Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 245 Ye Qing's Methods

"Miss Qing'er, from now on you are the head of the Ye family!" Ye Hu looked at Ye Qing and solemnly handed the token symbolizing the identity of the head of the Ye family to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing looked at the jade token in her hand, her eyes were a little dazed. Many years ago, the old man once showed her the token and told her that the token would be given to her in the future, and the whole Ye family would be hers at that time.

Now the old man who said this is gone, but she got the token from someone else.

Ye Hu looked at Ye Qing standing beside him in a daze, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Before starting the conversation, Ye Hu thought that Ye Qing was young, and maybe he would be able to hold some power in his hands in the days to come.

But after the exchange, Ye Hu suddenly found that the young girl in her twenties in front of him knew much more about the entire Ye family than he did.

Even the plan for the Ye family after the handover was fully prepared. The plan was extremely detailed, even accurate to what position each person would hold!

Such a result made Ye Hu extremely shocked, but he could only accept it willingly.

After all, if he didn't take over, Ye Hu might not even be able to keep his current position.

You know, the person standing behind Ye Qing is Lin Mo...

Thinking of Lin Mo, Ye Hu suddenly saw a figure walking slowly not far away.

The person coming was Lin Mo, but Lin Mo's face was not very good at the moment. He was holding a young man in his hand, dragging his limbs, looking listless.

Seeing the young man in Lin Mo's hand, Ye Hu's heart sank.

"Mr. Lin!" Ye Hu hurriedly greeted him and said carefully: "Where did Ye Cong offend Mr. Lin? Please tell me directly. Don't worry, we will never be partial to you!"

His forehead was full of sweat, and his expression was extremely nervous. If he and Ye Cong were not of the same ancestor, he might have severely greeted them!

The strength shown by Lin Mo is already there, and Ye Cong actually dared to offend him. Isn't this courting death?

"Don't be nervous!" Lin Mo smiled faintly and threw Ye Chao to the ground: "This person is another clone of Ye Chaoqun, but he seems to be more loyal to Ye Chaoqun. You can interrogate him."

Ye Chaoqun's clone?

Hearing these words, Ye Hu's face suddenly became solemn.

"Ye Cong, are you really Ye Chaoqun's clone?" He stared at Ye Cong and asked coldly.

"Hehe, even if I am his clone, so what, he is dead, the whole Ye family should belong to me, not this bitch..."

Ye Cong spoke coldly.


A slap sounded, and Ye Qing was already standing in front of him, with her right hand still in the posture of slapping, which shows that the previous slap was made by her.

"Uncle Ye Hu, please help me call out the people of the Ye family, some things need to be announced." Ye Qing looked at Ye Hu and said lightly.

Ye Hu nodded repeatedly, turned around and left here quickly.

He dared not waste time on this matter. God knows whether Ye Qing, who has just taken control of the entire Ye family, will do anything dangerous.

Ten minutes later, everyone in the Ye family gathered in the hall where Lin Mo had killed people before.

The blood here has been washed clean, and the bodies have been moved away long ago.

The whole hall was filled with a faint fragrance, as if the hellish scene yesterday did not happen here.

Ye Qing and Lin Mo stood shoulder to shoulder in the center, and under Lin Mo's feet was Ye Cong.

"Everyone, it should be me. After many twists and turns, I still returned to the Ye family and became the head of the Ye family. Please rest assured that I came back just to make the Ye family develop better..."

Ye Qing stood there and spoke slowly.

A few minutes of speech made many people's faces flash with excitement, and there was a touch of respect in their eyes when they looked at Ye Qing.

"It's a beautiful job!" Lin Mo sighed in his heart.

Throughout the process, Ye Qing used both kindness and power, and drew a big cake by the way.

However, having said that, what Ye Qing planned is not impossible to achieve. As long as the Qi and Blood Pill can be launched according to the plan, it is not impossible for the Ye family to become a brand-new family of pills in the future.

"At the end, I would like to ask everyone to look at someone." Ye Qing pointed at Ye Cong under Lin Mo's feet, and then squatted in front of him: "Now, I am in charge of the Ye family. Do you have anything to say?"

"Bah, you bitch, I will never let you go even if I die. You will definitely go to hell..." Ye Cong cursed loudly at this moment like a madman.

Ye Qing smiled, lifted up her trouser legs, pulled out the dagger tied to her calf, and slowly stabbed Ye Cong's chest!

The whole process was very slow, just like a slow motion. The sharp dagger broke through the flesh and blood inch by inch, passed through the sternum, and then stimulated the pericardium, and finally pierced the heart!

It was an action that could be completed in one second, but Ye Qing dragged it for a full minute!

Her expression did not change at all during the whole process, and she let the gushing blood stain her face.

The whole hall was in silence. No one dared to speak at this time. They just looked at the girl with blood on her hair.

Ye Cong's body was shaking unconsciously. A pool of blood had already flowed on the ground. It was certain that Ye Cong was dead.

But Ye Qing still pulled out the dagger stubbornly and stabbed it into Ye Cong's neck fiercely.

After Ye Cong's body convulsed for a moment, it stood straight there completely.

"Okay, let's all disperse!" Ye Qing waved her hand and looked at Ye Hu: "Uncle Ye Hu, help me dispose of the body! Just bury it at the gate of Ye's house!"

Ye Hu shuddered, never expecting that these words would come from the mouth of a girl as beautiful as Ye Qing.

If the body is buried there, wouldn't everyone who comes in and out of Ye's house have to step on him?

What kind of resentment made her make such a decision!

"Yes!" Ye Hu nodded and took matters into his own hands, dragging Ye Cong's body away from here.

Soon, only Ye Qing and Lin Mo were left in the hall.

Ye Qing's body shook again for a moment, and then fell backward.

Fortunately, Lin Mo had anticipated this and stepped forward first to support Ye Qing.

"I'll take you to rest!" Lin Mo said softly.

An hour later, Ye Qing slowly opened her eyes and saw Lin Mo standing aside.

"Do you think I'm cruel?" Ye Qing suddenly asked.

Lin Mo shook his head: "If I were you, I probably wouldn't handle this matter better than you!"

Ye Qing opened her mouth, and when she was about to say something, Ye Hu's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Mr. Lin, there is someone outside who wants to see you!"

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment and said: "Meet me? Who is the other person?"

In Jinling, Lin Mo didn't have many friends. The only people he had contact with on weekdays were his parents and his sister.

He couldn't think of anyone else who would want to find him.

"He said his name is Zhang Lianchang!" Ye Hu responded respectfully.

Zhang Lianchang?

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and said, "I'm going to greet him now! Qing'er, do you want to go with me?"

Ye Qing thought for a while and nodded.

Zhang Lianchang was his teacher in high school. When Lin Mo had just mastered the ability to enter dreams, Zhang Lianchang helped him get a lot of resources.

Lin Mo will never forget this kindness.

"Teacher Zhang, long time no see. You are here. Why don't you call me directly?"

Lin Mo stepped forward and took the initiative to salute. Facing his teacher, Lin Mo showed enough respect.

Zhang Lianchang was very excited, looked at Lin Mo, nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, very good!

Lin Mo, it’s been more than a year since you graduated and you still haven’t returned to your alma mater to visit. I’ve heard that you are quite famous in the Ministry of War! "

"What the teacher heard must not be a good reputation!" Lin Mo smiled bitterly. Although he was nominally a member of the Ministry of War, his time in the Ministry of War was actually limited.

He hasn't been in the Black Fire Hell for long.

"No matter what you kid said, all the teacher heard was your majestic photos in the Ministry of War!" Zhang Lianchang said sternly: "I came here this time because I have something I want to discuss with you!"

"Teacher Zhang, if you have anything to do, just ask, and I will definitely do it to the best of my ability!" Lin Mo patted his chest and spoke.

"It's nothing serious..." Zhang Lianchang considered the words and said: "The school is holding a school anniversary, and I heard that you are back, so the principal arranged for me to come and call you!

This invitation is indeed a bit late, but we didn’t know in advance that you were back, otherwise, the principal would definitely invite you..."

Zhang Lianchang explained, but was interrupted by Lin Mo raising his hand.

"Teacher Zhang, I'll follow you right now!" Lin Mo said with a smile, then looked at Ye Hu: "Uncle Ye Hu, can you help us prepare the car?"

Ye Hu nodded, and a few minutes later, a luxury black car stopped in front of several people.

Lin Mo opened the car and asked Zhang Lianchang to get in first, and then got into the car with Ye Qing.

"Teacher Zhang's level has improved a lot!" Lin Mo looked at Zhang Lianchang and said with some surprise.

"This is also thanks to you. When you took the graduation exam, you got good results. Jinling rewarded you with a lot of Qi and Blood Pills. The principal rewarded me with five. It was with the help of five Qi and Blood Pills. , my blood value has increased a lot!

But compared to you, I'm definitely not that far behind! "

Having said this, he looked at Lin Mo with a look of emotion on his face.

In more than a year and less than two years, Lin Mo's strength has reached the level of a sixth-grade Martial Saint!

This was like a fantasy, but it happened right in front of him.

"The teacher's education is good!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "By the way, teacher, I didn't bring anything decent when I came back this time... Please take these Qi and Blood Pills!"

With that said, Lin Mo took out a jade bottle from his body and handed it to Zhang Lianchang.

Listening to the sound of the pills shaking in the bottle, Zhang Lianchang knew that there should be five Qi and Blood Pills in the bottle!

He is now a fifth-level warrior. With the help of these five Qi and Blood Pills, he may have a chance to break through to the next great realm!

Thinking of this, his eyes became hot.

But when he took the elixir and opened it, he was shocked.

He didn't expect that the pill Lin Mo gave him was actually a high-level Qi and Blood Pill!

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