Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 231 The Fisherman Gains Benefit

The terrifying fist was surging, Yang Gui attacked without reservation, and the terrifying aura flowed out. With just one punch, Cui Jie's body was like a broken glass statue, cracking little by little, and then destroyed!

Cui Jie had a shocked look on his face until his death. He couldn't understand why Yang Gui showed such terrifying power in the end.

Blood was splattered everywhere, and Yang Gui's body was full of blood spots. He slowly turned around and looked at Lin Mo who was standing beside him.

"So it's my turn now, right?" Lin Mo didn't smile at all, but just said softly: "You have been pretending for so long, but you still want to attack me, right?"

Yang Gui was stunned for a moment, and chuckled: "You can actually see that all this is my disguise?"

"What if you can see it? In the end, you still won?"

Lin Mo shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"Before I came in, you were willing to give me your martial arts, and I was somewhat grateful in my heart.

But after I used my clone, I felt my mental power was decreasing madly, so I had some doubts at that time!

Later, after I came in, you asked me to use my mental power to explore the surroundings.

At that time, I said that my mental power was insufficient, and I noticed the fleeting joy on your body!"


Yang Gui showed an incredible look on his face. Lin Mo actually noticed the change in breath for just a moment!

But then he chuckled. Even if he noticed it, what would it matter? Now that it has come to this point, the ending is already doomed!

He is the final winner of this game!

"Okay, you, a little martial saint, have been arrogant in front of us for so long, which is enough for you to be proud. Now I don't have that much patience to continue to stalemate with you!

So you better die!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed towards Lin Mo!

The fist gathered, forming a mighty power like mountains and seas behind him.

In the face of such pressure, ordinary people may fall to the ground and never get up again!

But Lin Mo was different. He faced the pressure, holding the sword in both hands and slashing continuously!

Yang Gui looked at this scene, and his heart sank for no reason.

From the previous things, Lin Mo was too calm, and he didn't feel the frustration of failure at all!

"What's your attack? My strength is much stronger than yours!" A roar sounded, and Yang Gui swung his fist to shatter the sword and knife lights.

His voice was very high, as if he was roaring at Lin Mo, and also as if he was cheering himself up!

"Are you scared!" Lin Mo chuckled, and the next moment, endless golden power condensed on his body!

This power was like ink dripping into clear water, spreading quickly, and in just a few breaths, it enveloped everything here!

This is... mental power!

Endless mental power!

At this moment, the mental power on Lin Mo's body was like a surging tide after the gate was opened, flowing in all directions!

The terrifying momentum formed by this mental power swept here in a short moment, and Yang Gui was shrouded in it!

The realm of spirit!

Lin Mo directly used this martial art, and the knife light and sword shadow in front were all for this moment!

The spiritual world enveloped Yang Gui inside!


In the spiritual world, Lin Mo made a strong move.

In the spiritual world, his terrifying spiritual power is indeed a heaven-defying existence.

Various energies constructed by spiritual power kept falling and smashing towards Yang Gui!

Yang Gui's strength is very strong, but his spiritual power is still much worse than Lin Mo's!

In the spiritual world, he roared and screamed in despair, and was finally defeated by Lin Mo's strength!

The spiritual power slowly retreated, and Yang Gui collapsed on the ground, looking at the distance with lifeless eyes.

Lin Mo walked out of the darkness and held the spear in his hand.

"I didn't expect that the winner would be me!" Lin Mo looked at Yang Gui and chuckled.

The spear in his hand was gently waved, and the sound of dragon roars resounded!

"Silver Dragon Spear!"

Lin Mo knew its name when he held the spear!

Buzz buzz buzz!

He swung it, and the silver spear lingered, really like a silver dragon wandering around Lin Mo's body!

"Good stuff, but there is no inheritance left!" Lin Mo looked at the silver dragon spear in his hand, and a look of regret appeared on his face.

"However, everything cannot be too perfect. I am satisfied to get this spear!" Lin Mo's voice sounded.


Yang Gui, who had just woken up from the shock, heard this sentence and felt a mouthful of old blood rushing up from his chest!

All this should have been his, but in the end, it was taken away by Lin Mo!

"You can't wait to kill me now, right?" Lin Mo looked at Yang Gui who had woken up, and smiled and said: "Are you surprised why I still have such a terrifying mental power?"

Yang Gui gritted his teeth fiercely, and finally nodded slowly.

This is indeed the strangest thing about him.

The martial arts he gave Lin Mo were incomplete, and those missing parts were the side effects of the martial arts!

From the above side effects, Yang Gui knew that if Lin Mo condensed a clone, his mental power would be at least 80% lost!

Later, after the spiritual clone was destroyed, Lin Mo's spiritual power was indeed damaged.

In order to prevent accidents, he also explored the surroundings as a test to see if Lin Mo had any spiritual power left.

The final result was that Lin Mo's mental power was almost completely consumed!

This made Yang Gui completely relieved and showed his true strength!

But who would have thought that Lin Mo was fine, and his mental power seemed to have no loss at all!

"It's strange, right? Do you want to know why?" Lin Mo smiled and slowly said, "The incomplete martial arts did not attract my attention at the beginning. After all, your explanation is reasonable.

But after I practiced, at the moment when I condensed the first clone, I saw the side effects of condensing the clone!

That is, although the mental power clone is only a clone, once it is destroyed, its own mental power will also be seriously damaged!

At that time, we were still in an alliance, so I didn't think too much!

What made me think more was that when Cui Jie and I were fighting, we were a whole, but at that time you let me and Cui Jie fight!

So at that time I thought, is there something wrong with all this!

So I hid the fact that my mental power has been restored!

When you silently want to be a yellow bird, I am the bird catcher!"

Lin Mo smiled and said everything.

In fact, when he noticed Yang Gui's conspiracy, he was not afraid anymore!

Because he had seen that Yang Gui was most afraid of his own mental power, but now, mental power was something that Lin Mo could replenish at any time!

When Yang Gui killed Cui Jie, Lin Mo was hiding aside and silently replenishing his mental power.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo also confirmed a secret...

"Do you know why I am so sure that I can win?" Lin Mo looked at Yang Gui and said another reason: "I have seen that your current strength is fake, and you should have used some secret technique.

Just like Cui Jie!"

Lin Mo's words made Yang Gui's eyes widen.

After fighting with Cui Jie, he probably felt that Cui Jie's strength should not have entered the next realm, and everything was caused by using secret techniques to forcibly improve his strength!

"How did you... see it?" Yang Gui was horrified, and Lin Mo's keenness made his back cold!

"Of course it's because I have personally confirmed your strength. If you could show such a strong power in the Black Fire Prison, you would not have hidden it too much.

The most important thing is that although your power has become much stronger later, your mental power has not increased!

This does not conform to the basic law!"

Lin Mo spoke slowly and directly stated his guess.

"Since we are both martial saints, why should I be afraid of you?" Lin Mo said this lightly.

This invincible confidence made Yang Gui's eyes sink.


The gun came out like a dragon, and Lin Mo stabbed it with a lightning-like gun, straight into Yang Gui's heart!

After watching Yang Gui's vitality disappear bit by bit, Lin Mo's mental power spread out to the surroundings!

The entire secret area is very large, but the area of ​​the God Gun Gate is not very large, so Lin Mo easily covered all areas with his mental power!

At this moment, all the wind and grass in the area are under Lin Mo's control.

"It turns out that there is really nothing left except this gun!"

Lin Mo said with regret.

His mental power slowly withdrew, and he looked around, and suddenly thought of the dead old man.

"I always feel that the old man looks a little familiar..." Lin Mo murmured, and then he seemed to think of something, and his figure flashed wildly.

Soon he came to the gate of the God Spear Gate, looking at the statue that was a hundred feet high.

That face... looked like an eight-tenths similar to the old man!

"Damn... All the people in the God Spear Gate disappeared!

So they didn't actually disappear, but turned into corpses?!"

Lin Mo finally understood, and then he felt a chill on his back.

What kind of power was that that could trigger such a terrifying thing!

Hundreds of people in the entire mountain gate died all at once and became corpses...

"What happened back then? Did the God Spear Gate really leave nothing behind?"

Lin Mo's voice sounded, and then he sat down directly!

He took out a Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it directly.


Everything in front of him was rippling like water waves, and the scenery quickly became blurred.

Game loading!

When everything in front of him became clear, he saw that everything around him was the same as before, but there were a few more rays of light!

It was a pill-like ball of light. After Lin Mo raised his hand to touch it, ripples suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!

Another life, like a movie, slowly unfolded in front of him...

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