Lin Mo had a calm expression on his face. As soon as he came out of the secret realm, he saw the people gathered in the Black Fire Hell.

There was a greedy look on their faces, and excitement shone in their eyes.

"Just a young boy!"

"He is not strong, he is the weakest among the three!"

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

Fragmented, crazy, and excited sounds rang in Lin Mo's ears.

Their voices were like talking in sleep, like roaring!

Whoosh whoosh!

Several figures could no longer hold back. Their figures flashed crazily and rushed towards Lin Mo!

Their speed was so fast that they were in front of Lin Mo in an instant!

Sixth-grade Martial Saint!

From a level perspective, their strength completely overwhelmed Lin Mo!


However, at this moment, the pale sword light lit up.

Destroy life with one knife!

The pale light was like the eyes of those mutilated corpses, filled with the aura of death.

The three figures staggered back two steps, then fell to the ground with a bang, and their bodies instantly split into several pieces!

This knife not only destroyed their vitality, but also deprived them of the integrity of their physical bodies.

"Come on together, I'll use your blood to sacrifice the gun!"

Silver light flashed in Lin Mo's hand, and the silver dragon gun let out a dragon roar!

In just a moment, Lin Mo could feel that the Silver Dragon Spear had revived!


Someone in the crowd shouted, it's now time, they have no way out!

What's more, isn't that boy just a person?

Just kill him!

The black crowd was running wildly on the ground, their eyes were crazy and hot, looking at the lonely figure, eager to tear that figure into pieces!


With a loud noise, Lin Mo rushed out suddenly.

Behind him, five kinds of fist intentions exploded directly.

The sound of dragons roaring, tigers roaring...

The sounds of the five beasts clashed and turned into the most terrifying sound in the world, sweeping out!

Thousands of people fell.

Lin Mo's punch made the sound of mountains and seas exploding.

In just a short moment, a group of people fell to the ground, looking at Lin Mo with a look of despair on their faces.

They were the first group of people, and they felt Lin Mo Balie's power at this moment.

Before they could open their mouths to remind the people behind them, the sound of swords resounded through the sky!

The heads flew up, accompanied by flames!

With this sword, Lin Mo burned the world with flames, and the power of Qi and blood was flowing continuously and steaming!

All the people who had fallen before were ignited, turned into ashes, and blown away by the wind!

All these people are crazy. Death can no longer bring any fear to them. On the contrary, it makes them excited all of a sudden!

They looked at Lin Mo and admired,

"So strong! So strong! These powers must be the powers in the secret realm!

It's the power that the secret realm brings to him!

Kill him and these powers will be ours! "

They have been eroded by greed, or perhaps, deep in their hearts, they have always been filled with endless greed!

They swarmed towards Lin Mo like a disgusting black wave!

The dragon roar sounded, and Lin Mo waved the silver dragon gun with both hands!

He used the Silver Dragon Technique!

This kind of martial arts is extremely profound. Lin Mo has not yet started to learn it at this moment, but he follows the guidance of the martial arts, circulates the power of Qi and blood, and uses the gun as a carrier to vent the anger in his heart!

In the crowd, Lin Mo seemed to have a silver dragon wrapped around his body. It was roaring and spitting out dense frost from its mouth!


The sound of the body breaking was heard, and Lin Mo used the Silver Dragon Technique, accompanied by the power of frost and thunder!

These two powers have now been completely integrated by Lin Mo, and the two different attributes are vaguely complementary!

The power of frost first freezes the people around him, and then the power of blood bursts out, containing the domineering power of thunder, directly smashing people into pieces!

All attacks are perfect!

More and more people disappeared, and everyone seemed to be attracted by the vortex, dissipating crazily!

Lin Mo is the center of the whirlpool. Although he is still alone at this moment, he has become a reaper.

There were strong men in the crowd who had surpassed the eighth-level martial saint realm, but they were still not enough in front of Lin Mo!


The sound of footsteps sounded, and in the distance, a figure rushed over!

He is very fast and his strength has reached the peak of the ninth-grade Martial Saint!

The peak of the Martial Saint in his prime state!


Lin Mo's eyes turned red, and the silver dragon gun in his hand vibrated gently. As if he felt Lin Mo's will, he let out a dragon roar at this moment!

A strong light erupted from the gun god, and a silver dragon could be vaguely seen swooping out!

The face of the man who rushed up changed drastically. He stared at Lin Mo, and the energy and blood around him suddenly boiled!

"Lin Mo, don't be impulsive, we are all members of the Chinese Military Department!"

The person roared, but the attack on his hands did not stop at all!

He condensed a gray shield with one hand, and condensed an earthy yellow mark with the other hand, and smashed it towards Lin Mo's head!

Such an attack must be extraordinary. At this moment, it was unleashed all at once, attacking Lin Mo!

Lin Mo's eyes were full of coldness.

What kind of group? What do you mean they are all from the Chinese Ministry of War?

Go to hell first!

Lin Mo's eyes were full of anger, and the whole person turned into a residual image. He rushed out with the Silver Dragon Spear held horizontally!


The figure of the man suddenly paused, and the whole person was stunned there.

There was a huge blood hole on his body, and Lin Mo had passed through his body and stood behind him!

In that attack just now, Lin Mo actually smashed his body with the Silver Dragon Spear and passed through!

Lin Mo's terrifying fighting power was finally revealed at this time, and there were hundreds of corpses on the ground.

In other words, Lin Mo killed hundreds of people in one battle!

The most important thing is that there is no sign of fatigue on Lin Mo's face. He just stood there quietly, looking at the black sky!


A drop of rain fell on Lin Mo's face.

He was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand to wipe it off!


More raindrops fell, falling madly on Lin Mo, making his body completely wet in just a few seconds!

Lin Mo stood in the rain, watching the rain streaking across the tip of the Silver Dragon Spear and flowing on the ground.

After being soaked by the rain, some of the corpses collapsed directly like sculptures made of sand!

On the ground, the rain and blood gathered together, forming a stream, gathering towards a distance.

At this time, Lin Mo saw that the gathered blood seemed to form a pattern on the ground!


He fell directly to the ground without having time to see what the patterns finally looked like!

Although the previous killing was very exciting, Lin Mo was only one person after all. The endless killing still forced his body to a very weak point. Once the danger was lifted, he lost all support and fell to the ground!

Just after Lin Mo fell, the blood on the ground had gathered together, and the pattern finally appeared!

It was an extremely ancient and obscure pattern, like words, and like a brand!

No one could understand the meaning of this pattern!

At this moment, the pattern was glowing, and the light it emitted enveloped Lin Mo's body.

Qi and blood power surged from all directions and sank into Lin Mo's body!

The flushing force was so terrifying that Lin Mo's body twisted strangely, and in the end he was suspended in the air!

He passively endured the replenishment of qi and blood power, and the power in his body skyrocketed wildly!

This process is very dangerous, but it is also very rare!

The terrifying power has no restrictions and keeps rushing in Lin Mo's body.

Some meridians were quickly broken, and some meridians were forcibly widened!

Just like a boulder passing through a narrow passage, there are only two results, one is that the passage is crushed into pieces by the boulder, and the other is that the passage is directly widened by the boulder!

And what happened more in Lin Mo's body was the latter!

His meridians were directly widened!

A large amount of qi and blood power was flowing, and finally gathered together to form a violent force!

At the same time, the excess violent power was also gathering.

In Lin Mo's Dantian Sea, the Qi and blood gathered together, forming a golden sun, hanging on the sea!

Endless light fell down and Lin Mo's body fell heavily to the ground!


Game loading...

Lin Mo opened his eyes in the dream, and after looking around, he immediately understood his situation!

However, this time, he saw that the dream had changed again!

There was another sun in the sky, and under the light, Lin Mo felt that his body was getting stronger!

The sun contained some special energy, which was tempering his body!

Feeling the changes in his body, Lin Mo smiled.

However, the next moment, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a deep shock!

"This... How could this be!"

He felt the powerful force in his body, and at this moment, those forces were soaring wildly, and in a blink of an eye, his strength was pushed to the sixth-grade martial saint realm!

Moreover, this terrifying thrust did not mean to stop at all, and it was still pushing upward madly!

With such momentum, Lin Mo felt that it was not impossible for him to reach the peak of the seventh-grade martial saint!

"No, it's too much at once, my foundation is not stable!"

A firm look appeared on Lin Mo's face. The next moment, his mind moved slightly, and the speed of the increase of Qi and blood power was slowed down!

But he still crossed the threshold of the seventh-grade martial saint!

Lin Mo suppressed it, like squeezing water in a sponge, and squeezed out the excess Qi and blood power crazily!

In the end, Lin Mo's strength remained at the seventh-grade martial saint realm!

Qi and blood power was stuck at 70,000 Qi and blood!


After doing all this, Lin Mo exhaled a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

He felt a burst of heat in his right palm and raised it to take a look.

It was a golden pattern, exactly the same as the pattern on the ground before!

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