Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 254: Stable Holy Body

"somebody is coming?"

At the bottom of the pool, Lin Mo's whole body was hidden in the darkness. In front of the bloody human figure made of silk threads, it was indeed difficult to find traces of Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo raised his head slightly and looked at the two figures swimming down from above.

He was immersed in some special scene before and didn't notice the appearance of the two people at all.

But after the two entered the water, they began to absorb the power of holy blood baptism on a large area, and Lin Mo finally discovered them.

"The physical strength is not weak, but it's a pity that there is a certain gap compared to me now!" Lin Mo had a rough judgment on the strength of the two people in an instant.

At the same time, he listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help but look at the bloody humanoid in front of him.

"So, if you swallow this thing, you can become an emperor directly?"

He was thinking this in his mind, and at the same time he was thinking about whether he should really do it.

thump! thump!

The two people who were swimming downstream were stunned when they heard such a sound.

"what sound?"

"Could it be... the heartbeat of that figure?" Both of them couldn't help but shudder when they thought of this possibility.

The holy body actually produced a heartbeat sound, which is really unheard of!

Is it possible that the holy body is about to revive?

"Impossible, the holy blood is the blood that flows after the saint falls. Since he has fallen, there is no possibility of resurrection!

I think this holy body must be too extraordinary. If you swallow it, the harvest will be even greater! "

Nangong Wentian thought like this, and his face immediately showed an excited look.

Lin Mo watched all this quietly, watching the two people approaching but making no move.

The transformation of the holy body is obviously coming to an end, and the heartbeat is becoming more and more regular. Maybe this holy body will really give birth to a touch of spiritual consciousness!

However, at this moment, the beating heart suddenly stopped.

Lin Mo was stunned and didn't understand why this happened.

At the same time, those red threads began to slowly fade away!

"how come……"

Lin Mo's face showed a look of shock. The holy body was definitely extraordinary, but now, the holy body was dim...

"Why is this happening? These threads seem to be lacking energy..." Lin Mo's mind was spinning rapidly, and he quickly discovered the problem.

"It's the aura of holy blood baptism. After being absorbed by them, the holy body will naturally be incomplete!"

Lin Mo's eyes flashed with murderous intent.


Just when Lin Mo was about to take action, Nangong Wentian and Nangong Wentian suddenly started fighting.

The two fought hard underwater. Nangong Wentian was obviously weaker than Dugu Xiong, and blood soon started flowing out.

After the blood flowed out, Lin Mo suddenly found that those dim threads seemed to flicker again.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo fell into deep thought.

"Both of these two people have absorbed the holy blood, so their blood also contains the power of the holy blood..." Lin Mo thought.

At the same time, he looked into the air, hoping that the battle between the two could be more intense!

Perhaps to verify Lin Mo's idea, a more intense battle began!

"Duguxiong, you want to kill me to monopolize creation, no way! I will hold you back even if I die!" Nangong Wentian had a crazy look on his face.

The next moment, the power of Qi and blood in his body began to emerge!

At the same time, mental power also burst out in an instant!

"This is a special method that exploded the restriction, and all the strength exploded in an instant!" Lin Mo stood in the dark, watching all this coldly, and at the same time gave his own guess in his heart!

There is no doubt that Lin Mo's guess is correct!

Seeing this scene, Dugu Xiong had a look of horror on his face.

“Nangong Wentian, if you restrain all your aura now, I guarantee you can survive!

If I don't know how to restrain myself, I won't die in the end. On the contrary, you have been practicing hard for so long and will die immediately! "

Dugu Xiong had an anxious look on his face, and at the same time the golden light on his body began to flicker.

Lin Mo could guess that he must also be trying to use some secret method to see if he could use the power of blood and spirit instantly.

But it was obvious that his luck was not that good. After many attempts, Nangong Wentian was approaching!

But he still has no sign of success!

Such a scene made him feel cold all over. He no longer hesitated, turned around and ran towards the distance!

But Nangong Wentian was already seriously injured. It was not easy for Dugu Xiong to escape when he was desperate!

After hearing a roar, Duguxiong let out a scream!

Half of his body exploded!

At the same time, Nangong Wentian turned into a ball of blood mist!

"Hahaha!" Duguxiong said loudly with hatred on his face: "Stupid thing, aren't you still dead? In the end, I survived...

Something's wrong! "

He quickly discovered something was wrong, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"What power has been replenishing the missing parts of my body, I understand! After Nangong Wentian died, the power of the holy blood he absorbed became mine, and now my body is recovering!

After I swallow the holy body below, I will naturally become an imperial body! "

Thinking of this, he was filled with excitement.

As for Lin Mo, he had long forgotten it.

In his opinion, Lin Mo must have died at the bottom of the pool, otherwise such a big movement would not have happened by now!

So he began to try to absorb the power of the holy blood around him, feeling his body constantly recovering, and a look of enjoyment appeared on his face.

In fact, his body was incomplete and painful, but the power of recovery at this time made him feel comfortable all over!

This feeling is hard to describe, but it makes people feel comfortable all over.

Just when he was immersed in this feeling, Lin Mo had quietly appeared beside him.

"Is it very comfortable?" A voice sounded, and Dugu Xiong trembled all over!

He almost thought that Nangong Wentian had returned to the dead, but he looked around but found nothing.

"I'm behind you!"

Just when Dugu Xiong thought it was his own hallucination, Lin Mo's voice sounded again.

Dugu Xiong turned around suddenly and saw Lin Mo standing behind him, with a look of horror on his face: "Who are you?"

"I have been under the pool of water. You ask me who I am? I also want to ask who you are! Why did you break into my room?"

Lin Mo said this with a cold face.

Dugu Xiong reacted immediately. He thought Lin Mo had died at the bottom of the pool, but he didn't expect that Lin Mo had been watching them quietly in the dark!

Even when the two were fighting, Lin Mo was watching them all the time!

"You... have been sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight..." He reacted instantly, with a resentful hatred on his face: "You are so despicable!"

"I am despicable?" Lin Mo sneered: "Compared to you, I am far worse!"

When Dugu Xiong wanted to say something, Lin Mo's face had already revealed an impatient look: "Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you, I have also discovered what you found!

Since Nangong Wentian's blood can replenish the concentration of holy blood, then your blood must be able to do so!

So you should go down and accompany Nangong Wentian!"

After that, he rushed towards Dugu Xiong!

It must be said that Dugu Xiong's strength is not bad. At this moment, facing Lin Mo's attack, he can still drag his broken body to escape.

But Lin Mo's strength is stronger, and Lin Mo has not been injured from beginning to end.

So after Lin Mo made his move, the movement he made could be said to be extremely terrifying!

It can be seen that the terrifying power surged, and it actually caused the water to gurgle, and countless bubbles emerged, covering Dugu Xiong!

Dugu Xiong had a look of despair on his face, because he understood one thing, that is, the boss did not lie, and Lin Mo's strength was really strong!

At this moment, Lin Mo showed great strength, and with one punch, his body, which had recovered 80%, was incomplete again!

After two punches, Dugu Xiong's breath had become extremely weak!

Lin Mo's fists kept smashing down, directly crushing Dugu Xiong's body!

There was no trace of pity on his face, because he knew very well that only in this way could all the blood be squeezed out!

What's more, Dugu Xiong still had light golden scales on his body, and it was obviously not a human being. In this case, Lin Mo would not have any psychological burden in his heart!

In just ten minutes, Dugu Xiong's body had disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood slowly gathering!

Lin Mo smiled. This scene was really comfortable, because after the blood gathered, Lin Mo quickly felt the changes around him!

First, the heartbeat sounded again, and the threads that had begun to dim began to flicker!

The light was blazing, and scenes that had not appeared before began to appear, and the holy body became more real!

Lin Mo watched this scene quietly with a calm look on his face.

Anyway, there was no one else here, and the holy body would not belong to anyone else!

Finally, after a while, Lin Mo saw that the holy body seemed to be about to open its eyes!

This scene shocked Lin Mo.

Just as he was about to hide, a wave of spiritual consciousness came!

"You are not a creature in my abyss, who are you!?" This wave was indifferent.

After understanding the meaning of this sentence, cold sweat instantly broke out on Lin Mo's face!

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