Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 252: The Place Where Holy Blood Splashed!

The red stones at the bottom of the pool really look like jade made of condensed blood.

They looked warm and moist when they were at the bottom of the water. At this moment, along with the fluctuations of the undercurrent under the water, light red filamentous objects escaped.

Lin Mo kept getting closer, while seriously feeling the differences around him.

The transformation of the ice attribute is coming to an end. At this moment, the ice attribute power in Lin Mo's body has begun to calm down and is no longer restless.

As Lin Mo dived into the water, a faint burning sensation began to gather around Lin Mo's body.

This feeling is very strange. Even though there are springs filled with ice properties all around, why can I still feel a trace of burning aura?

"I've heard that people who are about to freeze to death will feel warmth. It's a beautiful feeling before death. Could it be that I'm about to die and now I'm having a death hallucination?"

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face, thinking this in his heart.

In fact, Lin Mo knew very well that this was simply impossible. No matter how amazing the ice attribute's power was, the possibility of causing life damage to him was not very high.

What's more, Lin Mo has a very real experience of the transformation of his body by the ice attribute.

Then there is only one explanation, that is, this burning breath is a real feeling.

"But where do these auras come from?" Lin Mo frowned and looked around.

In the end, he focused his suspicion on those red stones.

With this thought in his mind, he suddenly saw a bloody thread floating slowly in front of his eyes. His heart moved, and he reached out and grabbed the thread in his hand.


The moment the thread was caught, a burning sensation was like a flame, entering all his pores from his palm.

This feeling was so real that Lin Mo could even hear his palms hissing due to the heat.

This sound is exactly the same as the sound made when grilling meat!

Lin Mo looked at the stones with a shocked look on his face.

"Could it be the ultimate fire attribute power? If I can absorb these stones, can I become the ultimate fire attribute martial artist?"

Lin Mo had this thought in his mind, but quickly shook his head.

Ice attributes and fire attributes are completely conflicting attributes, and it is difficult to balance them in the body.

However, it is still a good choice to use this fire attribute to temper the body.

"When the boss talks about improving physical strength, he must be referring to improving it through these stones!" Lin Mo thought in his mind.

At this moment, the boss Lin Mo mentioned was sitting in his small room with a proud face. A female creature was kneeling in front of him, holding a wine flask and pouring him wine.

The female creature moved very slowly, her face was gentle, and she whispered softly: "The boss seems to be in a good mood today. Did he do a good business?"

"I picked you out of so many slaves back then because of your intelligence. Over the years, everything you said and did was in line with my wishes.

Just like now, you were right again, boss, I made a big deal today!

For fifty blood stones, I rented out the last spring pit in the backyard, and the lease period was only until the competition!

That humanoid creature was like an idiot. After I complimented him a few times, he gave me the blood stone directly.

Are you still dreaming of becoming a physically strong person by soaking in spring water? It’s just a dream!

I think he must be squatting by the spring and regretting it now! "

He smiled proudly, thinking of Lin Mo's cheerful way of paying the money, and admired his eloquence.

"The boss is wise!" The woman chuckled: "But, do those springs really have no function of tempering the body?"

"If this is really the place where the holy blood splashed, then naturally under the baptism of the holy blood, tempering the body is only the most basic ability.

When the holy blood splashes, the spring water will inevitably be contaminated with the power of the holy blood. These powers can not only temper the physical body, but also detect the shortcomings of the physical body and make up for it!

Tempering the physical body is only the most basic ability!

But the premise is that they really find the spring where the holy blood splashed!

I have soaked in all of these springs for more than a day. They may be useful for tempering my body, but wanting to see the real place where the holy blood splashed is simply a daydream! "

The boss explained with a smile. One hand had already been inserted along the collar of the female creature. Feeling the smoothness from his fingertips, the proud look on his face became even deeper!

Just as the boss was showing off triumphantly, Lin Mo had already dived into the bottom of the spring and looked at the three heads-sized stones with an excited look on his face.

Looking at these stones up close, Lin Mo could already deeply feel the terrifying power emanating from them!

There is no doubt that among these springs, these stones are the most important things.

"The boss once said that this is the place where the holy blood was splashed. Could it be that these stones are the holy blood he called?

The holy blood splashed to the bottom of the spring and turned into blood-colored stones. Can it have a good tempering effect on the human body? "

Lin Mo thought of this, stepped forward slightly, put his nose close to the stones, and gently inhaled the water vapor with blood-colored threads.


Even under water, Lin Mo couldn't help but scream, and the blood-colored threads burned along his nose and into his lungs.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt as if lava was flowing in his lungs.

Just when Lin Mo felt that he could no longer hold on, the forbidden ice attribute power in his body loosened a little, and quickly extinguished the scorching power!

"Sure enough, it is an extremely pure fire attribute power. With this power, I may really be able to complete the transformation of my physical body, from a holy body to an imperial body!"

The physical body becoming a saint and the physical body becoming an emperor represent different realms of martial arts. Saints are beyond the limits of human beings, but in the final analysis they are still within the scope of human beings.

But it's different when you become an imperial body. This is transcending from the scope of human beings and becoming a higher-level creature on the road to martial arts.

Lin Mo's hands had already stretched forward and held one of the stones directly in his arms.


The stone trembled slightly as if it contained spiritual intelligence, and then a massive amount of fire-attribute power suddenly washed out and submerged into Lin Mo's body!

This feeling is completely different from the previous baptism of the ice attribute. The power of the fire attribute is extremely masculine, like a hammer. Wherever it passes, every inch of skin feels like it has been beaten hard by the hammer countless times. !

The whole process is like tempering steel. With every hammer blow, impurities will turn into burning sparks and splash out!

Although there were no sparks coming out of Lin Mo's body, it could be seen that the black dirt was still being forced out of his body bit by bit!

The process is slow but intuitive.

The black dirt slowly escaped from the pores, and finally condensed into a small group, and finally dispersed in the water.

In Lin Mo's arms, the stone was almost disappearing.

When you hold it in your arms, it dissipates hundreds of times faster!

When the stone disappeared completely, Lin Mo picked up another one.

The same thing continued to happen, Lin Mo's face was full of pain, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

During the whole process, he never cried out about pain again. Instead, he sat down cross-legged and carefully felt the progress of the process.

The physical body is really transforming little by little, and the imprisonment of his physical body after the sanctification of the physical body is loosening little by little, or even disappearing!

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face. This process was a kind of torture, but it was also a kind of enjoyment.

It's really a great experience to be able to feel yourself slowly getting stronger in pain. I just wish I could experience it a few more times!

Finally, after a while, the second stone disappeared. Lin Mo opened his eyes and focused on the last stone.

This stone is the largest of all the stones, and the shape of this stone is like a heart. The most important thing is that Lin Mo has a feeling that this stone is different from the other two...

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mo stepped forward and picked up the stone.

The burning flushing feeling from before did not appear. This stone was too calm, like an ordinary stone!

The more this happened, the more alert the look on Lin Mo's face became.


Just when Lin Mo was extremely vigilant, the stone suddenly started to tremble, and then Lin Mo saw something like a whirlpool rising from the bottom of the spring!

And this vortex began to gather the scattered red threads at the bottom of the spring. These threads were like blood vessels, and they began to outline in front of Lin Mo's eyes, slowly taking on the shape of a living thing.

Lin Mo's eyes widened, and the muscles all over his body became tense at this time.

Because those red silk threads actually outline a humanoid creature, first the hands and feet, and then the bones...

The whole process was quick and silent, giving people an extremely weird feeling.

And with the formation of this humanoid creature, Lin Mo actually felt a huge sense of oppression!

The stone in his hand was shaking crazily, as if it was about to fly out of Lin Mo's hand!

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and held the stone tightly in his arms, but the next moment, the stone flew out with a buzz and landed in front of the humanoid creature made of blood-colored threads.

In front of the creature, the stone trembled slightly twice, and then, something like a wound suddenly opened on the creature's chest, and the stone flew directly into the humanoid creature's chest.


When Lin Mo's wound healed, he saw that the stone was really beating like a heart in his chest!

At the same time, in the two rooms next to Lin Mo, two eyes converged on Lin Mo's room at the same time!

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