Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 25: Applying for Warrior Assessment

"The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. I didn't expect that the seven Qi and Blood Pills would be gone all of a sudden!"

Lin Mo lay on the bed helplessly and sighed.

"I can only use the "Thunder Breathing Method" for one night!" Lin Mo sighed, then got up and sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing.

A night of silence.

The next day, Lin Mo opened his eyes and jumped out of bed.

"First go to the martial arts field to test your energy and blood, and then go to the martial arts alliance to get certified as a first-class warrior!" Lin Mo made a plan while washing up.

Arriving at the martial arts arena again, Zhu Ting's eyes suddenly lit up when she looked up and saw Lin Mo.

"'re here!" Zhu Ting stepped forward and looked at Lin Mo: "Do you want to test your energy and blood? I have reserved a number for you!"

She took out a piece of paper and handed it to Lin Mo: "This is the special channel account for the martial arts arena. With it, you can measure your energy and blood without queuing!"

"Thank you!" Lin Mo thanked him with a smile, then took the number plate and walked towards the qi and blood test room.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Zhu Ting looked at Lin Mo's back apologetically.

Lin Mo just turned his back to her, smiled and waved his hand.

Entering the testing room, Lin Mo pressed his hands on the tester as usual.

A number quickly appeared on the computer.


Looking at the final measurement results, Lin Mo couldn't help but exclaimed.

This number is higher than he estimated!

"The extra energy and blood are the benefits brought by the "Thunder Breathing Method"!

As the blood value increases, the benefits of "Thunder Breathing Method" to practice also become stronger! "

Lin Mo became excited. With the Thunder Breathing Technique, even without the Qi and Blood Pill, his cultivation speed would not be too slow!

"Test the attack power of the Tiger Fist again!" After calming down his excitement, Lin Mo stood in front of the martial arts measuring instrument.

Tiger punch!

Lin Mo activated his martial arts, and a tiger's roar could be faintly heard in the measurement room!

On the screen, the attack power of this punch was displayed.

"286!" Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction: "It's about the same as I estimated! Tiger Fist is well-deserved!"

After leaving the measurement room, Lin Mo sent Ye Qing a text message with the recipe for the Qi and Blood Pill.

In Lin Mo's view, although the prescriptions of Qi and Blood Pills are precious, as long as he enters the dungeon, those lords will definitely drop more similar prescriptions.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo does not have so many resources to refine Qi and Blood Pills.

Therefore, cooperating with the Ye family is also one of Lin Mo's best choices!

"After I have money, I can buy more materials and exchange more Qi and Blood Pills from the Ye family!" Lin Mo said with a smile on his face: "Now, I just hope that the Ye family can start refining it as soon as possible !”

The blood value and martial arts attack power have been tested, and Lin Mo went to the warrior certification office set up by the Martial Alliance as planned.

"Certified as a first-class warrior?" The staff at the certification office glanced at Lin Mo with a surprised look on his face: "This student, the cost of each certification is five thousand yuan. There is no absolute certainty. You'd better not waste it. Money!”

"Five thousand yuan?!" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would have to pay to be certified as a first-grade warrior?

I took out my phone and took a look at it, and suddenly became a little embarrassed.

The last time he refined Qi and Blood Pills, he had spent all his savings. Now the only money he has is the five hundred yuan left by his parents...

"Classmate, do you still want to take the certification assessment?" The staff member looked at Lin Mo and asked kindly.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Mo took out his cell phone, thought for a moment, and dialed Ye Qing's number.

Ye family.

Nuo Da's alchemy room was filled with direct descendants of the Ye family, and they were looking nervously at the two people in the middle.

In the middle of the crowd, Ye Chaoqun stared at the alchemy furnace, while Ye Qing stood aside and quickly handed over the materials Ye Chaoqun needed.

The grandfather and grandson cooperated very well. At this moment, there was a faint force of blood surging in the alchemy furnace.

"Are we going to succeed..." Someone couldn't help but say.

"Shut up!" Ye Chaoqun turned around and cursed coldly: "If anyone dares to make the slightest sound again, he will be kicked out of the Ye family!"

The old man's prestige was very high. After the words fell, everyone closed their mouths and did not dare to take a breath.

"The critical moment has arrived..." Ye Chaoqun stared at the elixir furnace with an excited look on his face: "As long as more than three elixirs can be refined, our Ye family will distribute them!"

As he spoke, he reached out to open the lid of the alchemy furnace and looked inside the alchemy furnace.

"One, two, three...four! Four Qi and Blood Pills, and the quality is excellent! My Ye family wants..." Looking at the Qi and Blood Pills in the pill furnace, Ye Chaoqun couldn't help but laugh.


At this moment, a phone rang, directly covering his laughter.

Ye Chaoqun's face suddenly darkened and he looked at the source of the sound.

"What's going on? Are my words falling on deaf ears?" Ye Chaoqun looked at Ye Qing with a straight face.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'll turn off the phone now..." Ye Qing took out her phone and was stunned when she saw the name of the contact on it.

"Grandpa, it's Lin Mo calling..." Ye Qing looked at the old man and spoke cautiously.

"Lin Mo?!" Ye Chaoqun was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed: "Then why are you still standing there? Answer the phone quickly! Don't keep him waiting..."

When he heard that the caller was Lin Mo, the old man's expression immediately turned 180 degrees.

Ye Qing nodded and pressed the answer button: "What's the matter..."

"Transfer me 10,000 yuan, waiting online, urgent!" Lin Mo didn't waste any words and directly stated his purpose.

Ye Qing was stunned. She never dreamed that Lin Mo called her just to ask for 10,000 yuan!

Can you be more promising?

"I know!" After hanging up the phone, Ye Qing transferred 100,000 yuan to Lin Mo.

In the alchemy room, everyone, including Ye Chaoqun, stared at Ye Qing.

"Qing'er, Lin Mo called just now, is there something wrong?" Ye Chaoqun asked cautiously: "No matter what conditions he puts forward, as long as our Ye family can do it, agree to it!

In addition, I heard that Ye Fan and Lin Mo had some conflicts. You let that bastard apologize to Lin Mo tomorrow!"

"Grandpa, Xiao Fan is still in the hospital?" Ye Qing couldn't help but said: "He was beaten by Lin Mo yesterday!"

"Well beaten!" Ye Chaoqun said angrily: "If Lin Mo is still angry, you can bring him from the hospital to Lin Mo and beat him up again!"

Ye Qing: "..."

On the other side, Lin Mo looked at the extra 100,000 yuan in his account and smiled.

"Please help me get an application form. I want to apply for the first-grade warrior assessment!" Lin Mo said to the staff after paying the money.

After filling out the form, Lin Mo was taken to another spacious room.

At this moment, there were already several people waiting in the room.

Lin Mo looked around. Except for a girl in a short skirt who looked about the same age as him, everyone else was older than him!

"Okay, since almost everyone has arrived, let's start the assessment!"

The examiner walked in, picked up the application form on the table, took a look, and said: "The first examinee, Zhou Ji!"

As soon as the voice fell, a burly middle-aged man stood up and walked towards the measuring instrument.

"Qi and blood value 10.8, passed!"

Zhou Ji smiled and walked towards another instrument.

"Mountain-opening palm!" Zhou Ji roared and used martial arts on the measuring instrument.

"Attack power 53, failed!" The examiner looked at the final result above and said coldly: "Mr. Zhou, I wish you a smooth pass next time!"

"53?! How can it be only 53? I clearly played 60 attack power this morning! Let me try again... Just once!"

Zhou Ji showed a pleading look on his face, holding the examiner unwilling to let go.

"Mr. Zhou, please leave!" The other two staff members stepped forward and dragged Zhou Ji away directly.

The first person failed the assessment, and everyone present had negative emotions, and their faces became nervous.

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