Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 242 Creatures from the Abyss!

There were more and more wounds on Ye Chaoqun's body. Seeing Lin Mo's fighting spirit getting stronger, there was a sense of fear in his heart.

"Lin Mo, stop, I want to negotiate a business deal with you!" Ye Chaoqun punched Lin Mo away and shouted loudly.

"Let's finish the fight first and then talk!" Lin Mo's fist was extremely domineering. With the rumbling sound, the power of blood boiled continuously, creating a terrifying scene.

Ye Chaoqun felt like he was going to explode with anger. He wanted to tear Lin Mo alive!

At this point, he actually wants to decide the winner with himself!


A loud noise resounded, and after the fist fell, the place where Ye Chaoqun was standing was filled with smoke and dust.


Two slight sounds sounded, followed by two flashes of sword light.

"Lin Mo, you are crazy!"

Ye Chaoqun rose into the sky from the smoke and dust. It can be seen that his current condition is very bad. There is not even half a piece of complete clothes visible on his body. The exposed skin is also bleeding, and he looks extremely miserable!

"Let's talk, I promise it will be good for you!"

Ye Chaoqun spoke loudly while avoiding.

At the same time, the scars on his body were increasing, and blood continued to flow out.

He was extremely shocked. He had never thought that Lin Mo was very powerful, but he never thought that Lin Mo was so powerful.

After the death of the old man, although he was affected and his strength was only at the peak of the Martial Saint, this level of strength was not comparable to that of ordinary people!

But Lin Mo relied on his strong strength to suppress him and fight!

He knew very well that if he continued to fight, he would definitely die!

Ye Chaoqun has only been out of quarantine for a few days, and he hasn't had time to enjoy this beautiful world.

"You talk too much!" Lin Mo sneered, and the sword appeared in his hand at the same time.

Just when Ye Chaoqun used all his strength to blast away the sword in Lin Mo's hand, the roar of the dragon resounded and the Silver Dragon Spear appeared again.

The silver dragon gun wrapped around Lin Mo's body like a silver dragon, and then under Lin Mo's control, it bit Ye Chaoqun's body like a silver snake.

Ye Chaoqun stood there blankly, looking at the blood hole on his chest.


Ye Chaoqun felt the severe pain coming from his body, with a look of extreme pain on his face.

"Now we can talk!"

Lin Mo spoke with a faint smile, holding the silver dragon gun in one hand, and pulled a chair with the other hand and sat on it.

He glanced at Ye Chaoqun and motioned for him to sit down too, but with the silver dragon gun stuck in his body, how could he sit honestly in front of Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, put the gun back first!" Ye Chaoqun gritted his teeth. The shot had already injured her internal organs. If he didn't receive treatment, he would still be in danger of his life.

"Sorry, you are too strong. If you put the gun away, I won't feel safe!" Lin Mo shrugged: "Tell me what you want to talk about!"

"Don't you want to be as powerful as me?" Ye Chaoqun regained a look of pride on his face: "I can make you as powerful as me!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested. After all, I don't want to be like you in the future, being picked up by someone else with a gun..." Lin Mo turned the gun in his hand and spoke softly.

The sound of muscles being cut open by a sharp blade sounded, and Ye Chaoqun wanted to point at Lin Mo's nose and scold her.

This kid was so shameless. When he turned the body of the gun, the head of the gun also turned in a circle inside his body, directly widening the wound a lot!

Even if the gun head was pointed upwards, his heart might be directly broken!

"I can also leave everything in the Ye family to you!" Ye Chaoqun quickly said loudly: "You should have seen how powerful the Ye family is now!"

"If I kill you, do you think the Ye family will be mine?" Lin Mo spoke slowly with a mocking look on his face.

Hearing these words, Ye Chaoqun's face suddenly became extremely desperate, because he found that Lin Mo was right. As long as he killed him, relying on Ye Qing's status in the Ye family, if he wanted to get the Ye family, for Lin Mo For Mo Li, it is not difficult.

"I'm quite interested in some things..."

Just when Ye Chaoqun felt that his despair had reached the extreme, Lin Mo suddenly smiled and spoke.

"What's the matter?" Upon hearing this, Ye Chaoqun's face suddenly showed an expectant look, and there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

"I am very interested in your martial arts skills and your clone technique!" Lin Mo said.

Judging from the situation of Ye Chaoqun and the clone, Lin Mo can basically conclude that the body separated by this kind of martial arts clone and the main body are closely connected, and the main body can completely control the life and death of the clone.

But the split body also has strong autonomy, which also explains why the old man has been able to control the entire Ye family after being outside for so many years.

Lin Mo is still very interested in such a clone technique!

"You want my martial arts skills?" Ye Chaoqun had a surprised look on his face, and then nodded quickly: "I can give you whatever you want!

I can tell you clearly that all the martial arts skills in me are in my mind. You won’t find any martial arts skills in the Ye family! "

He stretched out his hand and reached towards Lin Mo: "Give me your hand, and I will give you the martial arts skills of the clone!"

Lin Mo nodded, stood up, and raised his hand.

But the other hand still held the Silver Dragon Spear tightly. As long as Lin Mo was willing, the Qi and blood power would explode on the Silver Dragon Spear, which could also kill Ye Chaoqun.

A message flowed from the two people's tightly clasped hands to Lin Mo's mind.

During this process, Lin Mo was silently on guard. His mental power was very strong and could completely resist Ye Chaoqun's mental power!

Reading the information that appeared in his mind, Lin Mo showed a look of surprise on his face.

The name of this martial art is called Wuti Clone. It is actually a ground-level martial art. The grade has reached the eighth grade, which is considered a very powerful martial art!

"Lin Mo, this is the clone martial art I master..." Ye Chaoqun looked at Lin Mo and spoke slowly.

But halfway through the words, he was interrupted by an extra vertical eye on Lin Mo's forehead!


The light flashed, and endless mental information burst out from the vertical eye between Lin Mo's eyebrows, covering Ye Chaoqun in a short moment!

Ye Chaoqun trembled all over, and felt that a huge mental power instantly filled his spiritual world!

At this time, Ye Chaoqun realized that he had been fooled. Lin Mo's purpose of asking for martial arts was to lower his vigilance.

Now a huge amount of mental power directly entered his spiritual world in a crushing way, and the mental power remaining in his mind was directly swallowed up or destroyed like a dead tree or rotten wood!

In less than a second, Lin Mo's mental power directly occupied Ye Chaoqun's body!

The memory was invaded, and after just a few seconds, the most core memory was exposed to Lin Mo!

"Damn... Lin Mo!" Ye Chaoqun only felt his eyes black, and he only had time to shout such a sentence, and then he fainted with blood flowing from all seven orifices!

After Ye Chaoqun fainted, Lin Mo's reading of his memory did not end, but invaded his memory more quickly.

Lin Mo used the vertical eye as a medium to invade other people's spiritual world. This method was very powerful, but it could not last long.

He needed to obtain as many useful memories as possible within a minute!

The nosebleed slowly flowed down his nose. Such a terrifying mental load made Lin Mo a little unbearable.

Ye Chaoqun's memory was affecting him, and scenes different from his own memory kept appearing in front of him!

One minute was very short, but for Lin Mo, it was like he had spent most of Ye Chaoqun's life in one minute!


One minute was up, and Ye Chaoqun's spiritual world issued a dying counterattack!

Even though his mental power was several times stronger, Lin Mo's mental power was still driven out at this moment.

But Lin Mo had already obtained the information he wanted.


Lin Mo panted and calmed his breathing. He looked at Ye Chaoqun with a shocked look on his face.

The reason for invading Ye Chaoqun's memory was because Lin Mo felt that there was something wrong with Ye Chaoqun.

But the result after invading the memory shocked Lin Mo!

Because according to Ye Chaoqun's memory, he was not a human at all!

Decades ago, when Ye Chaoqun of the Ye family entered the abyss, he was killed by a creature in the abyss.

After killing Ye Chaoqun, this creature directly replaced Ye Chaoqun, returned to the Ye family, and slowly took control of the entire Ye family!

Relying on the power of the Ye family, he began to practice in seclusion and reached his current level!

Lin Mo sorted out the information in his mind and looked at Ye Chaoqun with shock on his face.

At this moment, Ye Chaoqun also opened his eyes and looked at Lin Mo, his eyes full of resentment.

"Can everyone please step aside first!?" Lin Mo looked at the other people in the hall and smiled.

After everyone dispersed, Lin Mo wiped the blood from his nose, changed his hand to hold the Silver Dragon Spear, looked at Ye Chaoqun and said: "I didn't expect that you are a creature from the abyss."

Ye Chaoqun's face was full of resentment. Hearing Lin Mo's words, he sneered: "Humph, this is my deepest secret. Since you know it, I have nothing to say!

I am a creature from the abyss, but you don't want to get any useful information from my memory!

As for the information about the abyss, whether I leak it out or others explore it, I will die immediately!"

This should be some kind of mental restriction on the abyss creatures, and the information of the abyss cannot be leaked.

Lin Mo nodded: "Since the information of the abyss cannot be leaked, at least tell me how to enter the abyss you are in!"

Ye Chaoqun's face changed instantly. It turned out that this was Lin Mo's purpose!

He wanted to enter a brand new abyss!

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