Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 253 Trouble is coming!

"The power of Holy Blood Baptism is constantly weakening, something is wrong!"

In the room on the left, Dugu Xiong frowned, and a weak spiritual power emitted from his body and spread outside.

This weak mental power spread very quickly, and in an instant it arrived in the middle room where Lin Mo was.

Then this spiritual power was wiped out.

"Although it was only a short moment, I could clearly feel that the power of the holy blood baptism in the middle has not weakened..."

Duguxiong thought for a while, then stood up from the pool and walked out step by step.

The light red pool water slowly slid down from his body, revealing his well-defined muscles.

There seemed to be a pale golden light flowing on his skin, which was a manifestation of the tyranny of the physical body to a certain extent.

He casually put on a large robe, opened the door and walked out.


Nangong Wentian, who was on the far right, happened to open the door. The two looked at each other with a slight twinkle in their eyes.

"What a great Nangong Wentian, who came three days later than me, and has already half-stepped into the realm of becoming an emperor in the physical body!"

"At our level, the difference between two or three days is completely negligible and has no meaning!

On the contrary, a protective light began to appear on your body. Is this the special physical martial arts of your Dugu family at work? "

Duguxiong smiled slightly and did not answer. Instead, he focused on the house in the middle.

“Neither you nor I chose the house in the middle because when we felt it from the outside, the aura of the Holy Blood Baptism in the middle was relatively weak.

But now I think you have also felt it. The aura of Holy Blood Baptism in the room suddenly became several times more powerful. At the same time, the aura of Holy Blood Baptism in the pool in our room weakened crazily and almost disappeared!

There must be some kind of connection between the two! "

"So, let's go take a look together?" Nangong Wentian said calmly.

"The intrusion may affect his cultivation, and trouble may arise." Duguxiong shook his head.

"Haha, Duguxiong, why do you have to be so pretentious in front of me? You are just worried that you are not a match for the man in the room!" Nangong Wentian sneered, looked outside, and shouted: "Boss, get here here!"

"I'm coming!"

The shop owner rolled in and ran in with a flattering smile on his face. He bowed deeply to Dugu Xiong and Nangong Wentian and said, "Master Nangong, Master Dugu, what are you doing?

The two of you left the customs early. Congratulations to the two young masters for their great success. This competition will definitely be a success..."

"Stop!" Nangong Wentian raised his hand and slapped the boss: "Tell me honestly, who is the person in the room? What is his level?"

The boss covered his face and after mentally greeting Nangong Wentian's ancestors for generations, he said cautiously: "I don't know the specific realm, but when I came into contact with it, it felt unfathomable to me!

It is very likely that he has reached the imperial body! "

The boss's thinking was that he had received Lin Mo's blood stone after all, so he couldn't let anything happen to him, so he deliberately mentioned Lin Mo's level to a higher level.

He hoped that Nangong Wentian and Dugu Xiong could retreat without disturbing Lin Mo.

"Royal body?"

Nangong Wentian and Dugu Xiong's pupils shrank slightly, with shocked looks on their faces.

"Impossible!" After a long time, Dugu Xiong shook his head slightly: "The fluctuations that the imperial body can produce are far more than this. Do you dare to lie to me?"

He raised his hand to slap the boss on the head.

The boss's face changed slightly, but at this time he gritted his teeth and said: "The two young masters have wronged me. Even if I lie to someone, I would not dare to deceive the two young masters!

I really don’t know his level!

But since he dared to enter the pool, he must have reached the level of Martial Saint in his physical body!

Therefore, I speculate that he has reached the imperial body, which can be considered to be based on some basis! "

The boss still had that cautious look on his face, but also a little aggrieved.

The hand that was about to fall stopped in mid-air, and finally just patted the boss's face: "Boss, in front of us, you'd better put away your hypocritical face. Your strength is no weaker than ours, so why bother showing off?" !

But since you can't tell how deep he is, he may have really reached the imperial body! "

Nangong Wentian was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Both of us have half-stepped into the realm of becoming an emperor in the flesh. Now, how can we shrink back when facing a strong man who has become an emperor in the flesh?

Wouldn't it be better to take the initiative to communicate and have a conversation? Maybe you can get a chance to make a breakthrough! "

Dugu Xiong's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands and said, "Brother Nangong is right. It's not a bad thing if we take the initiative to make friends!"

After saying that, the two walked directly to the door of the room, raised their hands and knocked on the door.


In the room, Ye Qing heard a knock on the door and asked warily.


Nangong Wentian and Dugu Xiong glanced at each other, and both saw shocked looks in each other's eyes.

"There is no sound of water. Could it be that she didn't go into the water?"

"Since you didn't go into the water, did you mean that you didn't temper your body at all?"

The two communicated silently with their eyes, and there was an inexplicable look in their eyes.

"Hello, girl, we are neighbors and would like to visit!" Duguxiong cleared his throat and spoke with a smile.

"Sorry, I'm not very convenient now." Ye Qing refused directly and prepared to send them all away.

"What does the girl mean? We two are kind-hearted to make friends, but the girl avoids us. Do you look down on us?" Nangong Wentian and Dugu Xiong looked at each other and then spoke at the same time.

There was a hint of anger in their voices, and they pushed the door open at the same time.

After the door was opened, people saw Ye Qing standing in the room, and their eyes lit up.

What a beautiful woman, and a pure-blooded humanoid!

Such thoughts came to the minds of the two at the same time.

A golden light flashed on Dugu Xiong's body, and at the same time, a weak mental power emanated and enveloped Ye Qing.

"It's still a long way from becoming a saint in the flesh!" Dugu Xiong relied on a short mental perception to immediately understand Ye Qing's realm.

"The flesh has not yet become a saint?" Nangong Wentian's eyes also lit up, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Since they knew Ye Qing's realm, the two of them had nothing to worry about, so they sneered and approached Ye Qing step by step.

Dugu Xiong even stretched out a hand to grab Ye Qing's arm.

Ye Qing looked grim, and couldn't help but glance in the direction of the pool.

It has been a long time since Lin Mo entered the pool, but there has been no movement.

Could it be that something happened? He couldn't be unaware of the situation outside, but why didn't he show up now?

As if he noticed Ye Qing's gaze, Dugu Xiong looked at the pool water.

He frowned slightly and winked at Nangong Wentian.

"Is there anyone in the pool?" Nangong Wentian reacted immediately and looked at the boss outside the door: "How many people are there in this room?"

"Two... The strong man I mentioned is in the pool now..." The boss looked grim. He wanted to stop him just now, but his own strength was no match for them.

"In the water?" Dugu Xiong looked grim.

If there really is a strong man in the water, what they did just now has obviously offended him!

If that person comes out of the pool, the two of them will definitely not have a good ending!

Nangong Wentian also looked gloomy. Obviously, he could think of the same problem as Dugu Xiong.

"What should we do?"

Nangong Wentian asked in a deep voice.

"What else can we do?!" Dugu Xiong's face was gloomy, and he raised his hand to wipe his neck: "One must do it once and for all..."

Nangong Wentian thought about it and nodded heavily.

The boss looked ugly. These two people actually wanted to kill people here!

As for Ye Qing, she ran towards the pool fiercely: "Lin Mo, don't come out, they want to kill you!"

"Stop her!" Nangong Wentian shouted fiercely.

Dugu Xiong's face turned cold, and he raised his hand and slapped Ye Qing's back.

After this slap, Ye Qing spit out a mouthful of blood and fell directly to the ground.

"We can't delay, let's go in the water!" The two looked at each other and immediately walked towards the edge of the pool.

The boss looked at the two people walking towards the pool, and could only sigh, then quickly called two maids over, lifted Ye Qing up, and took her away.



Two sounds of falling into the water sounded, and after the two jumped into the water, they both showed shocked expressions on their faces.

"The power of the Holy Blood Baptism is indeed much stronger!"

"The Holy Blood aura in this pool of water seems to be much stronger!"

The two couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Could it be that this is really the place where the Holy Blood splashed?"

The same thought came to their minds.

"Where is the man in the pool?" The two dived into the water and took a look, but found no trace of Lin Mo.

"No, he's at the bottom!" Finally, Nangong Wentian discovered the difference at the bottom of the pool.

Two of the original three red-glowing stones have disappeared, and the only remaining stone has been accommodated in the chest cavity by the blood-colored human figure.

So from their perspective, if they didn't look carefully, they couldn't see the situation at the bottom of the pool.

"He's... at the bottom of the pool?" Dugu Xiong finally found Lin Mo, his eyes suddenly lit up. Unlike Nangong Wentian, he had always maintained a weak mental power, which could occasionally emit a wisp.

At this moment, he felt that the aura of the Holy Blood Baptism at the bottom of the pool seemed to be even stronger!

Without any hesitation, he swam directly to the bottom of the pool.

After seeing Dugu Xiong's actions, Nangong Wentian immediately swam to the bottom of the pool. At this time, he couldn't fall behind by half a step.

Because from Dugu Xiong's face, he knew that there must be a huge opportunity waiting for them at the bottom of the pool!

"The power of the Holy Blood Baptism is getting stronger and stronger. There may really be energy to take that step under the pool!"

Dugu Xiong became more and more excited. The golden light on his body seemed to be much more intense, forming a faint pattern, slowly absorbing the power of the Holy Blood in the pool.

"Look what that is?" At this moment, Nangong Wentian finally saw the figure formed by the blood-colored threads at the bottom of the pool.

The two looked at the figure and felt that breathing became much more difficult.

"Is this the holy body constructed by holy blood?" Dugu Xiong's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "If I devour the holy body, I will definitely be able to become an emperor in the flesh, and even reach the middle stage of the emperor in the flesh!"

When he spoke excitedly, Nangong Wentian had already rushed towards the figure!

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