"You are finally back, kid. If you don't come back, I will rush into the Black Fire Hell and fish you out!"

After returning to the Ministry of War in the capital, Xia Houming saw Lin Mo, a smile immediately appeared on his face, and he patted Lin Mo's shoulder with one hand.

Lin Mo was a little touched. Xia Houming was the kind of person who kept his word and had taken special care of Lin Mo when he was in the Ministry of War.

Last time, they had a direct fight with people from the Ministry of War because of him, and were seriously injured in the end.

"Brother Xia, take these things!" After Lin Mo pondered for a moment, he took out thirty Qi and Blood Pills from his body and handed them to him respectfully.

Xia Houming couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw Lin Mo's actions: "What do you mean, kid, do you look down on me?

I saved you because I liked you. Do you think I was coveting your little Qi-Blood Pill? "

Xia Houming spoke loudly with an unhappy look on his face.

"Brother Xia, you misunderstood. These are all the good things I got in the Black Fire Hell. I treat you as a brother. I must give you some of these good things!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Of course. If brother doesn’t want it, I’ll keep it for myself. I don’t have too much of this at all!”

Having said that, he was about to put away all the Qi and Blood Pills.

"Wait a minute!" Xia Houming said quickly, and directly took the Qi and Blood Pill from Lin Mo's hand: "Of course I will accept your kid's wishes. This will never happen again!

Hahaha! "

Xia Houming's face was about to burst into laughter. The price of thirty Qi and Blood Pills was close to 600 million. There is no doubt that this is a very precious gift!

"What about mine?"

A chuckle rang out, and Ouyang Xiu walked over step by step from a distance.

With an indifferent smile on his face, he looked Lin Mo up and down, nodded slightly and said: "Not bad, not bad, my strength has improved a lot, you kid will not suffer any loss!

It seems that the opportunity in Black Fire Hell has been obtained by you? "

Lin Mo nodded, and when he was about to say something, Ouyang Xiu raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't say anything. The opportunity you get is yours. No one can give it to you!" Ouyang Xiu looked at Lin Mo and said in a deep voice, "Do you understand what I said?"

Lin Mo understood that this sentence meant something, but he still nodded and said: "I understand!"

"Boss, if you don't say anything, I might just share it with Lin Mo directly. The things in the secret realm are definitely extraordinary. If I can share half of them, I'll give them away!"

Xia Houming scratched his head and spoke with some embarrassment.

Lin Mo didn't mind what Xia Houming said, but just looked at Ouyang Xiudao: "Boss, the World Martial Arts Conference should be over soon. I wonder how the progress is now?"

"Stop talking, there has never been a year when China has been so embarrassed!

A group of idiots went up and were tortured to death by the people from the Beautiful Country, but they actually lost to the people from the Sakura Country!

This is simply a loss of several lifetimes! "

Lost to Sakura Country? !

Lin Mo was stunned. The martial arts of Sakura Country can be said to have originated from China. The entire Sakura Country did not even have a complete set of martial arts inheritance.

But now Chinese college students have lost to them?

"Which schools will compete with them on behalf of China this time?"

Lin Mo was a little curious. This kind of competition is very important, and winning or losing is usually taken very seriously.

If the representatives of these schools lose now, it is very likely that their ancestors will be scolded for generations after they go back!

"China Military University, China Martial Arts University, Tianlong Martial Arts University..."

Xia Houming mentioned seven or eight martial arts universities in one breath, each of which was famous in China.

"After more than a year of training in college, in the end, they are no better than a bunch of trash in high school!"

Xia Houming couldn't help but curse.

Lin Mo nodded. Psychologically speaking, he really couldn't accept China's loss to Sakura Country.

"This final final is about to begin. The semi-finals are being held these days!" Down?"

Ouyang Xiu nodded, looked at Lin Mo and said: "There was a young man named Geiger who wanted to challenge you before, but at that time you had already been sent to the Black Fire Hell.

Now Geiger has entered the semi-finals and is facing our Chinese martial arts cultivator - Li Dong! "

"Can I go to the scene and have a look?"

Lin Mo suddenly wanted to watch it live. For him, such a game is undoubtedly a good opportunity to observe and learn from each other's strengths and make improvements.

Xia Houming glanced at Ouyang Xiu, and after seeing that the latter had no objection, he stood up and said: "Originally, such a game will be classified as confidential, and it is basically impossible for ordinary people to watch the game!

But your situation is special, I think we can take you to see it together! "

After saying that, he directly pulled Lin Mo away and walked away.

Ouyang Xiu shook his head with a smile and followed them.

Beijing martial arts hall.

If the martial arts hall in Jinling is extremely luxurious, then the martial arts hall in Beijing is extremely luxurious and at the same time retains the long ancient style!

From a distance, the entire hall looks exquisite with its carved beams and painted pillars.

Lin Mo had a curious expression on his face, and as he watched all the way, he finally had to admire that the capital city was rich.


Before arriving at the competition place, Lin Mo heard a loud noise coming from inside.

This was obviously the terrifying attack power of the fist. With just one punch, Lin Mo heard the sound of bones breaking. At the same time, Lin Mo seemed to see someone's chest collapsed and he was screaming and vomiting blood.

"So strong, at least he is a ninth-grade Martial Saint!"

"The people in the beautiful country are very strong, and they are generally at the eighth level of martial arts or above!

Although your strength is not high, your real combat effectiveness is far beyond what they can compare with!

Coupled with the fact that your current mental power and energy and blood power are improving almost one to one, the combat power this brings can be said to be terrifying to the extreme! "

Lin Mo nodded, noncommittal to Xia Houming's words.

After checking Xia Houming's identity plate, the person guarding the door showed a look of shock and quickly let Lin Mo and others in.

"It's easier to use if the capital doesn't have a name!" Xia Houming explained with a smile: "If you go out to do business in the future, remember to make more use of the name of the capital's military department. Such a useful thing should not be used in vain!"

Lin Mo nodded. Since Xia Houming said so, he would not be polite at all!

After entering the competition venue, Lin Mo saw a figure coming towards him!

Such a scene made many people stand up in fear. They looked at the man on the field who was punched away. If it hit the ground, a hole might be made!

"Too...too strong, I'm not even half as strong as him!"

"You still think half of it, it would be great if I could have one-third of him!"

"I only want one tenth!"

"Geiger is still very strong..."

Lin Mo listened to the discussions around him and at the same time realized that the person standing in the center of the competition venue was the Geiger who wanted to challenge him.

"Who else?" Geiger stood there, looking at the people below, couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth, and spoke loudly.

A group of people had angry looks on their faces, but there was nothing they could do.

Because they all knew that even if they rushed forward, they would not be Geiger's opponent.

"Since you are no match, let Lin Mo come up!

I have already heard that Lin Mo just came back from the Black Fire Hell. Could it be that he got something good and is unwilling to come out now?

Are you Chinese people all cowards? "

This sentence directly aroused the angry voices of many people, but at this time, no one came forward!

Lin Mo stood in the crowd, watching this scene quietly, with a helpless look on his face.

"What a bunch of trash!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

At this time, someone in the crowd finally looked at Lin Mo and others who had arrived belatedly.

"Wait a minute!" Someone said, and when the voice fell, many people looked at Lin Mo.

"You look familiar!" The man stared at Xia Houming for a few minutes and said, "It was you who stood up for Lin Mo half a year ago. In the end, you were punched by those strong men. Was it you? ?

Is it worth it for a piece of trash? "

Xia Houming looked at the person in front of him and felt funny in his heart, because the trash in his mouth was now standing in front of him.

But judging from the eyes of the person in front of them, when facing Lin Mo, they showed extreme respect.

"Trash?" Lin Mo's voice sounded. He looked at the person in front of him and slapped him away.

With a bang, several people fell to the ground, with slap marks on their faces.

"You...who are you, Your Excellency, and why did you attack us!"

After being slapped, these people did not dare to get angry. Instead, they looked at Lin Mo and asked cautiously.

"I'm the trash you call me, what's wrong?" Lin Mo said lightly.

"What, you are Lin Mo?!"

Several people looked at Lin Mo with horrified looks on their faces.

The news of returning from the Black Fire Prison has not been widely spread, so these people actually felt a little suspicious when they heard that the person in front of them was Lin Mo.

But after they saw Lin Mo's powerful strength, they were instantly convinced!

Lin Mo was so strong that he couldn't even say a word with just one slap!

"Lin Mo is here?" At this moment, a chuckle sounded. Geiger stood on the stage and looked at the people in the audience.

Finally, he found Lin Mo who was surrounded by a group of people.


A vast amount of spiritual power emanated directly from Reform's body and swept straight towards Lin Mo!

Lin Mo had a solemn expression on his face. Such a blow seemed clean, but in the process of this blow, many humans or animals would die!

There is no doubt that Geiger is also a mind energy master!

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