Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 248: Entrance to the Abyss

"I still like it here!"

The car was driving slowly on the road in the town. The banyan trees on both sides continued to recede. On both sides of the road were large expanses of water with nets for aquaculture.

"The main industry here is crabs, which are very famous. It's a pity that it's not the season for eating crabs yet, otherwise you can try them out." Lin Mo drove the car and looked at Ye Qing, who was full of curiosity, and introduced with a smile.

After more than an hour's journey, they had arrived at Chuncheng, not far from Jinling.

On the map, the area finally indicated by the red dot is Chuncheng.

"Get off the car. We don't know where the entrance is, so we can only look for it slowly!" Lin Mo looked at a token in his hand, which he found from the place where Ye Chaoqun retreated.

I casually pinned the token to my waist, hoping that this thing would react a little bit when it got close to the entrance!

Gaochun is an ancient city with a long history, and there is still an old street.

Lin Mo and Ye Qing strolled along the old street, feeling the fireworks here.

Ye Qing held a variety of snacks in her hands, and finally a smile appeared on her face.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was standing beside her, his eyes casually scanning the people he met.

At the same time, his mental power spread out and he felt if there was any abnormality in his surroundings.

He has already had the experience of entering the abyss before, so as long as there is something a little abnormal, Lin Mo can find the entrance in the shortest time!

But after walking around, Lin Mo didn't find anything unusual.

Before coming, Lin Mo deliberately looked through the memories he got from Miyamoto Danzo carefully. The place where those neon people entered the secret realm was in a certain area around the old street.

"Did you find it?" Ye Qing turned to look at Lin Mo. Seeing the thoughtful look on his face, she couldn't help but smile and stuffed a candied haws into his mouth.

The sweet and sour taste suddenly exploded in his mouth. Lin Mo smiled, then shook his head and said, "I have no clue. I suspect that the location of the old street has changed. I may need to ask some elderly people!"

Lin Mo's eyes swept over several old shops, and finally stopped at a noodle shop.

"Go in and have a look!" Lin Mo pulled Ye Qing into the braised noodle restaurant. Just through the glass window, he saw an old lady sitting there, looking outside.

After Lin Mo and Ye Qing entered the house, they saw the old lady.

She was sitting in a wheelchair, with a blanket on her knees. Under her head of white hair was a pale face, and a pair of eyes full of vicissitudes of life were looking out the window through the glass.

The sun just shone on her body, like a beautiful painting.

"Boss, two servings of the signature old noodles." Lin Mo found a table near the old lady and pulled Ye Qing to sit down.

After a while, the boss brought two large bowls of noodles and placed them on the table.

"Boss, I want to ask you something!" Lin Mo put a piece of cash on the table: "How many years old is this old street?

Why do I see so many traces of modernity! "

The boss put away the cash on the table and said with a smile on his face: "This old street should have a history of at least fifty years.

However, many places have been repaired. I also heard that this old street seems to have been adjusted in some locations, but I don’t know the more specific situation..."

"Have you adjusted the position?" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, thinking that it was indeed the case, but it was a pity that the boss didn't know the specific situation.

"Can I find relevant records in the archives?" Lin Mo looked at his boss and asked expectantly.

If there are relevant records in the archives, then through Chen Xingzhi and the others, they may be able to enter the archives to investigate.

The boss shook his head and said: "If you want to know the specific adjustment situation, you will definitely not be able to find it in the archives.

If my mother wasn't suffering from dementia, she might be able to tell you some specific data.

She has lived here all her life. When she is awake, she remembers every plant and tree here! "

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then looked at the old lady sitting there.

"It's an old habit. Sometimes it's normal, sometimes it's muddled. I've been confused for more than half a year this time, and I'm afraid it will be like this in the future!" The boss shook his head and sighed.

Lin Mo nodded, and just when he was about to get up and leave, the old lady suddenly pointed to the token on Lin Mo's waist and said, "Why do you have this?"

"This thing?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and saw the token and looked at the old lady with some surprise: "Do you know this brand?"

"You haven't told me where you got this thing?" The old lady's voice was cold, not like a confused old man at all.

"Mom, are you confused again? They are our guests, so we can't scare them!" The boss was startled, fearing that his mother would suddenly go crazy and scare Lin Mo and Ye Qing, so he stepped forward and blocked them. among them.

"I got it from an old man." Lin Mo said, "Old lady, do you know this brand?"

"I saw it many years ago." The old lady nodded, and then pointed to the small river less than three meters wide in the middle of the old street: "This small river was dug when the old street was renovated. The original old street did not So wide.

The location of the creek should be the center of the old street. We did business along both sides of the creek.

The entire street is only five meters wide at most!

When the old street was restructured, the space of the entire old street was widened. "

"Thank you!" A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face. He had always felt that something was wrong, because since it was marked on the map, there would basically be nothing wrong.

Now that he knew the specific location of the old street, Lin Mo was sure that he could find the entrance to the abyss in a short time.

"Old lady, we haven't prepared anything to express our gratitude. You can use the money to buy some supplements!" Lin Mo fumbled around for a while, and finally took out a stack of money and handed it to the old lady with both hands.

The old lady waved her hand, stared into Lin Mo's eyes and said: "I don't want the money, please answer my two questions!

What is your relationship with the old man who gave you the token?

Is that old man still alive now? "

Listening to these two questions, Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. It was obvious that the old lady and Ye Chaoqun knew each other.

Thinking of Ye Chaoqun's identity, Lin Mo looked at the old lady with some vigilance. After confirming that she was not an abyss creature, he said: "This junior is his granddaughter's boyfriend. He passed away a few days ago!"

"Granddaughter?" The old lady looked at Ye Qing, nodded and said, "You must be his granddaughter, she is very good-looking..."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, he would be dead!"

After a long silence, the old lady sighed slowly.

There was a look of regret on her old face, and then the look slowly solidified. Finally, her hand fell down weakly, and she soon lost her breath.

"Mom...Mom?" The boss looked at the old lady, his eyes suddenly turned red.

After calling twice and getting no response, he knelt there.

Lin Mo and Ye Qing stood there, watching this scene blankly.

"Boss...please express your condolences!" Lin Mo sighed softly, already preparing to be scolded by the boss later: "The death of the old lady has something to do with us, you can rest assured that we will pay you the compensation..."

Before he finished speaking, the boss raised his hand to interrupt Lin Mo: "It has nothing to do with you, on the contrary, I want to thank you!

I think your arrival must have made her recover briefly...

That token..."

The boss pointed to the token in Lin Mo's hand and said softly: "Can you take it away to my mother?"

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. The token was probably the key to opening the door to the abyss. If it was given to the boss, how would they enter the abyss?

"Can you wait two days? After two days, I will send you the token!" Lin Mo looked at the boss and said seriously.

The boss nodded, looked at them and said, "My mother must have had a past with the owner of the token. Over the years, he has been obsessed with him, and now we finally have news about him!"

"So, I should thank you. If it weren't for you, my mother might have left with regrets!"

The boss had a look of emotion on his face. Although he was sad, he also had a look of relief.

Lin Mo nodded, took out some cash from his body, and then said goodbye and left.

The entrance to the abyss has not yet been found, but now at least there is a direction.

Looking at the river in front of him, Lin Mo frowned slightly.

The river is very deep, and from a certain perspective, this will limit the spread of spiritual power.

In addition, Lin Mo never let his spiritual power enter the river from the beginning.

Now, Lin Mo and Ye Qing were standing on the shore, their mental energy suddenly spread out, their goals were clear, and they directly covered the river in front of them.

The width of the river is only three meters, but it crosses the entire old street for a full seven or eight hundred meters.

According to Lin Mo's estimation, the river is at least five meters deep, so trying to find out what's going on at the bottom of the river at once is a huge drain on mental energy.

But Lin Mo today is no ordinary person. With more than 60,000 points of mental power, it is not easy to cover the entire river at once, but it is still very simple to do it in two or three times.

Time passed little by little, and just after Lin Mo had explored one-third of the river water, and was about to start the second part of the exploration, he discovered something strange in the river water.

There seems to be a small area at the bottom of the river that cannot be penetrated by spiritual power.

In fact, it doesn't feel like the mental power is impenetrable. Instead, it feels like all the mental power disappears when it passes there.

You know, the mental power released by Lin Mo is simply unbearable by ordinary martial saints, but now so much mental power has disappeared all at once.

"It seems that I have found the entrance to the abyss!" A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face, and he took a long breath at the same time. At least so far, all his guesses have been proven correct.

"Really found it?" Ye Qing showed a happy look on his face, looked around and said: "How do we get in? There are so many people on the old street now. If the two of us open the gate to the abyss, the impact will be too great. "

Lin Mo nodded. Anyway, he had found the place where the abyss might exist. He just had to wait patiently until night.

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