Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 237: Breaking with the past

"The strong men from Huaxia Military University should be here, right? I wonder if there is a chance to challenge you?"

Lin Mo looked towards the direction of Huaxia Military University in the crowd and spoke lightly.

Some familiar faces in the crowd had complicated expressions on their faces.

They were the people from the former Military University Student Union. When Lin Mo was there, they were all Lin Mo's subordinates. Now that Lin Mo has left, they have become strangers to Lin Mo!

"Lin Mo, do you really think you can do whatever you want with your strong mental power?"

A cold shout sounded, and a middle-aged man slowly stood up from the direction of the Military University.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Lin Mo smiled immediately: "I didn't expect that Huaxia Military University is now in your hands! It's interesting!"

When he was in Huaxia Military University, Lin Mo also offended some people, and the man in front of him was one of them.

However, the man in front of him was just a teacher at the beginning, but he didn't expect that he would become one of the leaders of the school in the blink of an eye.

"Teacher Han... No, I should call you Principal Han now!" Lin Mo looked at the teacher in front of him and said lightly: "You are right. I do rely on my mental power to do whatever I want, so that few people in Huaxia Military University dare to fight me!

How about this, I will not use my mental power and fight with your students of Huaxia Military University!

If I lose, you can do whatever you want, how about it?"

Lin Mo had a sincere smile on his face: "I really don't have any other intentions, I just want to have a good fight with the students of Huaxia Military University!"

Principal Han had an ugly look on his face. Lin Mo's words had forced everyone into a desperate situation.

"Principal, if he wants to fight, then let him fight. Our Huaxia Military University is a century-old famous school. Should we be afraid of him?

Besides, he himself was once from Huaxia Military University, but he was expelled from school by us for some reasons!

What is there to be proud of as a mere abandoned child?"

A young man slowly stood up and walked step by step in front of Lin Mo.

He had a haughty look on his face, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Lin Mo, right? My name is Feng Yan!" The young man stepped forward and spoke lightly.

He had a strong aura, and had reached the ninth-grade martial saint realm!

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. When he was in school, he had never heard of such a strong man in the school.

"I didn't see you at the beginning!" Lin Mo whispered.

"Hehe, President Lin is of noble status, it's normal that he hasn't seen me!" Feng Yan smiled lightly, and his tone was indescribably frivolous: "Of course, if President Lin feels pressured, he can take back his previous words and continue to use his mental power!"

A group of people exclaimed and looked at Feng Yan, because he actually wanted Lin Mo to use his mental power!

What confidence!

But Lin Mo just shook his head gently and said: "It's a very low-level provocation, but it works for me. Don't worry, I won't use my mental power!

It seems that you should be the strongest student of Huaxia Military University. Just defeat you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a silver light flashed in Lin Mo's hand, and the Silver Dragon Spear appeared in his hand!

"Heaven-grade weapons!"

Some old men in the crowd stood up and looked at the Silver Dragon Spear in Lin Mo's hand in shock!

Heaven-grade weapons have their own intelligence, and they will be different when held in the hand!

At this moment, the Silver Dragon Spear trembled slightly, and a strong force continued to surge out!

This is the pressure of the Heaven-grade weapon!

Feng Yan's face suddenly became ugly. Facing the Heaven-grade weapon, he had no chance of winning at all!

"Hehe, it seems that President Lin has been prepared for a long time. He agreed not to use mental power, but turned around and used the Heaven-grade weapon. So, we admit defeat in this game!

Huaxia Military University admits that it is not as good as President Lin!" Principal Han's voice sounded, but the yin and yang tone caused many people to show strange expressions on their faces.

"Principal Han is quite shameless. I want to ask, is Feng Yan a student of your Huaxia Military University? The foreign aid you found from the Feng family is now shamelessly saying that he is your student!" A woman's voice sounded.

Lin Mo looked at the woman with a smile on his face.

Ye Qing!

Calculating the time, the two have not seen each other for a long time, and they didn't expect to meet in such an occasion!

Ye Qing met Lin Mo's gaze, smiled slightly, and then looked at Principal Han: "Lin Mo has already said that he will not use mental power. Now you still want to use provocation to make him not use his heavenly weapons?"

"Qing'er, no need to say more, I took out the Silver Dragon Spear just to show it!" Lin Mo chuckled and put away the Silver Dragon Spear: "If it weren't for the people of Huaxia Military University, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to enter the Black Fire Prison!

Fortunately, they insisted on punishing me, and finally let me get this weapon in the Black Fire Prison, as well as the corresponding inheritance!

They deserve to enjoy this honor with me!

In real combat, such weapons are not needed at all!"

After the voice fell, Lin Mo looked at Principal Han with a cold look: "People from Huaxia Military University are not worthy of my using weapons!"

"Looking for death!" Feng Yan's face suddenly became ugly. Although he didn't want Lin Mo to use heavenly weapons, he didn't want Lin Mo to humiliate him with such words!

Many people in the crowd also showed shock on their faces. Can they really win without using weapons?

Everyone looked at Lin Mo with anticipation on their faces!

"Haha, if that's the case, let's get started!" Principal Han's eyes were cold: "Feng Yan, you have to ask President Lin for advice!"

He said these words with gritted teeth, as if he wanted to eat Lin Mo alive!


After Principal Han finished speaking, a blast of wind rang out!

Feng Yan rushed out and faced Lin Mo, he decided to take action first!


The power of Qi and blood boiled, and Lin Mo directly used the Five Beast Fist to activate the two states of violent blood and bloodthirsty!

His momentum further increased, and he had vaguely reached the peak of the ninth-grade Martial Saint!


The roar of the dragon resounded!

Lin Mo punched out, and his fist energy condensed. It looked like a dragon's head, and it hit Feng Yan directly, stopping his momentum!

Feng Yan's body retreated crazily. After standing still, he grabbed his hands back and held a long sword in his hands!

This sword looks like a zanma sword, with a very wide blade and a full length of two meters!

Moreover, there are terrifying fluctuations emanating from the sword body. The level of this sword should not be weaker than the seventh grade of the Earth Rank!

"Kill!" Feng Yan shouted coldly, holding the sword in both hands, slashing down from top to bottom!

Facing such a blow, Lin Mo showed no trace of fear on his face. Instead, he shouted coldly and rushed forward!

The boy worships Guanyin!

Lin Mo put his hands together and directly caught the sword!


The power of Qi and blood in Lin Mo's body roared, and he vomited it out in an instant.

The power of energy and blood blasted out in this way was like a small explosion, and Feng Yan was blown away!

The moment Feng Yan soared into the air, Lin Mo chased after him with a fist again!

Among the five beast fists, the White Crane Fist is the most suitable to be used in the air!

At this moment, Lin Mo directly used this boxing technique, waving his arms continuously, like a white crane spreading its wings!

But with every swing of Lin Mo, the fist power on his body became stronger. After Lin Mo swung nine times, his aura had vaguely surpassed the realm of the Martial Saint!

"Admit defeat, otherwise you will die!" Lin Mo said lightly.

At this moment, Feng Yan was still in the air. In the weightless state, he had no chance to fight back or protect himself!

But he could feel that Lin Mo was right. If this blow really fell, he would definitely die!

"I surrender!"

After countless mental struggles, Feng Yan’s voice resounded!

Everyone present immediately exclaimed, Lin Mo directly crushed the ninth-grade Martial Saint with the sixth-grade Martial Saint realm!

The most important thing is that they took a look at the watches on their hands and saw that it only took less than two minutes from start to finish!

Instant kill!

Another beautiful flash sale!

"What kind of students has China Military University trained over the years? Are all these teachers confused?

Instead of letting an outstanding student like Lin Mo go, he invited foreign aid from outside!

The most important thing is that we have lost now! "

"That's right, I heard that because Lin Mo had a treasure on him and didn't give it to the school, the old guys at the school felt uncomfortable and kicked him away!"

"Bah, these are such shameless things!"

In the crowd, some people began to talk quietly.

Principal Han's face suddenly became ugly, and even the faces of those at Huaxia Military University became a little unnatural!

After a while, more and more people joined the team that denounced the Huaxia Military University.

"This is not entirely due to the Huaxia Military University. I caused too much trouble at the beginning!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "However, after today, the grievances between the Huaxia Military University and I have been settled!"

Lin Mo's voice echoed throughout the martial arts stage!

In the general direction of the Chinese army, some people had sad looks on their faces.

When something happened between the old principal and Lin Mo, someone once said that they were only driving Lin Mo away on the surface, but they would take him back after the limelight was over!

But such a proposal was rejected, and they even hoped that the old principal would not come back!

It has been more than a year since Lin Mo was kicked out of the school. There is still no news about the old principal. Some people think that the old principal has died outside.

So when those people who were on the opposite side of the old principal took power, Lin Mo was naturally even more ostracized. Even later, it was people from the Huaxia Military University who took the lead in Lin Mo's entry into the Black Fire Hell.

Now facing the powerful Lin Mo, it was too late for them to regret it!

"Let's go!" Principal Han said coldly, stood up and left directly!

Lin Mo stood on the stage, watching the people from the Huaxia Military University leave one by one, the expression on his face did not change at all.

Today's battle with the Huaxia Army was originally intended to end the relationship with the past.

Now his wish has been fulfilled!

"Lin Mo, come down when the game is over. Others are still waiting for the game!" Ouyang Xiu's voice sounded, and he waved to Lin Mo from the stands on the second floor.

Lin Mo nodded, glanced at Ye Qing, and then walked off the martial arts stage.

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