Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 247: The Purpose of the Neon People

"Give up, or... die!"

This sentence echoed in the whole school auditorium, and everyone's face was excited, looking at the figure standing in the middle.

He held a half-broken samurai sword in his hand, and blood was dripping from the blade at this moment, which looked extremely bloody.

At this moment, Miyamoto Danzo was crawling at his feet, his face full of pain, and he had completely lost his previous arrogant look.

"You don't say anything, it seems that you really want to die! The Japanese Bushido spirit makes me a little moved!" Lin Mo's face was full of sarcasm, and the hand holding the broken sword slowly raised.

Miyamoto Danzo's heart was filled with deep fear. The broken sword did not fall, but when it was hanging above his head, it was like cutting his soul!

"I... I give up!" Miyamoto Danzo spoke loudly, he was worried that if he didn't speak again, the broken sword would really chop off his head!


When he finished speaking, a sneer sounded, and he saw Lin Mo's mocking face.

"Teacher Zhang, take the person to the infirmary and take good care of him!" Lin Mo emphasized the word "good".

Zhang Lianchang's eyes flashed, and he nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, I will arrange someone to guard the infirmary, and no one is allowed to get close!

Also, we will give him the best treatment to ensure that he will be fine!"

Lin Mo nodded, and Zhang Lianchang should have understood what he meant.

"You can't take Brother Miyamoto away!" A group of Japanese people suddenly became excited and rushed towards Zhang Lianchang and others.


Lin Mo casually swung the knife and cut off the neck of one of them.

Seeing that person falling to the ground with his neck covered, all the Japanese people were stunned. They didn't expect Lin Mo to be so wild. He was not satisfied with killing one and seriously injuring another, and he killed another one casually!

The most important thing is that the person Lin Mo killed casually was the last martial saint-level strongman in their team.

The rest of the people are all within the control of the school teacher!

"I still say the same thing, if you want to die, just go ahead!" Lin Mo said this and turned to look at Chen Xingzhi.

"Principal Chen, the school can handle it, right?"

"We can handle it! How can we not handle it!" Chen Xingzhi smiled and walked up to him: "Lin Mo, you are finally back to take a look. When you are done with your work, let's have a meal together!

Okay, the school celebration is over. Everyone go back and write a good reflection on the competition you saw today, with more than a thousand words!"

Chen Xingzhi waved his hand and solved the matter directly.

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, thinking to himself, worthy of being Principal Chen, such a big thing was solved lightly.

"We have reported these Japanese students many times, but the people above dare not deal with it. If I were strong enough, I would have killed them long ago!" Chen Xingzhi's face was full of hatred, and he said this sentence almost with gritted teeth.

Lin Mo smiled and nodded. The two chatted for a few more words. Zhang Lianchang came back from outside: "The person has been arranged and is waiting in the infirmary. Do you want to go see him now?"

Lin Mo nodded and followed Zhang Lianchang and Chen Xingzhi to leave here.

In the infirmary, Lin Mo met Miyamoto Danzo. As he expected, Miyamoto Danzo was only bandaged simply, and the wound was not even stopped from bleeding!

"Tell me, what is the purpose of coming to China?" Lin Mo said lightly: "Don't think about lying, I have other ways to verify your words!

Of course, you can also tell lies, once I verify it, you will still die!"

Lin Mo's light tone made Miyamoto Danzo almost think he had met a demon.

"I... I really just came here to learn swordsmanship!" Miyamoto Danzo looked at Lin Mo with a pitiful look on his face and begged: "I have been crippled by you, please spare my life!

If you kill me, the Miyamoto family will be humiliated and will fight you to the death!

Then you will be the ones who will be in trouble!"

"Are you threatening me?" Lin Mo said lightly, and at the same time raised the broken sword in his hand again.

Looking at the broken sword with a cold light, Miyamoto Danzo shuddered coldly and shook his head repeatedly: "I didn't mean that..."

"Since it's not, then tell the truth!"

"I... After I said it, you won't kill me?" Miyamoto Danzo hesitated and looked at Lin Mo.

"You said it, I promise not to kill you!"

"Okay, we came to Jinling to find a weapon that Neon dropped here that year. It is called Tian Musangyun!"

"There is news that this sword is now somewhere in Jinling, but we have been looking for it for so long and there is no whereabouts!"

Tian Musangyun?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of this weapon as one of the three artifacts in Neon mythology. According to legend, this sword is actually the tail of the Yamata no Orochi. It is extremely sharp and can cut off all tangible things in the world!

How could such a sword be lost in China? Or in Jinling?

Lin Mo looked at Miyamoto Danzo with a scrutinizing look on his face.

Miyamoto Danzo's face was full of pleading, and other than that, no other expression could be seen.

"So you are lying, right?" Lin Mo smiled faintly, and the next moment, he directly performed memory replication!

This spiritual martial art is very powerful, but Lin Mo does not want to use it frequently, because every time he uses it, it brings him mental pain.

Miyamoto Danzo's face changed slightly, and he instinctively wanted to resist, but at this time he had no chance at all.

A huge amount of mental power surged out instantly and drowned him.

This was the martial arts that Lin Mo had comprehended himself, but in the dream, this martial arts was perfected.

The perfected martial arts became more powerful. Lin Mo only took one second to invade Miyamoto Danzo's brain.

After the memory copy was turned on, Lin Mo copied all of Miyamoto Danzo's memories.

"Teacher Zhang, Principal Chen, please help me check!" Lin Mo looked at the two people: "Don't let anyone get close!"

Zhang Lianchang and Chen Xingzhi nodded and turned to leave.

Only Lin Mo and Chen Xingzhi were left in the ward. Because of the memory copy just performed, Chen Xingzhi was in a coma at the moment. In fact, even if he woke up now, there was a high probability that he would become an idiot!

Memory copy is a very powerful martial arts. He can read out the memory unscrupulously, but in this process, his memory damage is also very serious.

However, Lin Mo had no psychological burden to use it on this group of Japanese people.

After swallowing a Qi and Blood Pill, Lin Mo entered a dream.

After crushing the light ball, Lin Mo saw all of Miyamoto's memories.

It must be said that this person really deserved to die. Relying on his strong strength, he did a lot of bad things in Miyamoto, Japan.

After coming to China, he always wanted to do something bad, but the conditions did not allow it.

The reason why he found Lin Mo this time was because of the opportunities in Lin Mo.

The news that he came back from the Black Fire Prison has already been known to the Japanese. They are very interested in the things in the Black Fire Prison, so they want to kill Lin Mo and inherit all his things.

Lin Mo patiently checked his memory bit by bit, and finally he found the purpose of Miyamoto and others coming to China.

Back then, when Japan was in Jinling, it once noticed a mysterious area with sufficient spiritual energy. Several sword saint families in Japan entered that place by chance, so they made progress in martial arts.

However, before they could raise their martial arts to a very high level, Neon lost the war and had to leave China.

Now they appeared in China again because an old swordsman felt the breath of that area from something.

So the old swordsman thought that the area was opened again, and they wanted to take away everything in it before the Chinese noticed it!

The reason why Miyamoto Danzo was arranged to come here was that he was young and very powerful. As long as such a team kept a low profile, they should not be discovered by others!

But they still underestimated Lin Mo's vigilance.

"So that's it!" Li Li slowly opened his eyes and digested the things in his memory.

Then he reached out and fumbled on Miyamoto Danzo for a while and found a map.

This map should be an old map from a long time ago. After opening it, he saw the red marks on it.

Looking at these marks, Lin Mo immediately compared these places with the current Jinling in his mind.

Soon his eyes lit up, because one of the marks was the same as the area mark he got from Ye Chaoqun's mind!

"So, the place they are looking for is actually the same as the place I am looking for?" Lin Mo understood a lot of things in an instant.

The Japanese should have entered a certain abyss at the beginning, practiced for a period of time with the spiritual energy of the abyss, and created several sword saint families after returning.

Now they have returned to China again, wanting to find that abyss.

"Principal Chen, Teacher Zhang, please come in!" Lin Mo looked outside the gate: "I know the purpose of their coming!"

"What purpose?" Zhang Lianchang had an expectant look on his face, but then he hurriedly said: "If you can't say it, don't say it!"

"It's okay, there is nothing to hide from the principal and teacher!" Lin Mo smiled and said: "They should want to find an abyss in Jinling!

I now have a rough range, and I will start to investigate in the next few days to verify my ideas!

Of course, I will report this matter to the Ministry of War to see the reaction over there!"

Lin Mo said that he was the first to send it, and Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang were shocked.

They really didn't expect to find the entrance to the abyss in Jinling!

"Will there be a day when the entrance to the abyss opens and the monsters inside rush out, and all the people of Jinling will suffer?"

The two had deep worries on their faces.

"Don't worry, since they have discovered it, they can't let them out!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

The discovery of an abyss represents danger and great opportunities. Judging from the news from Neon, the abyss should not be very dangerous.

But Lin Mo still told Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang the news, and he took out his mobile phone and told Ouyang Xiu about the general situation.

"Lin Mo, the Ministry of War is very interested in the abyss and should arrange people to go there within three days. Do you understand what I mean?" Ouyang Xiu's voice sounded on the phone.

"Don't worry, boss, I understand!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

At the same time, Lin Mo also knew that the reason why people were sent three days later was actually the reward from the Ministry of War for Lin Mo who discovered the abyss.

In three days, if he could find the entrance to the abyss and enter the abyss, he would definitely get a lot of resources.

"This matter is serious, Principal Chen, Teacher Zhang, you should not join. The abyss is not a safe place. If you can avoid entering, you must not enter!"

"We understand this!" The two teachers nodded repeatedly. They knew that their strength was not strong. If they really entered the abyss, they might die in it!

"Since the school matter is over, I will leave first..." Lin Mo took two steps and suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Xingzhi: "Principal Chen, this is a martial art I got by chance. You have time to take a look!"

Lin Mo handed over a martial art. This is a first-grade martial art of the local level. After practicing, it can improve speed. It is a martial art for escaping.

Chen Xingzhi's strength is not weak, but at such an old age, it is basically impossible to improve his strength.

So Lin Mo directly gave him a local-level martial art. According to the current price, it is about more than 1 billion!

But because martial arts can be taught, Lin Mo is not very worried that Chen Xingzhi will keep it private.

After leaving school, Lin Mo found a car and took Ye Qing away from Jinling, heading towards a small town near the edge of Jinling on the map!

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