Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 236 What is crushing!

"Qi Mind Master!"

Everyone in the venue suddenly exclaimed, looking at Geiger with a hint of fanaticism in their eyes!

Almost all of the people present were Chinese, so most of them were deeply hostile to Geiger, who had a winning streak.

But now after seeing Geiger reveal his identity as a mind qi master, a group of people instantly became excited!

The Beautiful Country is the birthplace of Qi Nian Masters, and the strongest Qi Nian Masters in the world must be from the Beautiful Country.

Geiger has never shown his strength as a mind qi master from the beginning to the end, and now that he has shown it here, there is no doubt that this will be his most powerful battle since joining the war!

Worth the wait!

Even though what awaits all the viewers is China's disastrous defeat, they still want to see it all with their own eyes!

"I heard that you are also a Qi Master!"

"Come! Let me teach you what it means to be a true Nian Qi master!"

Geiger spoke loudly with a faint smile on his face.

In an instant, his voice spread throughout the entire martial arts arena!

The crowd cheered suddenly, and countless people's eyes fell on Lin Mo.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!"

Everyone looked at Lin Mo and cheered loudly. They were looking forward to seeing such a battle!

Lin Mo looked in the direction of the rostrum. He was originally restricted from appearing, but now, everyone is waiting for his appearance. Lin Mo wants to know what kind of reaction there will be from the rostrum!

"Lin Mo, get ready to play!"

After a long time, a voice sounded.

Lin Mo heard it. He was one of the old men who had attacked Xia Houming before.

A coldness flashed in his eyes and he nodded slightly.

"If you kowtow to me now, I might consider accepting you as my disciple. Then I can take you to the beautiful country and learn how to become a true Nianqi master!"

Geiger spoke with a haughty look on his face.

When facing Lin Mo, Geiger acted extremely arrogant.

This is actually an attitude, which proves that in Geiger's eyes, Lin Mo is his opponent!

That's why he wanted to use this expression and mentality to influence Lin Mo.

"Why aren't you playing yet? You must be afraid!"

Seeing Lin Mo standing there motionless, some people showed dissatisfaction on their faces and frowned slightly.

Some people even booed, looking at Lin Mo with mocking looks in their eyes.

"If you don't have the guts to go up there, don't come out and embarrass yourself!"

"That's right, it's fine now, it's hard to get rid of the tiger!"

"What a disgrace to the Chinese people!"

An unpleasant sound filled Lin Mo's ears, but his expression did not change at all.


There was a sound of breaking wind, Lin Mo turned around and looked in the direction where he spoke before, and punched out!

The terrifying energy and blood boiled, and under the suppression of mental power, it condensed into a fist light and exploded directly in the crowd!

Screams rang out, and the people who had been mocked earlier all had scars on their bodies.

Lin Mo glanced at them and grinned.

Looking at Lin Mo's smile, a group of people felt desperate to the extreme. What kind of smile was that? It looked like a smile from hell!

The onlookers kept their mouths shut, waiting for Lin Mo's next move.

Just when Geiger was about to taunt again, Lin Mo moved.

He took a step in the direction of the martial arts stage.

This step seemed ordinary, but when the second step was taken, some people noticed the clues, but they did not speak, but stood up from their seats, staring at Lin Mo with their eyes wide open.

"This...this is..."

After Lin Mo took the third step, everyone finally noticed the difference in Lin Mo and couldn't help but point at Lin Mo.

More and more people are discovering the difference in Lin Mo. At this moment, Lin Mo has taken more than a dozen steps.

There were still a few meters away from the martial arts stage, but at this moment, Lin Mo was looking down at Geiger.

An invisible pressure covered Geiger directly.

Geiger's expression was extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth and stood there, looking up at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stood about two meters above the ground, and then took another step forward!

At this step, I want his height to exceed two meters!

In other words, in the previous dozen or so steps, Lin Mo's body floated higher after each step!

From the beginning to the end, Lin Mo was always in a suspended state!

" is that possible!"

Some people looked at this scene and didn't believe it was true!

"Spiritual power, this is Lin Mo's mental power supporting his body!

Terrifying mind control! "

Some people have studied spiritual power very deeply. Looking at Lin Mo at this moment, they spoke in shock.

To be honest, even the old professors from several universities in China were shocked when faced with the scene in front of them. This was the first time they had seen someone able to use mental power to such an extent!

"Hmph! It's just a little trick... that's all!" Geiger looked at Lin Mo and was extremely shocked. However, he did not show it at all. Instead, he gritted his teeth and said these words forcefully.

Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly and took another step towards Geiger!


Stronger mental power covered it, pressing down on Geiger's shoulders like mountains!

Geiger's feet were slightly bent, and under the terrifying mental power, he almost knelt down!

"Just a little bit more!" Lin Mo chuckled and took another step!


After this step, a muffled sound rang out, and Geiger, who had been struggling to support himself, fell to his knees with a plop!

His face was extremely ugly, and he clenched his fists tightly, struggling to stand up.

But Lin Mo did not intend to give him such an opportunity, but continued to step forward!

This time, Lin Mo took five steps in one breath!

Geiger's body made a crackling sound, which was the sound caused by the bones changing position!

Lin Mo always had a smile on his face, and came to Geiger step by step.

When he stood on the martial arts stage, Geiger had already fallen on the martial arts stage, gasping for breath.

Geiger's vitality was constantly decreasing, and it seemed that he was about to die!

"Aren't you fighting with me? Come on!" Lin Mo said softly, and at the same time stepped on his back with one foot.

At this moment, Lin Mo was like a villain, with a sneer on his face.

The whole scene was silent. Everyone felt a little disillusioned when they saw the scene in front of them!

"This... what is going on? Hasn't Geiger already entered the peak realm of martial saint? He is also a mind-reading master. How could he lose without even having a chance to attack?!"

"You ask me, how can I know? I don't understand it at all!"

"The battles of mind-reading masters all take place in the spiritual world. Maybe in places we can't see, their mental powers have collided countless times!"

"But how could Lin Mo win? He didn't cheat!"

Some people looked at Lin Mo and expressed doubts about the fact that he was the final winner, and even found it difficult to accept.

Lin Mo glanced at them, smiled and shook his head.

Many people just knelt for too long, so they couldn't stand up at all!

Geiger struggled and wanted to get up and fight back, but he didn't have the ability at all.

"Give up!" Lin Mo said calmly: "Otherwise, if I kick you, you will definitely die!"

"Lin Mo, that's enough. You are taking advantage of someone's misfortune and winning unfairly!

What's more, he has fallen to the ground now, and you still want to humiliate him like this. It really makes us Chinese lose face!"

A middle-aged woman in the crowd stood up and looked at Geiger lying on the ground with heartache.

Lin Mo glanced at the label in front of the middle-aged woman and raised his eyebrows slightly.

This person's status is not low. It turned out to be Fan Mingli, the president of Lucheng Wuda!

"Mr. Geiger, don't worry, I will find a way to save you!" Fan Mingli looked at Geiger with a flattering smile on her face. When she looked up at Lin Mo, the smile disappeared and was replaced by coldness: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and take your foot away!

If you really hurt someone, you can't afford to pay even if you die!"

As she said, she twisted her fat body and walked towards the martial arts stage.

Lin Mo just looked at her quietly, without any movement.

Such a scene seemed to stimulate her. Fan Mingli looked around and shouted: "You guys find Lin Mo's family information for me. This bastard didn't listen to my orders. I must deal with him properly after the matter is over..."


Fan Mingli was destined to have no way to say the rest of her words, because Lin Mo, who had stepped on Geiger before, had come in front of her, and one hand had passed through her body!

Blood kept dripping down, and Lin Mo's eyes were indifferent.

But Geiger's face was filled with disbelief.

She couldn't believe that in front of so many people, Lin Mo actually killed people directly!

"Go to hell!"

Just when everyone was immersed in the shock of Lin Mo killing Fan Mingli, Geiger took this opportunity to stand up on the martial arts stage.

The blood and qi power around him burst out at once, and he roared towards Lin Mo!

Five Beast Fist!

Behind Lin Mo, the phantoms of five kinds of fierce beasts appeared, and at the same time, the dragon roar sounded. He used the dragon fist as a carrier and the remaining kinds of fierce beasts as auxiliary, and punched out!

With a terrifying bang, Gaiger's body flew backwards!

Bang! Gaiger hit the wall in the distance!

With just this one blow, Gaiger's whole body became twisted.

When Lin Mo's fist was blasted out, it was already rampaging in Gaiger's body!


Gaiger slid down the wall and collapsed on the ground, without any sound!

Just one punch killed Gaiger!

Everyone looked at Lin Mo standing on the martial arts stage, with a solemn look on their faces.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Mo crushed Gaiger, absolutely crushed him!

On the rostrum, Ouyang Xiu looked at the old men around him with a faint smile on his face.

"Seniors, how about it, Lin Mo should be one of the candidates to participate in the Dragon Transformation Plan!"

Ouyang Xiu said faintly.

Several old men exchanged glances with each other and finally nodded!

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