As night fell, the lights on the old street lit up, and there were all kinds of colorful lights on both sides of the river, decorating it into a ribbon.

Lin Mo and Ye Qing opened a hotel on the street. The whole hotel was decorated in an ancient style. Their room was facing the old street, and they could see the night view from the window.

As the night deepened, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, and the whole old street became quiet.

The river flowed quietly, and in the end, the whole street became silent, and no one could be seen at all.

"It's almost time!" Lin Mo and Ye Qing looked at each other and jumped directly from the window of the hotel.

The two of them landed lightly on the street. Lin Mo fumbled around for a while and took out the token.

Because the mark was left during the day, Lin Mo quickly found the place where the abnormality was discovered.

After a period of recovery, Lin Mo's mental power has recovered a lot, and now he diffused his mental power again.

Still like during the day, a large amount of mental power disappeared instantly.

"Help me watch the surroundings!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing and spoke softly.

Then he sat cross-legged there and cast his spiritual clone.

Soon, a clone appeared in front of Lin Mo, and under his control, he jumped directly into the river.

Because it was spiritual power, there was no sound during the whole process.

The spiritual clone and the main body can share the perspective. Lin Mo saw everything under the water with the perspective of the spiritual clone.

Just as he guessed, there was a huge stone under the water, and the whole stone looked like a door.

After a little hesitation, Lin Mo directly let the spiritual clone approach the stone.


In an instant, a ripple appeared on the stone. It was actually a terrible energy!

At this moment, the energy seemed to have found an outlet, and it rushed directly to Lin Mo's clone!

The spiritual clone was completely condensed by spiritual power. Facing such a powerful energy attack, it had no ability to fight back at all!

With a crisp sound, Lin Mo's clone dissipated!

On the shore, Lin Mo's expression was solemn. That energy was indeed a bit terrifying. If it weren't for the spiritual clone below, he might have died!

"Can I try to use the martial arts clone?"

Lin Mo thought of the martial arts he got from Ye Chaoqun, so he sat down directly, dispersed some of his blood and energy again, and then cut his wrist again, letting the blood gather.

After a while, a figure similar to Lin Mo stood in front of him.

Ye Qing covered her mouth and looked at such a scene, her face was already full of shock.

Although she had already known that the old man was Ye Chaoqun's clone, she was still shocked to see such a scene with her own eyes.

"Go down!" Lin Mo controlled the clone to jump into the water, and this time there was a sound of water splashing.

Soon, the clone came to the side of the stone, and when Lin Mo was shocked, the stone emitted a wave again, and then it was completely silent!

Lin Mo knew very well that the clone was destroyed again.

Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo's face and knew that there was probably an accident below.

"What should we do?" Ye Qing whispered, "Should we wait for the support of the Ministry of War?"

Ouyang Xiu had said before that the Ministry of War would arrive in three days.

But once the Ministry of War arrives here, everything will be subject to the Ministry of War's allocation.

Lin Mo is now racing against time.

"Can't wait!" Lin Mo shook his head decisively: "It must be because they don't have the token on them. I'll go in again with the token!"

Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face. From the known facts, those Japanese people and Ye Chaoqun must have entered the abyss without tokens, but they all went in.

So whether there is a token or not is definitely not the most important factor.

But Lin Mo can only gamble now!

He took a deep breath and wanted to jump directly. Not far away, several figures rushed towards Lin Mo quickly.

Looking at the figures in front of him, Lin Mo's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he happened to see these people during the day.

With Lin Mo's current mental power, even if he just glanced at them, he could remember them clearly.

Originally, there was nothing special about these people, so Lin Mo didn't take it seriously. Unexpectedly, now that they are here, judging from the fluctuations on their bodies, these people are quite powerful!

"I was wrong!" Lin Mo shook his head and said with some emotion. As he said, he was wrong.

These people in front of him all have the strength close to the peak of the Martial Saint, and some have even reached the realm of the Half-Step Martial Emperor!

"How did you find this place?" One of them asked. Lin Mo remembered that this was the owner of a pastry shop.

"With this token!" Lin Mo took out the token: "You should know the owner of this token!"

Seeing the token in Lin Mo's hand, the faces of several people changed immediately.

"You... How did you get this thing!" The owner of the pastry shop was shocked.

The others coughed lightly, as if to remind him.

The owner of the pastry shop reacted and his face quickly returned to normal.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo's eyes flickered slightly. There is no doubt that there is something wrong with these people, and they know this token.

"Why ask so many questions? Since you know that there is an abyss below, why don't you report it?"

When Lin Mo asked this question again, he had already thought of the answer.

They want to take this abyss for themselves!

"Since you know this place, then die!" The owner of the pastry shop said coldly, and then rushed towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was well prepared. After blocking Ye Qing behind him, he directly opened the spiritual world.

Facing so many strong men, he could only use his mental power to try to crush them.

Fortunately, there were no Qi masters among these strong men, and their mental powers were not very high.

So after a while, Lin Mo had the upper hand.

The faces of several people were ugly. They were besieging, but in the end, they were about to lose.

"Don't suppress yourself, show your true strength, otherwise we will all die!" The owner of the pastry shop spoke loudly, and then a series of changes began to appear on his body.

First, black bristles grew on his body, and two teeth appeared from the innermost part. His face also began to change as all this happened. In the end, his whole face looked like Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West.

The only difference was that he had two long fangs.

Others were also changing. Some people grew scales on their bodies, and some people's hands turned into claws!

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo's eyes became indifferent, because he vaguely guessed something.


He said coldly. At this time, there was no need to keep it back!

Blood splattered. Facing them after the transformation, Lin Mo felt that he was dealing with a new way of fighting.

These people's strength was already very strong, and they could transform into this kind of half-human, half-beast monster. Both their physical strength and reaction ability were improved a lot.

Lin Mo was injured soon, but during this period, some people died!

What shocked Lin Mo was that the fallen corpses underwent a greater transformation and directly turned into the monsters in the abyss.

Blood flowed out, slowly flowing from the bodies into the river.

Under the water, something was glowing, and as the blood flowed, the light became more and more intense.

In the end, Lin Mo finally knew what was glowing.

After absorbing the blood, the stone actually began to glow.

Lin Mo was a little surprised, and his attack was even more ruthless.

His methods were open and closed, and he killed without mercy. Coupled with the power of the Silver Dragon Spear, these people in front of him were not enough for him to kill!

Because all this happened in the spiritual world, these people died quietly, but the blood flowed in the river like water.

The stone in the river emitted a blazing light, and the light directly penetrated the river and shone out.

Indistinctly, Lin Mo saw that the light formed something like a gate, and there was a trace of a token on the gate.

Lin Mo took out the token without hesitation and pressed it on it.

With a sound of "Weng", the gate opened!

It was hazy inside the gate, but Lin Mo could feel that there was a strange world behind the gate.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Mo glanced at Ye Qing: "Will you come down with me?"

Ye Qing nodded, and the two threw the bodies in directly, and then walked into the gate at the same time.

After a strange feeling of crossing the abyss, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes.


As soon as he took a step, there was a light sound under his feet. He looked down and was stunned.

There were pieces of bones under his feet. Those bones had decayed. When he stepped on them, they broke directly or became broken bones.

Lin Mo saw that these bones were human bones, and he could even see the marks left by being cut by a knife.

There were many marks of gunshot wounds on more bones. Looking at those marks, Lin Mo immediately knew that these people were killed by the Japanese!


Ye Qing was beside Lin Mo. She adapted slowly. At this moment, she saw the corpse in front of her just as she adapted, and she couldn't help but screamed.

"Lin Mo... these bodies are..." She asked softly with a look of panic on her face.

"The Japanese killed them!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

The two looked at each other and saw endless hatred in each other's eyes.

"Let's go, we will avenge this one day!" Lin Mo said softly, and then pulled Ye Qing inside.

The biggest feeling he had here was that the spiritual energy was sufficient. Lin Mo was sure that if he practiced here, he would be able to break through the Martial Emperor realm within a year!

"Look there!" Just as Lin Mo was thinking, Ye Qing suddenly pointed to a place not far away and spoke.

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