Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 246 Neon Warrior (1/2)

"Advanced Qi and Blood Pills!"

Zhang Lianchang looked at the five Qi and Blood Pills in the bottle, and his eyes widened immediately.

The price of an advanced Qi and Blood Pill is about 20 million, which means that the small bottle in his hand is now worth 100 million!

This... This is too expensive, I can't take it!" Zhang Lianchang quickly put the thing back in Lin Mo's hand.

"If the teacher doesn't want it, just throw it away!" Lin Mo chuckled, opened the car window directly, and threw a Qi and Blood Pill out casually!

"What are you doing!" Zhang Lianchang was almost crazy, that was 20 million, just thrown away like that!

He pounced on Lin Mo and grabbed the Qi and Blood Pill in his hand, and said helplessly: "Isn't it okay for me to take it?

Quickly stop the car, maybe you can get the Qi and Blood Pill back now!"

"Teacher, no need..." Lin Mo chuckled, pinching a Qi and Blood Pill with his fingertips: "The things I gave to the teacher are not even one ten-thousandth of the help you gave me! "

He put all five Qi and Blood Pills in Zhang Lianchang's hands.

In fact, Lin Mo's current ability can give him more, but giving too much is not a good thing for Zhang Lianchang. Instead, it is better to give only five, and wait until Zhang Lianchang has improved, and then give other resources.

Zhang Lianchang kept the five Qi and Blood Pills close to his body, and when he looked at Lin Mo, his eyes were full of emotion.

Thinking back then, Lin Mo was not like this.

At that time, Lin Mo's Qi and Blood value was insufficient, and he couldn't even get into a junior college, and his Qi and Blood power was still declining.

But who would have thought that such a young man, in the last period of time, was like a rocket, madly improving his Qi and Blood power, and turned the tide in the college entrance examination, pushing No. 3 Middle School to a very high position!

Now, when talking about No. 3 Middle School, Lin Mo must be mentioned.

What makes Zhang Lianchang even more emotional is that Lin Mo now actually gave out five high-level Qi and Blood Pills at once, which shows that Lin Mo is really amazing now!

"What is the teacher thinking? "Lin Mo looked at Zhang Lianchang and asked with a chuckle.

"I was thinking that the students back then and I should be from two different worlds now!" Zhang Lianchang chuckled: "The future world is yours, and the future is really in your hands!"

Lin Mo didn't say anything, he thought of the future scenes he saw.

If such scenes are really in their hands, would it be a good thing?

No one talked along the way, and the three of them came directly to the school gate under the guidance of the luxury car.

Compared with two years ago, all the facilities of the current No. 3 Middle School seem to have been updated, and even the school gate has been replaced with a brand new one.

The most important thing is that as soon as you enter the door, you can see a statue of a young man, holding a scroll in one hand and a long sword in the other. What a Confucian general!

However, Lin Mo looked at the face of the statue, which was somewhat similar to himself.

He looked at Zhang Lianchang with a black line on his head: "Teacher Zhang...this statue..."

"Principal Chen went against all odds and erected your statue here. How about it, it looks good! "Zhang Lianchang introduced enthusiastically with a smile on his face.

Lin Mo just wanted to cover his face. What was the matter with putting this statue here?

However, things had come to this point, and he couldn't let anyone remove the statue, so he could only walk under the statue with his head down.

"Let's go to the auditorium first, everyone should be waiting there!" Zhang Lianchang took Lin Mo and Ye Qing to the auditorium.

Even the auditorium in front of him was different from the one in his memory.

The auditorium now was obviously painted from the inside to the outside, and many facilities were also new.

"Wait here for a while, I'll talk to the principal!" Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo and whispered: "When I let you in, come in again, and then give everyone a surprise!"

Zhang Lianchang pushed the door open with a radiant look and walked in, leaning down and whispering a few words in the ear of the principal Chen Xingzhi.

Chen Xingzhi's eyes suddenly flashed, looking outside in the direction of Lin Mo, with a smile on his old face.

"Dear students, today is a good day for our school anniversary, and I have a surprise for everyone! "

He spoke loudly, pointing to the outside of the gate: "Let's welcome our mysterious guest from No. 3 Middle School with warm applause!"

The applause rang out, and Zhang Lianchang and another teacher opened the door attentively.

Lin Mo's face was full of black lines. When had he ever faced such treatment?

But since he was already here, he could only bite the bullet and walk in.

In fact, many people in the auditorium had seen Lin Mo, and even some junior students, Lin Mo knew them!

Now Lin Mo stood on the podium with a smile on his face, but he didn't know what to say.

However, even if he didn't say anything, there was still warm cheers from the audience.

At this time, Zhang Lianchang handed over a speech manuscript, and Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. He could still finish reading according to the speech manuscript.

The short five-minute speech was interrupted by applause many times.

"Thank you for training me in No. 3 Middle School. No. 3 Middle School is my pride. I hope that in the future, you will all be the pride of No. 3 Middle School! "

Lin Mo's speech ended with thunderous applause.

Just when Lin Mo thought everything was over, a laugh rang out.

"Hahaha, I thought the legendary Lin Mo was such an amazing person, but I didn't expect that he was just a martial artist at the level of a sixth-grade martial saint!"

A figure slowly walked out from the crowd. It was a neon man wearing a warrior robe and a haughty look on his face.

There is a samurai sword on his waist, which looks majestic.

He was at most twenty-five years old. He had a mustache on his lips and looked a little funny.

"My name is Miyamoto Danzo, and I am the inheritor of the Miyamoto Sword Saint family!" Miyamoto Danzo stood in front of Lin Mo, looked Lin Mo up and down, and suddenly grinned: "I am only three years older than you. But my strength completely crushes you!"

The strength of the ninth-grade Martial Saint is at its peak, and he can step into the Martial Emperor realm at any time!

"The strength is indeed good, but it's not like I haven't killed a ninth-grade Martial Saint before!" Lin Mo looked at Zhang Lianchang: "Which green onion is this?"

Zhang Lianchang's face was ugly. He did not expect that such a thing would happen on the school's anniversary.

"This is an exchange student who came to China from Neon to learn swordsmanship. I didn't expect that he would come out to challenge you!" Zhang Lianchang explained softly.

Then he looked at Miyamoto Musashi: "Mr. Miyamoto, we know that you are a descendant of the Miyamoto family, but this is the anniversary of my school, so please maintain a certain degree of respect!

Now please go back and visit us on the school anniversary!

Otherwise, we will immediately end your exchange career in China! "

With a contemptuous smile on his face, Danzo Miyamoto looked at Lin Mo and said, "Lin Mo, are you still a high school student who only hides behind your teacher when something happens?

If you are a man, stand up and compete with me. I will show you the power of our Neon Bushido! "

"If I kill this person, will there be any problem?"

Lin Mo ignored him and looked at Zhang Lianchang.

He was not worried about the Miyamoto family retaliating against him, but he was worried about causing trouble for the school.

"Kill me? What a joke! You want to kill me too?" Miyamoto Danzo laughed as if he heard some good joke: "If you kill me, I deserve it!"

But if you die, then your woman will be mine, and of course the good things in you will also be mine!

How about it, do you dare to bet? ! "

Miyamoto Danzo's eyes fell on Ye Qing, looking up and down.

The look in his eyes was extremely greedy, as if he wanted to eat Zhang Qing alive.

Ye Qing couldn't help but frown, this look was so disgusting!

"In that case, let's fight!" Lin Mo looked at the people in the audience: "Dear juniors and juniors, are you afraid of seeing blood or dead people? If you are, you can leave now!"

There were enthusiastic cheers from the crowd, and it must be said that everyone’s enthusiasm was high, and some people even started to greet the ancestors of the Neon People!

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and he was very satisfied with the scene here today.

Of course, there are exceptions. Several other neon men wearing samurai robes stood up and cursed, looking at Lin Mo with provocative looks in their eyes: "Brother Miyamoto, let's play with this woman later." !”

They did not hide the evil thoughts in their hearts, and one of them even let out a low laugh and stretched out a hand towards Ye Qing.


The sword flashed, and the hand fell directly, and blood spurted out instantly.

The man screamed and covered his hands, looking at the murderer who caused all this!

"Lin Mo, are you looking for death?"

Lin Mo still held the sword in his hand, quietly watching the blood flow.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will send you away one by one later!" Lin Mo snorted coldly and looked at Miyamoto Danzo: "Come up and die!"

Miyamoto Danzo had an angry look on his face because Lin Mo actually hurt Neon Man in front of him.

This is simply a slap in the face!

Thinking of this, he nodded coldly: "I will make your death very painful!"

He drew out his long samurai sword with a cruel smile on his face. He even thought about how to dismember Lin Mo Sheng!

"Start!" Zhang Lianchang stood in the middle of the field and said loudly: "This competition is a battle of life and death, life and death are determined by fate!"

With an order, Miyamoto Danzo's body rushed towards Lin Mo like an arrow.

The sword flashed, and when he rushed towards Lin Mo, he slashed out with a counterattack!

This is one of Neon's most classic sword skills. A powerful sword master can cut it out in an instant, and the blade can cut a person into two pieces!

Miyamoto Danzo used this extremely domineering swordsmanship in order to make Lin Mo see blood!


Blood splattered, and everyone on the scene gasped, because this kind of scene was so rare.

There is no doubt that these are two strong men, and blood spattered out the moment they fought!

"Who's hurt?"

"Could it be Lin Mo? The sight of the blood splattering makes it clear that he was injured by a sword!"

"Why not Miyamoto?"

"Because Lin Mo has empty hands and no sword in his hand!"

"Hmph, Lin Mo was seriously injured as soon as Senior Brother Miyamoto took action. From this look, Lin Mo should definitely die. I can't wait to enjoy this woman!"

A neon man spoke, and the man next to him whose hand was cut off by Lin Mo walked towards Ye Qing gloomily!

"Hey, little beauty, what would happen if I favored you here?"

A sneer sounded, and he approached Ye Qing step by step.


At this moment, half of the blade pierced directly through his back, and he froze there. After staggering twice, he fell heavily to the ground.

On the competition stage, Lin Mo held the remaining half of the knife in one hand and made a throwing motion with the other hand.

Obviously, this knife was thrown by Lin Mo!

So where did Lin Mo get the knife?

"It's...senior brother Miyamoto's sword!"

Some neon people in the crowd had already recognized the knife in Lin Mo's hand, with a look of shock on their faces.

On the stage, Miyamoto Musashi stood there stunned, his hands were empty, and blood dripped from his fingers to the ground.

Just like what the neon man said, Lin Mo took action directly and took away his katana!

"This... this is impossible. The Miyamoto family's swordsmanship is invincible, and senior brother Miyamoto's sword is held so tightly. How could it be taken away?"

"But now the fact is that the knife in Miyamoto's hand has been taken by Lin Mo. What else do you want to say?"

One student spoke with a chuckle. Faced with such a scene, he now wished he could look up to the sky and laugh.

During their days in No. 3 Middle School, these neon students were extremely arrogant and often bullied others because of their strength.

Many students dare to be angry but dare not speak out. Even if the teacher wants to punish them, he is not strong enough and can only criticize them.

But now, Lin Mo took action. In just a moment, he had the upper hand and even took the time to kill someone!

"I said, if you want to die, just continue!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Several neon people had a look of fear on their faces and stood there, not daring to say a word.

On the stage, Miyamoto Danzo had an angry look on his face. Lin Mo really didn't take him seriously at all!

It’s already reached this point, and I haven’t focused on fighting him yet!


He let out an angry roar and rushed towards Lin Mo.

The Miyamoto family is a family of sword masters. Swordsmanship has been passed down for so many years. Even if they don't have a samurai sword in their hands, they can still snatch the sword back from their opponent's hands!


Feeling the power of Qi and blood emanating from Miyamoto Danzo, Lin Mo activated all his states!

In an instant, Lin Mo's momentum rose to the extreme!

"Kill me?" Lin Mo said coldly, and slashed out the broken knife in his hand, cutting off Miyamoto Danzo's arm at once!

Along with Miyamoto Danzo's screams, Lin Mo slashed out again.

Only this time, Lin Mo used the back of the knife!

Along with the scream, Miyamoto Danzo hit the ground heavily, his body twitching continuously.

The back of the knife hit the leg bone. It didn't break the legs, but broke his bones!

The bones are still connected to the skin and flesh, and it looks extremely pitiful!

"kill me?"

Lin Mo still said these words, but when he took action, he was extremely cold!


Lin Mo swung his knife and cut off his other hand.

Miyamoto Danzo was lying on the ground like a wriggling insect, his face was in great pain!

"Admit defeat, or...die!"

The katana in Lin Mo's hand pointed at Miyamoto Danzo and spoke calmly.

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