Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 238 Dragon Transformation Plan

"Miss Ye, I'm sorry. Lin Mo will be borrowed by us for a while now. Please wait a moment!"

Ouyang Xiu looked at Ye Qing, smiled lightly and spoke.

Ye Qing's cheeks were slightly red, she looked at Lin Mo and nodded slightly.

"Qing'er, come with me." Lin Mo suddenly said: "Boss, Qing'er, you can come with me!"

Ouyang Xiu looked at Lin Mo, and after a moment, nodded with a smile and said: "Of course it is possible, after all, as long as you know this kind of thing, whether Miss Ye knows it is all in your mind!

But we still hope that if Ms. Ye finds out about this later, she can keep it a secret! "

Ye Qing had an excited look on her face, glanced at Lin Mo, and nodded slightly.

She stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Lin Mo's hand.

The two walked behind Ouyang Xiu, holding hands and walking in time.

"It's great to be young!" Ouyang Xiu stood in front of a gate, turned to look at Lin Mo and Ye Qing, and said with a chuckle.

Ye Qing was a little shy, but Lin Mo smiled broadly.

"Go in!" Ouyang Xiu said: "The people inside are waiting for you!"

"Boss, aren't you ready to go in?" Lin Mo looked at Ouyang Xiu and asked in surprise.

"I already know the general outline of the matter, but the details are kept secret from me, so you can only go in, and I'll guard outside. If anything happens, just shout out!" Ouyang Xiu explained.

Lin Mo nodded and pulled Ye Qing in.

Stepping through the door, Lin Mo felt as if he had entered a whole new world.

Everything here maintained its ancient characteristics. Lin Mo saw the sundial placed by the wall, which was an ancient timekeeping tool.

After taking another two steps, Lin Mo saw the miniature beacon used to transmit messages...

"It can't be some old-fashioned seniors who live here!" Lin Mo murmured.

"Haha, we are indeed very old, but we haven't lost our teeth yet!" At this moment, a chuckle sounded, and then torches lit up all around!

Lin Mo looked at the torches in front of him and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The handles of those torches were actually made of bronze, with ancient and intricate patterns on them.

It's obvious that these bronze handles have a long history, and the flames look like they started burning thousands of years ago!

Behind each flame is a seat made of bronze, and sitting on the seat is an old man.

A total of seven old men were staring at Lin Mo with deep eyes.

The firelight danced, and the expressions on the faces of the old men flickered, giving people a magical feeling.

"Lin Mo has met several seniors!" Lin Mo said directly.

Ye Qing also bowed slightly to them.

The whole hall was quiet, not a sound was heard.

Lin Mo could imagine that behind the flames, the seven faces were watching them quietly.

"Haha, that's quite interesting!"

After a long time, a burst of laughter broke the silence. It was an old man speaking.

Lin Mo raised his head slightly and saw the old and shameless old man. He didn't have much hair left. The skin and flesh on his face were stuck to the bones. The whole head looked like a skull!

At this moment, a smile appeared on the face: "You are very naughty boy. You just called us old-fashioned people, but now you start calling us seniors!"

"Old-fashioned senior is also a senior!" Lin Mo said seriously.

"Haha, you are quite brave!" the old man said.

"Confucius, okay, why are you saying so many irrelevant words!" An old man next to the old man said, with some impatience in his voice.

"Mencius, so what if I just say a few more words? When I meet a young man, what does it matter if I say a few more words?" the old man known as Confucius said.

Lin Mo listened to the conversation between the two, but his heart was already filled with turmoil.

Confucius and Mencius, these are the honorific titles of two ancient sages in West China. Now there are two people in front of us whose names are the same as those of the ancient sages?

"It's strange, isn't it?" said the old man named Confucius: "You should be familiar with the names here. My name is Confucius, and the one beside me is Mencius, then Laozi, Mozi, Han Feizi..."

The old man introduced them one by one, and each person's name turned out to be the name of a sage from ancient China.

Lin Mo raised his head and stared at the seven people in front of him with exploratory and shocked expressions in his eyes, and an idea formed in his mind.

"Boy, don't think too much, we are not those people who have survived until now!" Confucius saw through Lin Mo's thoughts and said with a slight smile.

After hearing this, Lin Mo also breathed a long sigh of relief. If they were really alive to this day, it would be really terrifying. It is unheard of to be more than two thousand years old!

"What did the seniors come to see me for?" Lin Mo spoke again.

He was full of respect for the few old men in front of him. After all, those who dare to call themselves those names in China are either fools or people with extraordinary qualities!

"Have you ever heard of the Dragon Transformation Project?"

Confucius spoke with a gentle voice and looked at Lin Mo as if he were his own child.

"Dragon Transformation Plan?!"

It was not Lin Mo who spoke, but Ye Qing. He looked at Lin Mo, his voice full of excitement and shock.

"Girl, you actually know about the dragon transformation plan?" Mencius looked at Ye Qing and said calmly: "You are not strong, how can you know so many things?"

"Senior, although the little girl is not very strong, due to her work, she comes into contact with more people, so she knows more about it!" Ye Qing handed over her hand and responded truthfully.

Mencius nodded and said no more, and the right to speak fell into Confucius' hands again.

"Girl, tell this little guy what you know!" Confucius said with a smile.

"The Dragon Transformation Project is an idea that has been put forward in the past ten years. China is preparing to use a special method to change the genes of some people to make them unique warriors!

Over the past ten years, this plan has been continuously improved, and now the recommendation and selection of candidates has begun! "

Ye Qing told what he knew.

Confucius smiled and nodded: "The little girl does know a lot, but it's just a rough idea!

Let me talk about it!

The dragon transformation plan was indeed proposed before, but not ten years ago, but a hundred years ago!

A hundred years ago, when martial arts flourished, some people already had a premonition of the twists and turns in the future, so they proposed a certain possibility, which is to make our people become like the creatures in the abyss, with endless possibilities!

After hundreds of years of research, we have roughly mastered this method!

However, with the resources we have now, we can only train a limited number of people to become beneficiaries of the Dragon Transformation Plan!

So we will select the best people from all over China to become the implementers of the Dragon Transformation Plan!

Of course, those who are not selected also have the right to refuse. After all, once they become the implementers of the Dragon Transformation Plan, they will have different responsibilities! "

After Confucius finished speaking, everyone looked at Lin Mo.

"Boy, are you willing to be one of the candidates for the Dragon Transformation Project?"

Seven people actually spoke at the same time and asked this sentence in a very serious and sacred tone.

Lin Mo looked at them and suddenly thought of the scenes he saw in the memories of those at the Shenqianmen.

In order to fight the strong men in the abyss, they became like corpses.

"The mutilated corpse and the dragon transformation plan shouldn't be the same!" Lin Mo was startled and suddenly thought of this possibility.

Lin Mo only saw such a scene from those memories, but he was not very clear about the name of the plan.

Now that he heard about the dragon transformation plan, Lin Mo realized that there might be a connection between the two!

"Lin Mo, you haven't given an answer yet!" Confucius' voice sounded again.

"This is the honor of this junior!" Lin Mo looked up and said with a smile.

If the dragon transformation plan was really a plan to turn people into corpses, Lin Mo could have stopped the plan before enduring this change.

He can even give advance warning.

The premise of all this is that he can grasp the trends of the entire plan.

"I'm glad you made this choice, now you can go back!"

"What awaits you will be a series of trials. Only those who pass the trials can become the beneficiaries of the dragon transformation plan!"

As soon as Confucius' voice fell, the flame was extinguished.

Lin Mo and Ye Qing looked at each other, cupped their hands around, and then left the hall.

When he walked out of the door, Ouyang Xiu hugged his shoulders and waited at the door.

"How is it? Do you understand the situation roughly?" Ouyang Xiu turned to look at Lin Mo and asked lightly.

Lin Mo nodded, hesitated and said: "Boss, those old people inside..."

"They...I don't know their origins very well, but one thing is for sure, they did not come from a hundred years ago!" Ouyang Xiu looked at Lin Mo and spoke deeply.

Hearing these words, Lin Mo couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Because the meaning of this sentence is so rich!

They are not from a hundred years ago, which means they can be from two hundred years ago, five hundred years ago, or even... two thousand years ago!

"Okay, you should have accepted the dragon transformation plan. There are still a few days until the trial starts. Don't practice during this time and spend time with your family!" Ouyang Xiu glanced at Ye Qing and said with a smile: "During the time when you were imprisoned in the Black Fire Prison, Miss Ye was still very worried about you. If we hadn't been stronger, the capital's military headquarters might have been dismantled by now!"

Ye Qing's cheeks immediately turned red after hearing these words.

Lin Mo glanced at her with a smile, and his heart moved.

"Okay, I won't disturb you two anymore. In ten days, the trial will begin, and you can move around freely during this period!" After Ouyang Xiu said these words, he turned and left.

Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing and said with a smile: "What are you doing these days?"

Ye Qing shook her head: "Wherever you go, I will go!"

"Okay, just follow me these days!" Lin Mo laughed loudly, pulled Ye Qing and walked outside.

"Where to go?"

"Go home! Go back to Jinling!"

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