Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 234 The Secret of the Black Fire Prison

The golden lines are constantly flowing with brilliance, like a golden stream that finally converges.

Lin Mo looked at the pattern on his hand with a thoughtful look on his face.

Before entering the game, Lin Mo saw half of the patterns on the ground, which were similar to the patterns in his palm.

At this moment, he looked at the pattern in his hand, and could not tell what the purpose of the pattern was, but he could feel that there should be some connection between the pattern and the secret realm he had entered previously.

Lin Mo closed his eyes slightly and looked at the sea of ​​his dantian, with a look of shock on his face.

The golden sun still hung there, and the spiritual power previously sealed in the body suddenly disappeared and became part of the sun.

In other words, the mental power and the power of Qi and blood have been integrated again. As long as Lin Mo wants, the sun can provide a steady stream of mental power and Qi and blood power!

"Theoretically, the power of my blood should be unlimited..."

Lin Mo felt the terrifying power of blood contained in the sun, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"It can't be said to be infinite. After all, the power of Qi and blood contained in the sun should be limited..."

Some ideas were surging in Lin Mo's mind, but they were too crazy. The most important thing was that he had not thought of the specific implementation method yet.

Looking around, the corpses on the ground had dissipated, and some bottles and jars were scattered on the ground.

All of them were Qi and Blood Pills. Lin Mo collected them all without any courtesy.

In total, Lin Mo collected hundreds of Qi and Blood Pills.

I have to say that the Black Fire Hell is really a scary place. These people are very strong, but they don't have many Qi and Blood Pills in them.

After all, in a place like this, there is no source of Qi and Blood Pills at all. It can be said that one is used and one is missing. Now, all the Qi and Blood Pills are in Lin Mo's hands.

"So, all the secrets in the Black Fire Hell have been taken away by me!"

Lin Mo thought of the Divine Gun Gate in the secret realm, with a look of emotion on his face.


He whispered that everything in the future was too scary, and he didn't want that day to come!

At present, the information he can obtain is limited, and he cannot predict the time when the abyss and reality will begin to merge on a large scale. Otherwise, he may be able to make some preparations in advance!

"From now on, we must collect the fragments about the future and try to piece together a complete future direction!"

Lin Mo's eyes flickered. If he could piece together the general direction of the future, some things might be prevented in advance!

He left here step by step and began to look for a way to leave the Black Fire Hell.

Logically speaking, as long as he got the things in the secret realm, Lin Mo should be able to leave the Black Fire Hell, but now that Lin Mo has arrived at the place where he first entered the Black Fire Hell, he did not feel the existence of the gate.

"Is it possible that I haven't gotten the things from Black Fire Hell yet?"

Lin Mo frowned, the secret realm should be the most important thing in Black Fire Hell...

Thinking of this, Lin Mo suddenly thought of a place.

He turned around suddenly and rushed towards the river where he had taken water earlier!

When he was getting water here before, Lin Mo had a feeling that there was something in the water.

But he had seen with his own eyes that the water surface was almost dry, and it didn't look like there was something there...

"Where did the water disappear?"

Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face. He entered the Black Fire Hell through water, and the water in front of him has not disappeared yet...

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up slightly, and he gritted his teeth and jumped into the water!

The water was very deep, so he dived right in without hesitation!

The bottom of the water was dim, and almost nothing could be seen. Lin Mo dived very quickly, and in less than a minute, he had reached the bottom!

Lin Mo frowned slightly as he looked at the sediment gathered under the water.

It was completely different from what he had imagined. There was no trace of the existence of the gate.

He rubbed along the bottom of the water little by little, and at the same time, his spiritual power spread out and enveloped the place little by little.

Just when he was about to give up, he felt that the water began to decrease, and there seemed to be a deep hole in the ground, continuously absorbing water.

"So it's here!" A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face, and he went directly to the place where the water flow disappeared.

After thinking for a moment, he punched out!

Under the water, violent power surged for a moment before calming down.

A large hole that could accommodate a person through appeared in front of Lin Mo.

This time Lin Mo didn't hesitate at all and rushed in!

The moment he entered, Lin Mo felt as if his body had passed through some obstacle.

But in the palm of his right hand, the pattern glowed and a warm feeling flowed, and he had already passed through the hole!


Not long after Lin Mo passed through the entrance of the cave, a figure jumped from the water and saw the entrance to the bottom of the water, and followed him without hesitation.

But the moment he passed through the hole, his whole person was cut into two pieces!

Lin Mo, who heard the sound, turned around and saw this scene, and suddenly felt a chill.

"In other words, the pattern in my palm is actually a mark?

Only with this mark can you pass through that hole? "

Lin Mo had a shocked look on his face because he thought of a possibility.

If Lin Mo had not killed so many people when leaving the secret realm, would this pattern not have appeared!

In other words, at that time, he would not have been able to get this pattern!

In other words, the meaning of this place is that only one person can leave?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Mo couldn't help but shudder!

After calming down, Lin Mo directly emerged from the water.

The moment he left the water, Lin Mo knew that he had left the Black Fire Prison.

Because everything outside was completely different from the situation inside the Black Fire Prison.

Lin Mo saw a figure from a distance, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Zheng Feng!

When I entered the Black Fire Prison before, it was Zheng Feng who sent me here. I didn't expect that I could still see him when I left the Black Fire Prison!

"Brother Zheng!"

Lin Mo's face was full of excitement, and he greeted loudly.

Zheng Feng almost doubted whether he had heard it wrong when he heard the voice, but when he turned around and looked at Lin Mo, he showed a look like he saw a ghost.

"Brother Zheng, it's me!"

Lin Mo smiled and spoke loudly.

It was not until this time that Zheng Feng realized that he was not hallucinating or seeing things wrong, but that Lin Mo was really standing in front of him.

" kid, you entered the Black Fire Prison for less than half a year, how come you came out?"

Zheng Feng looked at Lin Mo, and then his face changed drastically: "Your strength..."

"Seventh-rank Martial Saint!"

Lin Mo smiled and spoke, but the next moment, his face changed!

"How long have I been away?"

"Half a year?!"

These two sentences were said by Lin Mo. He was extremely shocked. He felt that he had only spent a little time in the Black Fire Prison!

Why did half a year pass outside?

"Are you confused? You have been in there for half a year..."

Zheng Feng spoke slowly with a helpless look on his face.

But Lin Mo did not listen, but stood there quietly. He thought of a possibility.

Both Yang Gui and Cui Jie stayed in there for a long time. According to Yang Gui, he even stayed in there for more than ten years!

According to this, how long has it been outside?

Lin Mo estimated that he should have been in there for less than ten days.

But half a year has passed outside!

According to this calculation method... Yang Gui stayed in there for ten years, which means that he stayed there for nearly two hundred years when converted to the time outside!

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Mo shuddered.

Then he thought of more details. In the forest of corpses, they saw people who looked exactly like Yang Gui and Cui Jie.

Is there a possibility that the two corpses are Cui Jie and Yang Gui?

In the past two hundred years, they have actually died?

Cui Jie and Yang Gui seen in the Black Fire Prison are actually hallucinations?

Lin Mo shook his head and told himself not to think about it, because thinking about it would not lead to any results!

However, Lin Mo will still go back to take a look when he has the chance. With the help of dreams, it is not difficult for Lin Mo to return to the secret realm!

"You kid... Could it be that you got that opportunity in the Black Fire Prison!"

Zheng Feng thought of this possibility and looked at Lin Mo with shock.

Lin Mo nodded and said without hiding anything: "Lucky, I got the things inside, but it's been too long. Even if there are things inside, there are not many left!"

When Lin Mo said this, his eyes were fixed on Zheng Feng.

Zheng Feng is very strong. If he has the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of Lin Mo, it will be a big trouble for Lin Mo.

But after a long time, Lin Mo saw Zheng Feng's eyes flickering a few times, and then he regained his calm.

"Congratulations!" Zheng Feng smiled and said: "Let's go, since you are back, then follow me back. Xiahou Ming and Ouyang Xiu have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"They all think I can go back?" Lin Mo looked at Zheng Feng with a smile on his face.

"These two people have inexplicable trust in you, but in the end, you did come back, which can be regarded as a slap in the face of a group of people!" Zheng Feng smiled and said.

A group of people's face?

This group of people should refer to those people in Huaxia Military University!

It's funny to say that when he was in Huaxia Military University, Lin Mo felt that he was still very lucky.

But who could have thought that Huaxia Military University would end up like this?

Even without the old president, Huaxia Military University still fell into depravity!

Lin Mo's eyes turned cold. Calculating the time, the martial arts exchange competition should have been going on for a while.

Lin Mo didn't know if he would have a chance to participate in it!

If he had a chance to participate in it, Lin Mo would definitely teach those people in Huaxia Military University a profound lesson!

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