Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 26 Congratulations on becoming a first-class warrior!

"Next, Lu Xun!" The examiner read out the name of the next examinee from the list.

A thin middle-aged man stood up and walked towards the blood and qi measuring instrument.

"Wait a minute!" A frivolous voice sounded, and then two figures walked in.

The leader was a young man who looked about the same age as Lin Mo, and behind the young man was an old man in a Tang suit.

The old man walked steadily and had a heavy breath, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

"Master Gao!" The previously serious examiner showed a flattering smile on his face and hurriedly greeted him: "Are you going to take the warrior certification today?"

The young man nodded.

"Master Gao, please wait a moment, I will clear the field!" The examiner immediately turned around and asked all the people who participated in the assessment today to leave.

"No need!" The young man said lightly: "I am willing to give them a chance to see what a genius is!"

After the young man finished speaking, he walked towards the blood and qi measuring instrument and glanced at the middle-aged man named Lu Xun.

Lu Xun's face changed slightly, and finally turned around and stepped back to the waiting team.

"Who is this? He's so arrogant. That examiner is too good at flattering him!"

"Have you heard of the Gao family? He is Gao Ziliang, a direct descendant of the Gao family! He is currently studying at No. 1 Middle School. I heard that he is very talented!"

"The Gao family, one of the three major alchemy families?!"

"I can't afford to offend!" Lu Xun sighed unwillingly.

Gao Ziliang put his palm on the measuring instrument with an arrogant look, and the test results came out soon.


"Congratulations, Master Gao's blood value passed the test!"

Gao Ziliang walked to the martial arts measuring instrument, performed the martial arts Vajra Finger, and also achieved an attack power of 81.

"Too strong!" The examiner sighed and immediately stamped the test form with a seal of passing the test.

"Congratulations to Master Gao for passing the test!" The examiner handed a printed badge to Gao Ziliang respectfully.

"Okay, you guys continue. This young master will see how much difference there is between you clowns and me!" Gao Ziliang sat directly on the examiner's chair and looked at everyone.

The examiner nodded repeatedly and continued the examination according to the list.

Lu Xun stepped forward and passed the examination smoothly, but his blood value and attack power were much lower than Gao Ziliang's.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Lin Mo's name was finally called.

"Hey, this guy looks about the same age as me!" Gao Ziliang saw Lin Mo and his eyes lit up: "Come and try your luck!"

"Judging from his clothes, he should be an ordinary family. Whether it is resources or talent, he is definitely not comparable to Master Gao..." The old man next to Gao Ziliang smiled and said.


At this time, the blood and blood measurement results of Lin Mo came out.


As soon as the old man finished speaking, he saw the number on the screen and his voice was stuck.

The smile on Gao Ziliang's face also slightly restrained, and he squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Mo.

"High blood and blood value does not mean high attack power..." The old man hurriedly whispered.

"Vajra Finger!"

At the same time, the sound of Lin Mo performing the Vajra Finger sounded.

Accompanied by the explosion of air, a value was given on the measuring instrument.


"After the blood value is increased, the attack power of the Vajra Finger is also increased a lot!" Lin Mo nodded slightly, not shocked by this number.

The old man looked ugly, as if he was slapped.

With the same martial arts, Lin Mo's attack power is twice that of Gao Ziliang!

Gao Ziliang stood up with a cold look, looked at Lin Mo deeply, turned around and left the assessment office.

The assessor looked at Lin Mo's measurement results and was stunned.

He has been working in the assessment office for many years, but no one has ever been able to reach such a terrifying value of blood value and attack power at Lin Mo's age!

"Excuse me... am I qualified?" Lin Mo looked at the assessor and asked softly.

"Yes... passed!" The assessor was stunned for a moment, then quickly stamped Lin Mo's application form, and at the same time handed the silver badge symbolizing the identity of a first-class warrior to Lin Mo with both hands.

"Mr. Lin, congratulations on becoming a warrior!" The assessor's attitude towards Lin Mo was even more respectful than his attitude towards Gao Ziliang!

In the martial arts world, the strong are respected. Lin Mo used his strength to gain the respect of the examiner!

"Mr. Lin, my name is Lu Xun, and I'm glad to meet you!" Lu Xun, who had just received the first-grade martial artist seal, also hurried forward and took the initiative to extend his hand to Lin Mo.

"Mr. Lin, my name is..."

After someone took the lead, a group of people immediately rushed to Lin Mo and introduced themselves.

Being able to achieve the current strength at such an old age as Lin Mo, there is a great possibility that he will become a martial arts master in the future.

It is beneficial to have a good relationship with a future master.

After dealing with everyone, Lin Mo left the assessment office.

After getting the martial artist seal, he can immediately receive a blood and qi pill, which Lin Mo just needs.

In the martial arts arena, Zhu Ting looked at Lin Mo who came back and smiled.

"Help me get a number to receive the Qi and Blood Pill!"

"You want to receive the Qi and Blood Pill?" Zhu Ting was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lin Mo in shock: "You passed the first-grade warrior assessment?"

"This... How is this possible?" She covered her mouth, her pretty face full of disbelief.

"Would you like to see my badge?" Lin Mo chuckled and took out the badge he had just received. His personal confidence was recorded on it and could be read out on the computer.

"No need." Zhu Ting calmed down and gave Lin Mo a number and handed it to him: "Turn left in front and you'll arrive!"

Looking at Lin Mo's back after he left, Zhu Ting was in a trance.

At the beginning, she joked that if Lin Mo became a first-class warrior, she would give him a chance to pursue him.

But now that Lin Mo has really become a first-class warrior, she can't say such words.

Zhu Ting is very beautiful and has excellent conditions. When she was working in the martial arts field, she was also surrounded by suitors.

But facing the current Lin Mo, she can no longer say such words.

She knew that there was a gap between her and Lin Mo...

"Xiao Ya, does that man just now look like your brother?" Just when Lin Mo went to receive the Qi and Blood Pill, several girls not far away were watching this scene.

Lin Ya looked at Lin Mo in line and couldn't help but frowned.

"Isn't that the place where first-class warriors receive Qi and Blood Pills? What is he doing there?" Lin Ya thought so, and just as she was about to ask for clarification, she heard the girl next to her shout again: "Look, it's Hu Qing, he's here to certify as a warrior too!"

Several girls immediately surrounded him, followed Hu Qing into the assessment office, and stood guard at the gate.

"Senior Hu Qing was about to become a first-class warrior some time ago. Now he's here for certification, so he must be very sure."

"So excited, I can see with my own eyes how powerful Senior Hu Qing is!"


Several girls looked at Hu Qing walking forward, their faces full of excitement.

"Qi and Blood Value 14.8!"

"Vajra Finger Attack Power 128!"

After hearing the assessment data, Hu Qing smiled, and passed the first-class warrior assessment.

"So strong!"

"The attack power is over 100! Senior Hu Qing's Vajra Finger must have reached advanced proficiency!"

"Too strong!" Lin Ya also spoke with excitement. Women all admire strong people. Hu Qing has always been her idol: "He should be the first person in No. 3 Middle School to become a first-class warrior this year!"

"You passed the assessment, congratulations on becoming a first-class warrior!" The examiner took a look at Hu Qing's personal information. When he saw his school, he couldn't help but add: "What a coincidence, your No. 3 Middle School has two first-class warriors today, including you!"

Hearing this, the smile on Hu Qing's face slowly disappeared.

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