Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 230 You actually hid your strength!

Cui Jie's slap was very hard. His idea was simple. Since he had decided to slap himself, there was no need to show any mercy!

Lin Mo couldn't find anything wrong with this slap!

A snapping sound echoed throughout the mountain path.

Yang Gui on the side even felt his muscles tremble suddenly. He was scared!

It wasn't that he was afraid of being slapped, but because he felt how scary Lin Mo was!

Under such circumstances, Cui Jie was obviously so strong, but Lin Mo still won the battle!

He took a deep look at Lin Mo, and his vigilance against Lin Mo increased to a new level!

"You can continue exploring now!" Cui Jie looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

There wasn't even a hint of hatred in this voice.

Even Lin Mo took a deep look at Cui Jie. From the current point of view, this person is not simple and can bend and stretch.

"Oh, Brother Cui, look at you, it's true, I was just joking, why did you really hit me!

As a brother, I feel a bit embarrassed! "

A smile suddenly appeared on Lin Mo's face, and he actually said such words.

Cui Jie felt as if a ball of fire was burning in his chest, almost as if it was about to burst out!

But at this point, there’s nothing more to say.

Cui Jie smiled, raised his legs and walked towards the door!


Suddenly there was a surge of breath from all directions, and the three of them were extremely nervous, looking at Cui Jie.

However, the breath slowly dissipated, and Cui Jie passed through the door, safe and sound!

Several people exchanged glances. Although they were wary of each other, at this time, the smiles on their faces were very sincere!

"Let's go!" Cui Jie said, and then rushed towards the top of the mountain!

At this time, Yang Gui no longer concealed his strength, his figure kept flashing, and soon he caught up with Cui Jie.

Lin Mo smiled softly. In terms of speed, he really wasn't afraid of being outdated!

After upgrading the ghost shadow, Lin Mo's proficiency was once again upgraded to an advanced level.

At this moment, his figure flickered, and the sound of thunder continued to sound. In just a few dozen seconds, he had already followed him!

Cui Jie and Yang Gui had shocked looks on their faces. Even the two of them were slower at this speed!

And looking at Lin Mo, he seemed to still have some energy left. The most important thing was that Lin Mo's energy and blood power didn't seem to be reduced at all!


The two of them were shocked. Such a terrifying speed did not consume much energy and blood...

The two of them looked at Lin Mo and silently improved Lin Mo's competitiveness!


After climbing up for a certain distance, the three of them stopped at the same time!

They were still one step away from the top of the mountain, but there was a large shadow hanging over their heads.

The three of them looked up at the same time and gasped.

It was a tall figure, a hundred meters tall. He was holding a spear in his hand, pointing diagonally at the sky.

An inexplicable light lingers on the tip of the gun, and just one look at it makes one feel a terrifying sense of oppression!

"Is this the Gunslinger?"

Since the Gunslinger Sect is called such a name, it must be reasonable for a Gunslinger to appear!

The three of them hesitated for a moment and bowed deeply to the statue at the same time!

Facing such a strong man, it is necessary to maintain the most basic respect!

Moreover, the three of them always have the feeling that there seems to be a pair of eyes watching them from somewhere!

"Let's go up!" Yang Gui looked at the other two people and stepped directly to the door of the Divine Gun Gate!

The main hall appeared in front of me. It was an antique-style hall, and it looked majestic.

"The main hall is well preserved. It seems that there is a high possibility of inheritance. If there is a treasure trove, maybe we can distribute it directly!"

With an excited look on Cui Jie's face, he rushed in first!

Faced with such a situation, neither of them were fools, so they immediately followed him!

The entire hall is so well preserved, everything is as it was in the past, but you can't hear any sound while walking in it.

It was as if in an instant, everyone in the Divine Gun Sect had disappeared!

"It feels a little strange. It's too quiet here. There are no corpses, and there are no traces of any activity!" Yang Gui said, looking at Lin Mo and saying: "Brother Lin, can you use your mental power to explore the surroundings?"

In fact, he didn't need to say it, Lin Mo also had such a plan.

He closed his eyes slightly, and his mental power suddenly spread out to the surroundings!

After a while, Lin Mo's face showed a tired look, he shook his head and said: "Sorry, when I separated the spiritual clone before, I consumed too much mental power. Now the range covered by the mental power is limited, and there is no Discover!"

Yang Gui waved his hands repeatedly and said: "It's okay, it's okay. In that case, let's explore slowly!"

"Although I haven't found anything anywhere, I know that there is nothing in those halls. We can go directly into the back mountain!"

Lin Mo pointed to the surrounding halls and buildings. These were the places he had explored with his mental power before, and he was sure that nothing good was left behind!

"Generally, good things are indeed found in the back mountains. It would be great if there was a Buddhist Scripture Pavilion or a treasure house." Yang Gui had a smile on his face, glanced at Lin Mo, and then followed Cui Jie's footsteps toward Rush to the back of the mountain!

Lin Mo took a deep look at Yang Gui's back, with a smile on his face.

Not long after, they arrived at the back mountain and saw two huge pavilions appearing in front of them from a distance. One of them was named Sutra Pavilion and the other was Treasure Pavilion!

Looking at the two names, the three people's eyes immediately lit up!

"Which one goes first?" It was impossible for the three of them to act separately in two places, so they could only explore one by one.

"Let's stick with the Scripture Pavilion. I think martial arts are more important!" Lin Mo said.

Cui Jie and Yang Gui nodded, and then headed towards the Sutra Pavilion at the same time!

When the door was opened, the eyes of the three people suddenly went straight!

Inside the Sutra Pavilion, there are more than a dozen shelves, and each shelf has rows of books!

There is no doubt that those are martial arts related to marksmanship, and Lin Mo even saw some boxing skills!

Obviously, the Divine Gun Sect not only teaches marksmanship, but also other martial arts!

The three of them eagerly walked towards the bookshelf and reached out to touch the books at the same time!

But the next moment, a change occurred!

The moment a hand touched the book, the book turned into ashes!

Moreover, after this book disappeared, other books on the entire bookshelf were also affected and quickly turned into ashes!

The three of them were shocked. When they wanted to raise their hands to block the dissipation of the books, they caused the entire Sutra Pavilion to tremble.

All the bookshelves were shaking, and eventually all the books disappeared!

The expressions on the three people's faces were ugly when they saw such a scene. Inside the Sutra Pavilion, there should have been hundreds of years of accumulation of the Divine Gun Sect, but now it's all gone!

After waiting for a few minutes, everything disappeared. Looking at the empty Sutra Pavilion in front of them, the three people's faces were indescribably disappointed!

"Let's see if there are anything else, other than martial arts recorded in books!" Yang Gui said, and then started looking for them first.

But after searching several times, there was nothing in the whole room!

Lin Mo used his mental energy to search over and over again, but found nothing.

Such a scene disappointed them so much that they could only turn around and leave, heading to the Treasure Pavilion.

"This time, be sure to hold still and don't touch the things inside rashly!"

With his previous experience, Cui Jie quickly turned around and warned Lin Mo and Yang Gui.

The two nodded, and then the three of them pushed the door open and went in!

As soon as the door was pushed open, a strong force of Qi and blood rushed out!

The three of them were startled and quickly dodged.

After the breath disappeared, the three of them looked inside and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The power of qi and blood is not issued by someone in the Treasure Pavilion.

"What happened to that force of energy and blood just now? I feel it was at least a strong person above the Martial Saint!" Yang Gui said.

Lin Mo raised his finger and pointed to a few boxes not far away, and said calmly: "I think the answer should be inside the boxes!"

Cui Jie and Yang Gui stepped forward to open the box, and the power of Qi and blood surged and dispersed again.

At this time they saw what was inside the box.

Those are Qi and Blood Pills and Qi and Blood Stones.

It's just that after being stored for too long, all the energy and blood in those stones and elixirs have dissipated!

There were expressions of regret on the faces of the three of them. These Qi-Blood Pills and Qi-Blood Stones were very valuable, but they were all decayed before!

The three people's eyes were quickly attracted by the weapons on the shelf!

Like the Sutra Pavilion, there are various weapons on the shelves here.

Just when the three of them were about to touch, they discovered that all the weapons had dissipated!

It has been so long that even the weapons made of metal have decayed!

"Time is really the most terrifying force in the world. No matter how strong you are, you will eventually become ashes of decay!"

Cui Jie said with emotion.

At this moment, the three people's eyes fell on a shelf in the middle of the hall.

There is a spear placed there!

The body of the gun was extremely black, and the tip of the gun shone with silver light.

A wisp of red tassel swayed in the wind, as if it would fly up and sink into someone's chest at any time!

"This is……"

The faces of the three people showed excitement at the same time.

Because this gun looks exactly like the spear held by the statue at the gate!

"Could this be the gun from the Divine Gun Sect?!"

Yang Gui spoke in a deep voice, with an excited look on his face.

However, his feet didn't stop at all and he rushed towards the spear!

He was very fast and was at the side of the spear in an instant!


At this moment, Cui Jie's figure flashed and came to the side of the spear, raising his hand to slap Yang Gui on the body!

"Only you want to steal my things!" A sneer appeared on Yang Gui's face.

The next moment, a terrifying aura emanated from his body!

Feeling this terrifying aura, Cui Jie's expression changed!

"You are actually in a realm above the Martial Saint!

You have been suppressing your own realm, you are pretending! "

At this moment, Yang Gui's aura has already broken through the Martial Saint level and reached the next level!

"Without disguise, how could I kill you instantly at the critical moment!" Yang Gui said coldly, and the next moment, he punched out!

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