over. At that moment, she felt the surging power of blood.

This made her instinctively take a fighting stance, and her blood surged with energy.

At the same time, Lin Mo left the martial arts arena and woke up in reality.

Just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly felt the power of Qi and blood outside the door.

"Is there someone?" Lin Mo frowned: "The blood is close to that of a first-grade warrior! Is it someone the Li family has found?"

Feeling the power of Qi and blood, Lin Mo instinctively regarded her as someone who came to seek revenge.


Lin Mo twisted the door lock like lightning and opened the door.

"Stone punch!"

"Open Mountain Palm!"

Two voices sounded at the same time.

The palm of his fist touched and there was a roar.

Lin Mo stood there motionless, but Ye Qing's expression changed slightly and she took two steps back.

"Who are you?!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing with vigilance on his face.

"Are you Lin Mo?!" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo and said meaningfully: "Xiaoya told me that you are a waste...

If people like you are useless, then who are we? "

She straightened her clothes, smiled and stretched out her hand to Lin Mo: "Hello, my name is Ye Qing!"

"Ye Qing?!" Lin Mo frowned: "Ye Fan is your brother? Are you here for revenge?"

"Let me first apologize to you for my idiot brother!" Ye Qing said apologetically: "He was spoiled rotten by his family.

Secondly, I want to talk to you about the elixir recipe you have. "

"Are you here to buy the elixir recipe too?" Lin Mo smiled and said, "Sorry, the elixir recipe is not for sale."

"You misunderstood, I'm not here to buy your prescription!" Ye Qing shook her head: "We can cooperate!"

"Cooperation?" Lin Mo sat on the sofa and looked at Ye Qing curiously: "Tell me about it!"

"You should know that the Ye family's elixir formulas have a high elixir success rate. This has been our advantage for many years, but recently, we are losing this advantage.

The Gao family has mastered a new elixir recipe that can increase the probability of producing three pills to more than 35%!

By then, we will lose the market for primary Qi and Blood Pills.

You are our only chance!

Cooperating with you is our best choice! "

"You exposed the Ye family's weaknesses to me, so aren't you worried that I, the lion, will open my mouth?" Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing with a smile.

"This is my sincerity."

"Tell me your plan!"

"You hand over the elixir recipe to the Ye family. From now on, you can get 50% of the sales revenue from the junior Qi and Blood elixir!"

"I want 60%! In addition, you must provide me with ten Qi and Blood Pills every week!" Lin Mo interrupted Ye Qing and stated his conditions.

"No! You are robbing!" Ye Qing stared at Lin Mo with an angry face: "Do you know how much it costs to refine Qi and Blood Pills? I will give you ten pills every week, and our Ye family will drink the northwest wind!

No, absolutely not! "

"So, you promised to give me 60% of the income?" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Agreed!" Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "Does our Ye family have a better choice?"

"Okay, we will settle the accounts once a week." Lin Mo smiled and stretched out his hand to Ye Qing: "We have a happy cooperation!"

Ye Qing took a deep look at Lin Mo and said, "I feel that the Ye family has become your wage earner..."

"This is called win-win." Lin Mo smiled and held Ye Qing's hand.


The door opened and Lin Ya walked in with a complaint on her face.

"I don't know where that good-for-nothing Lin Mo has gone. He doesn't practice well every day, but just messes around..." Lin Ya walked into the living room and saw Lin Mo and Ye Qing holding hands tightly.

"Lin Mo, what are you doing? Let go of sister Ye Qing's hand!" Lin Ya came to her senses and quickly walked towards Lin Mo, raising her hand to slap his hand.

Lin Mo helplessly let go of Ye Qing's soft and boneless hand.

"Sister Ye Qing, my brother didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"No!" Ye Qing shook her head helplessly: "Didn't you say that your brother is a good-for-nothing and is not my opponent at all. What can he do to me?"

"That's right!" Lin Ya nodded and glanced at Lin Mo: "Okay, sister Ye Qing and I have something to talk about, you go back to the room!"

Lin Mo smiled helplessly and turned to go into his room.


As soon as he closed the door, Lin Mo heard the notification sound of his mobile phone.

After opening the screen and taking a look, there was a text message from Ye Qing: This is my mobile number, save it for future contact.

Lin Mo thought about it, tapped a few times on the phone, and then pressed the send button.

Ye Qing, who was sitting on the sofa with Lin Ya, heard the vibration of the phone and quickly clicked it to take a look.

The message was from Lin Mo: This is my bank card number, remember to send me money every week...

Then there was a string of numbers.

"I'm so angry!"

Looking at the message on the phone, Ye Qing couldn't help but stand up from the sofa, and wanted to throw the phone on Lin Mo's face.

"Sister Ye Qing, what's wrong with you, who mad you?" Lin Ya asked with a smile.

"No one!" Gritting her teeth and shutting down the phone, Ye Qing replied unhappily: "Okay, I have something to do at home, I'll go back first!"

The cooperation with Lin Mo has already produced results, and she needs to feedback the news to Ye Chaoqun.

Although Lin Mo's request exceeded her psychological bottom line, she still agreed.

She had a hunch that this cooperation with Lin Mo would be an opportunity for the Ye family to rise!

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