Ye Chaoqun's face was filled with deep resentment. He looked at Lin Mo and coldly spat out two words: "Dream on!"


As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo's hands slapped directly on his chest.

"Don't force me to kill you!" Lin Mo said softly. It was not very strenuous to kill him now. As long as the power of blood and qi was swallowed, his internal organs could be destroyed instantly.

Ye Chaoqun's eyes were filled with despair: "That is my hometown, which is different from all the abysses you have seen. There will be no opportunities you want there!"

"You are not me, how do you know what I want?" Lin Mo smiled lightly: "People like you, do you still have any hometown feelings? Compared with life and death, hometown feelings are nothing!"

Ye Chaoqun's expression was much darker after what Lin Mo said, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "I can't say it unless you kill me!"


The muffled sound rang again. This time Lin Mo showed no mercy and slapped his palm directly on his head.

The skull was shattered, and Ye Chaoqun died instantly!

At this moment, Lin Mo's mental power surged like a tide and sank into his body.

Ye Chaoqun's body trembled slightly, which was the tremor caused by the entry of mental power.

After a long time, Lin Mo opened his eyes and a faint smile appeared on his face.

When he was in the Black Fire Prison before, Lin Mo discovered that he could devour a person's memory in this way. Now he used this ability on Ye Chaoqun and found that it was indeed the case!

In just half an hour, Lin Mo copied Ye Chaoqun's memory.

If he entered the dream now, Lin Mo would see a light spot hanging in front of him, which was all of Ye Chaoqun's memories.


With a muffled sound, Ye Chaoqun's head exploded directly. Obviously, Lin Mo's memory copying triggered the explosion of the ban.

The consequence was that Lin Mo felt like his head was about to explode. The moment the ban was broken, all of Lin Mo's mental power attached to Ye Chaoqun's body dissipated!

The power of blood and qi flowed, and Lin Mo replenished his mental power in the shortest time.

Ye Qing walked in slowly from outside the door, and saw the corpse on the ground, her eyes flickered.

Turning to look at the corpse of the old man on the other side, she knelt there directly, her eyes full of tears.

"Grandpa, your revenge has been avenged, you can rest in peace!" Ye Qing said softly.

After getting up, she walked to the rest of the corpses and closed their eyes.

Lin Mo stood aside, watching this scene quietly.

After closing Ye San's eyes, Ye Qing's body shook slightly, and then fell to the ground!


Lin Mo's figure rushed up and hugged Ye Qing in his arms.

"Are you okay!" Lin Mo asked softly.

Ye Qing shook her head, looked at Lin Mo and said, "Thank you!"

Then she closed her eyes.

Lin Mo knew very well that this was because Ye Qing had experienced too much in a short period of time, and her body could not bear it at all, so she fainted directly.

People outside also came in one by one, looking at Ye Chaoqun who was lying on the ground, and then looked at Ye Qing in Lin Mo's arms. After a long time, one person came up.

"Lin... Mr. Lin..." The middle-aged man had a hesitant look on his face, and stepped forward and said: "I am Ye Hu, and I want to ask Miss Ye Qing to stay...

The Ye family is now without a helmsman, Miss Ye is the best candidate!"

Lin Mo glanced at the corpses around, and then looked at Ye Qing in his arms, and nodded slightly.

"We need to wait until she wakes up!" Lin Mo took Ye Qing outside: "Find me a place to rest!"

Ye Hu nodded repeatedly, trotting in front to lead the way.

Soon, Lin Mo took Ye Qing to a room, took out a blood and qi pill from his body and stuffed it into Ye Qing's mouth.

At the same time, he fumbled around for a while, took out a pill to restore mental strength, and stuffed it into Ye Qing's mouth.

"Mr. Lin, you can rest at ease. If you have anything later, just call me at any time!" Ye Hu turned around and left respectfully.

Ye Qing and Lin Mo were the only ones left in the room.

After taking a look at Ye Qing's current situation, Lin Mo estimated that Ye Qing would not wake up for a while.

He took out a few Qi and Blood Pills and swallowed them directly.

Lin Mo slowly closed his eyes as he felt sleepy.

The game is loading...

After a while, Lin Mo opened his eyes in a dream and saw the light ball hanging in front of him.

Just as he was about to touch the light ball, a line of text appeared in front of Lin Mo.

"Congratulations on unlocking the martial arts by yourself - memory copy, deduct the number of high-level Qi and Blood Pills × 80!"

Looking at this line of text, Lin Mo was stunned at first, and then he almost jumped up in anger.

What the hell is going on? Since he unlocked this martial arts by himself, why did he have to deduct Qi and Blood Pills? The most important thing is that 80 high-level Qi and Blood Pills were deducted at once!

In this way, Lin Mo's collection in recent times has been reduced by more than half!

There are not many Qi and Blood Pills left.

Just as Lin Mo was jumping up and down, a piece of information emerged in his mind.

Memory copy!

This is the entire content of martial arts memory copy, and Lin Mo's current mastery of memory copy has only reached the elementary level of proficiency.

When the proficiency reaches the intermediate or even advanced level, even if there are restrictions in the memory you want to copy, you can ignore it directly!

"Since you have already reached the proficiency, it proves that you can improve through dreams. Thinking about it this way, it is actually very cost-effective!" Lin Mo comforted himself.

Putting the memory copying behind his mind, Lin Mo looked at the light ball in front of him and raised his hand to touch it.

The light ball instantly burst into endless light, and a memory appeared in Lin Mo's mind.

Ye Chaoqun left the abyss thirty years ago. At that time, he had Ye Chaoqun's memory and directly replaced Ye Chaoqun's position in the Ye family, and became the head of the Ye family in a very short time!

With the Qi and Blood Pill refining method brought from the abyss, the Ye family began to prosper.

But later, he felt that there seemed to be someone who could detect his true breath. In order to conceal his identity, he directly differentiated an avatar to replace him outside, and he himself started to retreat!

This retreat lasted for twenty years. Now that he came out and saw that his avatar had completely replaced him, he was extremely angry.

Lin Mo also roughly cleared up the things that happened later.

Lin Mo opened his eyes and silently recalled all the memories of Ye Chaoqun thirty years ago. These memories were all left by Ye Chaoqun in the abyss.

However, the things thirty years ago, with the passage of time, have become blurred in his memory.

But Lin Mo still found some clues from his memory.

"It seems that the restrictions in the memory still work. It is impossible to explore the specific location of the abyss, but one thing is certain that the location of the abyss is not far from Jinling!"

Lin Mo's face was solemn, because according to his memory, Ye Chaoqun started in a town not far from Jinling thirty years ago and entered the human world from the abyss.

So, the abyss must be in that town!

"Another point is that, as I thought, there is a problem with the martial body clone he gave me!"

Lin Mo got the complete martial body clone from his memory.

It's a pity that Lin Mo's mastery of this martial art has not yet begun.

However, the spiritual clone Lin Mo has already entered the entry level, and even vaguely has almost reached the intermediate proficiency.

"Maybe I can practice the martial body clone first. After reaching the entry level, I can separate an incarnation. It's still very powerful to think about it!"

Lin Mo chuckled and started practicing directly in the dream.

After Lin Mo's upgrade, the dream now can meet the practice of martial arts!

In other words, if Lin Mo wants to practice a certain martial art now, he doesn't have to practice it outside to reach the entry-level proficiency before he can improve it in the dream.

Now he can practice directly in the dream.

After spending a high-level Qi and Blood Pill, Lin Mo began to practice the martial body clone.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that this process can be said to be extremely painful.

The so-called martial body clone is also a clone related to the main body, which has all the breath of the main body and even has some memories.

This is also the reason why the main body will also be seriously injured after the death of the clone.

If the martial body clone wants to practice, it must first feel the torture of skinning and cramping.

This process is to use the power of Qi and blood to form another brand new body along all the meridians, bones and skin in the body. The pain of this process is that if the body composed of Qi and blood power wants to be real, it must be rooted in real flesh and blood.

After the body is ready, all the connections between the clone and the main body must be cut off.

This is like a peeling, cruel and painful!

Feeling the pain coming from the body, Lin Mo bit it tightly.

Soon in the dream, Lin Mo saw a new prompt.

"Congratulations, the martial body clone has reached the entry level!

The spiritual clone and the martial body clone have been gathered. Do you want to spend Qi and Blood Pills to upgrade to the most primitive martial arts?!"

"The most primitive martial arts?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

The so-called spiritual clone and the martial body clone may be two parts separated from a certain martial arts.

In other words, only by combining the two martial arts into one can it be the real primitive martial arts!

Lin Mo glanced at the Qi and Blood Pills needed to restore to the original martial arts, and took a breath of cold air directly.

"You want 500 coins? What can you do? Go and rob! You're a rip-off. I won't be fooled!" Lin Mo spoke slowly with a determined look on his face.

At the same time, in the room, Ye Qing slowly opened her eyes. When she was about to get up, she suddenly saw someone lying next to her.

She was startled, and then she saw the person's profile.

"Lin Mo..."

The person lying next to him was naturally Lin Mo who had entered the dream.

At this moment, Lin Mo was completely immersed in the dream and didn't know that he was lying next to Ye Qing.

But Ye Qing didn't know what happened to Lin Mo. Seeing this scene, she thought Lin Mo did it on purpose...

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