China, Jinling!

"The station ahead is Jinling South Station!"

A woman's voice sounded. On the high-speed train, a man and a woman slowly stood up and looked out the window, with faint smiles on their faces.

After walking down with her bag on her back, the girl even took a breath of the air of Jinling with a look of enjoyment on her face!

"I haven't been back for a long time!" the woman said with a smile on her face.

"Yes, it's been a long time!" The man also nodded.

They were Lin Mo and Ye Qing who had just returned from the capital.

When Lin Mo left Jinling, he walked to the capital. Now that he is back, because time is tight, he takes the high-speed rail!

"Where are we going now?" After leaving the high-speed rail station, Ye Qing had a confused look on her face and looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then thought that Ye Qing had already fallen out with the Ye family because of the Qi Blood Pill and the marriage!

Now Ye Qing can be said to be homeless!

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Lin Mo's face: "Of course, come home with me, let's go!"

As he said this, Lin Mo's hand had already made a move. He stepped forward and took Ye Qing's hand.

Ye Qing struggled for a while, but finally let Lin Mo hold him, left the high-speed rail station and got into a taxi.

"I still have to buy a car. It's not like I have no money!" Lin Mo sat in the car, thinking silently. Not to mention other things, it was the high-end Qi and Blood Pills he had. Just take one of them and you can buy a luxury car. sports car.

But Lin Mo didn't think it was necessary.

The taxi arrived at the community where Lin Mo originally lived at a very fast speed. Standing at the gate of the community, Lin Mo felt a little guilty.

Lin Mo has never been back home since he entered college. He doesn't know how his family is doing now, let alone whether anyone caused trouble for his family when something happened to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo anxiously pulled Ye Qing into the community.

The two of them took the earliest bus to Jinling, so it was only around seven o'clock in the morning when they arrived at the community. The entire community was quiet, and no one could be seen at all.

Lin Mo took Ye Qing up the stairs to the door of his house and took out the key: "Usually at this time, my mother should have already gotten up and prepared breakfast, and my sister still has to go to school.

Calculating the time, she should be in the first semester of her senior year of high school now, and the college entrance examination is about to take place. She must be under a lot of pressure! "

As Lin Mo said this, he turned the key and opened the door.

"I'm back!"

Lin Mo spoke loudly, wanting to surprise the whole family.

But after opening the door, he was stunned. The whole room was quiet and there was no one in sight!

"Where is this...person?"

Lin Mo took a look at the situation in several rooms and suddenly realized that the entire room seemed to have been evacuated!

"Been robbed?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment and muttered to himself, but this situation didn't look like being robbed at all. Instead, it looked like moving?

"It's impossible... How could my parents not tell me that they moved? This is impossible!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing with an embarrassed look on his face and said, "I'll give them a call... …”

After saying that, he took out his cell phone and dialed his mother's number.

"Hey, son, why did you remember to call mom now? How is your life?" Wang Ping's voice rang on the phone.

Lin Mo heard her laziness in her voice, and it was obvious that she hadn't gotten up yet.

"Mom, where are you? Why is there no one at home?"

"No one is at home? We are at home!" Wang Ping looked confused, and then shouted: "It's broken, we moved, we forgot to tell you!"

The volume of Lin Mo's cell phone was not low, and Wang Ping deliberately raised her voice for the last sentence, so Ye Qing, who was standing next to Lin Mo, could hear it clearly.

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly at Ye Qing, while Ye Qing covered her mouth and said nothing, but her eyes were full of smiles.

"Lin Dayong, get up!"

Lin Mo heard the sound of his mother kicking Lin Dayong on the phone.

"What are you doing? It's so early in the morning and you're not letting anyone sleep!" Lin Dayong complained.

"Did you forget that I asked you to tell your son when we moved?"

"It seems... forget it!" Lin Dayong's voice was equally embarrassing: "It doesn't matter, your son is still studying now and has no time to come back. Before he comes back, we can just tell him our home address. !”

"Your son is at his previous home now!" Wang Ping yelled angrily, then quickly turned to the receiver and said with a smile: "Mo Mo, let me tell you, it's all your father's pig brain. I forgot to tell you about our move.

Our current address is..."

After Wang Ping told Lin Mo her new address, she hung up the phone.

Lin Mo glanced at Ye Qing awkwardly and said, "Let's go!"

Ye Qing nodded and followed Lin Mo to stop a taxi again.

Half an hour later, the two finally arrived at Jinling Spring Community.

"I didn't expect that they would move in here after I was away from home for more than a year!" Lin Mo looked at the door in front of him with emotion.

Jinling Spring is one of the most expensive communities in Jinling!

Unlike other communities, Jinling Spring is not something you can live in just because you have money!

All the people who can live here are either rich or noble.

Lin Mo stood at the gate of the community. Just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by the security guard.

"I am Lin Dayong's son..." Lin Mo said his father's name speechlessly.

"I'm sorry, outsiders are coming in, and someone needs to be picked up inside!" the security guard said politely.


At this moment, mother Wang Ping's voice sounded.

From a distance, he saw his parents running very fast towards Lin Mo.

Compared with a year ago, my parents seem to be much younger.

After changing jobs, their pressure should have been reduced a lot.

"This is...that girl from the Ye family!"

Wang Ping looked at Ye Qing, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she held her hand directly, looking up and down: "Lin Mo, this guy didn't bully you, right? If he dares to bully you, just tell Auntie, I can't beat you to death." he!"

Ye Qing's face immediately turned red, and she shook her head gently and said, "Thank you, Auntie, Lin Mo is very good to me!"

"That's good!" Wang Ping nodded with satisfaction and pulled Ye Qing towards the community: "Let's go home!"

"Lin Dayong, go buy some breakfast for your son and Xiaoye! And buy me more ingredients for lunch, I want to cook it myself!"

As Wang Ping walked, she gave instructions without looking back.

Lin Dayong showed an expression uglier than crying, waved at Lin Mo and walked out of the community.

Lin Mo followed Wang Ping and Ye Qing.

Looking from the back, the two people were talking and laughing. If outsiders didn't know better, they might have thought Ye Qing was Wang Ping's daughter!

After breakfast, Lin Dayong honestly carried the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen.

"Dad, let me help you!" Lin Mo stood up quickly and was about to help.

"Xiao Mo, please sit down and let your dad do it by himself. This time the mistake is very serious. We can't do it without teaching him a lesson!" Wang Ping said this, paused, looked at Ye Qing and said: "Xiaoye, I Let me tell you, you have to take care of this man, even if it doesn’t work!

If Lin Mo disobeys in the future, don't give him a good look. If he doesn't accept it, tell his aunt! "

Ye Qing smiled and nodded. When she looked at Lin Mo, her eyes were full of arrogance.

Lin Mo looked at the scene in front of him speechlessly, but when he thought that Ye Qing and his parents were getting along well, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"By the way, Mom, why did we move here?" Lin Mo looked at Wang Ping: "I remember that if you want to live in this community, the requirements are quite strict. Our family's standards seem to be not enough!"

"That's enough, our family's standards are not low now!" Wang Ping said matter-of-factly: "After you were admitted to the Huaxia Military University, someone invited me to come and see Jinling Spring!

Later, your dad and I made a plan, sold some Qi and Blood Pills at home, and then bought a house here. When Wang Ping said this, a look of dissatisfaction appeared on her face: "I'm getting angry when I say this. Your dad is so unreliable!" "

Lin Mo nodded with a smile: "Where's Xiaoya, why did you go to school so early? Her grades are pretty good now, right?"

"Xiaoya's grades are very good. In this year's exam, she will definitely be admitted to a top martial arts university!"

Lin Dayong walked out of the kitchen and ran to Wang Ping diligently to give her a massage.

Wang Ping nodded with satisfaction, and then continued Lin Dayong's words: "Your sister's health value has now reached 11, and she can be regarded as a first-class warrior.

But because there are so many talents this year, even with this result, I guess it is still very difficult to get into the top three! "

Lin Mo nodded. He got first place in the exam that year. It was all due to luck. If it weren't for that magical dream, he might have left school to drive screws now!

"When Xiaoya comes back, I'll give him some guidance!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then thought of something: "By the way, nothing happened at home during this time, right?"

When he was in the Black Fire Hell some time ago, Lin Mo was worried that some people would take the opportunity to attack his family.

"That's not true, but I heard from Xiaoya that the teachers at the school seemed to be targeting her, but she just felt it, so she wasn't sure!" Wang Ping was more attentive, so she quickly answered Lin Mo's question.

Lin Mo nodded, his sister's question would have to wait until Lin Ya came back.

Just when he was about to get up and take Ye Qing out for a walk, a figure rushed over from outside the gate and knelt directly in front of Lin Mo.

"Someone called you outside the door and wants to see you!" the man said, looking at Lin Mo with eyes full of respect.

"Let him come in!" Lin Mo nodded and stretched out his hand to pull the man up.

Not long after, footsteps sounded, and an old man and two young men walked in slowly.

The moment he saw the man, Lin Mo felt like he was seeing two abyss!

Ye Qing, who was on the side, suddenly trembled when she saw the old man in front of her.

"Grandpa...Grandpa..." Ye Qing's voice rang out.

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