Lin Mo had long thought that he would see a person's life.

But he didn't expect that the memory he saw would far exceed a person's life, more like the decline of an era...

The owner of this corpse was a teenager. He had a very high talent. At the age of thirteen, he became a martial saint!

He even reached the peak of martial saint at the age of fifteen.

The boy walked towards the peak of martial arts step by step, from youth to middle age, and then to white hair!

The boy's eyes became vicissitudes, and the martial arts world changed!

The abyss and reality merged, and martial arts developed faster, but there were more dangers!

The living space of mankind was gradually reduced. In the end, monsters were rampant, and even martial saints were just real things in the mouths of monsters!

The final battle between humans and monsters still began!

It was a mythical scene, with giants as high as ten feet, and tigers with wings on their backs...

On the human side, there were strong men with terrifying auras. Just standing there, it seemed that the sky was about to collapse!

An epic battle began.

Death and blood have become eternal songs. Humans are dying, and monsters are dying at the same time!

But there are too many monsters, and humans are ultimately no match for them, so they can only shrink their living circle step by step.

In the end, the strongest among humans came up with a concept, that is, to become the same existence as monsters!

They came up with a way to transform humans.

Even with such a transformation, humans were still not saved.

The number of transformations is increasing, but the transformed people become corpses. They have no thoughts of their own and act on instinct.

The owner of this corpse is the last wave of people who become corpses.

Lin Mo woke up from his memory and was a little stunned when he saw the other light spots flashing in front of him.

In the memory just now, Lin Mo saw some familiar martial arts, but those martial arts could not be extracted from their minds.

Lin Mo experienced the memory of that person, but could not use the most precious thing in the memory.

After a slight hesitation, Lin Mo caught another light spot, and another memory appeared in front of Lin Mo...

The light spots in front of him decreased one by one. When Lin Mo finished looking at the last light spot, he roughly pieced together a complete future.

Humans are at a disadvantage in the battle between humans and monsters, so someone proposed a plan to transform humans.

In such a plan, humans were turned into monsters that only knew how to fight. Countless volunteers became participants in this plan, but this did not reverse the situation in the end...

After Lin Mo absorbed all the memories, he came to this conclusion.

In fact, he did not feel any sadness or pessimism in his heart, because he had a premonition of all this.

Now that it has come true, he is relieved.

"At least the future will not be worse than what I have seen in these memories!" Lin Mo chuckled.

"At least I still have time now. Maybe I have the opportunity to become the person at the peak of martial arts. I can reverse all the situations by myself!"

At this moment, Lin Mo felt a heroic breath in his heart.

"However, I also saw what I had guessed before from my memory.

In addition to monsters, there are human-like creatures in the abyss.

They are equally powerful and intelligent, and they may even have their own country in the abyss like humans!"

Lin Mo thought of those abyss creatures that were no different from humans, and a serious look appeared on his face.

Because, according to those memories, the abyss creatures completely crushed humans in martial arts talent.

A large number of them reached the realm of martial saints before the age of 20, and there were also many people who surpassed martial saints after the age of 20.

Lin Mo was silently sorting out these memories, and he always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something.

Finally, he remembered that he had not seen the memory of the old man!

When Cui Jie killed the old man outside, the door to the secret realm was opened, and Lin Mo had no chance to devour the old man's memory!

Now that Cui Jie and Yang Gui are dead, he can devour the old man's memory at his leisure.

Lin Mo knew very well that the old man must be different from everyone else.

Leaving the dream, Lin Mo returned the same way.

Outside the secret realm, Lin Mo looked at the old man's body still lying there. Cui Jie's knife was steady and fierce, destroying all the old man's vitality.

Lin Mo recalled the old man's previous actions, and imitated the old man to take out the white worm in his body. After a slight hesitation, he swallowed it.

Lin Mo entered the dream again and saw the memory belonging to the old man.

Without any hesitation, Lin Mo directly grabbed the memory in his hand.


"Today, my God Gun Sect and humans will live and die together!"

A thunderous roar sounded, and Lin Mo saw a strong man standing in front of the black crowd.

This man was the old man, holding the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand, and his whole body was steaming with terrifying blood and qi.

The old man was very strong, and his breath was so strong that the mountains in the distance were shaking.

Lin Mo was a bystander of a memory, but when he felt this breath, he actually felt a tremor.

The old man was very strong, stronger than everyone expected!

Below him, everyone had a bottle of potion in front of them. With the old man's order, everyone injected the potion into their bodies.

Lin Mo witnessed such a horrible mutation. They quickly lost their vitality, and their flesh and blood became rotten. In the end, they became corpses!

Lin Mo watched this horrible scene with his own eyes. There was no fear in his heart, but an inexplicable sadness.

These are people who are still unwilling to give up in desperate situations. They use their own flesh and blood to make a last fight!

Unexpectedly, this battle did not happen. After the old man took the potion in front of him, the entire Shenqiangmen was swallowed by the abyss!

After being swallowed, the Shenqiangmen directly became a secret realm!

And the old man became the key to the secret realm gate!

The memory disappeared here. Lin Mo opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

He stood up and entered the secret realm, passed through the gate of the Shenqiangmen, walked up the steps, and finally came to the tall statue.

Lin Mo's mind moved, and he took out the silver spear, with the silver spear tip pointing straight to the sky.


On the statue, the spear was also trembling, and then countless golden words appeared in front of Lin Mo.


Lin Mo's figure rushed out like lightning, and he was frantically capturing those flashing words.

A moment later, all the words were controlled by Lin Mo in front of his eyes.

Mental power surged, and Lin Mo tried to merge his mental power with these words.

Soon he succeeded, because this fusion method was what he saw from the old man's memory.

"God Spear Jue!"

"Heavenly Grade Three Martial Arts!"

Lin Mo licked his cracked lips with a smile on his face.

A Heavenly Grade Weapon, plus a Heavenly Grade Martial Arts!

Most of the legacy of the God Spear Sect in the secret realm disappeared, but these two precious things were left behind.

Turning around and taking a look at everything in front of him, when Lin Mo turned around and was about to leave, the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand suddenly trembled twice.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then he raised the Silver Dragon Spear with a chuckle.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm alive, the Divine Spear Sect will never disappear!

All your wishes will be fulfilled by me!"


The Silver Dragon Spear made a clamoring sound, just like a giant dragon awakening!

Feeling this terrifying breath, Lin Mo's face first showed a look of shock, and then full of joy.

The Heavenly Grade Weapon naturally has its own consciousness, but Lin Mo has only now been recognized by the Silver Dragon Spear and is the first to feel its will!

Putting away the Silver Dragon Spear directly, Lin Mo turned around and left the Divine Spear Sect.

The moment Lin Mo stepped out of the door of the Divine Spear Sect, everything behind him began to collapse!

Lin Mo stood at the foot of the mountain and turned around to look at this shocking scene.

The mountains in the distance seemed to be crushed by an invisible force at once, and the huge rocks collapsed and turned into powder halfway up the mountain!

The mountains are dissipating, like sand statues blown away by the wind!

Lin Mo held the Silver Dragon Spear and watched the scene quietly.

In his hand, the Silver Dragon Spear trembled, making waves of trembling sounds, like wailing sounds!

After tightening the spear in his hand, Lin Mo turned and left the secret realm.

He was the one who carried the breath of those corpses, so he could enter the world where the corpses were, but others could not.

Now Lin Mo had no idea whether he was in the Black Fire Prison or somewhere else.

The abyss and the secret realm gave Lin Mo a very strange feeling, because in theory, the old man and the corpses all came from the world, but in the abyss and the secret realm, the time distance between them disappeared.

It was as if those corpses had crossed countless years to meet him!

Those memories emerged in front of Lin Mo like a movie.

Lin Mo could not explain these, so he could only stop thinking about them.

After walking out of the world of the corpses step by step, Lin Mo stopped slightly.

In front of him, there stood a group of people in black.

They all had greedy looks on their faces, staring at the Silver Dragon Spear in Lin Mo's hand.

Some people even looked at Lin Mo's body, and a sticky liquid flowed out of their mouths.

That was saliva, they wanted to swallow Lin Mo directly!

But these were not corpses, but living people!

Lin Mo looked at these people in front of him, and felt sick in his heart.

Of course, he could understand the meaning in those people's eyes.

Lin Mo was the only one who entered the secret realm and walked out of it, so Lin Mo naturally got everything in the secret realm!

So if they kill Lin Mo now, they can inherit everything in the secret realm!

In the Black Fire Prison, killing and death are the most normal things.

The crowd began to move, and there was more greed in their eyes. They made inexplicable exclamations from their mouths, and they seemed to be happy!

They walked towards Lin Mo, eager for a feast!

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